Devotional/灵修 – Genesis 创世纪书


Genesis 创世纪 1:1-31 — God’s Creation 神的创造


We are conscious every day of the visible world around us. We need to remember that this world speaks to us of God, His existence, His wisdom, and His power (Rom. 1:20; Ps. 19:1–3).


Genesis 创世纪 1:1-31  ESV | CUV

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

And God said, “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” And God made the expanse and separated the waters that were under the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse. And it was so. And God called the expanse Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.

And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good.

11 And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. 12 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.

14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so. 16 And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. 17 And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.

20 And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” 21 So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.

24 And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so. 25 And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

27 So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.

28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” 29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. 30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. 31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

起 初 , 神 創 造 天 地 。

地 是 空 虛 混 沌 , 淵 面 黑 暗 ; 神 的 靈 運 行 在 水 面 上 。

神 說 : 要 有 光 , 就 有 了 光 。

神 看 光 是 好 的 , 就 把 光 暗 分 開 了 。

神 稱 光 為 晝 , 稱 暗 為 夜 。 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 這 是 頭 一 日 。

神 說 : 諸 水 之 間 要 有 空 氣 , 將 水 分 為 上 下 。

神 就 造 出 空 氣 , 將 空 氣 以 下 的 水 、 空 氣 以 上 的 水 分 開 了 。 事 就 這 樣 成 了 。

神 稱 空 氣 為 天 。 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 是 第 二 日 。

神 說 : 天 下 的 水 要 聚 在 一 處 , 使 旱 地 露 出 來 。 事 就 這 樣 成 了 。

10 神 稱 旱 地 為 地 , 稱 水 的 聚 處 為 海 。 神 看 著 是 好 的 。

11 神 說 : 地 要 發 生 青 草 和 結 種 子 的 菜 蔬 , 並 結 果 子 的 樹 木 , 各 從 其 類 , 果 子 都 包 著 核 。 事 就 這 樣 成 了 。

12 於 是 地 發 生 了 青 草 和 結 種 子 的 菜 蔬 , 各 從 其 類 ; 並 結 果 子 的 樹 木 , 各 從 其 類 ; 果 子 都 包 著 核 。 神 看 著 是 好 的 。

13 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 是 第 三 日 。

14 神 說 : 天 上 要 有 光 體 , 可 以 分 晝 夜 , 作 記 號 , 定 節 令 、 日 子 、 年 歲 ,

15 並 要 發 光 在 天 空 , 普 照 在 地 上 。 事 就 這 樣 成 了 。

16 於 是 神 造 了 兩 個 大 光 , 大 的 管 晝 , 小 的 管 夜 , 又 造 眾 星 ,

17 就 把 這 些 光 擺 列 在 天 空 , 普 照 在 地 上 ,

18 管 理 晝 夜 , 分 別 明 暗 。 神 看 著 是 好 的 。

19 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 是 第 四 日 。

20 神 說 : 水 要 多 多 滋 生 有 生 命 的 物 ; 要 有 雀 鳥 飛 在 地 面 以 上 , 天 空 之 中 。

21 神 就 造 出 大 魚 和 水 中 所 滋 生 各 樣 有 生 命 的 動 物 , 各 從 其 類 ; 又 造 出 各 樣 飛 鳥 , 各 從 其 類 。 神 看 著 是 好 的 。

22 神 就 賜 福 給 這 一 切 , 說 : 滋 生 繁 多 , 充 滿 海 中 的 水 ; 雀 鳥 也 要 多 生 在 地 上 。

23 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 是 第 五 日 。

24 神 說 : 地 要 生 出 活 物 來 , 各 從 其 類 ; 牲 畜 、 昆 蟲 、 地 上 的 野 獸 , 各 從 其 類 。 事 就 這 樣 成 了 。

25 於 是 神 造 出 野 獸 , 各 從 其 類 ; 牲 畜 , 各 從 其 類 ; 地 上 一 切 昆 蟲 , 各 從 其 類 。 神 看 著 是 好 的 。

26 神 說 : 我 們 要 照 著 我 們 的 形 像 、 按 著 我 們 的 樣 式 造 人 , 使 他 們 管 理 海 裡 的 魚 、 空 中 的 鳥 、 地 上 的 牲 畜 , 和 全 地 , 並 地 上 所 爬 的 一 切 昆 蟲 。

27 神 就 照 著 自 己 的 形 像 造 人 , 乃 是 照 著 他 的 形 像 造 男 造 女 。

28 神 就 賜 福 給 他 們 , 又 對 他 們 說 : 要 生 養 眾 多 , 遍 滿 地 面 , 治 理 這 地 , 也 要 管 理 海 裡 的 魚 、 空 中 的 鳥 , 和 地 上 各 樣 行 動 的 活 物 。

29 神 說 : 看 哪 , 我 將 遍 地 上 一 切 結 種 子 的 菜 蔬 和 一 切 樹 上 所 結 有 核 的 果 子 全 賜 給 你 們 作 食 物 。

30 至 於 地 上 的 走 獸 和 空 中 的 飛 鳥 , 並 各 樣 爬 在 地 上 有 生 命 的 物 , 我 將 青 草 賜 給 他 們 作 食 物 。 事 就 這 樣 成 了 。

31 神 看 著 一 切 所 造 的 都 甚 好 。 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 是 第 六 日 。

  1. God Creates 神创造
Everything begins with God and fulfills His purposes for His glory (Col. 1:16–17; Rev. 4:11). He works by the power of His Word (Ps. 33:6–9), the same Word that can work in our lives (1 Thess. 2:13). He works according to a plan: first He forms, then He fills. He formed the earth and filled it with plants and animals. He formed the firmament and filled it with stars and planets. He formed the seas and filled them with living creatures. He can form and fill our lives today if we will yield to Him. Persons who have trusted Jesus Christ are a part of the new creation (2 Cor. 4:6; 5:17; Eph. 2:8–10).

