9 Aug 2016, Mark 12:13-34 马可福音 12:13-34, Three Theological Traps 三个神学圈套

Scripture Reading        : Mark 12:13-34

Theme                            : Three Theological Traps


The leaders of Israel knew that Jesus spoke the parable of the tenants against them (Mark 12:12). But instead of repenting, they sent the theologians of their time (the Pharisees and the Sadducees) and politicians (the Herodians) to trap Jesus.

  1. The Present. The Pharisees were a group of religious Jews who focused on the oral law, traditions and scribal laws. The Herodians were a political party of Jews who supported Herod Antipas, who in turn was a puppet of Rome. They came together in order to trap Jesus, because the Pharisees could accuse Jesus in supporting a Gentile ruler (Caesar) if Jesus said that it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar. On the other hand, the Herodians could accuse Jesus of going against Rome if He were to reply “no”. They were trying to trap Jesus in His theological application to the present.
  1. The Future. The Sadducees were the most wealthy, influential and aristocratic of all the Jewish sects. All the high priests and chief priests were Sadducees. They controlled the temple business and were upset with Jesus for cleansing the temple, affecting their profits. They did not believe in the resurrection (Mark 12:18), but used a hypothetical scenario of the future resurrection to trap and discredit Jesus in front of the people. Jesus rebuked them for not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.
  1. The Past. Finally, one of the scribes, who were experts of Old Testament law, came to test Jesus regarding His theological interpretation of the past – the commandments spelt out in the Old Testament. The Pharisees had determined that there were 613 commandments, but disputed on which was the most important.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Some Christians believe a false dichotomy – they think there is a spiritual and a worldly aspect of their lives. However, the Bible teaches that we are to do all things for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). It is meaningless to engage in theological debates when we disobey God’s clearly-revealed Word regarding our responsibilities in the present. Let us pray that we will submit to the governing authorities, for this is God’s will for us (Romans 13:1-2).
  1. It is equally meaningless to engage in theological debates of future eschatology when we disobey God’s clearly-revealed Word over many matters. Some Christians come up with all kinds of hypothetical scenarios in order to challenge the authority of the Bible (e.g. What happens to the uneducated man in the remotest part of the deepest jungle who dies without hearing the Gospel?), instead of obeying it (e.g. preach the Gospel to people around them). Let us pray that we will submit to the Word of God and be doers of the Word (James 1:22).
  1. Similarly, many Christians busy themselves with theological discussions of the past (e.g. Do the Old Testament prophecies for Israel now apply to the church?), but they neither serve God nor their brethren (evident when they do not serve in the local church). The scribe was only “not far from the kingdom of God” (Mark 12:34), but he was not actually in the kingdom. Let us pray that we will truly enter the kingdom through the obedience of God’s Word.





  1. 当前。法利赛人是一群专注于饮食律法、传统和法律的虔诚犹太人。希律党则是一群支持希律·安提帕斯(Herod Antipas)的犹太政治群体,也就是罗马人的傀儡。他们齐来给耶稣设下圈套,因为倘若耶稣说给凯撒纳税是应该的,法利赛人就能控告耶稣说祂支持一位外邦君王;若耶稣说“不”,希律党人就能控告耶稣反抗罗马。他们正想从耶稣对当前的神学应用捆住祂。
  1. 将来。撒都该人是犹太教派中最富裕,最有影响力及最有贵族气派的。所有的大祭司和祭司长都是撒都该人。他们掌控着圣殿交易,所以对耶稣洁净圣殿一事耿耿于怀,因为那有损了他们的利润。他们不信复活这事(18节),但使用了一个未来复活的假设情景想在众人面前动摇他们对耶稣的信心。耶稣斥责他们既不明白圣经,又不晓得神的大能。
  1. 过去。最后,其中一个文士(旧约律法专家)前来探测耶稣有关祂对过去的神学见解:旧约中的诫命。法利赛人曾断定旧约有613条诫命,但对哪一项是最重要的起了争论。


  1. 有些信徒相信有二分法——他们认为生命有分属灵和属世两部分。然而,圣经教导我们要凡事为神的荣耀而行(林前10:31)。当我们违背了话语中关乎我们当前职责的清楚教导时,起神学争论是毫无意义的。让我们祷告我们会顺服于在上的权柄,因为那是神对我们的旨意(罗13:1-2)。
  1. 同样的,当我们违背神话语中的许多清楚启示时,对末世论起神学争论也是毫无意义的。有些信徒想了很多假设状况,为要挑战圣经的权柄(如:在荒山野岭中未受教育的人没听福音就去世了,他会发生什么事?),不是顺服神的话(如:向周围人传福音)。让我们祷告我们会顺服神的话,行神的道(各1:22)。
  1. 同样的,许多信徒忙于古时的神学议论(如:给以色列的旧约预言是否能应用在今日教会上?),但他们不服侍神和弟兄(显示在不事奉地方教会上)。文士们是“离神的国不远了”(34节),但却不在神的国里。让我们祷告我们会藉着顺服神的话真实进入神的国。

