28 Jul 2016, Mark 7:1-23 马可福音 7:1-23, External vs. Internal 外在与内在

Scripture Reading        : Mark 7:1-23

Theme                            : External vs. Internal


  1. External Behaviour. The Pharisees focused on external behavior, rituals and human tradition, thinking that by so doing, it made them right before God. However, external behavior not resulting from an inward regeneration of the heart is the same as hypocrisy (Mark 7:6). The Pharisees were guilty of making such legalistic teachings higher than God’s Word.
  1. Internal Defilement. Jesus spoke yet another parable about what truly defiles a person, extending the judgment against His hearers, because speaking in parables was an act of judgment (Mark 4:11-12). Jesus explained to the disciples that it is from the heart that sin arises, and a person does not commit any sin due to eating any food.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Pray that we will not just focus on external behavior, but truly ask God to cleanse our hearts of all unrighteousness.
  1. Do we abstain from eating certain food (e.g. blood of animals) and teach others to do the same, quoting Scripture to prove our point? According to the Bible in this passage, such teachings are legalistic traditions of man that displeases God. Let us pray that God strengthen our conscience to accept eating all kinds of food.




  1. 外在行为。法利赛人注重外在行为、礼仪及人文传统,以为这么做就能在神面前称义。可是,不因内在重生的心而发的外在行为却是与假冒为善同等的(6节)。法利赛人将他们的律法主义思想抬高过于神的话——他们有罪了。
  1. 内在污秽。耶稣叙述另一个比喻,说明什么才是真正污秽人的,从而扩展了审判的对象,因为用比喻说话即是审判之举(4:11-12)。耶稣向门徒解释,罪是由心而生的,所以人不能因吃了什么而犯罪。


  1. 求神让我们不要专注于外在行为,乃祷告神确实洁净我们心中所有的不义。
  1. 我们是否戒除吃某种食物(如动物的血),并教导人这么做,甚至引用圣经做凭证呢?根据这段经文,此类教导属人的律法主义思想,是神不喜悦的。让我们求神坚固我们的良心,能接受各样的食物。

27 Jul 2016, Mark 6:30-56 马可福音 6:30-56, The Compassion of the Perfect Servant 完美仆人的怜悯

Scripture Reading        : Mark 6:30-56

Theme                            : The Compassion of the Perfect Servant


  1. Compassion on the Twelve I. After Jesus sent the Twelve to preach the Gospel, they returned to Him and reported to Him all that they did. Jesus had compassion on the Twelve and wanted them to retreat to a quiet place to rest (Mark 6:31).
  1. Compassion on the People I. The crowd knew about where Jesus and the Apostles were headed, and they followed Jesus. Even though Jesus intended to have a retreat with the Apostles, He had compassion on the people when He saw them. In the end, He did another miracle and fed more than 5000 people (plus women and children) with five loaves and two fish.
  1. Compassion on the Twelve II. After feeding the people, Jesus did not forget His original intention of letting the Apostles rest, so He sent them away without Him, but He stayed to dismiss the crowd. Jesus knew that if He had gone with the Apostles, the people would certainly follow them again, denying the Apostles rest.
  1. Compassion on the People II. When they came to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, the people there (a different group) also came to Him. Again, Jesus had compassion on them and ministered to them instead of resting.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Charles Spurgeon once said, “Let me remark that being ‘led by the Spirit of God’ is a remarkable expression. It does not say, ‘As many as are driven by the Spirit of God.’ No, the devil is a driver, and when he enters either into men or into hogs he drives them furiously.” Not so with Jesus. He had compassion on His disciples and desired that they rest. Let us pray that we will not be drivers, but have compassion on others, just like our Lord.
  1. Some Christians think of God as a slave-driver, a cosmic kill-joy, who is out to torture His people. This is far from the truth. Let us thank God for His compassion on sinners like us.




  1. 对十二门徒的怜悯(一)。耶稣差派十二使徒传福音后,他们回到祂那里,向祂报告一切所行的事。耶稣怜悯他们,想要他们退到一个安静的地方休息(31节)。
  1. 对群众的怜悯(一)。群众发觉了耶稣及使徒们将前行的地方后,便跟从祂。虽然耶稣本想与使徒休息,但看到群众时,祂就怜悯他们。最后,耶稣行另一个神迹,用五饼二鱼喂足超过五千人(另加妇女及孩子)。
  1. 对十二门徒的怜悯(二)。喂饱群众后,耶稣并没忘记祂起初想让使徒们休息的意图,便辞别了他们,自己却留下来叫众人散开。耶稣知道祂若与使徒一起去,众人必然再次跟从,叫使徒们无法休息。
  1. 对群众的怜悯(二)。当他们到加利利海的另一岸时,众人(另一群)也到祂那里去。耶稣再次向他们显出怜悯,不休息,乃服侍他们。



