Devotional/灵修 – Genesis 创世纪书


Genesis 创世纪 14 — Abraham’s Three Victories 亚伯拉罕的三场胜利

When you enroll in the “school of faith,” you never know what may happen next. Visit Abraham one day and you find him settling a boundary dispute. Visit him another day and you see him gearing up for a battle. Why is this so? For one thing, God wants us to mature in every area of life, but maturity doesn’t come easily. There can be no growth without challenge, and there can be no challenge without change. If circumstances never changed, everything would be predictable; and the more predictable life becomes, the less challenge it presents. Let’s see what awaits Abraham.



  1. A Victory Over Lot 战胜罗得

It would have been easy for Abram to let Lot suffer the sad consequences of his own foolish decision. But a man of faith is called “to be a blessing,” so Abram went to the rescue. Lot was not a very dedicated believer, but he was still a brother and needed help. When a brother or a sister creates problems for you, remember Abram and the words of Romans 12:21. Lot went right back into Sodom, but Abram did what he did for the Lord; and that’s what really counts.



  1. A Victory Over The Kings 战胜国王

Abram the pilgrim would never have gotten involved in the war except to rescue Lot. Abram did not have a large army, but he battled by faith; that is what gave him the victory (1 Sam. 14:6; 1 John 5:4–5).



  1. A Victory Over Himself 战胜自己

“Let us be as watchful after the victory as before the battle,” said Andrew Bonar. Abram was tempted to use God’s victory for personal gain, but he refused the offer. The king of Sodom came with a bargain, but the king of Salem (a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ [Heb. 7:1–3]) came with a blessing. Even a shoelace from Sodom would have defiled Abram’s godly walk! After every battle, give God the glory; and beware the devil’s bargains. If you aren’t careful, you may win the war and lose the victory.

安德鲁·博纳说:“战斗胜利后,让我们如战前一样保持警惕。”亚伯兰受到诱惑,即使用神的胜利来满足个人的利益,但他成功抵挡了。所多玛王前来交易,但撒冷王却带着祝福前来(即象征主耶稣基督【来7:1-3】)。就算是所多玛的一条鞋带也会玷污亚伯兰虔诚的脚步! 当每一场战斗结束后,请把荣耀归于神,也要提防魔鬼的交易。一旦不小心,你有可能赢得斗争却输掉大战。


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The Bible says, “Bad company ruins good morals.”(1 Cor 15:33) Lot lived near Sodom and Gomorrah and when they got into troubles, Lot was not spared (Gen 14:12). If we keep bad company, we will be affected by their sinful outlook and desires as well. Let’s pray that we choose our friends and companies wisely. This is also the reason the Lord wants us to join a local church and surround ourselves with God’s people.



  1. The Lord chose Abraham and blessed him (12:1). God’s intention wasn’t to bless only Abraham but to bless others through him as well (Gen 12:3). Although Lot is not a very spiritual or committed believer yet Abraham went to rescue him and became his blessing. Let’s pray that we will be a blessing to the people around us especially Christian brothers and sisters.


  1. Abraham was an upright man with a pure motive. His motive was not material gain but to rescue Lot. When the Lord granted him victory he did not take credit nor take advantage of the situation. Let’s pray that we serve God with one single motive: to glorify Him and Him alone.



Genesis 创世纪 13 — A New Beginning 崭新的开始

  1. A New Beginning 一个全新的开始 (1–4)

God chastened Abram in Egypt, and Abram returned to the land he never should have left. He was a very wealthy man, but his tent and altar were the most valuable things he possessed. When we fail, the Lord is ready to forgive and restore (1 John 1:5–2:2). “The victorious Christian life is a series of new beginnings,” said Alexander Whyte.



  1. A New Burden 一个全新的包袱 (5–13)

While in Egypt, Lot acquired wealth and a taste for the world, and his temporal interests were partly Abram’s fault. God forgave Abram’s sin, but He did not prevent the sad consequences. We reap what we sow, even after we are forgiven. Abram’s first test of faith came from a famine; his second test came from his own family. Family tests are the hardest tests of all. Abram was a peacemaker because he lived by faith; Lot was a troublemaker because he lived by sight. Abram chose a heavenly city (Heb. 11:13–16); Lot chose an earthly city, and a wicked one at that. The city appeared to be ideal, but it was headed for destruction. You can move your tent nearer and nearer to sin, but you cannot take your altar with you. Lot left God behind and destroyed his home.