万物都是靠神造的,且成就了神的旨意,将荣耀归于神(西1:16-17;启4:11)。万物皆由祂口中的话而成(诗33:6-9),而这话也能运行在我们的生命中(帖前2:13)。神是按着计划而行的:先有形,后填满。祂先形成地球,后以植物和动物填满。祂先形成苍穹,后以恒星和行星遍及宇宙。祂先形成海洋,后以生物充满。如果我们愿顺服神,祂也可以塑造并充满我们的生命。信靠耶稣基督的就是新造的人(林后4:6,5:17; 弗2:8-10)。


  1. God Names 神起名
He named what He made, and we have no right to make changes: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness” (Isa. 5:20). God calls things by their right names; if we use His vocabulary, we must also use His dictionary. (See Prov. 17:15.)


  1. God Divides 神分隔
He separated the light from the darkness, the dry land from the waters, and the waters above from the waters beneath. This principle of separation is basic in the whole Bible: He separated Abraham from Ur, the nation of Israel from the Gentiles, His church from the world (John 17:14–16). He wants His people today to be separated from all that defiles (2 Cor. 6:14–7:1).


  1. God Blesses 神赐福
The first man and woman were the only part of creation specially blessed by God. Because we are created in the image of God, we are different from the other creatures God made, and we must be careful how we treat one another (Gen. 9:6; James 3:9). Sin has marred that divine image, but one day all true believers will bear the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29). The more we are like Christ, the more we will enjoy His blessing (2 Cor. 3:18).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告

  1. We are God’s creatures created by Him. So let’s pray that we humbled before Him and worship Him. How often do we behave as if we come into existence by our own will and we are our own master? Let’s confess our sins and once again acknowledge Him as our Creator, Lord and Master of our lives.


  1. God naming Adam signified his authority over man. No one has authority to name your children unless you give them permission. Let us acknowledge his authority in our lives.


  1. 1 Pet 1:16 says, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” The word “holy” means separate. We need to separate ourselves from the world system and value. We need to separate ourselves from the animals. We need to be separated because we are made of God’s image. Let’s pray that we keep ourselves separate to reflect God’s glory.



20 Mar 2018, Gen 50 创50章, Three Burials 三个葬礼

Scripture Reading        : Gen 50

Theme                             : Three Burials


Three burials are mentioned in this final chapter of Genesis, and each is significant.

Burying a beloved father.

It is instructive to contrast the simple Jewish funerals with the elaborate burial customs of the Egyptians. There is certainly nothing wrong with caring for the body and expressing grief, so long as we keep things in perspective. Jacob died in faith and was a pilgrim to the very end (Heb. 11:21). He started with his staff and ended with his staff (32:10; 1 Tim. 6:6).

Burying the past.

Joseph’s brothers did not really believe that Joseph had forgiven them, even though they had heard his words, seen his tears, felt his kisses, and received his gifts (45:1–15). Like the prodigal son, they offered to work their way into his favor (Luke 15:19). Their attitude grieved Joseph, who had endured so much for them, just as we grieve our Lord when we doubt His forgiveness and love (Rom. 8:31–39).

Burying a devoted brother.

Like his father, Joseph knew what he believed and where he belonged. If we consider all the difficulties he had experienced in life, it is remarkable that Joseph had any faith at all. He knew God’s promise to Abraham that the nation would be delivered from Egypt (15:12–16), and he reiterated that promise to his family. Joseph had brought them to Egypt and cared for them in Egypt. His coffin reminded them that God would bring them out of Egypt. What an encouragement that was during the dark days of their bondage. Our encouragement today is not a coffin but an empty tomb (1 Pet. 1:3ff.). [1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. Jacob’s “last witness and testimony” was a beautiful revelation of the gracious Lord who had cared for His servant for so many years (48:15). When Jacob knew that his days were numbered, he wanted to be sure that he would be buried in the Promised Land and not in Egypt.  Like Jacob, Joseph’s last concern was for his sons to bury him in the cave of Machpelah to which the Lord gave the land to Abraham (Gen. 23). Joseph was truly a pilgrim to the very end of his life. Do we know where we belong (Phil 3:20)?
  1. The second burial was the burial of the past. Forgiveness is to let go and not to remember the past. Joseph not only forgave his brothers, but he also assured them of his constant care. “I will nourish you, and your little ones” (Gen. 50:21). He gave them homes to live in, work to do, food to eat and provision for their needs. Once again, we see here a picture of our Savior, who promises never to leave us or forsake us (Matt. 28:20; John 6:37; 10:27–29; Heb. 13:5–6) and to meet our every need (Rom. 8:32; Phil. 4:19). Are you willing to forgive your brothers?

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 50:1.







能够识别简单的犹太葬礼和夸张奢侈的埃及葬礼是非常具有教育性的。对身体的尊重和表达自己的悲痛,肯定是没有什么不妥的,只要我们对事物保持正确的看法。雅各在信心里去世,由始至终都是一个旅居者(希11:21)。他以杖开始,也以杖结束(32:10;前提 6:6)。









  1. 雅各“最后的见证”述说着那位多年照顾仆人,而且满有恩典的神(48:15)。当雅各知道自己的日子不多时,他要确保自己将被葬在应许之地而不是埃及。约瑟也是一样,他最所关心的是要儿子把自己埋葬在麦比拉洞,主所应许亚伯拉罕的土地(创23)。约瑟到最后仍然是一位真正的旅居者。你知道自己真正的归属吗(腓3:20)?
  1. 第二葬礼是“过去”的埋葬。宽恕是放下,同时不再回想过去。约瑟不仅原谅了他的兄弟,但他也向他们保证,他将不间断的照料他们。 “现在你们不要害怕,我必养活你们和你们的妇人孩子”(创50:21)。他给他们地方的住、给他们工作做、给他们食物吃、并提供他们所需的一切。再次,这也代表了我们的救主,那应许我们永远也不离开或离弃,并满足我们一切所需的主(太28:20,约6:37;10:27-29;希13:5-6),(罗马书8:32;腓4:19)。你愿意原谅你的弟兄姊妹吗?

