20 Aug 2016, Mark 16:15-20 马可福音 16:15-20, The Ascension of the Servant 仆人升天

Scripture Reading        : Mark 16:15-20

Theme                            : The Ascension of the Servant


  1. The Great Commission. After appearing to the Eleven, Jesus charged them to go into the world and proclaim the Gospel. The signs in Mark 16:17-18 were given to the Apostles; it is not a promise to believers of every age, as claimed by modern-day prosperity-gospel preachers. Such an understanding that only the Apostles were given such power is consistent with 2 Corinthians 12:12, where Paul wrote that these signs accompanied a true Apostle.
  1. The Great Confirmation. Mark 16:20 further affirms that the signs accompanied the Apostles, not believers of every age, because the purpose of the signs was to confirm or authenticate the message, and not to elicit faith from the hearers.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Let us pray for willing hearts to obey the Great Commission. We can begin by inviting our friends and relatives to church, especially during evangelistic events (e.g. biweekly evangelistic bible study, Christmas, etc.)
  1. Besides inviting unbelievers to church to hear others share the Gospel, we should also pray for opportunities when we can personally share the Gospel with others.
  1. Pray for discernment, that we will not be led astray by false teachers who claim to be given power to perform signs and wonders, because the signs of a true Apostle had ceased with the passing away of the Apostolic age.




  1. 大使命。向十一门徒显现后,耶稣命令他们往普天下去传福音。马可福音16:17-18的迹象是给予使徒的;这不是给世世代代的信徒的应许,如现代致富福音传道人宣称的。这解释(只有门徒领受这能力)与哥林多后书12:12是一致的,即保罗记载属实使徒能显出的凭据。
  1. 大凭据。马可福音16:20进一步证实使徒所有的迹象,而不是历代信徒会有的神迹,因为其目的是要证实使徒所传的道,而非让听见的人产生信心。



  1. 让我们祈求我们愿意听从大使命。我们首先可以邀请我们的亲戚和朋友到教会,特别是布道的事工(如:两周一次的圣经学习班、圣诞会等)。
  1. 除了邀请非信徒到教会听他人传道,我们也当求机会能亲自向他们传福音。
  1. 让我们求有分辨的心,不要被假教师牵引离真道,只因他们宣称有能力行神迹奇事。要知道,随着使徒时代的过去,真实使徒的迹象也停止了。

19 Aug 2016, Mark 16:1-14 马可福音 16:1-14, The Resurrection of the Servant 仆人的复活

Scripture Reading        : Mark 16:1-14

Theme                            : The Resurrection of the Servant


After the angel announced to the women (both named Mary) that Jesus is risen, He appeared to different groups of people as proof that He is alive, resurrected by the power of God.

  1. Appearance to Mary. According to the last part of the Gospel, Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene on Sunday, the first day of the week. However, Jesus’ disciples did not believe Mary’s report.
  1. Appearance to Two. The Gospel of Luke gives a more complete description of the appearance of Jesus to two of the disciples (not the Eleven). Mark 16:12 tells us that “he appeared in another form”, which Luke elaborates as “their eyes were kept from recognizing him” (Luke 24:16). Again, when these two men brought a report to the other disciples, they did not believe the two men.
  1. Appearance to the Eleven. The Gospel of Mark notes that there were only eleven of them, since Judas was no longer with them (he committed suicide – Matthew 27:3-10). Jesus rebuked the disciples who did not believe the reports from others who saw Him alive. This is one of the strongest proof that the disciples did not all have hallucinations of seeing Jesus alive, as some critics have asserted, because they did not believe that He is alive in the first place.


Praying the Scripture

  1. It is because Jesus was resurrected on a Sunday that the early church gathered on Sunday to worship Jesus, commemorating Sunday as the Lord’s Day. Christians certainly ought to remember the Lord every day, but let us not use this as an excuse to compromise gathering on Sundays for corporate worship (Hebrews 10:25). Let us pray that we will be committed on Sundays (& every day) to worship the Lord and celebrate His resurrection.
  1. Let us pray for discernment, that we will recognize the Lord is at work in our lives all the time.
  1. The resurrection is a fact that occurred. The disciples were fearful and hid after Jesus died, but later came out and preached the Gospel boldly, with most of them being martyred because of the Gospel they proclaimed. Jesus said to Thomas, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29) Let us pray that if we truly believe in the resurrection of the Lord, then we should be bold to preach the Gospel to unbelievers.