8 Aug 2016, Mark 11:27-12:12 马可福音 11:27-12:12, The Hardness of Israel 硬心的以色列

Scripture Reading        : Mark 11:27-12:12

Theme                            : The Hardness of Israel


  1. Israel Rejected John. After Jesus cleansed the temple, the leaders of Israel (“the chief priests and the scribes and the elders”) challenged Jesus authority in “doing these things”. The challenge referred to the immediate events before (the cleansing of the temple), and also everything else that Jesus did. Instead of answering them, Jesus replied with a counter-challenge. The reply of the leaders showed that they rejected John the Baptist as a messenger of God.
  1. Israel Rejected the Prophets. Jesus told the parable of the tenants to reveal the hypocritical character of the leaders of Israel. The vineyard is a symbol for Israel (Ps 80:8-16; Isa 5:1-7; Jer 2:21). God (the owner) entrusted the Jewish leaders (the tenants) to do His work, but they did not fulfill their duty. When God sent prophets (the servants) to warn Israel, they rejected the prophets and killed them.
  1. Israel Rejected the Son. Finally, in the parable, the owner (God) sent his own son (Jesus Christ) to the tenants (Israel). Instead of respecting the son, the tenants killed him, symbolizing His rejection and imminent death on the cross. Because of their hardness of hearts, the owner will “destroy the tenants” (judgment) and “give the vineyard to others” (establishment of Christ’s church, which will consist mostly of Gentiles).


Praying the Scripture

  1. We do not have prophets from God today, foretelling the future by God’s authority. However, prophecy continues in the form of forthtelling. When a pastor faithfully proclaims God’s Word (the Bible) from the pulpit, he is in effect proclaiming “thus says the Lord.” Let us pray for our pastor, that he will not fear rejection, but faithfully proclaim God’s Word from the pulpit.
  1. Israel rejected the prophets that God sent to them. When we reject and despise the message that is preached from the pulpit, we are rejecting the leaders that the Holy Spirit appointed (Acts 20:28), making us similar to Israel. Let us pray that we will be like the Bereans, who “received the Word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” (Acts 17:11)
  1. If we were to continue in hardness of hearts, judgment will eventually come to us. Other than eternal hell-fire, God will also judge hardened sinners by withholding His Word from them and giving it to others who are willing to listen. Let us pray and repent from the sin of rejecting God and His Word, so that we will not incur judgment.




  1. 以色列拒绝约翰。洁净了圣殿后,以色列的首领(“祭司长和文士并长老”)质问耶稣“做这些事”的权柄。他们指的是刚发生过(即洁净圣殿),以及其余耶稣所做的事。耶稣没有直接回答他们,乃反问一句,盘问他们。首领们的答复显示他们拒绝施洗约翰为神的使者。
  1. 以色列拒绝先知。耶稣陈述了园户的比喻,以揭发以色列首领虚伪的品格。葡萄园是以色列的象征(诗80:8-16;赛5:1-7;耶2:21)。神(园主)委托犹太领袖(园户)去行祂的工作,但他们没有履行职责。当神差派先知(仆人)警告以色列时,他们拒绝并将先知们给杀了。
  1. 以色列拒绝圣子。到了比喻的最后,园主(神)差派了自己的儿子(耶稣基督)到园户(以色列)那里。园户们不但不尊重那位儿子,还将他杀了——这代表以色列对耶稣的拒绝与祂在十字架上将临到的死。因着他们刚硬的心,园主会“除灭那些园户”(审判),并“将葡萄园转给别人”(基督教会的建立,其多数是外邦人)。



  1. 我们今日没有从神而来的先知,以神的权柄预言将来。然而,我们继续陈述过去的预言。当一位牧师从讲坛上宣扬神的道时(圣经),他实际上也在传“耶和华这样说”。让我们为我们的牧师祷告,叫他不畏惧被拒绝,乃忠心从讲坛上宣扬神的话。
  1. 以色列拒绝了神给他们差派的先知。当我们拒绝并藐视讲坛上所传的信息时,我们是在拒绝圣灵所委任的领袖(使20:28),使我们向以色列一样。让我们祷告我们会像庇哩亚人一样,“甘心领受这道,天天考查圣经,要晓得这道是与不是”(使17:11)。
  1. 我们若继续硬着心,审判最终会临到我们身上。除了永恒地狱之火以外,神也会向这些人保留祂的话,给予愿意听从的人。让我们祷告并从拒绝神与祂话语的罪中悔改,叫我们不会受到审判。

