26 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 11 耶利米书 11, No Mercy For Unrepentant Sinners 对不悔改之罪人无怜悯

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 11

Theme                  : No Mercy For Unrepentant Sinners


Breaking Covenant (1-17)

The people of Israel broke God’s covenant and deserved to be punished as stipulated in the Mosaic Law (Deut. 28:15-68). God’s justice is not arbitrary or hidden. They have sinned to the degree that God will never forgive them so God commands Jeremiah not to pray for them since God has made up his mind to punish them. They have committed unforgiveable sins like Pharaoh and Pharisees of Jesus’ days (Matt. 12:31).

Threatening Prophet (18-23).

Their unforgiveable sin is evidenced by their active opposition to God to the point that they desire to kill His prophet Jeremiah. The Pharisees knew Jesus was God’s son but still tried to kill Him (Mark 12:7). Such high handed rebellion against God has no forgiveness in light of clear and undeniable understanding of the true, living God. Paul was able to be forgiven by God because he murdered God’s people out of ignorance (1 Tim. 1:13).


Praying the Scripture

There are times in history where people have undeniably met the God of the Bible, such as Pharaoh and Jeremiah’s generation of Jews, but they not only refuse to believe in God but actively seek to oppose God. For such people they have committed unforgivable sins and their judgment is certain. That is why God commanded Jeremiah not to pray for these people because they knew God and still actively sought to oppose God and even tried to kill His prophets, like Jeremiah. When we evangelize we should not think that people around us have committed unforgiveable sins since most of them do not even know God or experienced undeniable miracles or knowledge of God, like Pharaoh, Jeremiah’s generation and Pharisees of Jesus’ days. Instead, we ought to be advocate of hopeless, undeserving sinners until they die. They are blinded by their sins and the devil so we need to pray for God’s mercy on them. Such prayers are pleasing to God.











25 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 10 耶利米书 10, Folly and Majesty 愚昧与威严

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 10

Theme                  : Folly and Majesty


Folly of Idols (1-5)

Idols are merely lifeless wood that man creates. They can do nothing. Pagans uphold their idols as if they have power, but these idols are like scarecrows. They are lifeless and are able to scare only mindless men who are like mindless animals.

Majesty of God (6-18).

In contrast, the only true living God is the God of Israel who created the heavens and earth. He demonstrates His divinity by describing the world in accurate scientific ways before man can discover them. For example, mist rise to form clouds and rain (v. 13). Those who worship idols will be put to shame, but those who worship Him will belong to Him forever and inherit His blessings. God will never forsake Israel forever, instead one day it will be His inheritance forever. Believing Jews will belong in the everlasting Jerusalem (Rev. 21-22), and Christians will forever be in this everlasting Jerusalem through Christ (Rom 11:11-36, Matt. 22:8-10). Both will be God’s inheritance forever.

Jerusalem’s Pain (19-25).

Sadly, most of Jeremiah’s generation of Jews will not be God’s inheritance, but will be uprooted from Jerusalem and exiled. This will be their earthly and eternal punishment. The punishment of Israel is personified by the removal of its tent (v. 20). But in the midst of God’s righteous judgment, Jeremiah plead for God’s mercy on behalf of his people. This is the job of a prophet: being an advocate for people.


Praying the Scripture

As Christians we are priests, mediators like Jeremiah (1 Pet. 2:9). We are called to intercede for hopeless sinners and plead for God’s mercy on behalf of them. We are not to gloat over their punishment but to plead for God’s mercy so that they will repent. This is what Moses did. Pray that you will fulfill your priestly role by interceding for hopeless sinners. Be an advocate for undeserving sinners.












24 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 9 耶利米书 9, Worshipping and Boasting 敬拜与夸口

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 9

Theme                  : Worshipping and Boasting


False Worship (1-22)

Jeremiah has sympathy for his people but at the same time he is abhorred by their sins. They only worship God outwardly with their religious rituals but inwardly they do not worship God in their heart. This is evidenced by their evil. They love to lie and ambush even their own siblings. The NT tells us if we say we love God but hate our brothers and sisters in Christ we are liars (1 John 4:20). Because of their false worship, God has no choice but to punish them so that they may repent. God makes their punishment vivid by calling the Jews to prepare for their punishment by learning to sing dirge. To some degree, God was able to change Israel’s behavior through punishment. After Israel returned from exile, they never worshipped idols again, but they continue to have idols in their hearts. Punishment can never cause sinful human hearts to abandon idols; therefore, the Messiah needs to change their hearts through the Spirit.