  1. 向马利亚显现。根据福音的最后一部,耶稣首先在周日,即一周的第一天,向抹大拉的马利亚显现。然而,耶稣的门徒不相信马利亚的话。
  1. 向二人显现。路加福音对此(耶稣向两个门徒显现,不是十一个)给予更全面的叙述。马可福音16:12告诉我们,耶稣“变了形象,向他们显现”;路加福音则补充说“他们的眼睛迷糊了,不认识他”(路24:16)。当这两人向其他门徒说这事的时候,他们也不相信这两人。
  1. 向十一门徒显现。马可福音记载那时只有十一个门徒,因为犹大已经离开了(他自尽了—太27:3-10)。耶稣责备众门徒不信人说他们看见耶稣是活着的。这是其中一个强而有力的证据,说明门徒见耶稣复活并不是幻觉,如一些评论家所坚持,因为他们就是不信耶稣复活了。


  1. 正是因为耶稣在周日复活,初期教会才会在周日聚集敬拜耶稣,纪念周日为主日。基督徒当每日纪念主,但我们不可用此为借,妥协周日群体的敬拜(来10:25)。让我们祷告我们会委身于周日(与每一天)敬拜主,庆祝祂的复活。
  1. 让我们求有分辨的心,意识主在我们生命中无时无刻的工作。
  1. 复活是历史上的事实。耶稣死后,门徒们丧胆躲藏,但后来却放胆传福音,最后多数因他们所宣告的福音被杀了。耶稣曾对多马说:“那没有看见就信的有福了!”(约20:29)。让我们祷告若我们真实相信主的复活,我们就要放胆向非信徒传福音。


18 Aug 2016, Mark 15:33-47 马可福音 15:33-47, The Atonement by the Servant 仆人赎罪

Scripture Reading        : Mark 15:33-47

Theme                             : The Atonement by the Servant


  1. Jesus’ Pain. The cross was designed to torture the victim with the greatest physical pain for the longest stretch of time. However, what was most painful for Jesus was not the physical pain (He rejected the wine mixed with myrrh – Mark 15:23), but the turning away of God the Father from Him. As Jesus bore the sins of humans on the cross as the substitute for sinners, God’s wrath was poured out on Him and God abandoned Him.
  1. Jesus’ Death. At the sixth hour (3pm in the afternoon), Jesus died. John 19:30 tells us that after Jesus said “It is finished”, “He bowed His head and gave up His spirit” (Also see Matthew 27:50). Jesus did not die because of the physical crucifixion, but because He willingly allowed His spirit to be separated from His physical body (physical death) after He has completed the work of redemption on the cross. The curtain of the temple separated the Most Holy Place from the rest of the sanctuary. The tearing of the curtain signified that the death of the Son opened the way into God’s presence.
  1. Jesus’ Burial. Joseph of Arimathea was a member of the Sanhedrin (Council) who opposed Jesus’ condemnation (Luke 23:51). He “took courage” to approach Pilate because it was the Sanhedrin who led the Jews to pressure Pilate to crucify an innocent man. Pilate was surprised that Jesus was already dead because crucified victims usually took days to die. Nicodemus was another prominent member of the Sanhedrin who helped Joseph (John 19:39-40). The tomb was unused and belonged to Joseph himself (Matthew 27:60). Jesus’ burial was further proof that He died.


Praying the Scripture

  1. 2 Corinthians 5:21 “For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” God poured His wrath on Jesus, who bore our sins on the cross. Let us thank God that He “did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all” (Romans 8:32).
  1. Hebrews 9:12 “He entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.” By His death on the cross, Jesus opened the way into God’s presence. Let us thank God for reconciling us to Him through the Son (Romans 5:10).
  1. Joseph and Nicodemus openly came and buried Jesus, while His disciples hid. It is during times of trial that true faith is revealed. During good times, many proclaim to follow Christ, but when trials come, many fall away. Let us pray that we will be like Joseph (and Nicodemus), who “took courage” to openly acknowledge Jesus during an extremely dangerous time.




  1. 耶稣的痛。十字架是为以最大肉身之痛,以最长时间折磨受害者而设的。可是,耶稣最大的痛苦并非肉身之痛(祂拒绝服下用没药调和的酒—23节),而是父神弃祂而去。由于耶稣在十架上代罪人背负他们所以的罪,神的愤怒便倾倒在祂身上,而神也离弃祂了。
  1. 耶稣的死。在申初的时候(下午三点种),耶稣死了。约翰福音19:30告诉我们,耶稣说:“成了!”之后,“便低下头,将灵魂交付神了”(也见:太27:50)。耶稣并不是因为十架的酷刑死去,而是在十架完成了救赎的工作后,甘愿让祂的灵从肉体离去(肉体的死)。殿里的幔子是将至圣所与其他场所隔开的;幔子撕裂则代表圣子的死开通了往神面前的道路。
  1. 耶稣被埋。亚利马太的约瑟是反抗判决耶稣的公会成员(路23:51)。他“放胆”去见彼拉多,因为向彼拉多施压叫一个无辜人上十架的正是怂恿犹太人的公会。彼拉多诧异耶稣已经死了,因为被钉的人通常过了数天才会死。尼哥迪慕是另一位帮助约瑟的显著公会成员(约19:39-40)。那坟墓是空着的,并属约瑟自己(太27:60)。耶稣被埋更是祂真死了的凭据。