6 Aug 2016, Mark 11:1-26 马可福音 11:1-26, The Jerusalem Ministry 耶路撒冷事工

Scripture Reading        : Mark 11:1-26

Theme                            : The Jerusalem Ministry


  1. Coming of the King. Unused animals were regarded as specially suited for sacred purposes (Num. 19:2; Deut. 21:3; 1 Sam. 6:7). It was therefore fitting for the unique nature of Jesus. Jesus rode on the donkey as He entered Jerusalem, fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9 regarding the coming king. The donkey represented peace, instead of conquest. Jesus did not present Himself as the glorious, irresistible ruler that the people expected, but as the One bringing peace (between God and man).
  1. Cursing of the Fig Tree. In the fig tree, the fruit appears together with, and sometimes before, the appearance of leaves. The fig tree with an abundance of leaves ahead of season held out the promise that it had fruit. However, the promise turned out to be false. The fig tree was therefore a symbol of Israel’s failure to produce the spiritual fruit that it professed to have. Jesus used the tree to teach the disciples a lesson of God’s condemnation of hypocrisy.
  1. Cleansing of the Temple. The Jews turned the temple into a market place, instead of using it properly for worship. When Jesus did not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple, it was referring to the temple court. Mark alone described the temple as a place of prayer for “all the nations”. The temple court alone was available to Gentiles for prayer, but the Jews turned it into a place of profit and greed, thus depriving Gentiles the only place in the temple where they could worship. Because of this, Jesus cleansed the temple.

Praying the Scripture

  1. Many people expect Jesus to do whatever they want, like the Jews who expected the Messiah to deliver them from the Roman oppressors. Let us pray for humble hearts that will accept God’s will.
  1. Jesus used the tree to teach the disciples a lesson of God’s condemnation of hypocrisy. Let us pray that we will not be like the fig tree, making empty promises of abundant fruit, when there is actually none.
  1. We must ensure that visitors to our church will see our reverent attitude towards God. Let us pray that God guard our hearts against evil desires, especially associated with loving money.




  1. 君王的驾临。未曾被用的动物是最适合为礼仪所用(数19:2;申21:3;撒上6:7)。因此,这与耶稣的特殊本质相符。耶稣骑着驴驹进耶路撒冷,由此应验了撒迦利亚书9:9有关将临君王的预言。驴驹代表和平,不是征服。耶稣不以荣耀和无可阻挡统治者的形象出现,如众人所期待的,而是那位带来和平(神与人之间)的。
  1. 咒诅无花果树。无花果树的果子是与叶子一同长出的,或甚至先长出。一棵不是时候就长满叶子的无花果树让人期待它是有果子的,但事实并非如此。因此,那棵无花果树象征以色列无法结出它当有的属灵果子一样。耶稣使用那棵树教导门徒们神谴责人假冒为善的功课。
  1. 洁净圣殿。犹太人将圣殿转变成一个买卖市场,而不是正确的为敬拜所用。当经文说耶稣“不许人拿着器具从殿里经过”,那指的是圣殿院子。唯独马可将圣殿形容作一个为“万国”祷告的殿。只有圣殿院子是供给外邦人祷告之地,但犹太人将那地转变成人贪心并赚取利润之地,使外邦人无法到殿中他们唯一能敬拜的地方。因此,耶稣将圣殿洁净。



  1. 很多人期望耶稣能行他们凡所愿的,如犹太人曾期待弥赛亚能助他们脱离罗马暴君一样。让我们祈求能有谦卑的心来领受神的旨意。
  1. 耶稣藉着无花果树教导神谴责人假冒为善的功课。让我们祷告我们不会像那颗无花果树一样,让人认为自己是结满果子的,但实际上一个都没有。
  1. 我们要确保参观我们教会的人能看到我们对神敬虔的态度。让我们祈求神能保守我们的心不要有恶念,尤其是与贪财有关的。


5 Aug 2016, Mark 10:32-52 马可福音 10:32-52, Jesus Foretells His Death & Resurrection III 耶稣预言自己的死与复活(三)

Scripture Reading        : Mark 10:32-52

Theme                            : Jesus Foretells His Death & Resurrection III


  1. The Prediction of Death. For a third time, Jesus foretold His death and resurrection, His real mission for becoming man. However, the disciples were still dull in their understanding, with James and John asking Jesus for places of prominence.
  1. The Pride of the Disciples. James and John came to Jesus in pride, even wanting Jesus to promise them whatever they want. When Jesus asked them if they were “able to drink the cup”, they were quick to answer in the affirmative. Jesus predicted that they would also drink the same cup, which meant that they too will suffer and be martyred for Christ (Acts 12:2), but that in itself would not earn them the honors they desired.
  1. The Paradox of Discipleship. The Gentile (non-Jews) rulers would exercise their authority over their subjects, but such is not the same in God’s economy. Jesus demonstrated through His own example that if one desires to be great, he must humble himself and become the lowest of slaves.