19 Mar 2018, Gen 48-49 创48-49章, Preparing for Death 为死亡预备

Scripture Reading        : Gen 48-49

Theme                            : Preparing for Death


What should believers do for their family before God takes them in death? Just what Jacob did.

He praised God for the past.

He told his family what God had done for him and how God had blessed him. God had redeemed him and shepherded him all his life (48:15–16). Jacob had been in some hard places, but the “Stone of Israel” had been his refuge and defense (49:24). At the end of life, may we be able to say, “Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord” (Ps. 34:11).

He gave a blessing while he could.

Reuben’s sin cost him the blessing of the firstborn and Simeon and Levi’s sins also cost them their blessing. Jacob made Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh to replace Simeon and Levi (Gen. 49:5–7; Gen. 35:22ff; 1 Chron. 5:1–2.) God also changed the birth order as Jacob put Ephraim ahead of Manasseh. Joseph was disturbed by the move, but Jacob was right. We must never try to tell God how to bless other people.

He warned about the future.

Chapter 49 is not only a father’s blessing on his sons. Rather, it is a prophecy of what the sons could expect in the future because of their individual characters and the decisions they had made. Reuben was the lustful prodigal son, but Levi and Simeon were angry elder brothers. Judah would be the royal tribe, for the Messiah (Shiloh, “the peace-bringer”) would come from Judah. Joseph was the vine that went over the wall separating Jews and Gentiles. He was shot at by his brethren, which often happens to those who are especially blessed of God. But the Lord was with him, strengthened him, and extended his boundaries of blessing (v. 26). Joseph suffered, and his sons were blessed by God. Reuben sinned, and his sons lost the blessing of God. [1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. Everyone will face death regardless if you are ready or not. What will you say to your family members on your dying bed? What legacy do you want to leave behind? Can you recount your life story and testimony to them? Every decision you make and every step you take will be woven into a story you will leave behind to your family. Let’s pray that it will be a story that glorifies God rather than you.
  2. The three sons of Joseph learned that their past conduct had cost them their future inheritance (vv. 3–7). Joseph replaced Reuben, Jacob’s firstborn (49:3–4; 1 Chron. 5:2); and now Joseph’s sons would replace Simeon and Levi (Gen. 49:5–7), Jacob’s second and third sons. We always reap what we sow. But something else was true: Jacob’s prophetic words must have given great encouragement to his descendants during their difficult time of suffering in Egypt, as well as during their unhappy years wandering in the wilderness. Jacob assured each tribe of a future place in the Promised Land, and that meant a great deal to them. Dear Lord, help me to remind our family to fix their eyes on you and your promises rather than ourselves.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 48:1.









流便为自己的罪赔上自己的长子祝福,而西缅和利未的罪也为自己赔上了他们自己的祝福。雅各以约瑟的儿子以法莲和玛拿西来取代西缅和利未(创49:5-7;创35:22 ;代上5:1-2)。神也改变了两个兄弟的出生顺序,雅各把以法莲放在玛拿西之先。约瑟对此感到不安,但雅各是正确的。我们永远都不可试图告诉神该如何祝福别人。



  1. 不管你是否准备好,每个人都会面对死亡。在你垂死的床上,你会对家人说些什么呢?你想留下什么呢?你是否可以叙述你的生命并向他们作见证呢?你所做的每一个决定、所走的每走一步,将是你留给家人的一个故事。让我们祷告这将是一个荣耀神的故事,而不是荣耀你自己。
  1. 雅各约瑟的三个儿子因为他们过去的行为已赔上了他们未来的奖赏(3-7节)。约瑟代替流便成为雅各的长子(49:3-4;代上5:2):而现在雅各的两个儿子将取代西缅和利未(创49:5-7),雅各的第二和第三的儿子。我们必自食其果。除此以外,雅各还预言他的后裔将在埃及面临困难和痛苦,并且有多年徘徊在旷野。但雅各保证每支派在未来的应许之地时候,他们必有一席之地,这对他们有重大的意义。亲爱的主啊,帮助我提醒我们的家人要瞩目于袮和袮的应许,而不看我们自己身上。
  1. 神也应许了雅各关于弥赛亚的启示。在雅各的话中,你认识到示罗(49:10)、救世主(耶稣,49:18)、大能者、大牧者、盘石(49:24)和全能的(49:25),所有都指向我们的救主耶稣基督。亲爱的主,请帮我们在圣经中看到袮,尤其是在旧约里。

17 Mar 2018, Gen 46-47 创46-47章, The Last Trip of the Pilgrim 旅居者最后之旅

Scripture Reading        : Gen 46-47

Theme                            : The Last Trip of the Pilgrim


It would not be easy for Jacob, now 130 years old, to leave the land God gave him and go to Egypt. Moving to a new home is usually a difficult experience, and the older we are, the more difficult it is. Furthermore, Abraham got into trouble in Egypt (12:10ff.), and God had stopped Isaac from going there (26:2ff.).

But Jacob was able to go with confidence and peace because he was sure of God’s promise and presence (46:1–4). Furthermore, Jacob knew that God had gone before him and that Joseph was there making everything ready for him. The future is your friend when Jesus is your Lord and you follow Him.

Jacob was a blessing in Egypt. He blessed Pharaoh (47:7, 10), Joseph and Joseph’s sons (48:15, 20), and all twelve of the sons of Israel (49:1ff.). God blesses us that we might be a blessing. Circumstances change, but God never changes.

