Devotional/灵修 – Genesis 创世纪书


Genesis 创世纪 24 — Separation unto Holiness 分别为圣

The Father Abraham 父亲 (1–9)  

It seems strange that the longest chapter in Genesis tells the story of how a man got his wife. But the chapter goes beyond history into theology. It gives us a picture of the Heavenly Father getting a bride for His Son (Matt. 22:1–14). The church is compared to a bride (2 Cor. 11:2–3; Eph. 5:22–33); and during this present age, the Holy Spirit is calling people to trust Christ and be “married to … Him” (Rom. 7:4). For one thing, the chapter emphasizes separation. Abraham made it clear that his son was not to marry a Canaanite woman (24:3). The Law of Moses did not permit the Jewish men to marry heathen women (Deut. 7:1–11). Nor are believers today to marry unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:14–18; 1 Cor. 7:39–40). Genesis 24 is a great encouragement for those who want God’s will in the selection of a mate. 



The Servant 仆人 (10–60) 

The servant loved his master’s son and asked for God’s guidance. He knew how to “watch and pray” and discern God’s leading. He was not disappointed, for God rewarded his faith. Little did Rebekah realize that a small act of kindness would open up an exciting new life for her. “Make every occasion a great occasion, for you can never tell when someone may be taking your measure for a larger place,” advised Marsden. The servant talked about his master and not about himself, and he would not eat until he had given his message (John 4:31–32).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Just as Abraham wanted a bride for his son, God the Father elected to provide a bride for His beloved Son. Yes, The bride is the Father’s love gift to His Son (John 17:2, 6, 9, 11–12, 24). Let’s pray that we bring joy and glory to the Son Jesus Christ.



  1. The servant acted by faith in God’s promise and providence. (24:27) He took time to pray and he kept his eyes open to see what God might do. In His providence, God brought Rebekah to the well just as the servant was praying. The servant did what Gideon would do years later, “put out a fleece” (Jud. 6:36–40). This is not the best way for God’s people to determine the will of God, because the conditions we lay down for God might not be in His will. We are to walk by faith and trust God to providentially guide us to the place we need to be. God is sovereign and he will accomplish His plan without fail. In any case, God accommodated Himself to servant’s needs (and Gideon) and guided him as requested. Furthermore, the servant was not led by feelings or impulsive acts but careful observations. In fact when he saw Rebekah, he was evaluating Rebekah to see if she would make a good wife for Isaac and he found her to be kind, pleasant, humble, healthy, and a hard worker. Watering ten camels is no easy job! Let’s pray that we are discerning and patient for God’s will.



  1. Before coming to conclusion, he asked one of the most important question: “Whose daughter are you?” (Gen. 24:23). The wider implication for Christian believers today before you settle down is “Is he/she a child of God? Let’s pray that we are always discerning. 


Genesis 创世纪 23 — The Death of Sarah 撒拉的死亡

  1. Abraham the Mourner 哀悼的亚伯拉罕.

Sarah is the only woman named in the Bible whose age is given and burial described. It was the death of a princess, a woman of faith (Heb. 11:11–13; 1 Pet. 3:6). Abraham felt the pain of his loss and openly expressed his grief. Faith is not the enemy of tears, for we sorrow as those who have hope (1 Thess. 4:13–18). Jesus wept (John 11:35) even though He knew He would raise His friend from the dead.



  1. Abraham the Sojourner 旅居的亚伯拉罕.

Ephron did not plan to give Abraham a valuable piece of land, but that is how typical Eastern bargaining always begins. Although the land already belonged to Abraham (15:7), but he did not want to take advantage of it and he could never explain that to his unbelieving neighbors. He was a pilgrim and did not claim any of it for himself. This is Abraham’s philosophy and principle of life as a pilgrim on earth.



  1. Abraham the Owner 地主亚伯拉罕.

He paid a high price for what became one of the most famous tombs in Bible history, and eventually six people were buried there (49:31–32). Abraham owned only one thing on earth: a grave. Genesis ends with a full tomb, but the gospel story ends with an empty tomb! And because Jesus Christ lives, we who trust in Him never need to fear death.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. It is alright to weep. Abraham wept, David wept, and Jesus wept. God created us with feelings and emotions and it is natural to express it. Ecclesiastes states that there will be a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance (Ecc 3:4). However, we may not grieve as others do who have no hope (1Th 4:13). So there is a God-glorifying grieving. We need to discipline ourselves and keep grieving under control. (1Co 9:27) Let’s pray that we know how to handle our emotions for the glory of God.