Praying the Scripture

  1. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the heart of the Gospel. Let us pray that we will not grow tired of hearing and proclaiming the message of the Gospel.
  1. We may be serving God in many different areas, but that does not give us the right to ask God for anything. Luke 17:10 “So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’” Let us humble ourselves before God and not boast in our works.
  1. God’s economy is not the same as our economy. God desires that we humble ourselves and serve others. If we are not serving actively in church, pray that God will give us willing hearts to serve.




  1. 死亡的预言。耶稣第三次预言祂的死和复活,也就是祂成为人的真正使命。然而,众门徒依然不明白这事,而雅各与约翰更是向耶稣提出要坐在高位上。
  1. 门徒的骄傲。雅各和约翰带着骄傲的心到耶稣前,甚至要耶稣答应凡他们所求的。当耶稣问他们是否能喝祂所喝的杯时,他们想都没想就说能。耶稣预言他们确实要喝同样的杯,意思是他们也会受苦,并为基督殉道(使12:2),但这本身并不足以让他们得到心目中所渴望的荣誉。
  1. 作门徒的矛盾性外邦(非犹太人)君王会施行权柄治理他们的臣子,但神的管理方式却不一样。耶稣藉着自己的榜样显示:若有谁愿为首,他就必须谦卑自己,做众人的仆人。


  1. 耶稣基督的死与复活是福音的核心。让我们祈求我们不会为听道及传福音感到厌倦。
  1. 我们或许在各个领域中事奉神,但这并不表示我们就有权利向神要什么。路加福音17:10说:“这样,你们做完了一切所吩咐的,只当说:‘我们是无用的仆人,所做的本是我们应分做的。’”让我们在神面前谦卑,不要因所做的事自夸。
  1. 神的形式作为与我们的有别。神要我们谦卑自己并事奉他人。我们若不在教会中积极事奉,祈求神会给我们愿意服侍的心。

4 Aug 2016, Mark 10:1-31 马可福音 10:1-31, How to Receive the Kingdom of God 如何领受神的国

Scripture Reading        : Mark 10:1-31

Theme                            : How to Receive the Kingdom of God


  1. Testing of Jesus. The Pharisees came and tested Jesus regarding divorce. Because of their pride, they did not genuinely want to hear or obey Jesus. The Jews taught that a man could divorce his wife for any reason, including spoiling his dinner! It was a society where women had no rights. Jesus rebuked them for their hardness of heart and taught that divorce is not permissible.
  1. Touching the Children. Jesus did not consider the children to be unimportant. In fact, He had just taught the disciples that they must “receive one such child in my name” (Mark 9:37). Because of the disciples’ pride, they rebuked those who brought the children to Jesus. Jesus taught them a spiritual truth using the children as an object-lesson: to enter the Kingdom of God, we must recognize our weakness and dependence (like little children) on God.
  1. Trusting in Riches. The rich young man had an idol in his heart – He trusted in earthly riches. Jesus was not prescribing that everyone must sell all their possessions, but He was directly addressing the rich young man’s idol. Again, Jesus used hyperbole (camel going through the eye of a needle) to teach the spiritual truth that it is impossible for a man to be saved through his own means. Salvation is the total work of God.

Praying the Scripture

  1. The Pharisees only wanted to test Jesus and find fault so that they might accuse Him. Let us pray that we will submit to Jesus’ Word (the Bible) and not try to find fault in it, or look for alternative interpretations so that we can avoid obeying the Word that is clearly taught.
  1. Pray that we will be like children before God, recognizing our weakness and dependence on Him.
  1. Are there any idols in our hearts? For the rich young man, it was earthly riches. For some others, it could be our spouse, children, fame, career, status, etc. If we are unwilling to give up our idols to follow Christ, we cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Let us pray that God will remove the idols in our hearts.




  1. 试探耶稣。法利赛人前来试探耶稣有关离婚的事。因于骄傲,他们实际上是不愿听从耶稣的。犹太人教导丈夫能因任何理由休妻,包括搞砸了他的晚餐!这是一个妇女无权的社会。耶稣因着他们的硬心斥责他们,并教导离婚是不被允许的。
  1. 抚摸小孩。耶稣不认为孩子是不重要的。事实上,祂刚教导门徒他们要“为我名接待一个像这小孩子的”(9:37)。因着门徒的骄傲,他们斥责凡把孩子带到耶稣前的人。耶稣藉着这些孩子教导门徒一个真理:若要进入天国,我们就要像孩子一样,必须认识到自己的软弱,并依靠神。
  1. 信靠钱财。这位年轻财主心中有个偶像:他信靠地上的钱财。耶稣并不是在告诉每一个人要变卖自己所有的,而是用这话单刀直入地揭示年轻财主的偶像。耶稣再次使用夸张式的手法(骆驼穿过针的眼)教导一个属灵真理:人靠自己是不可能得救的。救赎完全是神的工作。



