Joshua 约书亚记 11-12 — Victory Through Obedience 借着顺服的胜利

The enemy in the north of Canaan united to resist Israel’s advance, and their forces were formidable. But God assured Joshua that he would win the battle, and he did. God assures us before the battle (11:6), fights for us during the battle (11:8), and commands us after the battle (11:9, 15). How we follow orders after the victory is as important as what we do before the battle begins.



Joshua conquered the whole land and did it to provide each Israelite with his inheritance from the Lord (11:23). God helped him defeat thirty-one kings and claim their land and their wealth for the Lord and His people. Our Joshua, the Son of God, has defeated every spiritual enemy and now reigns in heaven (Eph. 1:15–23; Col. 2:9–15). Through Him, we can “reign in life” (Rom. 5:17) and claim the victory.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告

  1. This section of the Book of Joshua summarizes Israel’s conquest of the southern (10:29–43) and northern cities (11:1–15) in Palestine, and closes with a list of the names of some of the kings whom Israel defeated (11:16–12:24). Two things stand out in this record: It was the Lord who gave the victory (10:30, 32, 42; 11:6, 8); and Joshua obeyed the Lord by utterly destroying the enemy, just as Moses had commanded (11:9, 12, 15, 20). Are you afraid when the enemy’s number is like the sand on the seashore, with very many horses and chariots (Jos 11:4). Let’s pray that we keep our eyes on the Lord rather on the circumstances.

《约书亚记》的这段经文总结了以色列在巴勒斯坦南部(10:29-43)和北部城市(11:1-15)的征服,并最后把以色列所击败的一些国王之名列出(11:16-12:24)。这段记载突出了两件事:胜利是主所赐的(10:30,32,42; 11:6,8);以及约书亚遵从神的话,将敌人彻底毁灭,如摩西所吩咐的(11:9,12,15,20)。当敌人多如海沙,并有许多马匹车辆时(书11:4),你是否感到害怕?让我们祈祷能定睛在主而不是所在的处境。


  1. The apparent contradiction between verses 11:23 and 13:1 can easily be explained. Joshua and his army did take control of the whole land by destroying the key cities with their kings and people. Israel didn’t take every little city or slay every citizen or ruler, but they did enough to break the power of the enemy and establish control over the land. Once this was accomplished and there was rest in the land, Joshua was able to assign each tribe its inheritance; and within each inheritance, the tribes had to gain mastery over the remaining inhabitants who were still there. Even after the death of Joshua and his officers, there was additional land to be taken (Jud. 1–3). Jesus Christ already broke the power of Satan and it is now for us to claim victory in every area of our lives. Let’s pray that we would overcome any unclaimed territory in our lives for His glory.



Joshua 约书亚记 10 — Integrity 诚实

When you make an agreement with the enemy, there is no end to the problems you create for yourself. Israel had to defend the very people they should have defeated. Imagine the servants commanding the masters (v. 6)!



God could have said, “You got yourself into this, so you can get yourself out!” But instead, He gave His people encouragement (v. 8) and fought for them from heaven (vv. 10–11). When Joshua needed more time to finish the battle, God stayed the sun and moon in answer to prayer. The Canaanites worshiped the heavenly bodies, so this miracle must have impressed them greatly. If we are doing the will of God, prayer has tremendous power.



Victory over the five kings opened the way for Joshua to attack southern Canaan until he had subdued the whole region. What began as a humiliating defense maneuver ended up a glorious series of victories: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. God is a faithful God and when He gives His words He keeps them, even to His enemy. This is what the Lord expects of us also. So when Joshua and the leaders gave their promise to the Gibeonites, they had to protect them. This is the way of integrity. Let’s pray that we are careful with our promises and keep our words.



  1. In spite of their paganism, these Gibeonites are a good example for people to follow today. When they knew they were headed for destruction, they came to Joshua (“Jehovah is Savior”) and obtained from him a promise of protection. When the Gibeonites found themselves in danger, they believed Joshua’s promise and called on him for help. That’s what God’s people need to do when they find themselves facing the battles of life. The Gibeonites turned the whole burden over to Joshua and trusted him to keep his word, and he did. Do we seek help from God when we are facing difficulties in life? Let’s pray that we do.