  1. Abraham is a gracious man and he did not want to take advantage of the people of the land. Even though he knew God has given him the land, he knew the people might not understand so he gave them enough money in order not to stumble them. He is truly a pilgrim on earth. Let’s pray that we do not fight with others over the temporary things of this world but be a true pilgrim like Abraham.


  1. Genesis ends with a full tomb, but the gospel story ends with an empty tomb. There is a saying that a man only needs a 6 by 3 piece of land for us to rest (grave). But Jesus didn’t even need that. Let’s pray that our hope is in heaven rather than on earth. We bring nothing here and we take nothing out of this world. Let’s pray that our hope is fixed on Jesus who gives us everything in heaven and on earth.


Genesis 创世纪 22 — The Greatest Test 最大的考验

At the age of 75, Abraham enrolled in the “School of Faith.” Now he was over 100, and he was still having soul-stretching experiences. We are never too old to face new challenges, fight new battles, and learn new truths. When we stop learning, we stop growing; and when we stop growing, we stop living.



Genesis 22 records the greatest test that Abraham ever faced. Offering Isaac on the altar was the hardest test Abraham ever faced, but he came through victoriously because he trusted God (Heb. 11:17–19). He had experienced resurrection power in his own body (Rom. 4:19–21), so he knew what God could do. It was a test of faith, whether he will trust God. This is far more difficult than the previous tests involving Lot and Ishmael.

《创世记》22章记载了亚伯拉罕所面临的最大考验。将以撒献在祭坛上是亚伯拉罕一生最大考验,但他因为信靠神而得胜了(来 11:17-19)。他曾经亲身的经历了复活的大能(罗4:19-21),所以他知道神必定也能使以撒复活。这是对信心的考验,审查亚伯拉罕是否会相信神。这远远比早前有关罗得和以实玛利的考验来得更大。


It was also a test of hope, for God’s plan of salvation for the world was wrapped up in Isaac. If Isaac died, how could the Jewish nation be built and the Savior be born? But Abraham had a living hope because he trusted in the living God (1 Pet. 1:3).



Certainly it was a test of love. In verse 2, you find the first use of the word love in the Bible. Abraham loved his son, but he loved God more. Isaac was God’s gift to Abraham, but the gift had to become a sacrifice to God. If the gift becomes more important than the Giver, it becomes an idol.



After He tests us, God reveals Himself to us in a new way (John 14:21–23). The name Jehovah-Yireh means “the Lord will see to it” or “the Lord will provide.” The ram was God’s provision for Isaac, and Jesus Christ is God’s provision for the whole world. In this experience, Abraham saw Christ by faith and rejoiced (John 8:56).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The command to Abraham to sacrifice his son was repeated thrice by God in verses 2, 12 and 16. This would mean killing the son and ending the promise of the Abrahamic Covenant. Such action would seem illogical, irrational and incomprehensible, yet Abraham obeyed (v. 3). This was a test of faith and test of hope – whether you can trust God even if you do not understand. Pray that you will remember that God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts. (Isa 55:9)



  1. The Lord knew Abraham loved his son dearly: “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love. (Gen 22:2) This is his only son he got after waiting for 100 years. The test is whether Abraham love his son more than God. If our hearts desire anything more than God, that desire, regardless good or bad, becomes our idol. What is the ultimate desire of your heart? In a sense, we are also being tested like Abraham every day. Do we love God more than anything in the world? Let’s pray that we love God more anything in the world.



Genesis 创世纪 21 — Family Joy and Sorrow 家庭的欢乐与悲伤

  1. Family Joys 家庭的欢乐 (1–7).

God kept His promises, followed His schedule, and did not fail. This time, Sarah’s laughter was open and sincere, not hidden and skeptical (Gen. 18:12). The name Isaac means “laughter,” and the boy brought much joy to the aged couple. Through him, joy has come to the world. God makes “everything beautiful in its time” (Eccles. 3:11).



  1. Family Sorrows 家庭的悲伤 (8–21).

Abraham reaped the sad consequences of forgiven sin. He had lived with Ishmael for perhaps seventeen years, and he loved the lad, so the parting was painful. There comes a time when we must “cut off” the past and make a new beginning. The apostle Paul saw this as a picture of law and grace (Gal. 4:21–31). For Abraham’s sake, God blessed the lad and made him a great nation.