  1. 哥林多后书5:21:“神使那无罪的替我们成为罪,好叫我们在他里面成为神的义。”神向在十架背负我们罪孽的耶稣倾倒了祂的愤怒。让我们感谢神,因祂“不爱惜自己的儿子,为我们众人舍了”(罗8:32)。
  1. 希伯来书9:12:“(基督)并且不用山羊和牛犊的血,乃用自己的血,只一次进入圣所,成了永远赎罪的事。”藉着十架上的死,耶稣开通了往神之面的道路。让我们感谢神借着祂的儿子与我们和好。
  1. 约瑟和尼哥迪慕公开前来埋葬耶稣,但其他门徒却躲起来。试炼之时能显出真正的信心。风平浪静的时候,很多人宣称是跟从基督的,但试炼临到后,不少又跌倒了。让我们祷告我们会像约瑟(和尼哥迪慕)一样,在极度危险的时候“放胆”公开认耶稣。

17 Aug 2016, Mark 15:1-32 马可福音 15:1-32, The Trial & Crucifixion of Jesus 耶稣受审与钉十字架

Scripture Reading        : Mark 15:1-32

Theme                            : The Trial & Crucifixion of Jesus


  1. The Romans Tried Jesus. The Jews did not have the legal authority to carry out capital punishment. Therefore, after condemning Jesus to death (Mark 14:64), they still had to obtain a final conviction by Pilate. Pilate found Jesus to be innocent, but he gave in to the pressure of the Jews to crucify Jesus. Barabbas was involved in an anti-Roman insurrection, common in Jesus’ day because the Jews would revolt against the foreign oppressors, the Romans. The Jews did not want a peaceful King, and would rather have someone perceived to be brave to fight for them.
  1. The Romans Beat Jesus. In those days, purple was the colour worn by royalty. The soldiers also made a crown of thorns to mock Jesus. Condemned prisoners were made to carry the very tool of their execution, the cross, to the execution site. The beating and scourging (flogging – Mark 15:15) severely wounded Jesus, and He was physically unable to carry the cross. The soldiers made Simon carry Jesus’ cross. Simon likely became a believer and his son Rufus was active in the church at Rome (Romans 16:13).
  1. The Romans Crucified Jesus. Wine mixed with myrrh acted as some kind of anesthetic to lessen the pain. Jesus refused to take it and showed that He was all ready to bear all the pain on the cross. Jesus was crucified in the third hour, which is equivalent to 9am in the morning. The cross was a tool designed to torture criminals, lasting up to days before the victim died. The victim had to push with his feet and pull with his hands in order to breathe, tearing the flesh and inducing more pain at the places where the nails were. In the end, the victim would die of suffocation due to inability to breathe.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Pilate was a coward and he gave in to the pressure of the Jews. As the governor, he had the authority to set Jesus free and quell any unrest with his army, but he did not. Simply being neutral is not the same as saving faith, resulting in condemnation at the final judgment. Let us pray that we will be committed to following Jesus, and not remain “neutral”.
  1. Simon likely became a believer, along with his family (Romans 16:13), through this contact with Jesus. Simon was not ashamed of identifying with a crucified “criminal”. Let us pray that we would not be ashamed of Jesus.
  1. Jesus bore our sins on the cross, suffering physical pain. Let us thank Him for dying for us, and commit ourselves to living for Him who died for us.




  1. 罗马人审耶稣。犹太人没有合法权判人死刑。因此,当他们断定耶稣该死之后(14:64),他们仍需要彼拉多下最后的审判。虽然彼拉多认为耶稣是无辜的,但他因犹太人施压要将耶稣钉十字架而屈服了。巴拉巴曾参与反罗马起义;那在耶稣的时代是普遍的,因为犹太人会反抗异国的统治者,即罗马人。犹太人不要一个和平君王,而是要一个能勇于为他们作战的人。
  1. 罗马人殴打耶稣。那年代,紫是皇族所披上的颜色。兵丁又用荆棘编做冠冕来戏弄耶稣。被判的囚犯要背他们受刑的工具,即十字架,到刑场去。耶稣被兵丁的殴打和鞭打伤得很重,而祂实在无法亲身背起那十架。兵丁就叫西门背起耶稣的十架。西门很有可能后来信主,而他的儿子鲁孚是罗马教会积极的成员(罗16:13)。
  1. 罗马人钉耶稣。没药调和的酒是某种用于减轻疼痛的麻醉药。耶稣不肯服用它,表示祂预备承担十架的一切痛楚。耶稣在巳初的时候被钉,相等于早上九点钟。十架是为折磨犯人而设的工具,让受害者受尽折磨数天才死。受害者必须推动双脚,又撑起双手才能呼吸,从而拉斯自己的肉体,在被钉的地方制造更大的疼痛。最后,受害者会因窒息而死,因为他们无法再呼吸了。



