Deuteronomy 申命记 4 — Covenant Established 立约

Before he repeated the Law to Israel, Moses reminded them of their holy relationship with God and of their privileges as His chosen people. What other nation had heard the voice of God, had seen His power and glory, and had received His Word as their wisdom and their very life (vv. 1, 4, 25, 40)? When we take our blessings for granted, we are in danger of disobeying God.



On the basis of these privileges, Moses warned them to take heed lest they forget what God had done for them (v. 9), how God had come to them (v. 15), what God had said to them (v. 19), and what God expected of them because of His covenant (v. 23). To whom much is given, much shall be required.



He also warned them that disobedience would bring chastening. God forgives His people when they repent (vv. 29–31), but read Hebrews 12:25–29 before making plans to disobey God. He is a merciful God (v. 31), but He is also a jealous God (v. 24); He will not permit His children to sin successfully.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The nations around Israel worshiped many gods but Israel was to worship only the one true God. “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord” is the first and basic tenet in the Jewish confession of faith, “The Shema” (6:4–5); and the first of the Ten Commandments is, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (5:7). Why? Because all other “gods” are only the creations of sinful imaginations and aren’t gods at all (Rom. 1:18ff). To worship other gods is to worship nothing and become nothing (Ps. 115:8). Let’s pray that we love our God with all our hearts, souls and minds.

以色列的邻国崇拜许多假神,但她只能敬拜那独一真神。在施玛篇(The Shema)里,犹太教的第一个基本教义是:“以色列啊,你要听:耶和华我们神是独一的主”(6:4-5);另外,十诫中的第一诫命是:“除了我以外,你不可有别的神”(5:7)。为什么呢?因为其它的“神”仅是罪恶想象创造出来的,所以根本就不是神(罗1:18)。敬拜别神,相同于崇拜虚有,所以也必成为虚有(诗115:8)。让我们祈祷要尽心、尽性、尽力爱主我们的神。


  1. The archeologist’s spade has revealed that the Book of Deuteronomy follows a literary pattern used in the ancient Near East for treaties between rulers and their vassal nations. Deuteronomy has a preamble (1:1–5) and a review of the history behind the treaty (1:6–4:49). It then lists the ruler’s stipulations for the conduct of his subjects (chaps. 5–26) and what would happen if they disobeyed (chaps. 27–30). It closes with an explanation of how the treaty would operate in future generations (chaps. 31–34). The covenant expresses God’s desire so let’s pray that we obey not the letters of the law but the spirit of the law.