Egypt was a haven for Jacob and his family, and there God protected them and built of them a great people. But Jacob knew that Egypt was not his home, Canaan was; and he wanted to be buried there with the others who had made the same pilgrimage of faith. He was a testimony in life, and he wanted to be a testimony in death. Despite his mistakes and failures in life, Jacob ended well. 


Praying the Scripture

  1. Change is something most people, perhaps especially the elderly, fear and resist. Moreover, Egypt was a pagan land. Perhaps Jacob was fearful because his grandfather Abraham had gotten into serious trouble by going to Egypt (12:10ff). His father Isaac was also stopped by the Lord when he was going to Egypt (26:1–2). Egypt could be a dangerous place for God’s pilgrims. But the Lord came to Jacob at night and assured him that it was safe for him and his family to relocate. Why did God want Jacob’s family to live in Egypt? Because God plans to use the hands of Egyptians to mold them into a mighty nation (12:2). In a spiritual sense, we all are in “Egypt” now because we are living in this pagan world. Let’s humble ourselves and completely rely on God for every step we take here on earth.
  1. When Abraham was nearing death, his desire was to find a wife for Isaac and transfer to him the blessings of the covenant (chap. 24). When Isaac was on his dying bed, he wanted to eat his favorite meal and then bless his favorite son, who was not chosen by God. (chap. 27) For Jacob, his concern was to bless Joseph, whom he had made his firstborn (49:3–4; 1 Chron. 5:2), and then adopt Joseph’s two sons as his own to replace his second son, Simeon, and third son, Levi (Gen. 49:5–7). Levi and Simeon were punished for their sins at Shechem (Gen. 34). Lord, help us to finish to race well as Paul has said. (2Ti 4:7)
  1. There’s also a revelation of the Messiah, who had been promised to Jacob’s people. In these words of Jacob, you meet Shiloh (v. 10), Salvation (Yeshua, v. 18), the Mighty One, the Shepherd, and the Stone (v. 24), and the Almighty (v. 25), all of which point to our Savior, Jesus Christ. Dear Lord help us to see you in Scripture especially Old Testament.
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 46:1.







雅各在埃及成为每个人的祝福。他祝福法老(47:7,10)、约瑟和他的兄弟(49:1 ff),还有约瑟的儿子(48:15,20)。神祝福我们也使我们能成为别人的祝福。生活可以不断改变,但神永远不会改变。



  1. 改变是大多数人所恐惧和抗拒的,特别是年老人。更何况埃及是一个异教徒的地方。雅各或许感到害怕,因为他的祖父亚伯拉罕在埃及惹上大麻烦(12:10 ff)。神也阻止他的父亲以撒到埃及去(26:1-2)。埃及对神的旅居者来说或许是个危险的地方。但夜间主在异象中对雅各说他可以放心的把家人迁往埃及。为什么神要雅各的家人住在埃及呢?因为神计划通过埃及人的手把他们塑造成一个强大的国家(12:2)。在属灵意义上,我们现在就居住在“埃及”里,因为我们生活在这个异教的世界。让我们谦卑,在这世上所行的每一步都完全依靠神。
  1. 当亚伯拉罕快要去世时,他的愿望是为以撒找到一位妻子并把立约的祝福赐给以撒(第24章)。当以撒垂死在床上时,他想着的是自己最爱吃的食物、并想要祝福没有被神拣选,但是自己最喜爱的儿子。 (第27章)而雅各所关注的是祝福他所立的长子约瑟(49:3-4;代上5:2),然后领养约瑟的儿子以取代自己的两个儿子西缅和利未(创49:5-7)。利未和西缅在示剑(创34)因自己的罪孽受惩罚。主啊,帮助我们像雅各和保罗一样完成人生美好的结局。 (提后4:7)

16 Mar 2018, Gen 45 创45章, Beautiful Picture of Forgiveness 宽恕 – 美丽的画面

Scripture Reading        : Gen 45

Theme                            : Beautiful Picture of Forgiveness



When Joseph saw that his brothers’ hearts were humble, and when he heard them confess their sins, he knew it was safe to reveal his identity to them. Had he done it earlier, they would not have been ready for the blessings he had for them; and had he waited longer, the men might have been in total despair. Our Lord knows just how to work in our lives to bring us to submission. Joseph could have fed them and their father without going through this lengthy procedure, but it would only have further ruined their character.


Joseph said, “Please come near to me” (v. 4). He had forgiven them, but they were still afraid. In fact, they would still be afraid seventeen years later (50:15–21). In Jesus Christ, we have been reconciled to God, and we need not fear judgment (Rom. 8:1; 2 Cor. 5:18; Col. 1:20). God wants us to draw near to Him (Heb. 10:19–25; James 4:8).


Joseph explained to them that God had sent him before them to preserve the nation so that Israel could be a blessing to all the earth (12:1–3). God’s providential purpose did not minimize their sins or negate their responsibility (Acts 2:23; 3:13–18), but it did help to ease their fear and sorrow. Joseph further reassured them by giving them rich gifts and promising to care for the whole family. The gifts he sent home helped to give Jacob the assurance he needed that Joseph indeed was alive.

Joseph knew his brothers, so he admonished them: “Don’t be angry with yourselves!” (v. 5), and “Don ’t quarrel on the journey!” (v. 24). We quickly lose the blessing when we fail to accept Christ’s forgiveness and then love one another. (See 1 John 4:7ff.)  [1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. The simple statement “I am Joseph” exploded like a bomb in their ears and brought terror to their hearts. They were speechless. Every mouth was dropped as they stood guilty before their judge (Rom. 3:19). Yes, Joseph’s brothers were guilty. Yes, they were responsible for Joseph’s sufferings, but God used them to accomplish His divine purposes. The story of Joseph encourages us to recognize the sovereignty of God in the affairs of life and to trust His promises no matter how dark the day may be. “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.” (Pro 19:21) Dear Lord, help me to trust you no matter what happen because you are a sovereign, loving, gracious and wise God.
  1. Since Joseph could see his brothers’ mixed responses of fear and bewilderment, he encouraged them with words that came from a loving and forgiving heart. Joseph even urged them not to be angry with themselves (v. 5) and don’t quarrel on the road (v24). What a loving and tender heart of Joseph! Dear Lord, help me to be like Joseph. Even he suffered years of toil and pains he still can forgive because he sees God in the situation. Help me to be forgiving, loving and gracious like our Lord Jesus Christ.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 45:1–46:1.