  1. 彼拉多是个胆小鬼,易屈服于犹太人所施予的压力。身为巡抚,他有权力释放耶稣,并藉着兵士平息任何暴乱,可他却没那么做。处于中立与得救是有别的,因为它在最后审判中也会遭到谴责。让我们祷告我们会委身跟随耶稣,不要保持“中立”。
  1. 藉着与耶稣的接触,西门一家很可能后来信主(罗16:13)。西门并不为自己被视为被钉的“犯人”而感羞愧。让我们祷告我们不会以耶稣为耻。
  1. 耶稣在十字架上承担我们的罪,遭受肉身的疼痛。让我们因祂为我们而死感谢祂,并决意为祂而活。


16 Aug 2016, Mark 14:43-72 马可福音 14:43-72, The Arrest & Trial of Jesus 耶稣的被捉与受审

Scripture Reading        : Mark 14:43-72

Theme                            : The Arrest & Trial of Jesus


  1. Jesus is Betrayed. In Middle Eastern culture, a kiss on the cheek was a sign of respect and showed the closest love and affection reserved for those with intimate relationships, like a disciple with his teacher. Judas chose to betray Jesus with such an act, showing forth his hypocrisy. The young man who fled naked was probably Mark himself, since the mob would have first gone to his house, where Jesus observed the Passover. Awoken by the commotion, Mark probably got up and hastily followed the mop, wrapped only with a linen sheet.
  1. Jesus is Tried. The first trial Jesus faced was from the religious authority, the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin was the Supreme Court of Israel, consisting of 71 members, led by the High-Priest. The trial of Jesus was illegal even by Jewish law, because Jewish law forbade the trial of anyone at night. However, the Sanhedrin wanted to quickly condemn Jesus to death, because it was their plot all along.
  1. Jesus is Denied. Peter followed along, most likely together with John (John 18:15), while the rest of the disciples fled (Mark 14:50). However, when a servant-girl recognized Peter, he denied Jesus three times, fulfilling Jesus’ prediction. At this point, Peter was filled with sorrow and wept godly tears, unlike Judas, who went to hang himself (Matthew 27:3-10).


Praying the Scripture

  1. Do we claim to love Jesus and follow Him, like Judas? Judas even showed outward signs of loving Jesus, including the kiss. However, his heart was full of hypocrisy and he betrayed Jesus. Let us pray that we will not only claim to love Jesus outwardly, but also genuinely love Him in our hearts.
  1. Jesus kept silent during His trial, because He was determined to go to the cross to offer His life for sinners. If He had defended His own innocence, He would not have died, jeopardizing God’s plan to save sinners. Let us thank God for His willingness to die for our sins on the cross.
  1. The fact that Peter (& John) followed Jesus to the courtyard of the High Priest showed that there was some courage in them. Before we condemn Peter for denying Jesus, we should examine ourselves – we might not even have as much courage as he did. Nevertheless, Peter denied Jesus, but he repented. We may be guilty of denying Jesus when we are afraid of letting others know we are Christians, or shy away from telling them the Gospel. Let us repent, like Peter, and boldly acknowledge our Lord and Savior.




  1. 耶稣被卖。在中东文化里,亲嘴是尊敬的表示,象征人因亲密关系才有的爱与情意,如门徒与他的师傅。犹大选择以这样的举动出卖耶稣,显明他的虚假之心。那个赤身逃走的少年人有可能就是马可,因为那群暴民会先到他的家,也就是耶稣过逾越节的地方。马可或许因那场骚乱被惊醒,起身便仓促地跟着他们,身上只披着一块麻布。
  1. 耶稣受审。耶稣面对的第一场审讯是对着公会,即以色列的宗教权柄。公会是以色列的高等法庭,有71成员,由大祭司带领。耶稣的审讯即便在犹太法律中也算是非法的,因为犹太法律禁止任何人在夜间受审。然而,公会想要迅速将耶稣判死,因为那是他们初衷的计谋。
  1. 不认耶稣。彼得在后跟着,而约翰大可能也是(约18:15);其他门徒则逃走了(50节)。可是,当一个使女认出彼得时,他就三次不认耶稣,由此应验了耶稣的预言。这时,彼得充满了悲伤,流下敬虔的眼泪,不像犹大,出去上吊(太27:3-10)。


  1. 我们是否像犹大一样,声称爱耶稣并跟随祂呢?犹大甚至做出了爱耶稣的外在表示,包括亲嘴。然而,他却是虚情假意的,且卖了耶稣。让我们祷告我们不但会表明自己爱耶稣,心里也是真心爱祂的。
  1. 耶稣受审时都不说话,因为祂决意要上十字架,为罪人献上自己的生命。耶稣若为自己辩护,祂就不会死,从而毁了神救罪人的计划。让我们感谢神愿意为我们的罪被钉十字架。
  1. 单凭彼得(与约翰)跟着耶稣到大祭司的院子里,就能表明他(们)还是有胆量的。在我们谴责彼得不认耶稣之前,我们要检讨自己,因为我们或许连他的胆识也没有。彼得确实曾不认耶稣,但他为此悔改了。当我们害怕人知道我们是基督徒,又或者我们不敢向人传福音时,我们或许就是不认耶稣。让我们像彼得一样,为此悔改,并勇胆地认我们的救主。

