2 Mar 2017, Psalm 89 诗篇 89, God’s Forever Faithfulness to Christ and His People 神对基督与祂子民永恒的信实
Scripture Reading : Psalm 89
Theme : God’s Forever Faithfulness to Christ and His People
- The Faithfulness of God (1–4). This psalm is attributed to “Ethan” (a Levite, 1 Chron. 15:17–18, and a wise person, 1 Kings 4:31). He lived during David’s time. God is faithful. This means He will absolutely do what He promised to do. If He doesn’t, then He is not perfectly faithful. His reputation/honor will be ruined. The psalmist specifically praises God’s faithfulness to fulfill His covenant with David, that is, to make one of David’s son to rule forever (2 Sam. 7:5–16). This son is the Messiah.
- The Sovereignty of the Faithful God (5–18). Not only is God faithful, He is also powerful, therefore He can be faithful to His promises. God rules both heaven and earth (v. 11). In heaven, He is a God who rules above all heavenly beings/angels/sons of God in the heavenly council (cf. Ps. 82:1). These angels rule over the nations, but God rules over them (Col. 1:16). On earth, He rules over the nations. Most likely, the sea in v. 9 is referring to the nations (cf. Rev. 17:15) and Rahab refers to the dominate nation, which was Egypt at the time (cf. Ps. 87:4). Since God rules over heaven (angels) and earth (nations), He is the joy of believers. He is their ultimate shield/protection (v. 18).
- The Promises of Davidic Covenant (19–37). This section recounts the details of the Davidic covenant in 2 Sam. 7:12-17 and 1 Chron. 17:11-15. God will be faithful to the Messiah and His offspring/subjects/people. Messiah will be firstborn/preeminent among all kings on earth because He will rule over them (Col. 1:15). God will also be faithful to the Messiah’s people/believers. He will be faithful to guard them so that even when they sin, God will discipline them for the purpose of correcting and restoring them (Heb. 12:6).
- Prayer for God to Remember Covenant (38–52). However, in light of king David’s current setback (perhaps referring to David’s temporary exile by his son Absalom), the psalmist’s faith in God’s faithfulness is weakened. How can God fulfill His promise if David is exiled or defeated? Therefore he prays for God to be faithful and fulfill His covenant with David.
Praying the Scripture
- 神的信实(1-4)。这首诗是“以探”写的(利未人,代上15:17-18;有智慧的,王上4:31)。他生活在大卫的时代。神是信实的。这表示祂绝对会成就祂所应许的事,否则祂不完全是信实的。这样,祂的名/尊荣将受损。诗人明确地赞美神必成就祂与大卫之约的信实,也就是立大卫的其中一个儿子永远作王(撒下7:5-16)。这位儿子就是弥赛亚。
- 信实之神的主权(5-18)。神不但是信实的,也有大能,因此祂能忠于祂的应许。神掌管天地(11节)。在天,祂是掌管所有天庭之灵的神(参:诗82:1)。这包括管理列国的天使,而神统治它们(西1:16)。在地,祂治理列国。第九节的“海”大有可能指的是诸国(参:启17:15),而拉哈伯指的是主导国,即当代的希腊(参:诗87:4)。既然神掌管天(天使)地(列国),祂是信徒的喜乐。祂是信徒最大的盾牌/保护(18节)。
- 大卫之约的应许(19-37)。这段经文重述了记载在撒母耳记下7:12-17与列王纪上17:11-15中有关大卫之约的细节。神必终于弥赛亚以及祂的后裔/臣子/子民。弥赛亚将是万君之首,因为祂要统治他们(西1:15)。神也要以信实对待弥赛亚的民/信徒。祂会信实地保守他们,叫他们即便犯了罪,也要受到管教,使他们能改正过来,复兴他们。
- 求神纪念约定(38-52)。然而,由于大卫正面临危机(或许是因押沙龙而遭遇的暂时流亡),诗人对神的信心变为软弱。倘若大卫遭流亡或被击败,神要如何成就自己的应许呢?因此他祈求神忠于并成就祂与大卫所立的约。
1 Mar 2017, Psalm 88 诗篇 88, Humble Faith in Darkness 黑暗中的卑微之信
Scripture Reading : Psalm 88
Theme : Humble Faith in Darkness
- Terrifying Affliction (1–9a). This psalm is sometimes called the darkest psalm in the book. It describes the psalmist’s endless plight with no relieve in sight. He is full of troubles because God’s wrath is heavy upon him. He is suffering because of his sins. He is suffering from emotional and relational pain because he is alone. All his companions are avoiding him.
