There was a court system in Israel but no police force. The innocent person had to be protected before the family of a victim attempted to take vengeance. The cities of refuge provided a place of escape where the manslayer could be tried to see whether the death was manslaughter or murder.
The cities picture the salvation we have in Jesus Christ, the One to whom we have “fled for refuge” because death is pursuing us (Heb. 6:18; Rom. 6:23). The cities were appointed by God, and no other cities would do (Acts 4:12). They were accessible and available to all (Josh. 20:9; John 6:37), but the person had to believe God’s Word and act on it. The roads to those cities were clearly marked and kept in good repair. The way was open and free.
However, in Christ we have something far better! The manslayer was tried to see if he were a murderer, but those who trust Christ shall never face judgment (John 5:24; Rom. 8:1). Our High Priest lives forever and intercedes for us; therefore, we can never be refused (Heb. 7:23–28). We are indeed guilty, but He forgives us by His grace—and He takes our punishment for us!
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- The statutes explained by Moses in this part of Deuteronomy deal broadly with social and community order. Modern law still follows Moses in making a distinction between murder and manslaughter (Ex. 21:12–14; Lev. 24:17). The person who unintentionally killed someone could flee to the nearest city of refuge and present his case to the elders there. Israel had no system or policemen for locating and arresting suspected criminals. If he didn’t flee, a member of the victim’s family might chase him down and become “the avenger of blood” and kill him. By fleeing to the city of refuge, the manslayer was safe until the facts of the case could be examined and a verdict declared. If found innocent, the manslayer was allowed to live safely. Even though he was innocent, he still paid a price for accidentally killing another human being. God is just and He will judge rightly. Let’s thank God for His fairness, protection and righteousness.
- Murder was one of several capital crimes in Israel. Others were idolatry and sorcery (Lev. 20:1–6), blasphemy (24:10–16), violating the Sabbath (Num. 15:32–36), willful and repeated disobedience to parents (Deut. 21:18–21; Ex. 21:15, 17), kidnapping (Ex. 21:16), bestiality (22:19), homosexuality (Lev. 20:13), adultery, and the rape of an engaged maiden (Deut. 22:22–27). Although we don’t practice capital punishment today, we can see how serious the Lord views these sins. Let’s pray that we view these sins from the perspective of God and obey Him.
谋杀在以色列是死罪;其它的还包括:敬拜偶像和施巫术(利20:1-6)、亵渎神(24:10-16)、违反安息日(民15:32-36)、对父母顽梗悖逆(申21:18–21;出21:15, 17)、绑架(出21:16)、人兽交(22:19)、同性恋(利20:13)、奸淫和强暴有婚约女子(申22:22-27)。我们现今虽然不都为这些罪行判决死刑,但我们能从中看出神是如此严厉看待这些罪孽的。让我们祈祷,叫自己能以神的眼光看待这些罪,并听从顺服祂。