15 Aug 2016, Mark 14:22-42 马可福音 14:22-42, The Last Supper 最后晚餐

Scripture Reading        : Mark 14:22-42

Theme                            : The Last Supper


  1. Jesus’ Promise. As Jesus ate the Passover meal with the disciples, He instituted the Lord’s Supper. The bread represented Jesus’ body, and the wine represented His blood, and both symbolized His impending death on the cross. Jesus was still physically alive and eating and drinking with the disciples, so it is not possible that the bread turned into His flesh and the wine turned into real blood, which is the erroneous doctrine of “transubstantiation” taught by the Roman Catholic church. During this time, Jesus promised He will return and establish His kingdom on earth (“drink it new in the kingdom”).
  1. Jesus’ Prediction. Jesus predicted that all His disciples would fall away and deny Him after His arrest. Peter displayed his pride by comparing himself with the rest of the disciples, emphasizing that he will not deny Jesus even when faced with death. Note that the other disciples actually did the same thing, a fact often glossed over because of Peter’s prominence.
  1. Jesus’ Prayer. Jesus was not asking if God had the power to let this cup pass from Him (God certainly has the power to do anything). Jesus was asking if it were possible in God’s plan to forgive sins without the Son dying on the cross. It is necessary for the Son to die on the cross as a sacrifice to God, because God is just and will “by no means clear the guilty” (Exodus 34:7).


Praying the Scripture

  1. When we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we should not be mourning over the death of our Savior. This is because He is risen, and He promised to come again and drink new wine in the kingdom. Paul wrote that we “proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26). Let us pray that we will truly celebrate the Lord’s Supper with thanksgiving, and be fervent in proclaiming the Gospel.
  1. Peter was proud to think that he will not fall, and so did the other disciples. 1 Corinthians 10:12 “Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.” Let us pray that we will be on guard at all times, and learn from the disciples’ failure, rather than judge them.
  1. We should not be mourning Jesus’ death. On the other hand, we ought to mourn over our own sin, which made it necessary for the Son of God to die and offer His life as a sacrifice. There is no other way that God will forgive sins, except through the sacrifice of His own perfect Son. 1 John 4:10 “In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” Let us thank God for sacrificing His Son for us, and truly repent from our sins and obey the Lord.




  1. 耶稣的应许。当耶稣与门徒共享逾越节的筵席时,祂也设立了主的圣餐。饼代表耶稣的身体,而杯代表主的血;两者象征祂即将在十字架上面临的死。当耶稣与众门徒吃喝的时候,祂在肉身上还是活着的,所以饼不可能真变成主的身体,或杯真变成祂的血;这是罗马天主教所教导的“变质”教义,是有误的。耶稣这时承诺祂会回来,并在地上建立祂的国(“直到我在神的国里喝新的那日子”)。
  1. 耶稣的预言。耶稣预言祂所有的门徒都将跌倒,并在祂被逮捕后不认祂。彼得显出了他的骄傲,尝试与其他门徒作比较,强调自己即便面临死亡也不会不认耶稣。要留意到别的门徒也做了同样的事,只是彼得的突出性盖过了这一点。
  1. 耶稣的祷告。耶稣不是在问神是否有能力将那杯撤去(神肯定有能力行任何事)。耶稣问的是在神的计划中,祂是否能赦免罪,却无需圣子死在十字架上。圣子必须死在十字架上,作献于神的赎罪祭,因为神是公义的,“万不以有罪的为无罪”(出34:7)。


  1. 当我们领受主的圣餐时,我们不应该为我们救主的死哀悼。这是因为祂已经复活了,并且承诺会再来,在神的国里喝新的。保罗写道,我们是“表明主的死,直等到他来”(林前11:26)。让我们祷告我们会真实以感恩的心庆祝主的圣餐,并在宣扬福音方面是火热的。
  1. 彼得很骄傲,以为自己不会跌倒;其他的门徒也一样。哥林多前书10:12说:“所以,自己以为站得稳的须要谨慎,免得跌倒。”让我们祷告我们会时刻保持警惕,并从门徒的失败中学习,而不是审判他们。
  1. 我们不应该为耶稣的死悲悼。反之,我们要为自己的罪哀恸,以为这是让神之子受死,献上自己为祭的原因。神不会以其他方式赦罪的,唯独藉着祂自己完美之子所献上的祭。约翰一书4:10说:“不是我们爱神,乃是神爱我们,差他的儿子为我们的罪做了挽回祭,这就是爱了。”让我们感谢神为我们舍了自己的儿子,也让我们从罪中真实悔改,顺服主。

13 Aug 2016, Mark 14:1-21 马可福音 14:1-21, The Passion Week 圣周

Scripture Reading        : Mark 14:1-21

Theme                            : The Passion Week


The Passover commemorated the “passing over” of Israelite homes by the angel of death, who killed the firstborn of all Egypt (Ex 12:1-13:16). The Feast of Unleavened Bread commemorated the departure of the Israelites from Egypt. Unleavened bread signified the absence of the leaven of sin in their lives and household (Ex 12:6; Lev 23:6-8).