  1. Joshua prayed that the sun stood still and it did. This is an outright monumental miracle. Joshua, moved by the Lord’s will, commanded the sun to delay (Heb., “be still, silent, leave off”). The earth actually stopped revolving or, more likely, the sun moved in the same way to keep perfect pace with the battlefield. The moon also ceased its orbiting. This permitted Joshua’s troops time to finish the battle with complete victory (v. 11). It is incredible what the Lord can do for us. However, it depends on God’s sovereign will to fulfill His will.


Joshua 约书亚记 9 — Deception 诡计

The Gibeonites knew that their neighbors were fighting a losing battle, for God was fighting for Israel, and no army could resist Him. So, they decided to use guile instead of muscle. If Satan does not defeat you by coming as the devouring lion (1 Pet. 5:8–9), he will try again as the deceiving serpent (2 Cor. 11:3). He never gives up.



The humiliating defeat at Ai should have taught Joshua and the leaders to take time to pray and seek the mind of the Lord. After all, the Lord was the Commander of the army (Josh. 5:13–15). But they walked by sight and not by faith, and unbelief has a hard time waiting (Isa. 28:16; 30:1–2).



Another defeat! The Lord lost glory, the leaders lost stature, and the nation lost a potential victory: “What agreement has the temple of God with idols?” (2 Cor. 6:16). But Joshua did not give up; rather, he made his mistakes work for him (vv. 21–27). That is the mark of a great leader.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The novelist Joseph Conrad wrote, “It’s only those who do nothing that make no mistakes.” However, in Joshua’s case, doing nothing was precisely his mistake. He should have consulted God before entering into an agreement with the Gibeonites. Let’s always pray before making any decision.



  1. After victory, Israel felt they were prepared to confront the enemy. They became confident. Joshua and the princes of Israel were impetuous and didn’t take time to consult the Lord. They walked by sight and not by faith. After listening to the strangers’ words and examining the evidence, Joshua and his leaders concluded that the men were telling the truth. The leaders of Israel took the ‘scientific approach’ instead of the ‘spiritual approach.’ They depended on their own senses, examined the ‘facts,’ discussed the matter, and agreed in their conclusion. It was all very logical and convincing, but it was all wrong. They hadn’t yet learned to wait on the Lord and seek His direction. The will of God comes from the heart of God (Ps. 33:11), and He delights to make it known to His children when He knows they are humble and willing to obey. “If any of you really determines to do God’s will, then you will certainly know” (John 7:17) is a basic principle for victorious Christian living. God sees our hearts and knows whether we are really serious about obeying Him. We ought to use the mind God has given us, but we must also heed the warning of Proverbs 3:5–6 and not lean on our own understanding.


Joshua 约书亚记 8 — Victory by Obeying God’s Word 顺服神的话而得胜

Never permit one failure to rob you of future victory. When God sees that we have obeyed His Word and sincerely dealt with sin, He comes with encouragement and guidance for the next step. It has well been said that the victorious Christian life is a series of new beginnings. (See Ps. 37:23–24.)



Had Achan only waited, he could have taken all the spoils he desired, but he ran ahead of God and lost everything. (See Matt. 6:33.)



Joshua knew how to bring victory from defeat, for he used the original battle plan to deceive the inhabitants of Ai. Now they were the ones who were presumptuous, and it cost them their lives. The strategy in verse 26 was learned from Moses (Exod. 17:8–13).



New victories ought to result in new steps of dedication (vv. 30–35). Joshua obeyed what Moses had commanded (Deut. 27), for obedience to the Word is the secret of success (Josh. 1:8).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. No matter what mistakes we may make, the worst of all is to not try again. Alexander Whyte once said, “The victorious Christian life is a series of new beginnings.” Once the nation of Israel had been judged for the sin that had defiled their camp, God was free to speak to them in mercy and direct them in their conquest of the land. Sometimes we hear people say “the Lord can forgive me, but I cannot forgive myself.” If this is the case, this man is too proud because he thinks he is bigger than God. Let’s pray that we humble ourselves and follow God’s standard rather than our own.