- Earnest Prayer (9b–12). Despite all the darkness that surrounds him, his faith is steadfast. He still is resolved to express that faith through his daily prayer to God. He does not wish to die under God’s wrath and to cease to praise God in the grave. He is seeking God’s forgiveness and deliverance from God’s wrath, so that he may praise Him for his righteousness and goodness to him.
- Steadfast Faith (13-18). Being under divine judgement, he is humbled and confesses God is his only savior. Despite all his suffering, all the darkness that covers him, he puts his faith that God will forgive and deliver him from God’s wrath. This is a humble faith that understands his sinfulness and does not demand God’s forgiveness, but begs and hopes for forgiveness, despite all the sufferings upon him because of his sins.
Praying the Scripture
- 可怕的患难(1-9上)。这首诗有时也被称是这本书卷中最黑暗的诗歌。它形容了诗人毫无尽头的困境;他看不见曙光。他满心忧虑,因为神的怒气重重地压在他身上。他是因为自己的罪受苦的。由于他独自一人,他正面临心理和感情上的痛苦。所有的同伴都在躲避他。
- 恳切的祷告(9下-12)。虽然他周围都是黑暗,他的信心仍然坚定。他依然立志要藉着每日对神的祷告表达这份信心。他不希望在神的愤怒之下灭亡,并在墓穴中停止赞美神。他正寻求神的饶恕,求能脱离神的愤怒,叫他能赞美神对他的公义及良善。
- 坚定的信心(13-18)。诗人在神的审判之下谦卑自己,并承认神是他唯一的救主。即便受苦,尽管黑暗遮盖了他,他相信神会赦免并救他脱离神的愤怒。这是谦卑信心的表现:诗人明白自己的罪性,也不强求神的宽恕,乃因罪行而受患难的同时祈求并盼望得赦免。
28 Feb 2017, Psalm 87 诗篇 87, The Joy of the World 世界的喜乐
Scripture Reading : Psalm 87
Theme : The Joy of the World
- The Glorious City of God (1–3). This psalm expands on the idea in Psalm 86:9, that all the nations will someday worship the Lord. Psalm 87 is a song about the glorious things said about Zion, the city of God, His worldwide headquarter. After depicting Zion as God’s glorious city, the psalmist described how the nations will gather to her as children, and how joyful are those who dwell there. The first verse stands as a single-line summary of the psalm’s theme: God has set His foundation on the holy mountain (cf. 43:3; 48:1; 99:9).
- The Nations Gathered to Zion (4–6). The psalmist listed some of the nations that will be gathered to Zion. They will be like children who were born in Zion. God’s purpose is to reconcile people to Himself. The five nations metonymously point to the whole world. They are Rahab/Egypt (Is. 30:7), Babylon, Philistia, Phoenicia, and Cush/Ethiopia. All nations in that day will look to Zion as the “mother city” (cf. Gal. 4:26, a popular heretic cult called Church of God abuses this verse and teaches there is God the Mother). God’s writing their names in a register figuratively describes His ensuring them a place in Zion.