  1. A New Blessing 一个全新的祝福 (14–18)

The man of faith always receives a special word from God after a time of testing. Let others take what they want; our God gives us far more than they can ever imagine (Ps. 16:5; 33:12). Abram lifted up his eyes and saw the land. He lifted up his feet and claimed it by faith (Josh. 1:3). Then he lifted up his heart and worshiped God. Lot had broken Abram’s heart, but God blessed Abram’s heart—and made him a blessing.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Yes, faithful men sometimes failed and fell. But the Lord is gracious to bring them out of their difficult situations. Abraham learned his lesson, repented, and “went up” out of Egypt (13:1). Let’s pray that we quickly repent and return to God when we realized we have failed and fell.


  1. Because of Abraham’s sin, Lot developed a taste for the world. He liked Jordan Valley because it was “like the land of Egypt” (Gen 13:10) and later Lot moved his tent closer and closer to Sodom. (Gen 13:12). Yes, the Lord does forgive us and save us from His future judicious punishment but we still have to bear the consequences sin brings. An AIDS patient can be forgiven of his sin yet he’ll still die of AIDS. A gambler can be forgiven yet he cannot get back the fortune he gambled away. Let’s pray that we do not treat sin lightly but see the truth and consequences that sin brings.



  1. Abraham is truly a man walked by faith not by sight. Of course Abraham, like Lot, saw that Jordan Valley was well watered, like the garden of the LORD (Gen 13:10). Yet he gave up the material gain. Can you give up material gains for the sake of holiness? Let’s pray that our eyes are not attracted to the world but by the Lord who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. (1Ti 6:17)



Genesis 创世纪 12 — Walk By Faith, Not By Sight 凭信心不是凭眼见

  1. God’s Word Leads To Faith 神的话引致信心 (1–3)

Abram was an idolater when God called him (Josh. 24:2), revealed His glory to him (Acts 7:2), and spoke to him. Abram turned from vain idols to walk with the Lord, and all of this was by God’s grace. The hearing of the Word creates faith (John 5:24; Rom. 10:17). Again God’s creative Word is at work.



  1. Faith Leads To Obedience 信心引致顺服 (4–6)

The New Testament states, “By faith Abraham obeyed” (Heb. 11:8). “I will show you, I will make you, I will bless you!” were God’s promises, and Abram believed. It has well been said that faith is not believing in spite of evidence; it is obeying in spite of consequences. The proof of faith is obedience, for true faith always leads to works (James 2:14ff.). Hearing leads to heeding.

新约圣经指出“亚伯拉罕因着信”就顺服了(来11:8)。 “我会指示你,我会成就你,我必赐福给你!”都是神的应许,而亚伯兰相信了。信心不是因证据确凿才信,乃是既有后果仍顺服。顺服是信心的明证,真正的信心必须有行为(各2:14)。听从主命必引致顺服的跟从。


  1. Obedience Leads To Blessing 顺服引致祝福 (7–9)

We are told nothing about the journey, which must have been very difficult; but we are told that God met Abram when he arrived and gave him a new promise. God always goes before us and has His Word ready to encourage us. From now on, Abram’s life will be marked by the presence of the tent (a pilgrim on earth) and the altar (a citizen of heaven).



  1. Blessing Leads To Testing 祝福引致试炼 (10–20)

Faith is always tested for at least three reasons: to prove whether our faith is real; to help our faith grow; and to bring glory to the Lord (1 Pet. 1:6–9; James 1:1–8). Imagine a famine in the very land where God led him! We can be in the will of God and still suffer trials. It has been said that “faith is living without scheming,” but Abram began to scheme. He was walking by sight and not by faith, and it cost him his testimony—and almost his wife! Note that Abram had neither a tent nor an altar in Egypt. “Going down to Egypt” is OT language for getting out of the will of God.



God blessed Abram that he might be a blessing. Through Abram and his descendants, the whole world has been blessed. Whenever God gives you a blessing, it’s so that you might be a blessing to others. God’s blessings are not luxuries; they are opportunities.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The Word of the Lord came to Abram and asked him to leave whatever he is doing, his home and his comfort zone because the Lord wants to bless him. If you were Abram, would you believe God and leave your comfort zone? Let’s pray that we will believe and trust God’s word and leave.



  1. Abram lived in the same rebellious and disobedient lifestyle as the world. However, the Lord called Abram to come out from his lifestyle of idol worship (Josh 24:2) and separate himself from the world. This is what holiness means. Let’s pray that you be willing to be separated from the world, it’s the culture and value as Abraham.



  1. When Abraham believed God he stepped out in faith. He walked by faith, not by sight. However, when he was tested, he returned to walk by sight. So he lied and sinned. We need to focus on the Lord rather than our situations and problems. Pray that we fix our eyes on him and trust him always.