  1. After the victory at Ai, Joshua led the people 30 miles north to Shechem. It was here Joshua built an altar for the Lord. In the Near East of that day it was customary for kings to celebrate their greatness by writing records of their military exploits on huge stones covered with plaster. But what Joshua wrote on the stone was the Word of God (Jos 8:32). The secret of Israel’s victory was not due to their leaders; it was their obedience to God’s Law (Josh. 1:7–8). Notice Joshua 8:35, “There was not a word of all that Moses commanded that Joshua did not read before all the assembly of Israel, and the women, and the little ones, and the sojourners who lived among them (Jos 8:35).


Joshua 约书亚记 7 — The Sin of Individuals 个人的罪

We Can Be Tempted In The Midst Of Victory 胜利之际的诱惑

The spies were tempted to be presumptuous and Achan to be covetous. Achan should have been attending to his military duties, but his eyes wandered and he walked into sin (v. 21; see also Gen. 3:6). He valued the spoils more than he valued obedience to God (Ps. 119:162). King Saul made the same mistake (1 Sam. 15).



We Never Sin Alone 犯罪不是个人的事

God sees His people as one, so the sin of Achan was the sin of the whole nation (See 1 Cor. 12:12–27). One man’s sin caused the death of thirty-six soldiers.



Sin Ultimately Brings Defeat 罪最终必带来失败

The secret of success is knowing and obeying God’s Word (Josh. 1:8), and Achan knew that. But he deliberately disobeyed God and brought defeat to the army, disgrace to the Lord, and dismay to his commander. Joshua started looking back instead of looking ahead (v. 7)!



Sin Cannot Be Hidden Forever  罪不得永远被隐藏

There is a time to pray about a problem and a time to get up and deal with it. The punishment may seem severe to us, but Achan knew the rules. The main thing is the glory of God (v. 9). The Jews raised another heap of stones, this time a witness to the trouble (“Achor”) sin causes, but read Hosea 2:15 and rejoice.

祷告交托问题有时,起来面对问题也有时。这里的惩罚看似严酷,但亚干是深知后果的。神的荣耀才是最重要的(9节)。 犹太人再次堆起石头,但这次是为见证罪所带来的患难;然,请阅读何西阿书2:15而欢欣吧!


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Many Christians think that if one person sins it is personal matter and others should not intervene. But the Bible says, “Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? (1Co 5:6) Never underestimate the damage one person’s sin can inflict. Abraham’s disobedience in Egypt almost cost him his wife (Gen. 12:10–20); David’s disobedience in taking an unauthorized census led to the death of 70,000 people (2 Sam. 24); and Jonah’s refusal to obey God almost sank a ship (Jonah 1). In our text today, because of Achan’s disobedience, Israel was defeated. God made it clear that it was Israel that had sinned and not just Achan alone (Josh. 7:1, 11). Why would God blame the whole nation for the disobedience of only one soldier? Because Israel was one people in the Lord and not just an assorted collection of tribes, clans, families or individuals. God’s people today are one body in Christ. Consequently, we belong to each other, we need each other, and we affect each other (1 Cor. 12:12ff). Any weakness or infection in one part of the human body contributes to weakness and infection in the other parts. Do you realize the seriousness of the sin of one individual? Let’s pray that we do not become the channel of destruction to the whole church or family.

许多基督徒认为一人犯罪是他个人的事,别人不应该干涉。但圣经说:“岂不知一点面酵能使全团发起来么?”(林前5:6 )我们万不得低估个人之罪所能造成的伤害。亚伯拉罕在埃及的悖逆差点导致他失去妻子(创12:10-20 );大卫未受吩咐而数点以色列人,造成了七万人的死(撒下24 );约拿拒绝服从神更是几乎使船沉没(拿1 )。在今日的经文里,因着亚干的悖逆,以色列人被击败了。神清楚说明犯罪的是全以色列,不单是亚干(书7:1,11 ) 。神为何要因一名士兵违命而惩罚全国呢?因为以色列在主面前是一体的,不分支派、氏族、家庭或个人。神今日的子民在基督里也是一体的。因此,我们属于彼此、需要彼此,也影响彼此(林前12:12)。身体任何部位的软弱或感染都会导致其他部位的软弱和感染。你是否了然一个人犯罪的严重性吗?让我们祈祷自己不会成为破坏全教会或家庭的罪魁。