  1. 查尔斯·司布真(Charles Spurgeon)曾说道:“且让我说,‘圣灵引领’这短语是很惊人的;这与‘由神的灵驱赶’有别。不,魔鬼是驱赶人的,而当牠进入人或动物里头时,牠是疯狂地驱动他们。”然而,耶稣并非如此。祂对祂的门徒有怜悯,并要他们休息。让我们祷告我们不会驱赶他人,而是对人有怜悯,如同主一样。
  1. 有些基督徒认为神是逼迫人的,不让人享乐,成天只想折磨祂的子民。可是,事实恰恰相反。让我们感谢神怜悯像我们这些的罪人。

26 Jul 2016, Mark 6:1-29 马可福音 6:1-29, Three Responses 三种反应

Scripture Reading        : Mark 6:1-29

Theme                            : Three Responses


  1. Response to Unbelief. The people of Nazareth did not accept or believe that Jesus is God. They knew Jesus and probably watched Him grow up (Mark 6:3). As a result, Jesus did not do many miracles in Nazareth. Many people interpret this passage wrongly, by saying that it requires faith to be healed. They think that because the people of Nazareth did not have faith, so Jesus could not exercise His power. Such a view is flawed because it has a very low view of God – that God’s power could be limited by human will.

           The real purpose of miracles is to authenticate Jesus as God. But since the people were already presumptuous and rejected             Jesus, there was no need for the miracles anymore. In fact, if Jesus had performed more miracles in Nazareth, it would have             made their judgment more severe (Matthew 11:20-24).

  1. Response to Unwelcome. Jesus sent the Twelve Apostles out to preach the Gospel, and gave them instructions on how they should respond if they were not welcomed. Again, Matthew 10:15 shows us that those who did not welcome Jesus’ messengers face a greater judgment.
  1. Response to Unrepentance. The narrative changes scene to John the Baptist. John was a very faithful servant of God, who did not shrink from declaring the message that God had given to him. By proclaiming the truth and rebuking Herod, John was imprisoned. Herod was unrepentant, but John did not change his message. John’s response to unrepentance was to continue preaching the truth and rebuking those who sinned.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Who do we say that Jesus is? If, after reading the Bible about Jesus and His mighty works, we still reject Him, a much greater judgment than that faced by Sodom and Gomorrah awaits us in hell. Let us repent from unbelief and beg Jesus to save us from eternal judgment in hell.
  1. Do we welcome messengers sent by Jesus? This includes missionaries, preachers, and most importantly, the pastor of our local church, who proclaims God’s Word to us. If we failed to heed their message, we are in danger of judgment. Let us pray for willing hearts to welcome God’s messengers and their message.
  1. Let us pray for our pastor, that he will have the boldness to proclaim God’s Word faithfully, even when facing death. Pray that we too might be courageous to proclaim God’s Word in face of death.




  1. 对不信者的反应。拿撒勒人不肯接受或相信耶稣是神。他们了耶稣,且有可能是看着祂长大的(6:3)。因此,耶稣在拿撒勒并没有行许多神迹。很多人对这段经文的理解有误,解释说人要有信心才能得医治。他们认为由于拿撒勒人没有信心,所以耶稣无法施行其能。这观点是错误的,因为它使神卑微,以为人的意志能局限神的能力。

           行神迹的真实目的是要证明耶稣是神。可是,既然人已经自大骄傲地拒绝耶稣,祂就没必要行神迹了。实际上,倘若耶              稣在拿撒勒行更多神迹,他们将受到的审判也会更严重(太11:20-24)。

  1. 对不受迎接的反应。耶稣差派十二使徒出去传福音,并给予指示若不受欢迎时当如何反应。马太福音10:15再次向我们显示,凡不迎接耶稣使者的将面临更大的审判。
  1. 对不肯悔改者的反应。叙事画面转换至施洗约翰。约翰是神忠实的仆人,从不畏惧传神所给他的话。他因传真理并斥责希律,所以被下监了。希律不肯悔改,但约翰的信息始终如一。约翰对不肯悔改者的反应就是继续传真理,并斥责犯罪的人。



