Deuteronomy 申命记 26 — Tithes 奉献

These two rituals were to be observed after the nation had entered Canaan and become an agricultural society. When they had reaped their first harvest, the people were to give the firstfruits to God to acknowledge Him as the Redeemer of the nation. God still wants us to put Him first and give Him glory for the blessings He freely bestows on us (Prov. 3:5–10).



They were also to present the “third-year tithe” to help support the Levites and the poor in the land. As with the ceremony of firstfruits, the people were to confess the Lord’s goodness in blessing the land and giving the harvest.



There is nothing wrong with special times of ceremony and celebration, especially when we make new beginnings. However, we must focus on worshiping God and not just observing a ceremony.



These two events remind us of the two great commandments, to love God first and then to love our neighbor. Grateful obedience is a hallmark of God’s special people (vv. 16–19).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Moses commanded the people to keep two rituals when they had conquered the Land and began to enjoy its produce. These two rituals were the initial firstfruits offering (26:1–11) and the first third-year special tithe (26:12–15). The offering of the firstfruits was to be accompanied by an elaborate confession of the Lord’s faithfulness in preserving Israel and bringing the people into the Land. The essential aspects of the worshiper’s coming to the sanctuary were the presentation of the firstfruits, bowing in worship, and rejoicing in the Lord’s goodness. In this manner, the visit to the sanctuary was a confession and acknowledgment of God. It was a time of praise and rejoicing because of God’s goodness and mercy extended to former generations and was evidence of divine sustaining grace at that time. Let’s pray that we possess proper attitude toward offering. It is part of worship. It is part of thanksgiving and it should be done with joy and celebration.



  1. The tithe collected every third year of Israel in the land of Canaan was not taken to the central sanctuary, but distributed locally to Levites, immigrants, widows, and orphans. In the same token we should prepare to give to the special ministries, special needs and special projects. Let’s pray that we give joyfully with a thankful heart because the Lord has already richly blessed us. Let us share the blessing of the Lord to others.