  1. What was Achan’s sin? Achan said, “When I saw among the spoil a beautiful cloak from Shinar, and 200 shekels of silver, and a bar of gold weighing 50 shekels, then I coveted them and took them. (Jos 7:21) The sin of Achan was that he coveted or loved these earthy things so much that he knowingly disobeyed God. In another words, he loved the world more than God. Do you love anything more than God? Let’s pray that we love God with all our heart, soul and might (Deu 6:5).


Joshua 约书亚记 6 — God’s Way to Victory 神胜利之道

If God calls you to do His work, He will tell you how to do it. His plans may seem foolish to you, but they always work if you obey by faith (Isa. 55:8–11).



As we today seek to conquer territory for the Lord, we do not follow the same procedure Joshua used, but we must obey the same principles of faith and obedience. We use spiritual weapons to break down the barriers in men’s minds and to claim them for Christ (2 Cor. 10:1–6).



How could a holy, loving God command the killing of the entire population of a city? The people were wicked sinners with whom God had been patient for 400 years (Gen. 15:16–21). They knew that judgment was coming (Josh. 2:9–11) and could have followed the example of Rahab and been delivered if they had exercised faith.



God was wiping the land clean so that His people would not be defiled and His great plan of salvation frustrated (Deut. 7:1–11). The Canaanites sinned against a flood of light, just as people are doing today! Christ died for the sins of the world. Individuals who do not trust Him will die in their own sins. Are you sharing the good news of the gospel?




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. It’s unfortunate that many of the “militant songs” of the church have been removed from some hymnals because the idea of warfare disturbs people and seems to contradict the love of Jesus Christ. However, the Christian’s warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against enemies in the spiritual realm (Eph. 6:10–18); and the weapons we use are spiritual (2 Cor. 10:3–6). Satan and his demonic armies use people to oppose and attack the church of God; and if we don’t take our stand with Christ, we’ve already lost the battle. In the army of Jesus Christ there can be no neutrality. “He that is not with Me is against Me.” said Jesus.



  1. No situation is too great for the Lord to handle, and no problem is too much for Him to solve. God’s instructions were that the armed men march around Jericho once a day for six days. On the seventh day the procession would march around the city seven times, the priests would give a long blast on the trumpets, and then the marchers would all shout. God would then cause the walls to fall down flat so that the soldiers could easily enter the city. God’s plan for the conquest of Jericho was seemingly foolish, but it worked. God’s wisdom is far above ours (Isa. 55:8–9) and He delights in using people and plans that seem foolish to the world (1 Cor. 1:26–29). Let’s pray that we trust and obey Him rather than our own understanding.


Joshua 约书亚记 5 — The Mark of Covenant 立约的记号

Israel had experienced a great miracle, the enemy was frightened, and God was at work. Now was the time for action! But God told His people to wait.



We Must Deal With The Past 我们必须埋葬过去 (1–9).

The new generation had not received the mark of the covenant (Gen. 17), so this ritual was a reaffirmation of their relationship with God. Circumcision symbolizes putting off what belongs to the sinful flesh (Rom. 8:13; Col. 2:11–12) and devoting the heart wholly to the Lord (Deut. 10:16; Jer. 4:4). The nation had experienced this collectively in crossing the Jordan, but it had to be made personal.



We Must Trust For The Present 我们至今必须相信 (10–12). 

The nation stopped eating manna and started eating food that God naturally provided. There is a place for the miraculous, but God never wastes miracles. If we do the possible, He will do the impossible.



We Must Submit For The Future 我们必须日后顺服(13–15).