  1. The Plot against Jesus. Instead of remembering how the Lord rescued their forefathers out of Egypt, sparing their lives and leaving their sin behind in Egypt, the Jewish leaders plotted to kill Jesus – a murderous sin. Part of the plot was Judas, who would betray Jesus. The plot showed the extreme hardness of hearts of the Israelites.
  1. The Preparation of Jesus. In contrast to the religious leaders, who were hypocrites plotting a murder while commemorating the grace of God, Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus (John 12:3), showed her total devotion to God by anointing Him with a very costly perfume. Mary’s anointing of Jesus became a symbol that anticipated His death and burial. Judas, who was part of the murderous plot, took the lead in rebuking Mary (John 12:4-5; Matt 26:8).
  1. The Prediction by Jesus. When Jesus ate the Passover meal with the disciples, He knew and told them that one of them (Judas) would betray Him. Jesus was not a victim, but a victor, because the Old Testament already prophesied His betrayal (Ps 22; Isa 53) and He came to fulfill God’s predetermined plan to offer His live as a ransom for sinners.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Jesus said that if we are angry with someone, we have already committed murder in our hearts. Are we guilty of murder while we thank God for saving us? Let us repent from this sin and ask God for forgiveness. We should also pray that God give us the courage to seek reconciliation with the party we are angry with.
  1. Are we willing to part with our most treasured things in demonstration of our total devotion to God? Let us pray that we might devote our entire lives, not just our belongings, to serve God.
  1. Jesus is not a victim, but a victor. It is clear from Jesus words that the punishment that Judas would experience in hell is so great that “it would have been better for that man if he had never been born.” (Mark 14:21) Let us pray for our loved ones to believe in Jesus, or they too will burn in hell together with Judas for rejecting Jesus.





  1. 策谋杀害耶稣。犹太首领们不但不纪念主是如何拯救他们的祖先脱离埃及,并保住他们的性命,将他们的罪留在埃及地;如今反倒策谋杀害耶稣,愿犯滔天大罪。犹大则是计谋的一部分,因为他将背叛耶稣。这显示了以色列人顽固刚硬的心。
  1. 耶稣的预备。那些宗教领袖都是假冒为善的人;他们外表上在纪念神的恩典,心里却是在策划如何杀人。马大及拉撒路的姐妹(约12:3)马利亚则恰恰相反,以非常昂贵的膏浇在耶稣的头上,表示对神的全然忠心。她的举动成为了耶稣将死与被埋的象征。属杀害耶稣策谋一部分的犹大这时率先斥责马利亚(约12:4-5;太26:8)。
  1. 耶稣的预言。当耶稣与门徒们共享逾越节大餐时,祂晓得并告诉他们之中的一位(犹大)会出卖祂。耶稣并非一名受害者,而是一位得胜者,因为旧约已经预言了祂的背叛(诗22,赛53),且祂到来的目的是要应验神已定的计划,将自己的生命献上,作罪人的赎罪祭。


  1. 耶稣说,我们若对人含怒气,便是在心里犯下杀人的罪了。我们是否在感谢神拯救我们的同时,也犯下杀人的罪呢?让我们从这罪中悔改,祈求神原谅。我们也当祈求神赐予我们勇气,向我们所含怒气的另一方寻求和好。
  1. 我们是否愿意舍弃我们最珍爱的东西,以表示对神的全然忠心呢?让我们祈求我们会献上自己的一生,而不仅仅是身外物,来事奉神。
  1. 耶稣不是一个受害者,乃是一位得胜者。从耶稣的话中,我们清楚知道犹大将在地狱里受到的惩罚是极大的,叫“那人不生在世上倒好”(21节)。让我们祈求我们的亲人能信靠耶稣,否则他们也会因拒绝耶稣而在地狱里燃烧。

12 Aug 2016, Mark 13:24-37 马可福音 13:24-37, The Second Coming 主再来

Scripture Reading        : Mark 13:24-37

Theme                            : The Second Coming


This is the second part of the Olivet Discourse, when Jesus spoke about the second coming after telling them the events that precede the second coming.

  1. Be Appointed. When Jesus comes again the second time, He will gather His elect “from the four winds”, a colloquial expression referring to everywhere. This means that none of those who belong to Christ and are appointed to receive eternal life would be left out. Angels will gather unbelievers for judgment (Matt 13:41, 49-50) and the elect for glory.
  1. Be Aware. When the fig tree bears leaves, it is the sign that summer is coming. Jesus had foretold the events leading to the second coming, so believers must be aware and heed the Lord’s warnings.
  1. Be Alert. At the moment when Jesus spoke these words to the disciples as a man, He did not know when the second coming would be. Even though Jesus is fully God at all times, He voluntarily restricted the use of certain divine attributes when He became a man. The main point of Jesus’ words, however, is that only being aware (knowing) of the second coming is not sufficient, if one is lazy and does not prepare for it. It is more important to act on the knowledge and prepare for the Lord’s second coming by doing His work now.