  1. 我们说耶稣是谁呢?若读了圣经有关耶稣及祂的奇妙作为后,我们仍拒绝祂,就要面临地狱里比所多玛与蛾摩拉更大的审判。让我们从不信中悔改,并求耶稣救我们脱离永恒地狱的审判。
  1. 我们是否欢迎耶稣差派的使者呢?这包括宣教士、传道人,及最重要的——我们地方教会的牧师,因他向我们传神的话。我们若不肯听从他们的信息,我们就有面临审判的危险。让我们祈求有甘心乐意的心迎接神的使者及他们的信息。
  1. 让我们为我们的牧师祷告,叫他能有胆量忠心传神的话,即便眼前是死。祈求我们也有勇气,即便面对的是死亡,也要传神的话。

25 Jul 2016, Mark 5:21-43 马可福音 5:21-43, Jesus Heals a Woman and Jairus’ Daughter 耶稣医治女人及睚鲁的女儿

Scripture Reading        : Mark 5:21-43

Theme                            : Jesus Heals a Woman and Jairus’ Daughter


Jesus was on the way to heal Jairus’ daughter when a woman suffering from chronic internal bleeding, perhaps from a tumor, touched Him and was healed. The woman was trying to avoid detection by mingling with the crowd. But Jesus is God and He knew what happened (v.30). The disciples were puzzled by Jesus’ question on who touched Him because there was a big crowd following with lots of jostling and many people touching Jesus. In the end, the woman had to identify herself to Jesus.

By the time Jesus reached Jairus’ home, his daughter had already died, but Jesus demonstrated that He had power over death by raising her from the dead. To prove that they were not having an illusion, Jesus told them to give the resurrected girl food to eat.

There are three similarities that can be observed about the bleeding woman and Jairus:


  1. Faith in Jesus. Both the woman and Jairus had faith in Jesus. Jairus was a ruler of the synagogue, a leader of the Jews. Many Jewish leaders were plotting to kill Jesus (3:6), but Jairus implored Jesus to heal his daughter (v.23). Jesus commended the woman for her faith (v.34).
  1. Fell before Jesus. Jairus “fell at his feet” (v.22) and the woman “fell down before Him” (v.33). Both were acts of humility before God.
  1. When the woman knew that she could no longer hide, she “came in fear and trembling” (v.33). After Jairus heard of his daughter’s death, he too was filled with fear, because Jesus had to comfort him (v.36). In both cases, Jesus alleviated the fear by comforting the afflicted.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Are we ashamed of our faith, or do we dare to declare in public that our faith is in Jesus? May God help us not to be ashamed of our faith.
  1. Are we humble enough to fall at Jesus’ feet? Or do we think of God as our servant, to do our bidding? Pray that God will humble us and make us fall at His feet, because God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).
  1. Are we fearful of losing anything in our lives, such as our health, our love ones, or our possession? Pray that we will fear God more than fearing any other thing. When we fear God and have faith in Him, He will give us courage to face difficulties in life.







  1. 对耶稣的信心。女人和睚鲁都对耶稣有信心。睚鲁是管理会堂的,是犹太人的领袖。许多犹太首领正密谋杀害耶稣(3:6),但睚鲁却求耶稣医治他的女儿(23节)。耶稣也因那位女人的信心给予表扬(34节)。
  1. 在耶稣前俯伏。睚鲁“俯伏在他脚前”(22节),而那位女人“俯伏在耶稣跟前”(33节)。两者都是在神面前谦卑的举动。
  1. 战兢。当女人知道自己无法再躲避,“就恐惧战兢”地来(33节)。睚鲁听到女儿逝世后,也甚感惧怕,因为耶稣必须安慰他(36节)。我们从两者身上看到耶稣安慰受苦的人,从而消散他们的惧怕。


  1. 我们是否以自己的信心为耻,或勇于向众人宣告我们信靠耶稣呢?愿神助我们不以自己的信心为耻。
  1. 我们是否愿谦卑,俯伏在耶稣的脚前呢?又或者我们认为神是任我们唤使的仆人?求神使我们谦卑,叫我们在祂的脚前俯伏,因为神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人(各4:6)。
  1. 我们是否害怕失去生命中所拥有的,如健康、亲人或财物呢?求神让我们敬畏祂,过于害怕其余事物。当我们敬畏神并信靠祂时,祂必给予我们勇气去面对生命中的挑战。