  1. 法利赛人只想试探耶稣,找出祂的不是,叫他们能控告祂。让我们祷告我们会顺服于耶稣的话(圣经),不要尝试寻找错误或另一个解释,叫我们能逃离顺服神清楚的话语。
  1. 祷告我们到神面前时能像孩子一样,认识自己的软弱,并依靠神。
  1. 我们心中是否有任何偶像?对年轻财主而言,那就是地上的钱财。对他人而言,那可能是我们的配偶、孩子、名誉、事业、地位,等。我们若不愿舍弃偶像跟从基督,我们就不能进入神的国了。让我们祷告神会除去我们心中的偶像。


3 Aug 2016, Mark 9:30-50 马可福音 9:30-50, Jesus Foretells His Death & Resurrection II 耶稣预言自己的死与复活(二)

Scripture Reading        : Mark 9:30-50

Theme                            : Jesus Foretells His Death & Resurrection II


  1. The Prediction of Death. Jesus predicted His death and resurrection for the second time. Again, the disciples did not understand clearly His mission to die on the cross to save sinners, but because of their pride, they did not want to ask Jesus what He meant. It was clearly due to their pride, because they were not afraid to ask Jesus to explain the parables (Mark 4:10) or the reason they failed in casting out a demon (Mark 8:28).
  1. The Pride of the Disciples. The disciples clearly demonstrated their pride when they argued about who was the greatest. They also showed their pride when they tried to stop another person simply because the person was not in their inner circle. Jesus taught them that they must be servants if they want to be first. This again shows that God is pleased with humility.
  1. The Price of Discipleship. Jesus is not saying that there will be lame or blind people in heaven, since believers will receive a glorious body during the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:42-43). Jesus is using hyperbole (exaggeration) to teach that His true followers will deal with sin seriously.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Some people may think that they already know everything because they have been going to church for many years. Let us not be proud, and pray that we will submit to the teachings of the Pastor using the Word of God, not relying on our own wisdom or what we have heard before.
  1. Our church may focus on expository preaching of the Bible, but we are not the only ones doing so. There are like-minded churches in other parts of the world that is also faithfully preaching God’s Word. Let us pray that God will also work in the hearts of man through the preaching of these faithful pastors.
  1. There is no such thing as a “carnal Christian” (a Christian who still loves the world). Whoever is a friend of the world is an enemy of God (James 4:4). Let us pray that we will deal seriously with sin and not believe in the lie that we can continue to love the world but still enter the Kingdom of God.




  1. 死亡的预言。耶稣二次预言了自己的死与复活。门徒再一次无法意识到耶稣要死在十字架上拯救罪人的使命,但因着他们的骄傲之心,他们不想问耶稣祂到底在说些什么。他们是骄傲的,因为早前他们不怕问耶稣叫祂解释比喻的意思(4:10),或者他们为何无法赶鬼的原因(8:28)。
  1. 门徒的骄傲。当众门徒彼此争论谁为大时,他们显然展示了自己的骄傲。况且,当他们尝试阻止另一人只因为那人不属他们的圈子时,这也展现了他们的骄傲。耶稣教导他们说,若有人愿意做首先的,他必先做众人的用人。这再一次显示神喜悦谦卑之心。
  1. 作门徒的代价。耶稣这里的意思不是指天堂会有瘸腿或瞎眼的,因为信徒复活时将有荣耀之身(林前15:42-43)。耶稣是在引用夸张式的手法教导真实跟从祂的人必然严厉看待罪。



  1. 有人认为由于他们到教会多年了,所以晓得一切事。让我们不要变得骄傲,祈求我们会藉着神的话降服于我们牧者的教导,而不是依靠自己的智慧或之前所听过的事。
  1. 虽然我们的教会是注重释经讲道,但我们并不是唯一采取这做法的。世界各地也有与我们志同道合的教会,在传神的话语上忠心。让我们祷告神也会藉着这些忠心的牧师的教导在人心中动工。
  1. 世上无“属肉体的信徒”(一个仍爱世界的基督徒)这事。要晓得与世俗为友就是与神为敌(各4:4)。让我们祷告我们会认真对待罪,不要相信我们能两者双全,既爱世界,又能进入神的国。