True Worship (23-26).

The root cause of their idolatry and sin is their idolatrous heart. They boast in their own wisdom, physical and military strength, and riches. Boasting is an expression of worship. They worshipped these things. Human wisdom, physical strength and riches were their idols. But God calls them to worship Him by boasting in Him and His character of steadfast love, justice and righteousness. As long as they do not boast in God, their idolatrous hearts can never be transformed. They will always have uncircumcised, i.e. unclean, hearts even though they are circumcised outwardly. Because of their idolatry, they will be punished, along with their uncleaned neighbours including Egypt when Babylonian conquers them.


Praying the Scripture

As Christians, we are given a new nature, a new heart through Jesus. This heart has God as the center of our worship. Now we are able to put to death idols and sins in our hearts so that God can reign fully in our hearts (Rom. 8:13). Check to see what your heart boasts about. Whatever your heart boasts about, that is what you worship. If your boasting is sinful, ask God for forgiveness and thank Him for Jesus, who has died for you. Then ask God to change your sense of greatness so that you will see God and His character as the greatest and you should gladly imitate Him. Have your highest boast in God and His character.











23 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 8 耶利米书 8, Desecration of Israel 以色列的亵渎

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 8

Theme                  : Desecration of Israel


Desecration of Israel (1-13)

Since the Jews worshipped, served, and consulted worthless idols, they will also become worthless like dung. Even their ancestors’ bones, who worshipped idols, will be exhumed and spread out like worthless dung. They desecrated God’s place so God will desecrate them. Even in the midst of proclamation of judgement, God continues to give grace to them by appealing to the Jews to return to Him, but they are mindless animals without shame for their sins. Their conscience has been seared.

Jeremiah’s Sorrow (14-22).

Because of their sins, God will destroy Israel. The Babylonians have already come to Dan, in the northern borders of Israel. Those who are in the country side will flee into fortified cities, but still there will be no peace because the Babylonians will conquer even the fortified cities. Babylonian successfully sieged Jerusalem three times (2 Kgs 24-25). As Jeremiah receives God’s message of punishment on the Jews, he is torn to pieces and plagued with grieve. He constantly lives in the state of tension between his love for the people and being faithful to God’s calling.



Praying the Scripture

The prophet Jeremiah is the most autobiographical prophet in the OT. He often writes about his personal feelings and experiences. Jeremiah is not an emotionally unstable guy but a great prophet who loves his people; therefore he mourns for their destruction. He has the same heart as Jesus who also mourned for the destruction of Jerusalem, His own people (Luke 19:41). God calls us to imitate Him since He is love. So we should mourn when we see calamity on sinners. We should weep with those who weep (Rom. 12:15). Never gloat over sinners’ destruction or be self-righteous, for God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Eze. 18:23).









22 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 7 耶利米书 7, No Refuge in the Temple 殿中没有避难处

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 7

Theme                  : No Refuge in the Temple


Misplaced Confidence (1-15)

Chapters 1-6 is most likely a condense version of Jeremiah’s message during Josiah’ reign. Chapters 7-10 is about Jeremiah’s address to the people at the temple. The address took place after Josiah’s reign as indicated by rampant, overt idol worship. The Jews misplace their confidence in the fact that God’s temple is in Jerusalem so logically God will never destroy Jerusalem or them. God bursts their bubbles by reminding them of the destruction of Shiloh. During the time of the judges, Shiloh was the location of the tabernacle and the de facto capital of Israel (Judges 18:31). God reminds them that He will destroy both the people and their hand-made temple for God because the people have become corrupted so both their souls and works are rejected by God.

Obedience Better than Sacrifices (16-34).