Praying the Scripture

  1. When Jesus comes again the second time, there will no longer be any opportunity for sinners to repent. Let us pray for opportunity to share the Gospel with people we know, so that they too may be amongst those appointed to eternal life.
  1. Let us pray for discernment to be aware of the events before the end-times, many of which are already occurring (e.g. wars, earthquakes, famine, false teachers, etc).
  1. Being aware without taking action is like the foolish man described in James 1:23-24, who looks at a mirror but immediately forgets what he looks like. Let us pray that we may be diligent in doing the Lord’s work and prepare for His second coming.





  1. 要信主。当耶稣二次再来时,祂将“从四方”(即从各处)招聚祂的选民。这表示凡属基督的,被指定领受永生的将不会被冷落。天使会招非信徒面对审判(太13:41,49-50);选民则会被招进入荣耀。
  1. 要清楚。当无花果树长叶子时,这是夏天将临的迹象。耶稣已经预言了祂再来之前将发生的事,所以信徒务必要清楚,并听从主的警告。
  1. 要警醒。当耶稣以人的身份向门徒说这些话时,祂并不知道何时是再来的日子。虽然耶稣全然是神,但当祂成为人时,祂甘愿限制使用自己某方面的神圣属性。即便如此,耶稣话中的重点是:只拥有主再来的认识是不够的;人不可以懒惰,不为此做准备。人必须要有行动,趁着现在的时间工作,好预备主再来。



  1. 当耶稣再来时,罪人就没有机会悔改了。让我们祷告能有机会向我们所认识的人传福音,叫他们也能被指定得到永生。
  1. 让我们祈求能有分辨的心,能辨明末世前将发生的事,因为其中许多已经在发生了(如:战争、地震、饥荒、假教师,等)。
  1. 有意识却没有行动,就好比雅各书1:23-24所叙述的愚昧人一样,照了镜子后便立刻忘记自己的长相。让我们祷告我们会殷勤行主的工,预备主再来。

11 Aug 2016, Mark 13:1-23 马可福音 13:1-23, Events Before the Second Coming 主再来之前将发生的事件

Scripture Reading        : Mark 13:1-23

Theme                            : Events Before the Second Coming


Mark 13:1-37 is commonly known as the Olivet Discourse because Jesus preached this sermon on the Mount of Olives.

  1. Destruction of the Temple. Immediately after Jesus warned about having the wrong hope in the religious system of the time, including giving to the temple, one of the disciples was still dull in understanding and marveled at the magnificence of the temple building. Jesus prophesied that the temple will be destroyed, and as history unfolded, Jesus’ prophecy came true (of course it did!) in A.D. 70. This had not happened at the time when Mark wrote the Gospel.
  1. Death of Believers. Jesus warned that believers will be beaten and killed, and just as birth pains are infrequent at first but will increase in both frequency and magnitude just before the child is born, believers can only expect the persecution they face to get worse as the second coming of Christ gets nearer.
  1. Devastation of the World. The abomination of desolation first referred to the desecration of the temple by Antiochus Epiphanes, the king of Syria, in the second century B.C. when he sacrificed a pig, an unclean animal, on the temple altar. In the future, the Antichrist will set up an image of himself in the temple (Dan 9:27; 11:31; Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:4). God graciously shortened this time of the Great Tribulation in the future to three-and-a-half years (Dan 7:25; Rev 12:14) for the benefit of His people.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Recipients of the Gospel of Mark were Christians who were undergoing persecution in Rome. The temple in Jerusalem had yet to be destroyed, but when it actually happened, the prophecy recorded by Mark became a great encouragement for the persecuted believers that the faith they held on to is indeed true. Let us pray that we will have faith to believe that Jesus will come a second time, just as the Bible prophesied.
  1. The Christians in Rome were undergoing great persecution at the time Mark wrote the Gospel. Mark was encouraging them to persevere, and prepared them to expect the persecution to only get worse. If we are suffering for the sake of Christ and His Gospel, let us thank God and pray for His protection and provision so that we may persevere.
  1. We are already experiencing many false prophets claiming to raise people from the dead or heal diseases. Jesus had already warned us beforehand not to be led astray. Let us pray that we will be discerning and be on guard against false teachers and false prophets.