  1. Family Testimony 家庭的见证 (22–34).

Abraham’s unsaved neighbors could tell that he was a man whom God had blessed. Abraham didn’t try to lie his way out of this problem; he boldly told the truth and trusted God to work. The possession of water is an important thing in the East, and people will fight over wells. God’s people must be careful in their relationships with “those who are outside” the faith (Col. 4:5; 1 Thess. 4:12).



Life is a balance of joys and sorrows, problems and blessings. We must learn to accept what God gives us and walk by faith.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Relationships can be messy. The same people who bring us joy can also bring us sorrow. Relationships can also change overnight. The arrival of Isaac brought both sorrow and joy to the family. Joy because the burden of childlessness was a really heavy burden in that culture and finally it came to an end. It is ironic that the name Abraham means “father of a multitude” yet he had no child of his own. This made him a laughing stock for many years. Yet Abraham believed in God and waited on him. So the arrival of Isaac was a promise fulfilled and a reward to Abraham who waited on God. Let’s pray that we will learn from Abraham in trusting God no matter what others say about us or our God.



  1. It was also a time of sorrow because Abraham had to accept the consequences of his sin. It was time to say goodbye to Hagar and Ishmael. Sin is messy especially it has to do with family. Let’s pray that we love our family and pray for them that whatever we do will bless them rather than pain them. We might be a victim of someone’s sin but let’s pray that the vicious cycle stops with us. Let’s pray that we bring God’s grace, salvation and blessing to our family rather than curse and pain to them.



Genesis 创世纪 20 — The Way of Sanctification 成圣的道路

  1. Relapse 复发.

The man of faith started walking by sight (v. 11), became frightened (Prov. 29:25), and began scheming (Gen. 12:10ff.). This time, even Sarah lied (v. 5)! Whatever we carry with us from the old life (v. 13) will create problems in the new life. It is one thing to confess our sins but another thing to judge them before God and forsake them (Prov. 28:13). When a marriage must be protected by a lie, the home is in danger.



  1. Revelation 启示.

God spoke to the heathen king but not to His own friend, Abraham! Although God kept the king from sinning, He allowed Abraham to lie! God called Abraham to be a blessing, but now he had become a curse in the land. God was protecting Sarah, Isaac, and His great plan of salvation.



  1. Rebuke 训斥.

What a humiliating thing to be openly rebuked by a pagan king. God sometimes uses the unsaved to chasten the saved. The fact that Abraham was a believer did not give him license to sin. Unfortunately, years later, Abraham’s son Isaac would imitate his father’s sin (Gen. 26).



  1. Restoration 复原.

In those days, the paying of a large sum of money was public “atonement” for guilt; however, sin is never profitable. God did not forsake His friend (Ps. 105:15; 2 Tim. 2:12–13) but honored him in the end and answered his prayer. Financially, Abraham was richer; spiritually, he was poorer. He lost character as well as opportunity to witness and glorify God.

那时,支付大笔现金是“赎罪”的方式;然而,犯罪从来就不会带给人好处。神没有离弃祂的朋友(诗105:15;提后2:12 – 13),还回应他的祷告。在金钱上,亚伯拉罕更富裕了;但在属灵上,他更贫穷了。他失去了见证和荣耀神的机会。


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Yes, Abraham fell again. Temptations come in many different sizes and shades. Just when we think everything is safe and sound, we fall into it. Let’s pray that we keep watching and praying that we may not enter into temptation. (Mat 26:41)

是的,亚伯拉罕再次跌倒了。诱惑会以许多不同的方式呈现在我们眼前。当我们正觉得一切安然无恙时,我们就跌倒了。让我们祈祷神使我们能随时保持警惕,叫我们不会掉入诱惑的陷阱d (太26:41)。

  1. If we walk uprightly, God will protect us from sinning. This is what we learn from Genesis 20:6, “Then God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know that you have done this in the integrity of your heart, and it was I who kept you from sinning against me. Therefore I did not let you touch her. (Gen 20:6) Let us pray that we’ll walk in righteousness and obey God from our hearts. The Lord will be faithful and protect us from sinning.


Genesis 创世纪 19 — The Homosexual Sin 同性恋的罪

Because Jesus did not “feel at home” with Lot in Sodom, He sent the two angels to look into the situation for Him. The angels didn’t walk the streets or visit the public places of amusement. They visited a professed believer to see what his home was like. Lot’s wife and family were far from the Lord. The salt had lost its flavor (Matt. 5:13), so what hope was there for the city?