The Jews are so obstinate that God commands Jeremiah not to pray for them because He is determined to judge their gross sins including child sacrifice. The impact of sin will affect not just humans but also creation including animals, trees and the ground. The Jews made God into one of their pantheon gods, including the queen of heaven, the goddess of love and futility. They forgot that there is only one true God who is jealous for His glory. They heartlessly and mindlessly offer sacrifices to God, but have no faith in God that results in obedience. Such outward religious deeds are meaningless to God. Even though God knows they will not listen, yet He still commands Jeremiah to keep preaching His message.


Praying the Scripture

  1. None of our religious deeds and buildings are meaningful to God if we have no faith in God and are not under His lordship. One can be in the most beautiful cathedral and feel good about his worship, while being completely rejected by God. That was the case for the Jews. It is better to be in a poor sanctuary whose worship is accepting to God, then a beautiful cathedral whose worship is an abomination to God. Pray that you don’t just focus on outward religious works, but also inward faith and religious affection for God and His lordship. Both faith and works that stems from faith are important to God. Pray that you do not neglect either one, but cultivate both faith and works that stems from faith (Rom. 1:5, obedience of faith).
  1. Even though no one will listen to Jeremiah’s message, God commanded him to keep proclaiming. This principle is the same in the NT. God commands us to proclaim the word in season and out of season (2 Tim. 4:2). Whether it is fruitful or unfruitful, whether people listen or not listen, keep proclaiming God’s truth. Pray that you will be faithful to proclaim God’s truth even when people do not listen.









  1. 倘若我们不信靠神,也不归于祂的主权下,无一宗教行为和建筑对神是有意义的。一个人可以在最华丽的大教堂中为其敬拜感觉良好,在神眼中却是完全被拒绝的。这就是犹太人的实况。在一个穷乏圣所被神悦纳的真实敬拜,胜过在华丽教堂在神看来可憎的敬拜。祷告你不会单单注重外在的宗教行为,乃更重视对神和祂主权的内在信心和热情。出于信心的诚心和行为对神而言都是重要的。祷告你不会忽视任何一者,但会同时培养出于信心的诚心和行为(罗1:5;信服真道)
  1. 尽管无人愿意听从耶利米的信息,神仍吩咐他继续宣讲。这个道理与新约中的相同。神吩咐我们无论得时或不得时都要宣讲祂的话语(提后4:2)。无论能不能结出果子,无论人愿不愿意听,总都要继续宣讲神的真道。祷告即使人们不听,你仍会信实地宣讲神的真理。


20 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 6 耶利米书 6, Fall of Jerusalem Foretold 预言耶路撒冷的沦陷

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 6

Theme                  : Fall of Jerusalem Foretold


Siege of Jerusalem (1-15)

Even though God intends to destroy Israel, but out of compassion He still warns them to flee for safety when the Babylonian invasion nears. But the people are so stubborn that they will not even heed to God’s warning to flee. The Babylonians will be like shepherds who direct their army to desolate Israel. They will glean Israel like a vine. The Jews are so evil that God is weary of holding His wrath. He does not want to destroy since He is not wrathful by nature, but He must punishment because He is a righteous God who hates evil. No Jew will be spared, from the great ones to the lowly, from the aged to the young because all are corrupted and lust after money.

Cause of Siege (16-30).

The siege will occur because they have departed from the ancient paths of God’s laws and wandered into idolatry, lies, and their own ways. They hurt themselves through their idolatry. Because of their idolatry, none of their outward sacrifices and religious deeds means anything to God. God have sent watchmen, i.e. prophets, to them but they paid no attention. God also sent Jeremiah who is like a tester of metals to test the Jews, but they failed the test by not heeding to God’s word through Jeremiah.



Praying the Scripture

Just as the Jews thought that they will never be judged for their idolatry, so non-believers today think they will never be judged for their idolatry. But just as God’s judgement came upon the Jews, so judgement will sure come upon all who worship idols both outwardly and in their hearts. Take heed to God’s warning against idolatry because it is ugly and shameful. It is as shameful as a child forsaking his parents. Pray that you will get rid of all idols in your heart (1 John 5:21) and urge others to forsake idolatry.