- Joy in Zion (7). This verse is a brief glimpse of the rejoicing that the other believing nations will bring to Zion. The second line of the verse states the substance of their musical praise: All my fountains are in You. “Fountains” signifies that Zion will be the source of all blessing and pleasure, because of the Lord’s presence there.[1]
Praying the Scripture
O, what a glorious day it will be when God sets up His worldwide headquarter in Jerusalem. When all the nations will be at peace. The whole earth will return to paradise condition. There will be no natural disasters, no human trafficking, no slavery, no crimes and no wars. The human race will truly be one. No politician, no political ingenuity can accomplish what only God can accomplish through Jesus. Any political solution is just temporary and can only limit war and destruction. Our hope is not in politicians or any political process, our hope is only in the return of Jesus, the full restoration of the world. Until He returns, meditate one this hope and live out this hope by proclaiming the gospel (our highest duty), by loving all nations, praying and seeking justice whenever possible.
[1] The Bible Knowledge Commentary, 857.
- 神荣耀的城(1-3)。这首诗阐述诗篇86:9的主题,即万国有一天将前来敬拜耶和华。诗篇87是一首述说锡安之荣耀的歌;锡安即是神的城,是祂在世界的总部。在阐述锡安为神荣耀的城后,诗人也形容列国将如何像孩童一样到锡安聚集,而在那里居住的人有多喜乐。第一节就是诗篇主题的摘要:耶和华所立的根基在圣山上(参:43:3;48:1;99:9)。
- 万国积聚到锡安(4-6)。诗人也列出一些到集聚锡安的国家。她们有如在锡安出生的孩子。神的目的就是要让人与祂和好。这五个国家代表了全世界。他们是拉哈伯/埃及(赛30:7)、巴比伦、非利士、推罗和古实人。列国在那一天将仰望锡安为“母城”(参:加4:26,一个有名的异教(上帝教会)滥用了这一节来教导母神)。神记录他们的名代表他们在锡安有份。
- 锡安里的喜乐(7)。这一节让我们瞥见其他信神之国所带给锡安的喜乐,而后半节申明了他们歌颂的实体:我的泉源都在你这里。“泉源”表示锡安是所有祝福和享乐的源头,因为那里有耶和华的同在。[1]
[1] The Bible Knowledge Commentary, 857.
27 Feb 2017, Psalm 86 诗篇 86, Great is God 神为大
Scripture Reading : Psalm 86
Theme : Great is God
- Prayer for Protection (1–7). David acknowledges that he is poor, needy, and godly. Poor in the Bible is often not just referring to economic poor, but someone who is oppressed by others and is dependent on God and humble; therefore, godly. In Israel, there aren’t supposed to be any poor because of God’s good laws (Deut. 15:3). Poverty is the result of national or individual sins, such oppression of the weak or just being lazy. David is oppressed/poor and asks for God’s help because he knows God is gracious, forgiving and loving. God helps the godly. A godly person is not a perfect person, but someone who is committed to worship and obey God and being dependent on God’s forgiveness and love.
- Praise for Power (8–13). David knows whom he is praying to. He is not praying to an idol or to gods/fallen angels who rule the world. He is praying to the true God of the world, who rule these fallen angels. The God whom all the nations will one day worship. God is great in power and He is also great in His character of steadfast love toward His people. Therefore, David will praise God and pray to Him.
- Petition for Strength (14–17). He prays for God to give him strength and deliver him from his enemies. They are not just his enemies, but they are also God’s enemies because they are evil and do not worship God and oppress God’s people. They will be put to shame.
Praying the Scripture
God is the ruler and manager of the whole world. This world is broken and God is in the process of fixing things through Jesus. Until Jesus returns this world will always be broken. There will always be trouble for believers, especially when believers seek to live godly lives in an oppressed society. But know that God will still help us in all and every trouble we have on earth. He is gracious to deliver us and comfort us in all our suffering and troubles. Whether you have marriage issues, work problems, relational tensions or sickness, God is there to comfort and help you if you cry out to Him. He is always trying to mold you into the image of Christ. Pray you will always be dependent and needy on God and be devoted to pray to God daily.