Abraham was visited when it was light, but Lot received the angels at evening (1 John 1:5–10). Abraham’s household obeyed his word as he served the Lord, but Lot’s family only laughed at Lot’s words. Abraham hastened, but Lot lingered and had to be dragged out of the city. Abraham, who lived outside Sodom, had more influence than Lot, who lived in the city. Lot tried first to plead with the men at the door, and then to bargain with them. God’s approach was to judge them. They loved darkness rather than light (John 3:19).

天使是在白天拜访亚伯拉罕,但罗得迎接天使时已是晚上了(约一1:5-10)。当亚伯拉罕事奉主时,他一家都听从他的话,但罗得的家人却只是耻笑罗得的话。 亚伯拉罕加快脚步服侍主,但罗得却游离徘徊而被拖出城。居住在所多玛以外的亚伯拉罕,比住在城内的罗得更有影响力。罗得首先尝试在门口恳求众人,然后再与他们达成协议。然,神的方式是审判。他们不爱光,倒爱黑暗(约3:19)。


God did not find ten righteous people, but He spared Lot and his wife and daughters for the sake of Abraham. While we may hate the sins of Sodom, keep in mind that all those people went to eternal judgment. (See Jude 23.)



Lot had no tent or altar, and he ended up in a cave committing terrible sins. Were it not for 2 Peter 2:7–8, we might doubt that he was a believer at all (See Ps. 1:1.). 



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah? What did Lot mean when he said, “Do not act so wickedly. (Gen 19:7)? It was the sin of homosexuality. According to Jude 7 it was sexual immorality and unnatural desire. The men in the city want the two men who just arrived despite the two daughters of Lot. This is perversion to the extreme. Look at verse 4, “But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, ALL the people to the last man, surrounded the house. (Gen 19:4) Their sin has reached the maximum. Their sin was worse than the generation of Noah, “the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Gen 6:5; see also 6:11-12) Let’s pray for ourselves and our nation that we will not end up in this predicament.



  1. Lot’s family was attracted to the lifestyle of Sodom and Gomorrah. When the family was told about God’s punishment, they laughed. The angels had to take them by force to save them. As they were fleeing, Lot’s wife was still not ready to sever her desires for the fleshly lifestyle. When she turned back to have her last look, she became a pillar of salt. (Gen 19:26) Let’s pray that we take sin seriously. Jesus said, “If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. (Mat 5:29)


Genesis 创世纪 18 — The Friend of God 神的朋友

  1. Resting 休息 (1)

Resting in the afternoon is a normal practice in the East, and don’t forget that Abraham was nearly a hundred years old. Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do is take a nap! The believer’s body is God’s temple and must be cared for (1 Cor. 6:19–20). (See Mark 6:31.)



  1. Serving 事奉 (2–8)

Abraham had no trouble noticing the pilgrims because it was unusual for people to travel in the heat of the day. The visitors were two angels and the Lord Jesus Christ, in one of His preincarnation appearances. Even though he had 318 servants, Abraham served Him personally, and fourteen times he called Him “Lord.” Abraham ran from place to place to make certain the meal they were preparing was the very best.



  1. Listening 聆听 (9–15)

Abraham stood nearby as the visitors ate, ready to serve them whatever they wanted. But the Lord gave Abraham something better than food: He announced that the promised son would be born within the year. “Where is Sarah your wife?” is the last of three key questions in Genesis (3:9; 4:9; 18:9). The question “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” has been answered by Job (Job 42:2), Jeremiah (Jer. 32:17), and Gabriel (Luke 1:37).



  1. Interceding 代祷 (16–33)

Because Abraham was both the friend of God and the servant of God, he shared God’s secrets. (See Ps. 25:14; John 15:15; James 2:23.) Lot had been rescued by Abraham’s intervention (chap. 14); now he would be rescued by Abraham’s intercession. Abraham prayed for the city on the basis of the justice of God, but God saved Lot on the basis of His mercy and grace (19:16, 19). Interceding for the lost and for needy saints is a high and holy privilege that we must not neglect.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. When Abraham and Sarah were “as good as dead,” God gave them a child. At that time, it was crystal clear that there is nothing they could do but to trust God. How many times does the Lord have to bring us to such a situation in order for us to learn the lesson of trusting God? The Bible asks, “Is anything too hard for the LORD? (Gen 18:14) Obviously not. Let’s pray that we don’t have to be in this dire situation to learn this lesson.