19 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 5 耶利米书 5, Judah’s Complete Corruption 犹大的全然败坏

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 5

Theme                  : Judah’s Complete Corruption


Judah Refuses to Repent (1-13)

Judah is incurable. They are completely stubborn. Even physical punishment will not cause them to change. The whole society is corrupted, from the great ones to the lowly ones, from leaders to the very poor. All are filthy. They are bent on sinning. When God feeds them and gives them strength, it only gives them more strength to sin and commit adultery with their neighbors. They also gather false prophets to proclaim message of peace from God, instead of judgment in order to tickle their ears.

Judah will be a Refuse (14-31).

Because of they refuse to repent, they will become a refuse. God will destroy them but He promises not to make a full end of them (v. 18). He will preserve some because He has promised not to destroy Israel completely, but to save them and to bless the world through them. For these people, their judgment will come later, but for the rest they will get what they deserve soon. Judgement will surely come to all unrepentant sinners, but the timing is different for different people.



Praying the Scripture

God’s judgement is fearful. Pray that His judgement will wake up people up from their stupor and help them to see that sin will not pay in the end. We need to faithfully promise judgement and salvation. All idolatry is ugly and deserve an ugly end because to not worship God is like a child disrespecting his parents who have loved him and provided for him. Pray that idolators will understand the seriously and ugliness of their sins.









18 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 4 耶利米书 4, Destruction from North 从北方来到的毁灭

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 4

Theme                  : Destruction from North


Call to Genuine Repentance (1-4)

In the end of chapter 3, the Jews sound like they have repented, but in reality, it is superficial. Josiah’s reforms are not enough. They only change their outward behaviors because of their fear of punishment. However, inwardly they still love their sins and have not turned to God. God calls them to change their heart and attitude toward sin and God. He wants them to plough (soften) their hard hearts and to circumcise (cleanse) themselves so that they will love God, His character and thus practice His character of truth, justice and righteousness (v. 2). When they do this, all the nations will worship God.

Coming Destruction from the North (5-18).

If they continue in their pretense to be under God’s lordship, then God will send the Babylonians, the invaders from the north, to punish them for their gross sins. It will be a time of bitterness and doom.

Jeremiah’s Sorrow (19-31).

Jeremiah’s reaction to his countrymen’s impending doom is sorrow, self-righteousness or indifference. This is similar to Paul’s reaction for his people in Romans 9:2. This is also the reaction of Jesus toward sinners (Mark 3:5). Sorrow is a mark of love for the people. Jeremiah is in anguish because he saw the impending destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon and also the apocalyptic destruction of Jerusalem in the end times in vv. 23-31.



Praying the Scripture

  1. Jeremiah is a great prophet of God because he loves his people, even though they are sinners. He has compassion on them and desires them to repent and be saved. Jeremiah has the same heart as God who does not wish anyone to perish (1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Pet. 3:9). Pray that you will have the same heart of love for people as God. God judges, but we are called to love people and warn them of coming judgment and the only way of salvation through Jesus. We should not look at them with self-righteousness or indifference.
  1. There are many professing Christians who are deceptively under God’s lordship. They proclaim God to be their king but they do not act like one. Inwardly they are not resolved to be under His rule. Thy bless God under prosperous circumstance but curse God under difficult times. They are not worshipping God, but only seek to make transactions with Him. This is true of prosperity gospel Christians. To be under God’s lordship is to love not just the blessing of the physical world, but also to trust God in hard times and to allow God to build our Christ-like character during hard times (James 1:2-4). Pray that you will embrace all of God’s lordship for His glory and for the good of building your Christ-like character.












  1. 即便犹太人是罪人,耶利米仍然爱他的百姓,所以他是神伟大的先知。耶利米对他们有怜悯,并渴望他们能悔改、得救。耶利米与神有相同的心,不希望看到任何人沉沦(提前2:4;彼后3:9)。祷告你能拥有与神一样爱人的心。神会审判,但我们被召要去爱人,并对即将到来的审判警告他们,让他们晓得耶稣是唯一得救的途径。我们不应该以自义或冷漠的眼光看待他们。
  1. 许多自称是基督徒的自以为他们是活在神的主权下的。他们宣告神是他们的王,但却言行不一。他们内心里还未立志按神的律生活。他们在顺境时感谢神,在逆境时却诅咒神。他们并不是敬拜神,乃是与祂进行交易。致富福音的信徒就是如此。归于神的主权并不单是爱物质上的祝福,还要在困境中信靠神,并让神在这段时间塑造我们更有基督的品性(雅1:2-4)。祷告你会为了神的荣耀,以及为塑造你更有基督的品格欣然接受神在你生命中的一切主权。

