Before viewing the land, Moses viewed the future and told the tribes what lay ahead. When Jacob gave his blessing before he died, he revealed some of the sins of his sons (Gen. 49), but Moses did not do that. Instead, he focused primarily on the relationship of the tribes with the Lord and how each one would have a distinctive character, blessing, and ministry.
God’s people are privileged to be in His hand for safekeeping (John 10:28–29) and at His feet for learning and obeying (v. 3). We are “between His shoulders,” next to His heart (v. 12), and He bears us with His “everlasting arms” (v. 27). What more could we want?
Verse 25 is a good reminder to live a day at a time, as all creation lives (Matt. 6:25–34). The best way to destroy today is to regret yesterday and worry about tomorrow. Israel faced some difficult days, but God was with them and helped them a day at a time.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
The “Song of Moses” had been a lesson in theology, history, and personal obedience, with several strong warnings included; but the final blessing Moses bestowed on his people is saturated with grace and mercy. It’s quite a contrast to the “blessing” Jacob gave his sons before he died (Gen. 49), revealing their hidden character and exposing sin. Moses opened and closed his speech by extolling the greatness of the Lord he was about to meet on top of the mount (Deut. 33:1–5, 26–29). What do you want to leave behind when you leave this world? Pray that you will leave your children the lesson of how great and faithful the Lord is and pray that they will follow your footsteps in serving Him.
《摩西之歌》是对神学、历史和个人顺服的教导,其中还包括了一些严肃的警告;然而,摩西所赐给子民的最后祝福却是充满了恩典和怜悯。这与雅各临死所赐给儿子们的“祝福” 截然不同(创49),因为雅各所做的是当面揭穿众儿子的罪性和罪行。摩西以歌颂他将在山上面见之主的伟大,作为开场和结语(申33:1-5,26-29)。当你离开这世界时,你想要留下的是什么?请祷告,叫自己留给孩子的是主的伟大和信实,并为他们祈求,愿他们跟从你的脚步侍奉祂。