23 Jul 2016, Mark 5:1-20 马可福音 5:1-20, Jesus Casts Out a Legion of Demons 耶稣赶走一群魔鬼

Scripture Reading        : Mark 5:1-20

Theme                             : Jesus Casts Out a Legion of Demons


  1. Severe Possession. The man who was possessed by demons was in dire straits, because the demons caused him great physical harm. The reason that Jesus asked the demon for its name is not because He needed to be informed, but it was for the people to see the severity of the possession. This is not a demon-casting formula for us to follow. The Bible does not tell us how the man became possessed by so many demons, and any explanation would just be speculations.
  1. Son’s Permission. The demons recognized that Jesus is “Son of the Most High God” (Mark 5:7). They were powerless before Jesus, and needed His permission to do anything. Without Jesus’ permission, they could neither speak nor act. When the people saw that the man was healed, they did not praise God, but wanted Jesus to depart. It is likely that they focused more on the financial loss suffered by the death of the pigs, than to see their fellow countryman healed.
  1. Salvation and Proclamation. The man who was healed clearly knew that if not for Jesus, he would be doomed. He wanted to follow Jesus, but Jesus had a different plan for him – he was to return home and evangelize to his friends. The man gladly submitted to God’s will and returned home to proclaim Jesus.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Many situations recorded in Scripture are not meant to be experienced by us, but there are still lessons to be learned. Unbelievers who become Christians may not experience such drastic changes as having a legion of demons cast out of them, but there is still much to thank God for saving them from the depths of hell. Let us thank God for saving us from the eternal fire of hell.
  1. The people focused more on their financial loss than the salvation of a man, and they rejected Jesus. In contrast, the angels rejoice over the repentance of one sinner (Luke 15:10). Jesus also taught that if a man gains the whole world but loses his soul, it is the most serious mistake (Mark 8:36-37). Let us pray that we will not love the world and its riches and sacrifice our souls.
  1. The man who was saved submitted to God’s will to proclaim the Gospel to his friends. Sometimes, we think of doing big things for God by preaching great sermons bringing about great revivals, but what God really wants is that we preach the Gospel to people around us. If all Christians will preach the Gospel to their friends, the Gospel will reach the ends of the earth in no time. Let us pray that we are willing to preach the Gospel to our friends and wherever we go.




  1. 严重的附身。被众魔鬼附身的男子遭遇非常严重,因为魔鬼对他造成的肉身伤害极大。耶稣问魔鬼其名的原因并非想得知祂不已经晓得的信息,而是要让众人知道这附身的严重性。这也不是让我们遵循的赶鬼模式。圣经并没告诉我们男子是如何被群鬼附的,所以任何解释也只属猜测。
  1. 圣子的准许。魔鬼认出耶稣就是“至高神的儿子”(7节)。他们在耶稣面前是无助的,必须经祂同意才能行事。只要耶稣不许,他们是不能说话或做事的。当众人看到男子得医治后,他们并没赞美神,而是要耶稣离开。这很可能是因为他们看重的是猪群之死所带来的财物损失,而不是他们的同乡复原了。
  1. 得救与传道。得医治的男子显然晓得若不是耶稣,他必死无疑。他想跟从耶稣,但耶稣对他的意念有别——他当回家向他的亲友传福音。那人乐意地降服于神的旨意,回家传扬耶稣去了。



  1. 经文记载的众多情况不是我们能经历的,但从中有功课可学。成为基督徒的非信徒或许不用经历一群鬼从他们身上被赶出,但他们仍有许多感恩之处,因为神从地狱的深渊救了他们。让我们感谢神救我们脱离地狱的永火。
  1. 村里的人看重的是他们财务上的损失过于那人得救,而他们拒绝耶稣。相反的,天使为一个罪人的悔改大大欢喜(路15:10)。耶稣也曾教导:人就是赚得全世界,但赔上自己的生命,那是最大的错误(8:36-37)。让我们祷告我们不会爱世界及其富裕,将自己的灵魂牺牲了。
  1. 得救的男子顺服了神的旨意,向亲属传扬福音。有时,我们想为神做大事,要传大道,起大复兴,但神渴望的却是我们向身边的人传福音。若所有信徒会向他们的亲属传福音,福音就会急速地传遍全地。让我们祷告我们会乐意向亲友传福音,并到何处也如此。

