Deuteronomy 申命记 28 — Warnings 警告

God began with the blessings (vv. 1–14), but the major part of the address was given to the judgments. If this seems to be out of balance, just keep in mind that God knew their hearts (Deut. 5:29).



God promised to bless every area of their lives (vv. 2–6), including their political ventures (vv. 7, 13), their agriculture (vv. 8, 11–12), and their witness to the Gentiles (vv. 9–10). By being a separated and holy people, they would be a light to the Gentiles (Isa. 49:6), but they failed in their mission. Compare verse 10 with verse 25.

神应许要祝福他们生活的每一方面(2-6节);这包括了他们的政治扩展(7,13节)、农业(8, 11-12节)和他们向外邦人的见证(9-10节)。藉着作一群圣洁、分别为圣的人,他们将作外邦人的光(赛49:6),可他们最终完成不了自己的使命。请对比第10与第25节。


Obedience would lift them higher (vv. 1, 13), make them richer (vv. 3–6, 8), and keep them safer (v. 7). From a spiritual point of view, we can claim these promises today.

顺服能使得他们超乎天下万民(1, 13节),使他们更富裕(3-6节),也使他们更安全(7节)。从属灵的角度来看,我们今日也能享有这些祝福。


The curses are frightening, yet they eventually came upon the nation because the people turned from God to idols and disobeyed the Word of God. They did not diligently obey God, carefully observe His law, or joyfully do His will (vv. 1, 47). If we do not “serve the Lord with gladness” (Ps. 100:2), we will end up serving the enemy with sadness.

这些诅咒是可怕的,但它们最终也降临以色列国,因为百姓背离了神,悖逆了祂的话,转而敬拜偶像。他们没有留心听从神的话,谨守遵行祂的诫命,或欢心乐意地遵行祂的旨意(1, 47节)。若我们“不乐意事奉耶和华”(诗篇100:2),我们最终将会以悲痛侍奉敌人。


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. God promised to bless His people in all places—the city, the field, and the home—with all that they needed. As they went in and out in their daily work (v. 6; 8:17–18), He would care for them and prosper their efforts. He would give them victory over their enemies so that they could maintain possession of the land. We must keep in mind why the Lord promised these marvelous blessings. For one thing, the nation of Israel was still in its spiritual infancy (Gal. 4:1–7), and one way to teach children is by means of rewards and punishments. However, it wasn’t long before thinking Israelites discovered that wicked people were also receiving blessings, so there was something more to faith than just being rewarded. (See Ps. 73; Jer. 12:1–4; Job 21:7–15.) Gradually God taught His people that their obedience was a witness to the other nations (Deut. 28:12) and brought glory to His name. Let’s pray that we grow to be mature that we walk by faith not by sight.



  1. Just as God promised to bless them in every area of life if they obeyed His covenant, so He warned that He would curse them in every area of life—their bodies, families, fields, flocks, and herds—if they disobeyed. The word “destroyed” is repeated ominously (vv. 20, 24, 45, 48, 51, 61, 63). The Jews would be consumed by disease and famine and defeated in war, with their dead bodies left unburied to become food for birds and animals. Let’s pray that we take God’s word seriously. God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. (Gal 6:7)