Joshua met Jesus Christ and learned that the Lord already had a plan for taking Jericho. All Joshua had to do was obey and remember that he was on “holy ground.” From that time, whenever Joshua took off his shoes, it reminded him that he was second in command. That was the secret of his victory (2 Chron. 20:15).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The nation of Israel arrived safely on the other side of the Jordan River. Their crossing was a great miracle, and it sent a great message to the people of the land (5:1). The Canaanites were already afraid (2:9–11), and now their fears totally demoralized them. We would have expected Joshua to mobilize the army for immediate attack on Jericho. But God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours (Isa. 55:8–9). He wanted them to wait for two weeks before attacking. If you were there, would you be willing to follow the Lord’s will? Let’s pray that we trust God rather than our wisdom.



  1. Israel is a covenant nation, a privilege God has given to no other nation on earth (Rom. 9:4–5). Through this ritual the Jews became a “separated people” because they belonged to the true and living God and were under obligation to obey Him. The mark of the covenant reminded them that their bodies belonged to the Lord and were not to be used for sinful purposes. The Jews had not practiced circumcision during their years of wandering in the wilderness. 38 years before, at Kadesh Barnea, they had refused to believe God and enter the land (Deut. 2:14; Num. 13–14). Now the new generation was in their inheritance, it was important that they renew their covenant relationship with the Lord. Yet this physical operation on the body was meant to be a symbol of a spiritual operation on the heart. “Therefore circumcise the foreskin of your heart, and be stiff-necked no longer” (Deut. 10:16). No amount of external surgery can change the inner person. It’s when we repent and turn to God for help that He can change our hearts and make us love and obey Him more. (Rom 2:25–29.) Let’s pray that our hearts are circumcised for Him.

以色列是一个有约在身的民族,这是其他国家没有的特权(罗9:4-5)。通过这个仪式,犹太人与列国“分别出来”,因为他们属于又真又活的神,并有义务顺服神。立约的记号提醒他们自己的身体属主,不得用于恶行。犹太人多年在旷野时尚未实行割礼。38年前,他们在加低斯巴尼亚拒绝相信神,拒绝进入那应许之地(申2:14;民13-14)。现在,这新一代站在他们的产业里,所有与主重新确立立约的关系是非常重要的。同时,这外在肉体的手术象征了内心属灵上的手术。“所以你们要将心里的污秽除掉,不可再硬着颈项”(申10:16)。然而,多少外在手术是无法改变内心的。只有当我们悔改转向神,祈求他帮助时,神才可以改变我们的心,让我们越加爱祂、顺服祂(罗2:25-29 )。让我们祈祷,叫我们的心为神行真正的割礼。

Joshua 约书亚记 4 — Stepping out in Faith 凭信心迈步

It is good to memorialize the great acts of the Lord, provided that the memorials do not become idols. Each new generation must learn what God has done for His people so that they will obey His Word and trust Him for the future (Ps. 78:1–8). When you have living faith in a living God, the past is not “dead history.” It throbs with living reality.



“Crossing the Jordan” is not a picture of dying and going to heaven despite what some songs say. It illustrates the teaching of Romans 6: death to the old self-life and identification with Christ in resurrection power. Nobody but God can see the stones in the middle of the Jordan, but the record bears witness that they are there. So it is with the death and resurrection of Christ: we believe the record and thus experience the miracle.



The stones on the shore reminded the people that the old life was buried and they should “walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4; Col. 3:1ff.). Have you crossed the Jordan and set up your memorial of faith?



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. During most of the year, the Jordan River was about a hundred feet wide; but at the spring flood season, the river overflowed its banks and became a mile wide. However, as soon as the priests bearing the ark put their feet into the river, the water stopped flowing and stood like a wall about twenty miles away upstream, near a city called Adam. It was a miracle of God in response to the faith of the people. Unless we step out by faith (1:3) and “get our feet wet,” we’re not likely to make much progress in living for Christ and serving Him. Each step that the priests took opened the water before them until they were standing in the midst of the river on dry ground. They stood there as the people passed by; and when the whole nation had crossed, the priests walked to the shore and the flow of the water resumed. When Israel crossed the Jordan River, it was not only the priests but also the people stepping out in faith. God can never open the way for us if we do not step out in faith. Let’s pray that we are willing to step out in faith and obey God.