22 Jul 2016, Mark 4:25-41 马可福音 4:25-41, Jesus Calms a Storm 耶稣平息风浪

Scripture Reading        : Mark 4:25-41

Theme                            : Jesus Calms a Storm


  1. Fear of Death. A few of the disciples were fishermen by trade, before they followed Jesus. They would have seen many storms before when they were out fishing at sea. Based on their experience, this storm was so severe that they believed they would not make it back to shore alive. Jesus, in contrast, was able to sleep peacefully in the midst of the storm. Jesus was extremely tired after all the things He had done to serve the people, and Mark noted that He was not even able to eat at times (Mark 3:20). However, to be able to sleep in the midst of a severe and life-threatening storm demands more than physical tiredness, but supreme trust in God the Father. The disciples did not have such faith, and so they feared for their lives.
  1. Faith in Jesus. The Apostles were given authority to cast out demons (Mark 3:15), and they witnessed Jesus healing the sick and performing all the miracles. Yet, when it came to a life-threatening situation, they were still fearful. Jesus rebuked the Apostles for their lack of faith in Him.
  1. Fear of Jesus. Jesus demonstrated that He had authority over the physical realm by healing the sick. He also demonstrated that He had authority over the spiritual realm by casting out demons. Now, He demonstrated that He had authority over the realm of nature by calming the storm. The disciples were thus filled with fear of Jesus.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Do we allow our life experiences to distract us, or do we trust in the Lord? Or maybe we trust in our own experience, that we know better than God? Pray that we will trust in God and not depend on our own wisdom in all circumstances (Proverbs 3:5-8).
  1. We can claim to have faith in Jesus in different circumstances, but the real test of our faith in Jesus comes when our lives are threatened. Let us pray that we will be willing to “take our cross” and to give up our lives to follow Jesus.
  1. The Apostles asked, “Who then is this?” (Mark 4:41) Do we believe that Jesus is the Son of God? After reading the Bible and seeing that Jesus had authority over illnesses, demons and nature, we should believe and not doubt. Pray that we will place our trust in Jesus and not doubt in our hearts.




  1. 害怕死亡。一些门徒在跟从耶稣以前是渔夫。他们在海上扑鱼时必经过许多风浪。以他们的经验而谈,这暴风是如此猖狂,叫他们相信自己是无法生存的。相反的,耶稣在风暴中竟能安宁沉睡。在事奉的一切后,甚至时而无法吃饭(3:20),祂确实感到非常疲惫。可是,能在猖狂及致命的暴风中沉睡并非只因肉体的疲乏,而是对天父的全然信靠。门徒们并没有这信心,所以他们为自己的性命感到害怕。
  1. 相信耶稣。使徒们已领受赶鬼的权柄(3:15),也见证了耶稣医治及行神迹的能力。然而,遇上致命关头时,他们仍然胆怯。耶稣因使徒们对祂信心的缺乏而斥责他们。
  1. 惧怕耶稣。耶稣藉着医治展现了祂对物质界的权柄。祂藉着赶鬼展现了祂对属灵界的权柄。现在,祂藉着平静风暴展现祂对自然界的权柄。因此,众门徒都对耶稣大大地惧怕。



  1. 我们是否容许自己生命中的经历分散我们的注意力,还是专心信靠主呢?又或者我们相信自己的经验,以为自己比神更明白?祈求我们凡事都会相信神而不是靠自己的智慧行事(箴3:5-8)。
  1. 我们在不同状况中都能宣称自己对耶稣有信心,但真正的考验是当我们碰上致命关头的时候。让我们祷告我们会愿意“背起我们的十字架”,舍命跟从耶稣。
  1. 使徒们问:“这到底是谁?”(41节)我们是否相信耶稣是神的儿子呢?读了圣经后,看到耶稣对疾病、魔鬼和自然界的权柄,我们当相信,不再质疑。祈求我们会信靠耶稣,不在心中质疑了。

21 Jul 2016, Mark 4:26-34 马可福音 4:26-34, Two Parables on Seeds 有关种子的两个比喻

Scripture Reading        : Mark 4:26-34

Theme                            : Two Parables on Seeds


  1. Grain Seed. This parable illustrates that spiritual growth in the lives of genuine believers is apart from the sower. The sower is responsible only to sow, but the growth is caused by God. The sower can provide the conditions suitable for growth, but the growth cannot be forced. If the sower tries to speed up the process by pulling the ear and the blade before the grain is ripe, it will certainly damage the grain. In a similar fashion, spiritual growth cannot be prematurely forced.
  1. Mustard Seed. The mustard seed is not the smallest of all known seeds, but the smallest of the different kinds of seeds Jews sowed in their fields. The leaves of the mustard plant were used as a vegetable and its seed as a condiment. When fully grown, the size of the mustard plant was larger than all the other garden plants of similar use. Such growth is out-of-proportion, considering that the seed is the smallest. The kingdom of God is like such a seed, said Jesus, because it had a small and seemingly insignificant beginning, but eventually will grow in such proportions that will affect the entire world.