当约瑟说: “请你们近前来”(4节),他已经原谅了他们。但他们仍然害怕。事实上,十七年后他们仍然感到害怕(50:15-21)。在耶稣基督里,我们已经与神和好,我们无需害怕审判(罗8:1;林后5:18;西1:20)。神的确要我们亲近祂(希10:19-25;雅4:8)。






  1. 一句简单的话:“我是约瑟”,如雷震耳般的像一颗炸弹在他们的耳朵里爆炸、带给他们慌恐。他们无话可说。站在罪的面前受审判,他们百口莫辩(罗3:19)。是的约瑟的兄弟的确有罪。是的约瑟的苦难是他们的错,但神使用它来完成祂神圣的目的。约瑟的故事鼓励我们无论在多么黑暗的日子里,都可以认识到神在生活中每一个角落的主权,并相信祂的应许。“人心多有计谋;惟有耶和华的筹算才能立定。”(箴19:21)亲爱的主啊,帮助我在任何情况下都要信任袮,因为袮是一个有主权、爱、恩典和满有智慧的神。
  1. 约瑟从兄弟们身上看到恐惧和困惑交杂的反应,因此他以一个充满爱和宽恕的心来鼓励他们。约瑟甚至敦促他们“不要因为把我卖到这里自忧自恨!”(5节),也 “不要在路上相争!”(24节)约瑟的心是多么充满着爱和温柔啊!亲爱的主,帮我能像约瑟一样。即使他遭受了多年的辛劳和痛苦,但他仍然可以原谅自己的弟兄。因为他以神的眼光看待一切。请帮我做个宽容、亲切、有爱心的人,就像我们的主耶稣基督一样。

15 Mar 2018, Gen 42-44 创42-44章, Face to Face with your own Sin 与自己的罪面对面

Scripture Reading        : Gen 42-44

Theme                            : Face to Face with your own Sin


These chapters describe Joseph’s dealings with his brothers and the brothers’ consequent confrontations with their father. The ten brothers had sinned against both Jacob and Joseph, but they thought that Joseph was dead and their sin was safely hidden. Joseph had to deal with them patiently, honestly, and decisively, just the way the Lord works with us when we have tried to cover our sins.

Joseph’s immediate goal was to get all eleven brothers to Egypt to fulfill the dream God had given him more than twenty years before. However his ultimate goal was to get them to confess their sins and be reconciled to him and Jacob. The men had to come to the place where their mouths were stopped (44:16; Rom. 3:19).

In a masterful way, Joseph wove these two purposes together as he spoke roughly to them, accused them of crimes, and insisted on their bringing Benjamin to Egypt. Outwardly, he was a stern ruler; but behind the scenes, he was a weeping brother.

Jacob’s responses mirror our responses to God’s providential disciplines: “Everything is against me!” (42:36); “Why didn’t you do it differently?” (43:6); “Take a gift along” (43:11 [always the schemer!]); “If it has to be, it has to be!” (43:14). From pessimism to fatalism, and very little faith. [1]

Praying the Scripture

  1. Be sure your sin will find you out. (Num 32:23). The ten brothers thought that Joseph was dead and their sin was safely hidden. However, God is righteous and He will by no means leave the guilty (Nah 1:3) However, the Bible also said, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1Jo 1:9) Dear Lord, Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! (Psa 139:23-24)
  1. Joseph’s pent up emotions had reached its limit and he had to leave the room and wept privately. This is the first of six such records; for Joseph also wept when he saw his brother Benjamin (43:29–30), when he revealed himself to his brothers (45:2), when he met his father in Egypt (46:29), when his father died (50:1), and when he assured his brothers that they were truly forgiven (v. 17). That which makes a person weep is a good test of character. Do you weep occasionally? Does it reveal the true desires of your hearts or character? Let’s search our hearts and pray to God.
  1. Jacob’s responses mirror our responses to God’s providential disciplines: “Everything is against me!” (42:36); “Why did you treat me so badly?” (43:6); “If it has to be, it has to be!” (43:14) This is getting from bad to worst; from pessimism to fatalism. It demonstrates very little faith on our part. It shows our ignorance of God and his love and wisdom. Do we behave the same way as Jacob when facing trials? Let’s examine ourselves and respond to God accordingly.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary  (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 42:1.








雅各对神管教的回应和我们相似:“这些事都归到我身上了(这些事都算我的错)!”(42:36),“你们为什么这样害我?”(43:6);“ 我若丧了儿子,就丧了吧!”(43:14)。从悲观到宿命论,这是没有信心的表现。