2 Aug 2016, Mark 9:2-29 马可福音 9:2-29, What We Need – Humility 我们需要的——谦卑

Scripture Reading        : Mark 9:2-29

Theme                            : What We Need – Humility


  1. Special Revelation. After predicting His death and resurrection, Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John. Such special revelation was given to the disciples in order to strengthen their faith for the upcoming events of Jesus’ crucifixion.
  1. Special Resurrection. Even though Peter, James and John had special revelation from God, they were commanded not to tell anyone about it. Only after Jesus’ resurrection will people believe the disciples’ message. At this stage, talking about seeing Moses and Elijah would only attract unnecessary attention that might hinder Jesus’ mission to die on the cross.
  1. Special Reliance. The disciples thought that they had already been given the authority to cast out demons. They became proud and stopped relying on God through prayer. This is not a special formula for casting out certain kinds of demons, as taught in some circles, but Jesus rebuking the disciples for not relying on God.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Abraham told the rich man who went to hell, “If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.” (Luke 16:31) God has given us His special revelation in His written Word (the Bible). The Bible is more precious than miracles of healing. Let us thank God for His revelation to us.
  1. Jesus told Thomas, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29) There is a place for personal testimony, but only the Gospel of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection will save someone. Instead of focusing on personal experiences or amazing testimonies of others, we should focus on the message of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Let us pray that we will not be led astray by stories of personal experiences, but remain faithful to the Word of God.
  1. Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house,those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” Let us pray that we will not rely on our own strength and wisdom when we serve God (or do anything!), but constantly rely on God through prayer. Let us pray that we will pray!




  1. 特别启示。预言自己的死和复活后,耶稣在彼得、雅各和约翰前变了形象。门徒们领受如此特别的启示,为的是要坚固他们的信心,预备耶稣钉十字架前将至的各种事件。
  1. 特别复活。虽然彼得、雅各和约翰从神领受了特别启示,他们被命令不可告诉任何人。唯有耶稣复活后,人才会相信门徒的信息。这时候,向人说看到摩西和以利亚的事只会引来不必要的关注,甚至妨碍耶稣死在十字架上的使命。
  1. 特别依靠。众门徒以为他们已经领受了赶鬼的权柄,所以变得骄傲,停止祷告依靠神。不像一些人所教导的,这不是什么赶鬼的秘诀;耶稣是因门徒不依靠神而指责他们。



  1. 亚伯拉罕对那下地狱的财主说:“若不听从摩西和先知的话,就是有一个从死里复活的,他们也是不听劝”(路16:31)。神藉着祂书面的话(圣经)给予我们祂特别的启示。圣经比医治的神迹更可贵。让我们感谢神给予我们的启示。
  1. 耶稣告诉多马:“那没有看见就信的有福了!”(约20:29)。个人见证有益,但唯有耶稣基督的死与复活的福音信息才能救人。我们不应该把精神全放在传个人经历或他人的奇妙见证上,而是要瞩目耶稣死里复活的信息。让我们祷告我们不会被个人经历的种种故事而被引入歧途,乃要忠心于神的道。
  1. 诗篇127:1:“若不是耶和华建造房屋,建造的人就枉然劳力;若不是耶和华看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒。”让我们祷告我们不会依靠自己的能力和智慧事奉神(或任何事!),而是藉着祷告持续依赖神。让我们祈求我们会祷告!

1 Aug 2016, Mark 8:22-9:1 马可福音 8:22-9:1, Jesus Foretells His Death & Resurrection I 耶稣预言自己的死与复活(一)

Scripture Reading        : Mark 8:22-9:1

Theme                            : Jesus Foretells His Death & Resurrection I         


  1. The Perception of the Disciples. The healing of the blind man was a miracle that served as an illustration for the upcoming question Jesus had for the disciples. Just as the blind man could not see clearly at the beginning, many people did not recognize Jesus as the Christ. “Christ” means “Anointed One”, whom the Jews understood to refer to the coming Saviour. On the other hand, the disciples knew and confessed Jesus as the Christ, just like how the blind man “saw everything clearly” (Mark 8:25) after he was healed.
  1. The Prediction of Death. This is the first time Jesus predicted His death and resurrection. Even though the disciples recognized Jesus as the Christ, they did not understand clearly His mission to die on the cross to save sinners. Jesus did not mean that Peter was possessed by Satan. Jesus meant that anyone who does not set their minds “on the things of God, but on the things of man”, would not be serving God and His purpose. After His crucifixion, Jesus would be resurrected again.
  1. The Price of Discipleship. Taking up the cross in those days meant crucifixion by death. Therefore, true followers of Jesus will make sacrifices for God, to the extent of being willing to die.


Praying the Scripture

  1. We must thank God for sending Jesus to die on the cross for us. But Jesus did not die and remain buried. He was also resurrected. Thank God that He has promised to resurrect all believers in the future.
  1. Anyone who does not serve God will inevitably be slaves to sin (Romans 6:16). Jesus died on the cross in order to free us from sin (Romans 6:5-11). Let us pray that we will not set our minds on the things of man, but on the things of God, so that we will be God’s slaves and not slaves to sin.
  1. There is no such thing as a secret Christian (or “me-and-my-Jesus”). Jesus commanded us to share the Gospel and not be ashamed of His words. Let us pray for boldness to share the Gospel with unbelievers.