Praying the Scripture

  1. We should be diligent as sowers and preach the Gospel and the Word of God, which is our responsibility as Christians. Spiritual growth in the lives of believers is not our responsibility. Paul also wrote that “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” Therefore, we should be faithful in planting and watering (preaching and teaching the Word of God), and leave the growth to Him (1 Cor. 3:6-7). Let us pray that we have patience as we counsel and guide immature believers, and not try to force their spiritual growth by our means.
  1. We should not be discouraged when our ministry started small. As long as we are faithful in doing what is right according to God’s Word, He will grant the growth. When God is blessing the ministry, even a small ministry can grow to become one that does big things for God. Let us pray that we will not be discouraged, but trust in God and be faithful in the ministry He has given to us.




  1. 五谷。这个比喻叙述了真实信徒的属灵成长是在撒种之人以外的。撒种的人只负责播种,但成长是神给的。撒种的人可以提供为种子生长的良好环境,但生长本身是不可勉强的。倘若撒种的试着加快过程而在谷未成熟前先把穗拔起并用刀割下,谷必受损。同样的,属灵成长是不由得在成熟前被迫的。
  1. 芥菜种。芥菜种并不是世上最小的种子,却是犹太人耕种的种子中最小的。芥菜种的叶子可用做菜,其种子可用做调味料。长起来后,它比各样有同用处的菜都大。这种成长是不成比例的,因为它原是最小的。耶稣说,神的国就如这种子,因为它起初似小又微不足道,但最终会倍数成长,影响全世界。


  1. 我们当殷勤撒种,并传福音及神的道——这就是我们基督徒的责任。信徒的属灵成长则不由我们。保罗也曾写道:“我栽种了,亚波罗浇灌了,唯有神叫他生长。”因此,我们当在撒种和浇灌上要忠心(传扬并教导神的话),并把成长交托于神(林前3:6-7)。让我们祈求我们在辅导与引导不成熟的信徒上有耐心,而不是用自己的手段勉强他们在灵命中成长。
  1. 我们的事工若小,也不当灰心。只要我们按神的话语忠心行事,祂便会给予成长。当神祝福一个事工时,即便小事工也能长成为神做大事的。让我们祷告我们不要灰心,乃信神,在祂所给予我们的事工上忠心。


20 Jul 2016, Mark 4:1-25 马可福音 4:1-25, Judgment by Parables 藉着比喻的审判

Scripture Reading        : Mark 4:1-25

Theme                            : Judgment by Parables


  1. The Purpose of Parables. When the people, especially the religious leaders (the Pharisees), started to show serious antagonism towards Jesus, to the extent that they blaspheme against the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:22-30), Jesus began to speak to them in parables. The real purpose of parables is a sign of judgment (Mark 4:11-12), so that those who reject the Word of God will also not be able to understand His Word. And if sinners do not know God’s Word, they will not be saved.
  1. The Meaning of the Parable. The parable of the sower talks about four types of ground – the path, rocky ground, thorns, and good soil. Jesus explained the parable to the disciples: the path represents people who hear the Word of God but immediately rejects it, rocky ground represents people who accepted God’s Word but did not persevere during suffering, the thorns represents people who hear God’s Word but unwilling to give up the pleasures of this world, the good soil represents people who accept the Word of God and persevere, bearing fruit in the end. Only the good soil represents true believers who are genuinely saved.
  1. The Warning after the Parable. The analogy of the lamp that is not placed under a basket is a warning that it is not possible to be a genuine believer but not bear any fruit. This follows the parable of the sower closely as a further illustration of the good soil that will bear fruit.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Much of what God has revealed to us in the Bible is quite easy to understand (e.g. having lustful thoughts equates to committing adultery, homosexuality is sin, etc.). The real problem is that sinners refuse to accept or believe God’s Word. If sinners continue to reject the Word of God, their hearts will become so numbed by sin that they cannot understand even the simplest teaching from the Bible (1 Cor 2:14). When this happens, it is a clear sign of God’s judgment. Let us pray for soft and humble hearts that is ready to accept and believe God’s Word.
  1. The parable of the sower shows that we should not be selective in sharing the Gospel with unbelievers. We are not the ones who can tell who is what type of ground. We simply preach the Gospel to everyone, and the type of ground will reveal itself in time to come. Let us pray that we will be bold in preaching the Gospel and not give excuses.
  1. The passage is very clear that genuine believers will bear fruit. Bearing fruit is not the cause of our salvation, but the effect/result of our salvation (James 2:17-18). If we have been giving excuses for not bearing fruit, let us repent from this sin and pray that God equip us to serve Him and bear fruit.