  1. 要知道你的罪必找上你。 (民32:23)。这十位兄弟以为约瑟已死了,他们的罪就可以一了百了,在没有人知道的情况下遮盖起来了。然而,神是公义的,祂绝不使有罪的成为无罪。 (鸿1:3)但圣经也说:“我们若认自己的罪,神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义。(约一1:9)亲爱的主,求袮鉴察我,知道我的心思,试炼我,知道我的意念,看在我里面有什么恶行没有,引导我走永生的道路!(诗139:23-24)
  1. 当约瑟再也无法压抑自己的情绪,他就不得不离开房间私下哭泣。这是六个记录约瑟哭泣的第一个。当他看到自己的弟弟便雅悯时也哭了(43:29-30)、当他向兄弟们透露自己(45:2)、当他在埃及见到了父亲(46: 29)、当父亲去世时(50:1),还有当他向兄弟们保证已经原谅他们时(17节)。什么使人哭泣呢?那件事就是一个测试人内心很好的工具。你偶尔会哭泣吗?它揭示你心里真实的愿望或性格吗?让我们来鉴察自己的心并向神祷告。
  1. 雅各对神管教的回应和我们相似:“这些事都归到我身上了(这些事都算我的错)!”(42:36),“你们为什么这样害我?”(43:6);“ 我若丧了儿子,就丧了吧!”(43:14)。这是越来越糟的表现,从悲观到宿命论。这代表我们是小信的人。这也显示了我们对神的爱和祂智慧的无知。当我们遇见磨练时,我们是否和雅各一样?让我们来审查自己和在祷告中回应神。


14 Mar 2018, Gen 41 创41章, Waiting for God 等候主

Scripture Reading        : Gen 41

Theme                             : Waiting for God



For two years, Joseph was forgotten by the chief butler, but he was not forgotten by the Lord. It is disappointing to depend on people, for often their help never comes (Pss. 60:11; 146:3). Speaking to the world’s greatest ruler, Joseph was careful to give all the glory to God (vv. 16, 25, 28, 32).


God always exalts the humble “in due time” (1 Pet. 5:6). Joseph started as a servant, but then God made him a ruler (Matt. 25:21). He experienced suffering before God gave him glory (1 Pet. 5:10). God invested thirteen years in making a man out of Joseph; when it comes to building character, God is never in a hurry.


Joseph’s new name probably means “the one who furnishes nourishment to the land.” He got married and named his two sons Manasseh (“one who forgets”) and Ephraim (“double fruit”). Joseph determined to forget the past and live for the future. In the Bible, forgetting means “not holding it against another.” Joseph certainly did not forget what his brothers did, but he did not hold it against them. Instead, he concentrated on living a fruitful life to the glory of God.[1]

Praying the Scripture

  1. Joseph was forgotten by the chief butler but he was not forgotten by the Lord. God caused Pharaoh to have two dreams that no one can interpret. God prodded the cupbearer to remember Joseph and brought him to the Pharaoh. In front of the greatest ruler of the world, Joseph was humble before God and gave honor to the only true and living God (v. 16; see also 40:8; Dan. 2:27–28). Lord, help us not to fear man but you alone.
  1. “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes” (Prov. 21:1, nkjv). Joseph’s demeanor, his skill at interpreting dreams, and his wisdom in finding a solution to the problem of the famine all impressed Pharaoh and convinced him that Joseph was the man for the job. Thirteen years before, his brothers had stripped him of his special robe, but now Pharaoh gave him a robe far greater significance. Lord, help us to humble ourselves under your mighty hand so that at the proper time you may exalt us. (1Pe 5:6)
  1. Joseph accomplished some wonderful things including overcoming trial and temptation in Egypt. But there was one more achievement that in some ways was greatest of all: He was enabled by God’s grace to wipe out the pains and bad memories of the past and make a new beginning. The name of his son Manasseh means “forgetting.” Joseph didn’t forget his family or the events that occurred, but he did forget the pain and suffering that they caused. He realized that God meant it for good (50:20). Therefore, looking at the past from that perspective, he attained victory over his bad memories and bitterness. Lord, help us be like Joseph so that we can forget past pains and make a new beginning.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 41:1.








神总是 “在适当的时候” 高举谦卑的人(彼前5:6)。约瑟以仆人的身份开始,但最后神使他成为统治者(马25:21)。他在受苦难之后,神才给他荣耀(彼前5:10)。神花了13年的时间来塑造约瑟。说到建立品格时,神从不着急。





  1. 首席管家把约瑟忘的一干二净,但主没有忘记他。神使法老做了两个没人能解释的梦。神使酒政记起约瑟并把他带到法老前。在世界上最伟大统治者前,约瑟在神面前谦卑自己,并把荣幸归给唯一真神(16节;40:8;但2:27-28)。主啊,求袮帮助我们只唯独敬畏袮,而不是人。
  1. “王的心在耶和华手中,好像陇沟的水随意流转”(箴21:1)。约瑟的风范、他诠释梦的技巧、他在为饥荒寻找解决方案的智慧给法老留下深刻的印象,使法老确信,约瑟是可以胜任这的。十三年前,他的兄弟们剥光了他特殊的长袍,但是现在,法老给他一件具有更远大意义的长袍。主啊,请帮助我们在袮大能的手下谦卑自己,以便在适当的时候,袮可高举我们。 (彼前5:6)
  1. 约瑟的一生有惊人的成就,包括为埃及人克服试炼和试探。但他最伟大的成就是在神的恩典下,消除过去的一切痛苦和不好的回忆,并有一个新的开始。他的儿子玛拿西的名字是“忘记”,约瑟没有忘记他的家人或所发生的事,但他忘记了其中的痛苦和苦难。他意识到神的旨意思原是好的(50:20)。因此,从这个角度来看自己的过去,约瑟战胜了那些不好的回忆和辛酸。主啊,请帮助我们像约瑟一样,可以忘记过去的痛苦,并拥有一个新的开始。

13 Mar 2018, Gen 39-40 创39-40章, The Man of God 属神的人

Scripture Reading        : Gen 39-40

Theme                            : The Man of God


The key to Joseph’s victory was his godly character, and the basis for that character was his recognition that he belonged to God and served Him (39:9). “The Lord was with Joseph” is often repeated (39:2, 3, 21, 23).

The Lord is with us as we work, and we should do our work as unto Him (Eph. 6:5–8). He is with us when we are tempted and will show us the way to escape (1 Cor. 10:13). We must keep away from temptation (Rom. 13:14); and if it gets too close, we must run away (2 Tim. 2:22). It is better to flee and lose your garment than fall and lose your character.