  1. 众门徒的感观。医治瞎子的神迹是用以为耶稣对门徒将问的问题的演示。如瞎子起初看不清楚,许多人起初也不认识耶稣是基督。“基督”之意是“受膏者”,而犹太人晓得那指的是日后将来临的救主。另一方面,众门徒知道并承认耶稣就是基督,正如瞎子得医治后“样样都看得清楚了”(25节)。
  1. 死亡的预言。这是耶稣首次预言祂的死和复活。虽然众门徒认得耶稣就是基督,但他们仍未完全明白祂将死在十架拯救罪人的使命。耶稣之意并非彼得被撒旦附身了;祂的意思是:凡“不体贴神的意思,只体贴人的意思”的,就不是事奉神或行祂的旨意了。被钉之后,耶稣将会复活。
  1. 作门徒的代价那时,背起十字架的意思就是在十字架上被钉死。因此,真实跟从耶稣的会为神做出牺牲,甚至情愿受死。



  1. 我们当感谢神差耶稣为我们钉死在十字架上。但耶稣并不是永远死及被埋葬的;祂也复活了。感谢神应许日后将要使每一位信徒复活。
  1. 凡不事奉神的,必然是罪的奴仆(罗6:16)。耶稣死在十字架上,为要使我们脱离罪的束缚(罗5:5-11)。让我们祈求我们不会体贴人的意思,只体贴神的意思,叫我们作神的奴仆而不是罪的奴仆。
  1. 世界上无“秘密信徒”这事(或“我和我的耶稣”)。耶稣命令我们去传福音,不要以祂的话为耻。让我们祈求有胆量向非信徒传福音。

30 Jul 2016, Mark 8:1-21 马可福音 8:1-21, Bread and Leaven 饼和酵

Scripture Reading        : Mark 8:1-21

Theme                            : Bread and Leaven


  1. The Feeding of the People. Mark recorded a second feeding of a great crowd. This is not a repetition of Mark 6:30-44 because the number of loaves was different (5 vs. 7), the number of men was different (5000 vs. 4000) and the number of baskets left over was also different (12 vs. 7). Again Jesus had compassion on those who were following and listening to Him, and He supplied their physical need.
  1. The Demand of the Pharisees. Even after showing many miracles, the Pharisees were still full of unbelief, and they wanted “a sign from heaven” (Mark 8:11). They were not satisfied with all the signs that they had already seen, because of their hardness of hearts.
  1. The Leaven of the Pharisees. Jesus warned the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. This meant the wrong teachings and influence of the Pharisees (and false teachers). The disciples were dull in their understanding and thought that Jesus was rebuking them for forgetting to bring bread. Jesus reminded them that He could have fed them even if they did not bring enough bread. Jesus ended with a question in Mark 8:21. Mark could have done so in order to challenge the reader of the Gospel with the same question. Matthew 16:12 shows us that the disciples understood Jesus’ point.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Thank God that He is a God of compassion and He will supply our physical need (not our wants!). May we trust that God will provide for our needs.
  1. Luke 16:31 – “He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’” The purpose of miracles is not to produce faith in people. As we can see from the Pharisees, no matter what Jesus did, they did not believe because of their hardness of hearts. Many churches today teach that people must see miracles before they will believe, so they hold healing services, miracle services, etc. Such teaching is erroneous. Let us pray that our hearts will not be hardened like the Pharisees, demanding to see miracles from God.
  1. The disciples were dull in their faith and in their understanding. They witnessed Jesus feeding more than 5000 people (including women and children), but immediately forgot about it and asked how they could feed the 4000 now. Very often, we also testify to God’s faithfulness in the past, but quickly forget it when faced with new problems. Let us pray that we will not be forgetful but remember that God is faithful.




  1. 喂饱众人。马可记载耶稣喂饱群众的第二轮。这不是马可福音6:30-44的复述,因为饼的数量有别(五与七),人的数量有别(五千与四千),剩余零碎筐子的数量也有别(十二与七)。耶稣再一次向跟从并听从祂的人施与怜悯,并供予了他们物质上的需要。
  1. 法利赛人的要求。即便施行了许多神迹,法利赛人仍然满怀不信,并要求耶稣“从天上显个神迹给他们看”(11节)。他们对所见的一切神迹仍感不满,因为他们的心是刚硬的。
  1. 法利赛人的酵。耶稣告诫众门徒要防备法利赛人的酵,也就是法利赛人错误的教导和影响(及假教师)。门徒们始终不明白,以为耶稣正斥责他们忘了带饼。耶稣提醒他们,即便他们带的饼不足,祂也能喂饱群众。耶稣最后以21节的问题结束了。马可这么做的目的或许是要用同样的问题试问福音读者。马太福音16:12向我们显示门徒明白了耶稣的话。