  1. 圣殿被毁。紧接着耶稣的警告叫人不要对当代的宗教体制怀错误的希望后,包括对圣殿的奉献,其中一个门徒仍然不明白,还赞叹圣殿的华丽。耶稣预言那殿将被毁,而历史证明耶稣的预言在公园70年应验了(当然!)。马可写下这福音时,那件事还未发生。
  1. 信徒被杀。耶稣警告信徒会受鞭打,并被杀,而如生产之难一样,初期较少,可孩子要出生之间,疼痛频率与深度都会激增;信徒也可指望当基督再来的日子临近时,他们所受到的逼迫只会更苦。
  1. 世界的毁坏。“那行毁坏可憎的”起初指的是叙利亚王安条克四世(Antiochus Epiphanes)在公关前第二世纪亵渎圣殿之举,因为他将一个不洁净的动物(一头猪)献在祭坛上。日后,敌基督的会在殿里竖起自己的雕像(但9:27,11:31;太24:15;帖后2:4)。神凭着恩典,为了祂的子民将日后大灾难中的这段期间缩短成三年半(但7:25;启12:14)。



  1. 领受马可福音的人是在罗马经历逼迫的信徒。耶路撒冷的圣殿还没被毁,但当预言应验时,这成为了遭受患难信徒们的极大鼓励,因为他们坚持的信心是真实的。让我们祷告我们同样也能有信心,相信耶稣会再来,正如经上所记。
  1. 马可写下福音的时候,罗马的信徒正遭受极大的逼迫。马可是要鼓励他们继续忍耐,并预备他们,晓得逼迫的状况只会越来越糟。我们若为基督和祂的福音受苦,让我们因此感谢神,并求祂的保护和供应,叫我们能坚持。
  1. 我们已经看到很多假先知的出现,自称能使人从死里复活,并医治疾病。耶稣已经警告过我们不要受他们的牵引,偏离真道。让我们祷告我们会有分辨的心,提防假教师和假先知。

10 Aug 2016, Mark 12:35-44 马可福音 12:35-44, Jesus’ Warning to the People 耶稣向众人的警告

Scripture Reading        : Mark 12:35-44

Theme                            : Jesus’ Warning to the People


  1. Wrong Teaching. Jesus corrected the religious teachers’ wrong teaching regarding the true nature of the Messiah. The religious teachers taught that the Messiah was the descendant of David, and would merely be a man. Jesus taught the people that the Christ, meaning the Anointed One, would be someone higher than David, and is God Himself, since David addressed Him as “Lord”.
  1. Wrong Motivation. Jesus also warned the people to beware of the scribes (and Pharisees). They loved the praises of men rather than God, and often put forth a show in their lengthy prayers to draw the attention of people. They also deceived widows into giving them money from the dead husbands’ legacy.
  1. Wrong Hope. The poor widow was an immediate object lesson of Jesus’ preceding warning. She was already extremely poor, and after giving away everything she had, including the two small copper coins, she was going to starve to death. She had placed all her hopes in the religious teachers who were hypocrites and motivated by money.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Many people today think of Jesus as a great teacher who taught wonderful teachings. Others think of Him as the founder of just another religion, Christianity. Jesus asked His disciples, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.” (Mark 8:29) Let us truly acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and our God.
  1. Do we love the praises of men too? One possible indication is when we hope to serve in church in positions that are highly visible, like leading worship, preaching, etc. Let us pray that God will humble us so that we will serve Him out of devotion to Him, rather than for the praises of men.
  1. Today, there are prosperity gospel preachers who similarly prey on widows and the weak. Let us pray that God will open the eyes of those who have been deceived, so that they will place their hope in the true Gospel according to Jesus.




  1. 错误的教导。耶稣改正了宗教导师对于弥赛亚真实性情的错误教导。他们教导说弥赛亚是大卫的子孙,所以仅会是一个人。耶稣则教导众人说基督,即那位受膏者,是地位比大卫还高的,是神自己,因为大卫称祂为“主”。
  1. 错误的动机。耶稣也告诫人要提防文士(和法利赛人)。他们喜爱人的赞扬过于神的,并为吸引人的注意,故意作很长的祷告。他们甚至欺骗寡妇,要寡妇从逝世丈夫的家产中取钱给他们。
  1. 错误的盼望这个穷寡妇就是文士们的典型受害者。她已经很贫穷了,而奉献所有的一切后,包括那两个小钱,她会因饥饿死去。她将所有的希望放置在那些假冒为善、贪钱贪财的宗教老师。



  1. 今日,有许多人认为耶稣是一位有许多好教导的伟大教师。也有人认为祂仅是另一个宗教(基督教)的创办人。耶稣问祂的门徒:“你们说我是谁?”彼得回答说:“你是基督。”(8:29)。让我们真实认耶稣为我们的主,我们的神。
  1. 我们是否也爱人的赞美?一个可能的迹象是我们希望能在人能看见的教会岗位上侍奉,如:领诗、讲道,等。让我们祷告神会使我们谦卑,叫我们是因着敬拜祂而侍奉,不是为人的赞赏那么做。
  1. 如今,致富福音的传道人也同样使寡妇和软弱者受害。让我们祈求神会开启凡被欺之人的眼,叫他们能把希望放在耶稣真实的福音上。