  1. Sometime we wonder why God chose Abraham to be the father of faith? Gen18:19 gives us the reason: “For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring to Abraham what he has promised him.” (Gen 18:19) The Lord chose Abraham and wanted him to COMMAND his children and household to keep God’s command. Abraham is willing. How about us? Let’s pray that we are willing.


  1. How did Abraham pray for the city God was going to punish? He knew God and relied on God’s nature, character (righteousness) and promise to pray for them. (Gen 18:25) Do you know God enough to pray for the people around you?


Genesis 创世纪 17 — New Life 新生命

New Revelations 新的启示

As far as the record is concerned, God waited thirteen years before He revealed Himself again to Abram. During those quiet intervening years, Abram continued to walk with God and serve Him. He did not need constant special revelations to do God’s will, nor do we. God reaffirmed His covenant and then gave Abram the sign of circumcision as the mark of that covenant. How unfortunate that many of the Jews trusted in the sign rather than in the Lord (Acts 15:5; Rom. 4:10; Gal. 5:6)! God wanted an inward change of the heart, not just surgery on the body (Deut. 10:16; Jer. 4:4).



New Names 新的名称

In Bible history, a new name means a new beginning, a step forward in faith. (See Gen. 32:28; John 1:40–42.) Abram means “exalted father”; it became Abraham, “father of a multitude.” Sarai (“contentious”) became Sarah, “a princess.” God even revealed a new name for Himself: God Almighty. The only name that did not change was Ishmael, for what is born of the flesh remains flesh and cannot be changed (John 3:6).



New Joy 新的喜悦
At last, the long-awaited son would be born, and his name would be “Isaac—laughter.” No wonder Abraham laughed (John 8:56). Abraham wanted to cling to his past mistake (v. 18) instead of looking to the future miracle that God would perform. Abraham and Sarah’s impatient act of unbelief had brought sorrow and division into the home, but God’s miracle of faith brought joy and peace (Rom. 15:13). It pays to trust God’s way and wait for God’s time.最后,期待已久的儿子将诞生,其  名是“以撒”(笑声之意)。难怪亚伯拉罕笑了起来(约8:56)。亚伯拉罕执着于过往的错误(18节),并不展望神未来将要行的奇迹。亚伯拉罕和撒拉因急躁不信,为家里带来了悲伤和分争,但信心的奇迹带来的是喜悦和平安(罗15:13)。相信神和祂的时间必然带来祝福。

Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. It is very difficult for us to wait on the Lord. Yet God’s way is not our way (Isa 55:9). Why would God want Abraham to wait for thirteen years? Because the Lord wanted Abraham to know that God is all-sufficient and all-powerful, and that nothing is impossible for Him. After Abraham’s battle with the four kings, God came to him as a warrior and told him He was Abraham’s “shield.” When Abraham wondered about Sodom’s wealth, God told him He was his “exceedingly great reward” (Gen. 15:1). Now when Abraham and Sarah were “as good as dead,” God assured them that He was more than sufficient to bring about the miracle birth. Yes, God is going to bless us but the obstacle is that we still rely on our own way and not his way. A father will not give his son his fortune unless the son knows how to handle it. Let’s pray that we grow in Christ to know Him and His way quickly.



  1. New name means new character. After 13 years Abram finally learned the lesson and now his name is changed to Abraham. Sarai’s name also changed to Sarah. If we claim to know God and yet there is no change in our lives, we don’t really know Him at all. If theology cannot change you, you have no theology at all. Pray that our theology is not head knowledge but coming face to face with the living God.


Genesis 创世纪 16 — Waiting upon the Lord 等候主

Faith and patience always go together (Heb. 6:12; James 1:1–5). Isaiah declared, “Whoever believes will not act hastily” (Isa. 28:16). We must trust God not only for His plan but also for His timing. Before He could send the promised son, God had to wait until Abram and Sarai were as good as dead (Rom. 4:19–21; Heb. 11:11–12). Sarai leaned on human understanding instead of God’s promises (Prov. 3:5–6). She trusted a woman from Egypt instead of the God of heaven.



Sarai was not a strong believer, but she was a capable blamer. She blamed God for her barrenness, then blamed Abram when Hagar created problems in the home. The wisdom from God is pure and peaceable, but the wisdom of the flesh is always divisive (James 3:13–18). Abram abdicated his spiritual leadership in the home, and the result was confusion.