  1. 感谢神是一位满有怜悯的神,并会供予我们物质上的的需要(不是相望!)。让我们信靠神会供应我们的需要。
  1. 路加福音16:31——“亚伯拉罕说:‘若不听从摩西和先知的话,就是有一个从死里复活的,他们也是不听劝。’”神迹的目的并不是叫人信有神。如我们从法利赛人身上看到,不论耶稣做什么,他们终究不信,因为他们的心刚硬了。今日,许多教会教导:人需看见神迹才能相信,所以举办医治大会、神迹大会,等。这种教导是有误的。让我们祈求我们不会像法利赛人一样硬心,要求见神迹。
  1. 门徒们在信心与理解中是迟钝的。他们曾见证耶稣喂饱超过五千人(除外妇女及孩子),却转眼忘了,现在又问他们如何能喂饱四千人。很多时候,我们也曾见证神过去的信实,但又在面对新挑战时立即遗忘这事。让我们祈求我们不会健忘,而纪念神是信实的。


29 Jul 2016, Mark 7:24-37 马可福音 7:24-37, Ministry to the Gentiles 向外邦人的事工

Scripture Reading        : Mark 7:24-37

Theme                            : Ministry to the Gentiles


Mark included these two healing events after Jesus denounced the Pharisees’ oral tradition for the specific purpose of showing Jesus’ consistency in teaching and behavior.

  1. Association with the Gentiles. The Pharisees were very concerned about ritual cleanliness and would not associate with Gentiles for fear of being defiled, since Gentiles did not observe any of the Jewish dietary laws. After Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, He went into Gentile territory (Tyre and Sidon) and healed a Gentile woman’s daughter. He continued to another Gentile city (in the region of the Decapolis) and healed a deaf man. Through this, Jesus showed His willingness to associate with Gentiles, further showing by action of God’s disapproval of Jewish oral tradition.
  1. Mission to the Gentiles. When Jesus answered, “Let the children be fed first,” (v.27) it meant that the Gospel would be first proclaimed to Israel, but it is in God’s plan that salvation is not limited to Israel, and will eventually come to the Gentiles. However, at this time, it was not Jesus’ intention to have a public ministry to the Gentiles.
  1. Humility of the Gentiles. The Gentile woman humbly accepted the figurative description of “dogs”. According to the Old Testament, dogs are unclean animals; Jews regarded Gentiles as unclean and would thus describe them as “dogs”. Jesus did not mean to insult the woman; it is likely that He was testing her faith and humility. In fact, this is the only time when Jesus is addressed as “Lord” in the whole Gospel of Mark. We can also see the humility of the people in Decapolis, for they came to Jesus and “begged Him to lay His hand” (Mark 7:32) on the deaf man.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Mark 10:45 – For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Let us thank God that He is willing to associate with sinners.
  1. We too are Gentiles (as long as we are not Jews/Israelites). Had God not have mercy on Gentiles, we would never have heard the Gospel and have opportunity to be saved. Let us thank God that He did not limit His grace to the Jews only, but also to us who are Gentiles.
  1. When we come before God, we are but wretched sinners. Let us pray that we will be humble like the Gentile woman, and accept our lowliness before God. Let us truly acknowledge Jesus as our “Lord”.





  1. 与外邦人的交往。法利赛人十分在乎礼仪上的洁净,所以不会与外邦人交往,免得被玷污,因为外邦人从不遵守犹太人的饮食律法。耶稣指责法利赛人后便到属外邦人之地(推罗和西顿),医治了一位外邦妇女的女儿。祂继而往另一个外邦城市(低加波利境内),并医治一位聋人。耶稣藉此显明祂愿意与外邦人相交,以行动进一步显示神对犹太饮食习俗的不满。
  1. 对外邦人的使命。当耶稣回答说:“让儿女们先吃饱”(27节),那表示福音会先被传到以色列,但在神的计划中,救恩并不只是限于以色列,而最终也会传到外邦人去。可是,在这时候,耶稣并没打算对外邦人有公开的事奉。
  1. 外邦人的谦卑。那位犹太妇女谦卑地接受了自己作“狗”的比喻。狗在旧约中属不洁净的动物;犹太人视外邦人为不洁净,因此也用“狗”形容他们。耶稣不是要侮辱那妇女;祂很有可能是在考验她的信心和谦逊。实际上,这是整本马可福音中耶稣被称是“主”的唯一一次。我们也可看到低加波利人的谦卑,因为他们来见耶稣时,为一个聋人“求他按手在他身上”(32节)。


  1. 马可福音10:45——因为人子来并不是要受人的服侍,乃是要服侍人,并且要舍命做多人的赎价。让我们为神愿意与罪人交往而感谢祂。
  1. 我们也是外邦人(只要我们不是犹太人或以色列人)。若不是神向外邦人施展怜悯,我们也不可能领受福音,拥有得救的机会。让我们感谢神不将恩典限于犹太人,也向我们外邦人降下此恩。
  1. 当我们来到神面前时,我们只不过是可恶的罪人。让我们祷告我们会像那位外邦妇女一样谦卑,承认自己在神面前的卑微。让我们真诚地称耶稣为我们的“主”。