- 为保守的祷告(1-7)。大卫承认自己是困苦、穷乏和虔诚的。困苦在圣经里不单是指金钱上的穷乏,也指一个被人欺压但依靠神与谦卑的人;这人因此是虔诚的。实际上,以色列不应该有贫穷人,因为神的律法是好的(申15:3)。贫困是基于国家或个人的罪;他们压迫弱者或纯属懒散。大卫被压迫而困苦,因此他祈求神的帮助,因为他知道神是有恩典、饶恕和慈爱的。神帮助虔诚的人。一个虔诚的人不是完美的人,而是一个尽忠于敬拜和顺从神的人,同时也依靠神的饶恕和慈爱。
- 为大能的赞美(8-13)。大卫知道他向谁祷告。他不是向偶像或诸神(即掌管世界的堕落天使)祷告。他是向世界的真神祷告,也就是掌管这些堕落天使的那一位。祂即是万国最终将敬拜的。神有大能;祂向子民展现坚定之爱的美德也是伟大的。因此,大卫会赞美神并向祂祷告。
- 为力量的请求(14-17)。大卫请求神给他力量,并从敌人手中搭救他。由于他们是邪恶的,他们不只是大卫的敌人,也是神的敌人。他们并不敬拜神,反而欺压神的子民。他们将受到羞愧。
25 Feb 2017, Psalm 85 诗篇 85, Understanding God’s Characters in Salvation 在救恩里明白神的品德
Scripture Reading : Psalm 85
Theme : Understanding God’s Characters in Salvation
- Past Mercies (1–3). The psalmist is trying to understand Israel’s current troubles and future prospects in light of God’s character and His past deeds. God was gracious and forgiving towards Israel in the past. God forgave Israel many, many times in the wilderness and also after they had entered the land (see Judges, Exodus and Numbers).
- Present Estrangement (4–7). Just as God was gracious to Israel in the past, the psalmist appeals to God to forgive Israel in the present. He asks God not to be angry forever.
- Future Prospects (8-13). The future prospects of Israel is very good. He is sure that God will reconcile with Israel and give them peace. However, Israel should not turn away from God again as they had done constantly in the past. God will accomplish peace with Israel without compromising His character of righteousness. All of God’s characters, including love, faithfulness, righteousness and peace, will work harmonious to fulfill God’s promise. All His characters will embrace and kiss each other. God is perfect and none of His perfect character can be compromised. He cannot disregard one character for another. This is the beauty of God. The fulfillment of peace is found in Jesus who alone can give Israel physical security from enemies, forgiveness of sins and a new heart so that they will never turn away from God again. Through the cross, none of God’s characters are compromised, but they all shine gloriously. He has accomplished His righteousness by judging sinners in Jesus and has displayed His love by sacrificing Jesus and offering forgiving to sinners.
Praying the Scripture
- 以前的慈爱(1-3)。诗人正在从神的品德和以前的行为了解以色列现在的遭遇和未来的前景。神以往对以色列是有恩慈和宽恕的。以色列在旷野流浪时,神曾无数次赦免了她,并在他们进入应许地后也是如此(参:士师记、出埃及记和民数记)。
- 现在的隔阂(4-7)。就像神过去如何恩待以色列,诗人现在也请求神宽恕以色列。他请求神不要向他们发怒到永远。
- 未来的前景(8-13)。以色列未来的前景是很好的。诗人肯定神会与以色列和好并带给他们平安。但是,以色列不应该像以前一样又拒绝神。神会在不妥协自己的公义属性下成就祂与以色列的和平。神的所有属性,包括爱、信实、公义和平安,都会一同和谐地运作成就神的应许。祂的所有品德会彼此相亲。神是完美的,而祂完美的属性一个也不会被妥协。祂不会忽视任何方面。这就是神的美。耶稣将成就这个和平;只有祂能保护以色列不受敌人的攻击,赦免以色列的罪并赐她一颗新心,叫他们不再拒绝神。藉着十字架,神的属性不受妥协,反而更闪亮耀眼。祂通过耶稣审判罪人成就祂的正义,也通过耶稣的牺牲彰显祂的慈爱以及对罪人的宽恕。
24 Feb 2017, Psalm 84 诗篇 84, The Pull of Home 家的引力
Scripture Reading : Psalm 84
Theme : The Pull of Home
- The Soul’s Longing for the Lord (1–4). Longing is written all over this psalm. This eager and homesick man is one of the Korahite temple singers, and the mood of the psalm is like Psalms 42 and 43. He longs to see God’s temple, which means He longs to see God Himself (cf. Ps. 42:2). His longing is so strong that he even considers the sparrows at God’s temple to be blessed, even more blessed are those who have the honor to serve/sing at the temple.