God is with us as we wait. Joseph spent two difficult years working in the prison, but he held to his faith and did what he could to serve others. The experience helped to “put iron into his soul” (Ps. 105:17–22). If the Lord controls us, it makes little difference who commands us.

The fact that Joseph could interpret the dreams of the baker and butler indicates that he understood the meaning of his own dreams. He knew that one day his eleven brothers would have to bow before him. What an encouragement that was to his faith! [1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. Joseph had suffered in a pit because of the hatred of his brothers, but now he would face an even greater danger because of the lust of a woman. Pharaoh’s wife seduced him and Joseph fled. There are times when fleeing could be a mark of cowardice (Ps. 11:1–2; Neh. 6:11), but there are also times when fleeing is evidence of courage and integrity. Joseph was wise enough to follow the same advice Paul gave to Timothy, “Flee the evil desires of youth” (2 Tim. 2:22). Lord, we want to flee from the evil desires of youth. So help us, Lord.
  1. For the second time in his life, Joseph lost a garment (Gen. 39:12; 37:23ff); but as the Puritan preacher said, “Joseph lost his coat but he kept his character.” Self-control is an important factor in building character and preparing us for leadership. “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls” (Prov. 25:28). Joseph exercised self-control, but Samson used his body to gratify his own pleasures; and Joseph ended up ruling on a throne, while Samson ended his life buried in a pile of rubble (Jud. 16:23–31). Dear Lord, help us to learn self control in every aspect of our life so we are able to resist temptation when it comes.
  1. When he was at home in Hebron, Joseph’s brothers considered him to be a trouble-maker, but in Egypt, he was a source of blessing because God was with him. God promised Abraham that his descendants would bring blessing to other nations (12:1–3), and Joseph not only fulfilled that promise in Egypt, he also saved the Israel and his own family from famine. Dear Lord, help us to be blessing to the people around us especially our family.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 39:1.





约瑟得胜的关键是那虔诚的性格,而这性格的基础是他认识到自己是属于神、服事神的(39:9)。注意“主与约瑟同在” 这句话一直不断的在经文中重复(39:2,3,21,23)。




  1. 约瑟较早因为兄弟的嫉妒而掉入了坑里,但现在却因一个女人的情欲把他陷入更大的危机中。虽然法老的妻子勾引约瑟,但他却逃跑了。有时逃跑,是一个胆怯的表现(诗篇11:1-2;尼6:11),但有时逃跑,是勇气和正直的凭据。和约瑟一样保罗给提摩太的劝告也是“逃避少年的私欲”(2提2:22)。主啊,帮助我们逃避少年的私欲。
  1. 约瑟在生命中第二次失去了衣裳(创39:12;37:23 FF);但就如清教徒所说的一样:“约瑟失去了衣裳,但他保全了自己的品格。”自制是一个塑造性格和预备领导的一个重要的要素。 “人不制伏自己的心,好像毁坏的城邑没有墙垣”(箴25:28)。约瑟操练节制的能力,最终使约瑟成为埃及的宰相;但参孙放纵情欲而导致他死在一堆瓦砾中(士16:23-31)。亲爱的主,请帮助我们在生活的每一个方面学会自我控制,那当试探来时我们能够抵挡它。
  1. 当约瑟在希伯伦时,约瑟的哥哥认为他是一个挑拨是非的人,但在埃及时,他却成为了祝福的来源,因为神与他同在。神应许亚伯拉罕,他的后裔将带来其他国家祝福(12:1-3),约瑟在埃及不仅实现了这一承诺,他还从饥荒中拯救了以色列和自己的家庭。亲爱的主,请帮助我们成为我们周围的人的祝福,尤其是我们的家人。

12 Mar 2018, Gen 38 创38章, The Grace and Plan of God 神的恩典和计划

Scripture Reading        : Gen 38

Theme                            : The Grace and Plan of God


The events in this chapter seem to interrupt the story, but why is this story here? One of the major purposes of Genesis is to record the origin and development of the family of Jacob, the founder of the twelve tribes of Israel. The Israelites went down to Egypt a large family, and four centuries later they came out of Egypt a large nation. Since the tribe of Judah is the royal tribe from which the Messiah would come (49:10), anything related to Judah is vital to the story in Genesis. Without this chapter, you’d wonder at finding Tamar and Perez in our Lord’s genealogy (Matt. 1:3). Perez was an ancestor of King David (Ruth 4:18–22) and therefore an ancestor of Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:1).

Judah marrying a Canaanite woman was clearly disobedience God’s command (24:3; 2 Cor. 6:14–7:1). When we disobey, we will reap the consequences sin brings to us. Two of his sons were slain by God, and then his wife died. What tragedy! It was expected that the next son would marry the widow and thus preserve the family, but Judah did not intend to keep his promise (v. 11). Although Tamar’s purpose was good but her plan was wicked. Leaving the signet and staff was like leaving fingerprints, because each man’s was distinctive. Judah was quick to condemn Tamar for sinning, but he was blind his own sins toward Joseph and Tamar. [1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. This chapter shows how dangerous it was for God’s people to be in the land with the Canaanites. There will always be temptations. Judah got himself into trouble when he separated himself from his brothers and started to make friends with the Canaanites in the land. Like Samson, he saw a woman he liked and took her to be his wife (v. 2; Jud. 14). Lord, help us to be careful and watchful in observing your commands especially in this unbelieving world. Help us not to stray away from your people like Judah.
  1. There is also a big contrast between Judah’s sin and Joseph’s victory (chap. 39), and we realize the importance of purity. Joseph refused to compromise himself with Potiphar’s wife (Gen. 39:7–20), but his brother Judah casually slept with a strange prostitute. We also see the continued practice of deception in the family. Jacob used a garment to deceive his father Isaac, and Judah and his brothers used a garment to deceive Jacob (37:32). Now Tamar used a garment to deceive Judah! (Gen. 38:14) We reap what we sow. Lord, keep us pure and faithful.
  1. The story of the patriarchs in Genesis reminds us of God’s grace and sovereignty. The men and women who played a part in this important drama weren’t perfect and yet the Lord used them to accomplish His purposes. This doesn’t mean that God approved of their sins, because their sins were ultimately revealed and judged. But it does mean that God can take the weak things of this world and accomplish His purposes (1 Cor. 1:26–31). Thank you Lord and help us not to tarnish your good name but to fulfill your will on this world.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 38:1.