When we walk by sight and not by faith, we get impatient; we scheme and blame others. Then when things go wrong, we try to get rid of our mistakes. God sent Hagar and Ishmael back to Abram and Sarai, and they had to live with their mistake for at least another seventeen years.



Abram and Sarai greatly wronged Hagar, and they suffered for it; but God stepped in and cared for her and her son. Abram obeyed God and gave the appointed name to his son: “Ishmael—God shall hear.” Had Abram and Sarai waited on God instead of running ahead of God, they would have avoided all that pain.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. One of the hardest things in spiritual pursuit is waiting upon the Lord. The Lord is never late and he knows when the best time is. Our problem is we can’t wait. We want it and we want it NOW. Let’s pray that we’ll not only trust God but also His timing.



  1. Proverb says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. (3:5) How did Sarai lean on her own understanding instead of trusting God? After she waited for a long time, she ran out of patience. Instead she “helped” God by her own scheming. She gave her servant Hagar to Abraham and let her bear him a child. Her action not only brought problems to her family but contributed to the mess we face today in the world. How great a mess can be created by a person’s impatience! Let’s pray that we submit to God and wait upon Him.



  1. Although Hagar was ill-treated yet the Lord wanted her to return to Sarai and submit to her. Interestingly, although Hagar has no clue why must it be so, she obeyed. There are times we have no clue why things happen the way they do, pray that we’ll just trust God’s goodness and obey His Word (Bible).



Genesis 创世纪 15 — God’s Covenant with Abraham 神与亚伯拉罕立约

Abram’s reward was not the applause of the people he rescued but the approval of the God he served. This is the first of many “fear nots” in the Bible. Fear after a battle is not unusual, but fear and faith cannot live very long in the same heart (Matt. 8:26). Abram’s fears were quieted by three revelations from God.



  1. Who God Is 神是什么 (1).

God is our protection and provision, so we need not to fear the enemy without or our feelings within. God is the great I AM, and He can meet every need. With Him, we have everything; without Him, nothing we have is sufficient.



  1. What God Says 神说什么 (2–7).

Abram looked at himself and realized how old he was getting. Then he looked at his steward, Eliezer, and thought perhaps God could use him. But God told him to stop looking at himself and at others and to start looking up to God. This is the second time he lifted up his eyes to see what God had for him (Gen. 13:14; see also 13:10). Verse 6 makes it clear that Abram was saved by faith in God’s word (Rom. 4:3; Gal. 3:6; James 2:23), and that is the only way to be saved.



  1. What God Does 神做什么 (8–21).

God sealed His promise with a covenant. In those days, to walk between the divided parts of an animal was one way to seal an agreement. But God was the only One who passed between the pieces! Abram was asleep! God’s covenants are all of grace (Eph. 2:8–9), and our works are but evidence of our faith.



When you find yourself afraid or impatient with God’s will, look toward heaven and remember His covenant and His promises. When you bring your offering to God, be sure the enemy doesn’t steal it. When you can do nothing, rest assured God is at work.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Abraham believed the LORD, and God counted it to him as righteousness (Gen 15:6). Yes, to Abraham and his wife it is impossible but nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37) If we keep looking at our own situation, we will have hard time believing in God. But if we look to the God of Almighty, we CAN believe because He is the one who calls into existence the things that do not exist. (Rom 4:17). Let’s pray that we fix our eyes on God, not our circumstances.

亚伯拉罕信耶和华,神就以此为他的义(创15:6)。是的,对亚伯拉罕和他的妻子来说,这是不可能的事,但在神没有难成的事 (路1:37)。如果我们持续注视自己的处境,我们将很难相信神。但是,如果我们定睛于全能的神,我们便可以相信,因为祂是使无变为有的神(罗4:17)。让我们祷告叫我们定睛于神,不是自己的处境。


  1. Besides the promise that Abraham’s offspring will be numerous, second promise God made with Abraham was the promise of the land (Gen 15:7). Abraham asked God how could he know that he shall possess it?” (Gen 15:8) The Lord basically said to Abraham, “You just have to trust My Word for it.” So God made a covenant with Abraham by passing between the animals that cut into half (Gen 15:17). So this covenant is a unilateral covenant made by God alone and there is nothing Abraham can do to nullify it. Today we still have not seen this covenant being fulfilled. But from the data of NT, this covenant will be fulfilled during the millennium. That’s why we take the stand of pre-millenniumism. Let’s pray that we take every word of God seriously and believe that it will come to pass.