  1. 使用比喻的目的。当人,尤其宗教领袖(法利赛人)开始对耶稣展示深厚敌意,甚至亵渎圣灵时(3:22-30),耶稣就用比喻跟他们说话。使用比喻的真正目的是作审判的迹象(11-12节),叫拒绝神话语的人不能明白神的话。而倘若罪人不晓得神的话,他们就不能得救。
  1. 比喻的意思。撒种的比喻叙述四种土地:路旁、石头地、荆棘和好土。耶稣向门徒解释,路旁代表的是听到神话语却立刻拒绝的人;石头地代表接受神话语但无法在患难中忍耐的人;荆棘代表听到神话语但不愿舍弃世上享乐的人;好土代表接受神话语,又能忍耐到底并结果子的人。唯有好土代表真实得救的属实信徒。
  1. 比喻后的警告。不放在斗底下的灯的比喻是一个警告:真实信徒是不可能不结果子的。这比喻紧跟在撒种的比喻后,以延伸好土会结果子之意。



  1. 神在圣经里向我们启示的内容大部分都是较容易理解的(如:动淫念的便是犯奸淫,同性恋是罪,等)。真正的问题是罪人拒绝接受或相信神的话。若罪人继续拒绝神的话,他们的心会对罪如此麻木,叫他们无法明白圣经里最简单的教导(林前2:14)。若这事发生,那就是神审判的明确迹象。让我们祷告我们能有柔软谦卑的心,能随时接受并相信神的话。
  1. 撒种的比喻显示我们不能挑选要向哪个非信徒传福音。我们不能看出谁属哪一种土;我们仅要向众人传福音,而时间会证明谁是哪种土。让我们祷告我们能在传福音上有胆量,而不是找借口不传。
  1. 这段经文很明确:真实信徒会结果子。结果子并不是救恩之源,乃是得救的结果或效果(各2:17-18)。我们若一向都在给予不结果子的借口,我们就要从这罪中悔改,并祈求神能装备我们好服侍祂并结果子。

19 Jul 2016, Mark 3:21-35 马可福音 3:21-35, Friend vs. Foe II 友与敌(二)

Scripture Reading        : Mark 3:21-35

Theme                            : Friend vs. Foe II


  1. Absolute Sin of the Pharisees. When the Pharisees (and scribes) failed in their bid to discredit Jesus based on their legalistic interpretation of the Law, they resorted to character assassination. So serious is the blasphemy (they charged that Jesus’ authority came from Satan) that Jesus said such a sin is unforgiveable. Mark 3:23 is the beginning that Jesus spoke parables to those whose hearts were hardened, which is a sign of judgment (Mark 4:11-12).
  1. Adoption of the Obedient. Jesus’ mother, Mary, and His brothers (naturally born children after Joseph married Mary) came to look for Jesus. It is very possible that they were trying to stop Jesus from what He was doing (Mark 3:21). To stop Jesus was clearly going against the will of God, and that is why Jesus answered by saying that those who do the will of God are His “brother, sister and mother” (Mark 3:35). Jesus was not advocating that Christians disown their parents, for that would contradict His teaching in Mark 7:9-13. Jesus is emphasizing that obeying God the Father is more important than obeying earthly parents.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Do we believe Jesus and His Word, the Bible? If we reject Jesus and His Word, we are also guilty of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. If we keep hardening our hearts like Pharaoh, God will harden our hearts one day (Exodus 9:34; 10:1). Let us repent from this sin and beg Jesus for forgiveness, while there is still opportunity.
  1. Jesus said, “And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:36-39) Even though we are to honor our parents (Mark 7:9-13), it is more important to obey God. Let us pray that our earthly relationships will not be a hindrance to us as we follow Christ.




  1. 法利赛人确切的罪。当法利赛人(和文士)无法凭他们律法主义的标准污蔑耶稣时,他们便尝试人身攻击。他们亵渎的话如此严重(即告指耶稣的权柄来自撒旦),叫耶稣说这等罪是不得赦免的。马可福音3:23是耶稣向硬心之人说比喻的开端,而这是审判的象征(可4:11-12)。
  1. 领养顺服的人。耶稣的母亲马利亚和祂的弟兄来找耶稣。他们很有可能想阻止耶稣在做的事(21节)。阻止耶稣就是逆着神的旨意行,而那就是为何耶稣回答说凡遵行神旨意的人是祂的“弟兄、姐妹和母亲了”(35节)。耶稣并非在提倡信徒不要认自己的父母,因为那便是与祂在马可福音7:9-13的教导背道而驰。耶稣强调的是遵行天父比听从父母更重要。