  1. 本章告诉我们神的子民在迦南地是多么的危险:因为那里总是充满了许多的诱惑。当犹大离开自己的兄弟并开始与迦南人交往时,他把自己陷入困境中。但他看见了一个他喜欢的女人,就不顾神的命令把她迎娶为妻(2节;士14)。主啊,请帮助我们要小心警惕地遵守袮的命令,尤其是在这个不信的世界。请帮助我们不要像犹大一样偏离袮的子民。
  1. 犹大的罪和约瑟的得胜(39章)之间正反映了一个强烈的对比。这让我们意识到圣洁的重要性。约瑟拒绝向波提乏的妻子妥协(创39:7-20),但他的兄弟犹大却随便与一个妓女妥协。我们也看到这家族不断使用欺诈的手段。雅各用衣服欺骗自己的父亲以撒,而犹大和兄弟也用衣服欺骗的雅各(37:32)。现在他玛也用一件衣服欺骗犹大! (创38:14)我们必自食其果。主啊,请使我们纯洁和做诚实的人。
  1. 在创世记先祖的故事提醒着我们神的恩典和主权。在这重要戏中的男女主角都不是完全的,但主仍然使用他们来完成自己的旨意。这并不代表神允许他们犯罪,因为他们的罪行最终将被揭示和受到审判。但它代表神可以用这世上软弱的事物来完成自己的目的(哥前1:26-31)。感谢主,请帮助我们不要玷污袮美好的名声,但能这个世界上完成袮的旨意。

10 Mar 2018, Gen 37 创37章, The Generation of Jacob 雅各的略记

Scripture Reading        : Gen 37

Theme                            : The Generation of Jacob


The statement “These are the generations of Jacob” (v. 2) informs us that we’re moving into a new section of the Book of Genesis, which will be devoted to Jacob, whom we’ve already met while reading about “the generations of Isaac” (25:19).

The history of Joseph can be read on at least three different levels. If we read it simply as literature, we discover a fascinating story involving a doting father, a pampered son, some jealous brothers, a conniving wife, and an international food crisis. It’s no wonder that for centuries creative artists have turned to this story for inspiration.

But Genesis 37–50 is much more than a piece of dramatic literature; for when you penetrate deeper, you discover a story abounding with profound theological implications. The hand of God is evident in every scene, ruling and overruling the decisions people make; and in the end, God builds a hero, saves a family, and creates a nation that will bring blessing to the whole world. Behind this story is the heart of the covenant-making God, who always keeps His promises.

For the Christian believer, there’s a third level to the story; for Joseph is one of the richest illustrations of Jesus Christ found in the Old Testament. Joseph is like Jesus in that he was beloved by his father and obedient to his will; hated and rejected by his own brethren and sold as a slave; falsely accused and unjustly punished; finally elevated from the place of suffering to a powerful throne, thus saving his people from death. The major difference, of course, is that Joseph was only reported to be dead, while Jesus Christ did give His life on the cross and was raised from the dead in order to save us. [1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. God’s goal for all His children is that we become like His Son (Rom. 8:29). The goal is glorious, but the process is painful. Both Jesus and Joseph had to suffer before they could enter into glory (Luke 24:26; 1 Pet. 5:10). Had Joseph remained at home, his father probably would have pampered him and ruined his character. God knew what was best. Lord, help me to appreciate your goodness and your love to mold us into your image. Please help us to humble ourselves and be willing to accept your discipline with joy.
  1. In the Old Testament, the Lord spoke in dream and he spoke to Jacob in dreams (Gen. 28:12ff; 31:1–13). Joseph’s dreams were to him what God’s Word is to us today. The dreams irritated Joseph’s brothers and even his father became upset and rebuked him; but privately, Jacob pondered the dreams. What would we do if we were one of Joseph’s brothers? Will we submit to God’s plan? Lord, humble us. Let’s us remember the sovereignty belongs to you and you alone. What we need to do is to submit to your lordship and enjoy what you have planned for us.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Authentic, “Be” Commentary Series (Colorado Springs, CO: Chariot Victor Pub., 1997), 78.











  1. 神对所有祂孩子的旨意就是要我们更像主耶稣(罗8:29)。这旨意是荣耀的;但过程是痛苦的。在进入荣耀之前,耶稣和约瑟都必须受难(路24:26;彼前5:10)。如果约瑟继续呆在家里,他的父亲可能会把他宠坏、毁了约瑟的性格。神知道什么是最好的。主啊,帮助我明白你是因着袮自己的美善和袮自己的爱来塑造我们而感恩。请帮助我们谦卑自己,并乐意愿意接受你的磨练。
  1. 临到约瑟的梦就好像神的话临到我们一样。在旧约中,耶和华在梦里启示,祂在雅各的梦中和雅各说话(创28:12 FF;31:1-13)。这梦激怒了他的兄弟,甚至连父亲雅各也责备他;但雅各私下自己琢磨这梦的意思。如果我们是约瑟的哥哥,我们会怎么做呢?我们会顺服神的计划吗?主啊,请袮使我们谦卑。让我们记住主权属于袮,唯独袮。我们需要顺服袮并享受袮在我们身上的计划。