- The Pilgrimage to the Temple (5–7). The psalmist declared the blessedness of those who demonstrate their faith by going on pilgrimage to appear in Jerusalem before the Lord. On their pilgrimage they were strengthened by God’s blessings. The Valley of Baca (balsam tree) was apparently a waterless place that became a place of springs. The rains would cover the arid valley with pools of water, a vivid picture of God’s blessings on the faithful pilgrims.
- The Prayer of the Pilgrim (8–12). He knows God will hear his prayers because he is upright, meaning his heart and desires align with God’s heart and desires. God will give everything he asks. One desire he has is for God to bless the anointed/king who is the shield/defender of Israel. The ultimate anointed is Jesus the Messiah/Christ. Another great desire is that he would rather be a lowly servant in God’s court then in a lavish place with the wicked. The psalmist heart is pure and good, such heart can only be satisfied by God’s great character. Such heart can never be satisfied by evil even though evil offers materialistic and self-centered pleasures. God will always answer the prayers of such pure hearts. He does not use God to get his idols.
Praying the Scripture
- 灵对耶和华的渴想(1-4)。渴想充满了这章诗篇。这热切又想家的人是可拉后裔的一个圣殿唱工,而这首诗的氛围也与诗篇42和43相同。他渴想看见神的圣殿,也就是说他渴想看见神自己(参诗42:2)。他的渴望很强烈,甚至他认为在祭坛的麻雀比在圣殿侍奉和歌唱的人更有福。
- 到圣殿朝圣(5-7)。诗人也宣告往耶路撒冷朝圣以展示信心的人是有福的。朝圣途中,他们因神的祝福力上加力。流泪谷(胶衫树)似乎是一个成为泉源之地的干旱土地。秋雨会盖满缺水的谷,而这是神祝福一个忠实圣徒的生动画面。
- 圣徒的祷告(8-12)。诗人晓得神会聆听他的祷告因为他是正直的,也就是说他的心思和意念都符合神的心思和意念。神会给他所要的一切。他心里的一个渴望就是请求神赐福给受膏的王,即以色列的盾牌和防守。最终的受膏者是耶稣,祂即是弥赛亚也是基督。另一个渴望就是宁愿做神殿中的一个卑微仆人,也不愿在恶人的丰盛里。诗人的心是纯正良善的,而这种心只能在神伟大的品格中得到满足。即使邪恶能给予物质和自私的享乐,这种心是不能被邪恶满足的。神都会回应纯正之心的祷告。他不会利用神来得到他的偶像。
23 Feb 2017, Psalm 83 诗篇 83, Prayer to Deliver Israel 搭救以色列的祷告
Scripture Reading : Psalm 83
Theme : Prayer to Deliver Israel
- Danger of Destruction (1–8). The psalmist lamented the great danger from the many enemies that hemmed in Judah to crush her. He prayed that God would muster His power to destroy them, as He had done in former victories. Since Asaph had never personally witnessed Israel’s existential danger, he was prophesying, like his other psalms, about Israel’s end-times existential danger when all of Israel’s neighbors will come to attack Israel (cf. Zech. 14:1-5).
