It is a serious thing to enter into a covenant with the Lord. He will keep His part of the agreement, but we are prone to disobey. If we are to be faithful, we need spiritual renewal for our eyes, ears, and hearts (v. 4). We need to see His hand at work, hear His Word, and love Him with all our hearts.
For forty years, the people saw miracles and heard words, yet they did not perceive what God was doing. They saw His acts but did not understand His ways (Ps. 103:7). They had seen God defeat the idols of Egypt, yet they still had idolatry in their hearts. What could have been spiritual experiences was only a series of historical events because they did not focus on the Lord.
Our responsibility is to obey what we know and not pry into what we do not know (v. 29). Ponder Matthew 13:10–17, and then examine your spiritual perception.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- This chapter is the Book of Deuteronomy in miniature. Moses reviewed the past (vv. 1–8), called the people to obey God’s Law (vv. 9–15), and warned them what would happen if they disobeyed (vv. 16–29). As we read and study Moses’ farewell address, we may get weary of these repeated themes, but they are the essence of God’s covenant with His people. Many of the people who accepted the covenant at Sinai had perished in the wilderness, but there was still a “nation of Israel” that was accountable to the Lord to obey that covenant (Deut. 4–5). Future generations of Jews were also bound by the covenant made by their ancestors at Sinai. If the nation followed the idolaters and disobeyed the Lord, the Lord would judge the whole land and it would become an example to others of what happens when God’s law is violated. Let’s pray that we learn the lesson from Israel and not repeat their mistake.
- Will Israel be an obedient people? Would God send these curses? What does the future hold for the nation? Some people wonder, but this was not a time for speculation; it was a time for dedication. “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law” (29:29). Our responsibility as God’s people isn’t to try to pry open the doors of the future but to obey God’s will here and now. Let’s pray that we will not rebel against God by focusing on the mysteries like some do, but to obey what God has already made clear to us in the Bible.
以色列是否会听从神的话?神是否会降下诅咒?以色列将有怎样的未来?有些人反复遐想,但这不是猜测的时候,而是委身的时候。 “隐秘的事是属耶和华我们神的;惟有明显的事是永远属我们和我们子孙的,好叫我们遵行这律法上的一切话”(29:29)。身为神的子民,我们的责任不是要尝试撬开未来,而是服从神当下的旨意。让我们祈祷叫自己不要违背神,不要像他人一样把焦点放在隐秘的事上,而是谨守遵行神在圣经中清楚的教导。