This ceremony was observed only once, after Israel entered the land and began to conquer it (Josh. 8:30–35). It was a solemn reminder to them that obedience to God was the secret of success (Josh. 1:8).
The Law was written on large stones so that everyone could read it. Today, as we read and meditate on God’s Word, the Spirit writes it on our hearts and transforms us from within (2 Cor. 3:1–3, 18).
The ceremony was a renewal of the nation’s covenant with God, for new beginnings deserve new acts of dedication. The burnt offering spoke of total dedication to God. The peace offerings, and the meal that followed, spoke of joyful fellowship with God.
The curses are related to the Law already given in the Ten Commandments and cover many aspects of personal life. Israel’s obeying the Law did not deliver them from Egypt or take them into Canaan, but it did enable them to live together and enjoy the blessings of God.
None of us can wholly keep God’s law or fully meet all His righteous demands. We give thanks for what Christ has done for us on the cross (Gal. 3:10–14) and what the Spirit does in our lives (Rom. 8:1–4).
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
In these two chapters, Moses explained the curses and the blessings associated with the Sinaitic Covenant. He first called Israel to perform an elaborate ceremony to ratify the covenant when they entered the Land (27:1–26; carried out by Joshua in Josh. 8:30–35). This was to remind the people that it was essential to obey the covenant and its laws. Then, Moses further explained the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience (28:1–68). The first curse (v. 15) condemned idolatry. The second curse related to dishonoring parents, and the third is about property. The fourth curse revealed God’s special concern for people with disabilities (the blinds). In the fifth curse, the focus is on treating with kindness and justice the helpless and unfortunate in the land. Curses six through nine (27:20–23) have to do with sexual purity. The perversion of sex is not only the abuse of a gift from God, but it threatens marriage and the family, which are foundational to the success of the nation. Let’s examine our hearts carefully to see if we have violated any of these commandments.