- Powerful Deliverance (9–18). When Israel is in danger, God will come to deliver them like He did in the past. The psalmist used the reference of Gideon’s victory over the Midianites (Jud. 7–8) and Deborah and Barak’s victory over Sisera (Jud. 4–5) as a pattern for future, end-times deliverance. Endor is near Taanach, mentioned in Judges 5:19. Oreb and Zeeb were the leaders of the Midianite warriors (Jud. 7:25) and Zebah and Zalmunna were Midianite kings (Jud. 8:5–6, 12, 18). Interestingly, Isaiah also referenced Gideon’s victory as a pattern of end-times victory (Is. 9:4, 10:26).
Praying the Scripture
- 面临灭亡(1-8)。诗人因犹大面临众多想围困并镇压她的敌人哀号。他求神施展能力消灭他们,如以往的胜利所显的。既然亚萨从未亲眼见证以色列受到灭绝的威胁,他与自己在其他诗篇一样,是在预言以色列末日时将面临的威胁,即邻国前往攻打以色列的时候(参:亚14:1-5)。
- 大有能力的拯救(9-18)。以色列面临危险时,神要像过去一样拯救她。诗人引用了基甸战胜米甸(士7-8)以及底波拉和巴拉战胜西西拉之例(士4-5)作末日拯救的模式。隐多珥在他纳附近,是士师记5:19提到的。俄立和西伊伯是米甸战士的首领(士7:25),而西巴和撒慕拿是米甸王(士8:5-6, 12, 18)。有趣的是,以赛亚也引用了基甸的胜利作末日胜利的模式(赛9:4, 10:26)。
22 Feb 2017, Psalm 82 诗篇 82, The God Rules over the Heavenly Council 神统治天上的议会
Scripture Reading : Psalm 82
Theme : The God Rules over the Heavenly Council
Praying the Scripture
这首诗比较难理解也常被争论。其中一个看法是“诸神”指的是人类法官(参:出22:8, 9, 28;士5:8, 9)。这个看法不太可能,因为这些神与人类是不同的(6-7节)。此外,圣经也时常提到一个由神主持的天上议会;议会里也包括天使(伯1:6-12;王上22:19-23;但4:17)。这个议会影响的是人间事理。另一个看法是说“诸神”指的是堕落的天使,而这些天使要藉着偶像统治列国。要了解这首诗,我们必须先明白“神”(Elohim)也能用指灵界的任何灵体,包括天使(诗8:5),甚至没有实体之人的灵魂(撒上28:13)。但耶和华是唯一的真神——祂是创造和统治这些诸神、天使和灵体的。因人在巴别塔拒绝神的直接管辖,所以神给予天使统治世界的责任(申32:8-9.17)。可是这些天使也反抗神,并引诱叛逆之人敬拜他们而不敬拜耶和华(西1:16;弗1:21;申32:8-9)。因此,神将打败他们并从这些魔鬼/堕落的天使手中取回列国和世界。这首诗就是神对这些堕落天使/诸神的审判宣告和祂最终在万国的直接管辖(8节)。
21 Feb 2017, Psalm 81 诗篇 81, Festivity Commemorating and Exhorting 带有纪念价值和神之劝告的欢庆
Scripture Reading : Psalm 81
Theme : Festivity Commemorating and Exhorting
- Celebration that Commemorates (1–7). This song is a festive celebration in memory of the Lord’s deliverance. It has been traditionally identified with the Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23:33–36, 39–43; Deut. 16:13–15). In the psalm Asaph summoned the people to the festival which God had ordained as a memorial to His great deliverance of them from bondage in Egypt. Using the witness of history, the writer declared that the Lord would turn their affliction away if they would worship Him alone, not idols, and obey Him. The psalmist wrote that God said that by the Exodus He relieved the Israelites of their burden and in the wilderness He tested them at Meribah (Ex. 17:7; Num. 20:13; Pss. 95:8; 106:32). The Feast of Tabernacles reminded Israel of the wanderings.