  1. 我们是否相信耶稣、祂的话和圣经呢?我们若拒绝耶稣和祂的话,便是亵渎圣灵了。我们若持续硬着心,如法老一样,神总有一日也会使我们的心刚硬(出9:34;10:1)。让我们趁还有机会的时候从这罪中悔改,求耶稣赦免。
  1. 耶稣说:“人的仇敌就是自己家里的人。爱父母过于爱我的,不配做我的门徒;爱儿女过于爱我的,不配做我的门徒;不背着他的十字架跟从我的,也不配做我的门徒。得着生命的,将要失丧生命;为我失丧生命的,将要得着生命”(太10:36-39)。虽然我们当孝敬父母(7:9-13),但遵从神更为重要。让我们祷告我们在地上所拥有的关系不会成为我们跟从基督的阻碍。

18 Jul 2016, Mark 3:1-20 马可福音 3:1-20, Friend vs. Foe I 友与敌(一)

Scripture Reading        : Mark 3:1-20

Theme                            : Friend vs. Foe I


  1. Antagonism of the Pharisees. The Pharisees were looking for opportunity to accuse Jesus. They did not doubt His ability to heal, yet they chose to oppose Jesus instead of marvel at God’s power. Jesus tested the Pharisees by asking them whether it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath. Legalistic pharisaic tradition allowed for the saving a life on the Sabbath, but if it were not life-threatening, then doing good would be breaking the Law, and ought to be postponed to the next day. Jesus was showing the Pharisees the inconsistency in such legalistic teachings. To demonstrate once more that He is the Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28), Jesus healed the man with a withered hand. Instead of praising God for His mercy and power, the Pharisees plotted to kill Jesus. This was the culmination of the objections they brought against Jesus in Mark 2, and the antagonism grew from this moment.
  1. Appointment of the Apostles. In contrast to the Pharisees, the Apostles (except Judas) were true followers of Jesus. Mark 3:13 clearly shows that it is God’s sovereignty over who He chooses. After appointing the Twelve Apostles, Jesus also gave them authority to cast out demons. To those who are obedient to God, more will be given to them for the purpose of serving Him.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Just as Jesus was angered by the Pharisees’ hardness of heart (Mark 3:5), God is angry with sinners, “who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth” (Romans 1:18). We should not think of ourselves as better than the Pharisees, but learn from their negative example. Are we holding on to any legalistic beliefs? Let us pray that we will submit to Jesus and His teachings, with love and compassion for others, rather than laying a burden on others that we ourselves cannot bear.
  1. God equips those whom He chooses to serve Him. If we obey God and serve Him faithfully, He will give us even more to serve Him more effectively (Matthew 25:29). But this is not a promise of financial gain, a false-teaching made popular by the health-and-wealth-gospel. Let us pray that we are willing to serve God.




  1. 法利赛人的敌意。法利赛人正寻找控告耶稣的机会。他们并不怀疑耶稣医治的能力,但选择抵挡耶稣,不为神的大能深感惊异。耶稣问法利赛人是否能在安息日行善,藉此试探他们。法利赛人的律法准则容许在安息日救命,但若不是致命性的,行善也算违法,必须延后一日。耶稣是在向法利赛人显示这等教导的前后矛盾。为要再一次展现祂就是安息日的主(2:28),耶稣医治了一个枯干了手的人。法利赛人不但不赞美神的怜悯和大能,反倒计谋要杀害耶稣。这就是法利赛人在马可福音2章对抗议耶稣的高潮,而敌意从此剧增。
  1. 委任使徒。与法利赛人相反的是,众使徒(除外犹大)是真实跟从耶稣的。13节清楚告诉我们神是凭祂的主权作选择的。委任十二使徒后,耶稣也给予他们赶鬼的权柄。凡遵从神的,神会给予更多,叫人能服侍祂。



  1. 如耶稣因法利赛人的心刚硬而愤怒(5节),神也向罪人发怒,因为他们是“行不义阻挡真理的人”(罗1:18)。我们不能觉得自己比法利赛人好,而是要从他们负面的例子中学习。我们是否持守着律法主义性的意念?让我们祷告我们会降服于耶稣和祂的教导,对人有爱心和怜悯,而不是把自己无法承受的重轭担在别人身上。
  1. 神装备祂拣选去事奉祂的人。我们若遵从神,并忠心服侍祂,祂必加给我们,使我们在事奉上更有效(太25:29)。但这并不是钱财得利的应许——那是致富福音推广的假教导。让我们祷告我们会甘心服侍神。