17 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 3 耶利米书 3, A Call to Repentance 悔改的呼召

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 3

Theme                  : A Call to Repentance


Faithless Judah (1-10)

. Based on God’s law and justice, God legally should not reconcile with Judah, but God’s amazing grace overcomes the law, but does not circumvent the law. This ultimately achieved because of Jesus. God’s grace is demonstrated by not rejecting Judah but calls her to return to Him. His amazing grace is even more amazing in light of the treachery of Judah who is even worse than her sister, Israel, which is hard to imagine given Israel’s gross idolatry and immorality (Hosea 4-12). Judah sinned egregiously because they took sin lightly.

Faithful God (10-25).

God calls Judah to return to His lordship (v. 14). When they return, God will forgive them and bless them among all the nations. This blessing is applicable to all believers of every age, including all Christians who will reign with Christ in Jerusalem. In contrast to such great future blessing, idol-worshippers are truly delusional. They think worshipping wood and stones will give them true, everlasting happiness and greatness, when in reality they will only receive shame and desolation.


Praying the Scripture

Repentance essentially means returning to His lordship. It is not the perfection of our behavior. Our works cannot save us, since we are fallen humans who cannot be perfect until we meet Jesus. Repentance is like faith; it is acknowledging our sins and submitting ourselves to His lordship. This submission is displayed through trusting God’s grace to forgive our sins and to desire to please God out of thankfulness, not out of desire to earn our forgiveness. We will continue to struggle with sin but we seek God’s help to overcome our sins, not to ignore our sins (Mark 9:24). God did not call the Jews to be perfect, but to return to His lordship and grow in His grace. Pray that after you have submitted to God’s lordship, grow in His grace so that you will be more like God in His character of compassion, forgiveness, love, and righteousness. This is what He wanted the Jews to do.











16 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 2 耶利米书 2, God’s Contends with Judah 神与犹大的争辩

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 2

Theme                  : God’s Contends with Judah


Israel’s Ingratitude (1-8)

. Immediately after the commission of Jeremiah, God pronounces indictment upon Israel through Jeremiah. This chapter focuses on God’s sacred love for His people and Israel’s love of idols. To show how far Israel has plunged into apostasy, God reminds them how much they had loved Him during the time of Exodus (vv. 2-3; cf Hosea 1-3). But the whole nation, including priests, rulers and prophets, is now worshipping worthless gods and they will become worthless themselves.

Israel’s Idolatry (9-19).

The root sin of Israel is idolatry. They sought out the nations, like Egypt and Assyria for protection and other perceived needs and desires. They also worship their debased idols and they have become even worse than their pagan neighbors.

Israel’s Immorality (20-28).

Because of Israel’s idolatry, it also commits gross immorality, of which, sexual immorality and child sacrifice are often mentioned. They performed ritualistic sex under green trees and on mountains. The people have become hopelessly idolaters. It is in their nature. They are like a wild female donkey in heat seeking out a male donkey to mate. They are corrupted to the very core of their nature.

Israel’s Irrationality (29-37).

They are so corrupted, but yet they deny any wrong doing, instead they put the blame on God (v. 29a). Not even punishment can change them. Because they will not admit any wrong, they either deny any future punishment by God or they think God is an unreasonable, angry scrooge whose ultimate desire is not to love them but to desolate them. They are incorrigibly irrational.


Praying the Scripture

Idolatry is the root sin of people. It is the first sin forbidden in the Ten Commandments. Idolatry is anything that we trust to give us pleasure, security, identity and meaning in life, instead of trusting in God’s lordship to define and give all these things. Idolatry is the nature state of all non-believers. But even for believers, God continues to re-orientate our hearts to Him so that we would get rid of remaining idols in our heart (1 John 5:21). Pray that whenever you disobey God or when your sin pops up, ask yourself what lies or lust are you pursuing that causes you to disobey God. Pray that God will convict you of the ugliness of your idolatry and to get rid of your idols in your heart.