  1. With the 12 stones which they took out of the Jordan, Joshua set up a monument at Gilgal (Jos 4:20). Why? The answer is given in Jos 4:24, “So that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the LORD is mighty, that you may fear the LORD your God forever.” Let’s pray that we remind ourselves of the omnipotence of the Lord and fear Him in all our lives.


Joshua 约书亚记 3 — Crossing The (Jordan) River 过(约旦)河

Joshua was an early riser (v. 1; 6:12; 7:16; 8:10). He probably devoted that quiet time to praying and meditating on God’s Word (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 63:1). This is a good example for us to follow today. (See Mark 1:35.)



We face an unknown future (v. 4) and need the Lord’s presence as we step out each day. God goes before us and we must follow as He directs. God knows the way, leads the way and opens the way. He is “Lord of all the earth” (v. 11), and there is nothing for us to fear.



The priests had to get their feet wet before the nation could cross over, and that took faith. Your faith can encourage others in their walk with God. It takes great faith to walk through the water, but it takes even greater faith to walk on the water (Matt. 14:23–33). Are you still lingering on the banks or in the boat? The future is your friend when you follow the Lord and trust His promises.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. In the Christian life you’re either an overcomer or you’ve been overcome, a victor or a victim. After all, God didn’t save us to make a statue out of us, but He saved us to make us soldiers that go forth by faith to claim our rich inheritance in Jesus Christ. Moses said it perfectly: “He brought us out … that He might bring us in” (Deut. 6:23). Too many of God’s people have the mistaken idea that salvation—being delivered from the bondage of Egypt—is all that’s involved in the Christian life; but salvation is only the beginning. Both in our personal spiritual growth and in our service for the Lord, “there remains very much land yet to be possessed” (Josh. 13:1). Are you an overcomer or have you been overcome? Let’s pray that we learn from Joshua to be overcomers.



  1. The Lord did not leave the Israelites without a leader after Moses. Since Moses led the people across the Red sea, the Lord also wants Joshua to lead the people to cross the flooded Jordan River. The LORD said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. (Jos 3:7) After they crossed the river, the Bible says, “The LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel, and they stood in awe of him just as they had stood in awe of Moses, all the days of his life (Jos 4:14). Even today, the Lord has His chosen servants to lead us. Let’s pray that we have the right godly attitudes toward them.


Joshua 约书亚记 2 — Woman with Faith 信心之女

Joshua’s sending of the spies to Jericho was an act of wisdom, not unbelief (Prov. 20:18). The report of the two men encouraged Israel for the invasion (v. 24) and reminded them that God was fulfilling His promise to them (Deut. 2:25).



But the visit also meant the salvation of Rahab and her family. Although the Bible does not commend Rahab for her lies, it does commend her faith (Heb. 11:31) that revealed itself in works (James 2:25). Her faith saved her and her family from destruction (Josh. 6:17–19), and it resulted in her becoming an ancestress of the Messiah (Matt. 1:5). Once you begin to trust God and obey Him, you never know what He will do!



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Only two women are named in Hebrews 11, “The Hall of Fame of Faith”: Sarah, the wife of Abraham (v. 11), and Rahab, the harlot of Jericho (v. 31). Sarah was a godly woman, the wife of the founder of the Hebrew race; and God used her godly body to bring Isaac into the world. But Rahab was an ungodly gentile who worshiped pagan gods and sold her body for money. Humanly speaking, Sarah and Rahab had nothing in common. But from the divine viewpoint, Sarah and Rahab shared the most important thing in life: They both had exercised saving faith in the true and living God. No matter where you are now in your journey in life, do you exercise faith in the Lord? Let’s pray that you do.



  1. Not only does the Bible associate Rahab with Sarah; but in James 2:21–26, it also associates her with Abraham. James used both Abraham and Rahab to illustrate the fact that true saving faith always proves itself by good works. Again, a sinner – man or woman – can be associated with Abraham if we put our faith in God.