- Celebration that Exhorts (8–16). The psalmist then exhorted the Jews to repent from all idols and to worship God alone. The result of idol worship would be suffering through defeat, famine and death. The Jews must repent and return to worship God if they want life and blessing. He alone is the source of life and blessing.
Praying the Scripture
- 含有纪念价值的庆祝(1-7)。这首诗是一首欢庆的诗,纪念的是耶和华的拯救。传统上,这与住棚节紧密相连(利23:33-36;申16:13-15)。在诗篇里,亚萨召众人来庆典,而这庆典也是神所命定的,为要犹太人纪念祂如何从埃及的捆绑中拯救他们。藉着历史的见证,诗人宣告若以色列只敬拜耶和华并顺服祂,不再崇拜偶像,耶和华必带走他们的痛苦。诗人也提到神曾说祂要藉着领以色列出埃使他们的重担得脱,并在旷野的利巴水试验他们(出17:7;民20:13;诗95:8,106:32)。住棚节提醒以色列他们流浪的日子。
- 含有神之劝告的庆祝(8-16)。诗人也劝勉犹太人从偶像敬拜中悔改,唯独敬拜神。拜偶像的后果就是战败、饥荒和死亡的痛苦。如果犹太人要生命和福分,他们必须悔改并且再次敬拜神。只有神是生命和福分的源头。
20 Feb 2017, Psalm 80 诗篇 80, Deliverance through the Son of Man 藉着人子的救赎
Scripture Reading : Psalm 80
Theme : Deliverance through the Son of Man
- Appeal to Israel’s Shepherd (1–2). God is Israel’s true shepherd who rules Israel and cares for it. He is enthroned upon the cherubim, the highest order of angels. God is the ruler of Israel and of all angels and of all human beings. The psalmist’s prayer is not to some impotent angel or human being, but to the creator and ruler of the universe.
- Bread of Tears (3–7). Because of Israel’s sins, God is angry with them. They live in misery. Their daily bread is filled with tears and misery.
- Ravaged Vine (8-13). Israel is likened to a vine that God took from Egypt and planted in Palestine. But because Jews rebelled, God ravaged the vine. Asaph is referring to Israel’s end-times suffering.
- Final Appeal (14-19). Asaph prays for God to save Israel through the Son of Man, the man of God’s right hand. This is referring to the Messiah, not Israel, who is both referred as Son of Man and right hand of God (Dan. 7:13, Ps. 110:1, Col. 3:1). When Jesus delivers the Jews, He will give them life, life of the age to come, aka eternal life.
Praying the Scripture
- 向以色列牧者的请求(1-2)。神是以色列的真牧者,是祂统治和照顾以色列的。祂坐在二基路伯上,即天使的最高位。神是以色列、众天使与众人的统治者。诗人不是向无能的天使或人类祷告,而是向创造和统治宇宙万物之主祷告。
- 以眼泪当食物(3-7)。因为以色列犯罪,因此神向他们发怒。他们活在痛苦中。他们每日的粮食也充满了眼泪和痛苦。
- 毁坏的葡萄树(8-13)。以色列就像一棵从埃及挪出又栽在巴勒斯坦的葡萄树。但由于犹太人叛逆神,神就毁坏葡萄树。亚萨是在指以色列末日的患难。
- 最后的请求(14-19)。亚萨请求神通过人子,即坐在神右边的,救以色列。这是指弥赛亚,不是以色列;弥赛亚即是人子,也是坐在神右边的(但7:13;诗110:1;西3:1)。当耶稣把犹太人救出时,祂将给予他们生命,也就是来世的生命,即永生。