Genesis 创世纪 10-11 — The City of Babel 巴别城

From Noah’s three sons, God made a new beginning in human history. He set apart Shem to be His special channel of blessing, and it was through Shem that Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation, was born (11:10ff.).



Sin always separates: man from God (chap. 3); brother from brother (chap. 4); family from family (chap. 9); and now nation from nation.

Note the name of Nimrod (10:8–10). The phrase “mighty hunter” implies that he was a rebel against God and a tyrant against his fellowman. He founded two cities important in Bible history: Babylon and Nineveh.



Man seeks unity and notoriety, and he tries to accomplish these things by his own wisdom and strength. Lucifer wanted to be like God (Isa. 14:14), and man wanted to make a name for himself. But only God can make a person’s name truly great (Gen. 12:2; Josh. 3:7).

人寻求团结与名誉,并试图通过自己的智慧和力量来完成这些事情。路西法想与神一样(赛14:14),而人想要成名。然而,只有神能使一个人的名真正为大(创12:2;书 3:7)。


Babel means “confusion,” and “God is not the author of confusion” (1 Cor. 14:33; see also James 3:16). Babylon will appear often in the biblical record as the enemy of God’s people. Wherever there is confusion, the spirit of Babylon—the world and the flesh—is at work. Ultimately, the whole “Babylonian system” will be destroyed (Rev. 17–18).



The confusion of tongues that began at Babel was reversed at Pentecost (Acts 2:7–8). A descendant of Ham, an Ethiopian, was saved in Acts 8; a descendant of Shem, Paul, was saved in Acts 9; and the gentile descendants of Japheth were saved in Acts 10. Unity is not worked up by man; it is sent down by God (Ps. 133; Eph. 4:1–6).



As we share the gospel with others, we are helping to unite what sin has torn apart (Eph. 1:10–11). Christians are indeed the peacemakers of the world.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. It is amazing how quickly men deteriorated into a situation that deserved God’s intervention and punishment. It only took a few generations for them to fall into the same sin of Satan, Adam and Eve. They wanted to make a name for themselves rather than God (Gen 11:4). Are we not trying to prove we are better than others? Are we not trying to prove that we are clever and talented? Let’s pray that we humble ourselves and obey Him who created us and saved from our sins.



  1. Biblical unity is not that we agree with one another. The incident of Babel proved that there was total unity. Yes, they unified to glorify themselves rather than God. Biblical unity is not that we agree with one another but we all agree with God and His word. God and his Word is our means of unity. If we all agreed with God and his Word, we are unified. That is biblical unity. Let’s pray that we study His Word and achieve unity through His Word.



Genesis 创世纪 9 — The New World 新世界

  1. Government 执政 (1–7)

God gave some new rules for life on the cleansed earth. He always guides His redeemed and shows them His will. Noah and his family could now eat animal flesh (Gen. 1:29), but they were forbidden to eat the blood (Lev. 17:11–14). The sanctity of human life was affirmed in the ordaining of human government (Rom. 13). God established government because man is basically a sinner and must be kept under control. Murder is a terrible crime because man is made in the image of God, and to kill a human being is to attack God’s image. All people are not children of God, but all belong to one human family because God made us of one blood (Acts 17:26).



  1. Grace 恩典 (8–17)

God gave assurance that He would never send another flood to destroy life on the earth. The covenant included not only man but also birds, cattle, and the beasts of the field (Ezek. 1:10; Rev. 4:7). The sign of the covenant was the rainbow, a bridge of beauty that joins heaven and earth. Whether we look at the rainbow or not, God looks upon it and remembers His promises. Noah saw the rainbow after the storm; Ezekiel saw it in the midst of the storm (Ezek. 1:4ff.); and John saw it before the storm of judgment (Rev. 4:1–3).



  1. Guilt 愧疚 (18–29)

Imagine, a “preacher of righteousness” (2 Pet. 2:5), who was over six hundred years old, getting drunk! (See Gen. 6:5; 8:21; 1 Cor. 10:12.) Ham should have grieved over his father’s sins, not gloated over them (Prov. 14:9). His brothers did what love always does: “covers all sins” (Prov. 10:12; 12:16; 17:9; 1 Pet. 4:8).



Noah’s words must not be interpreted to mean that certain races are inferior and destined to be enslaved. In fact, history shows that some of Canaan’s descendants were mighty nations with great empires. For that matter, even the Jews, the descendants of Shem, have had their share of captivity. His words were a prophecy: the sin of Ham would be visited on his son Canaan, who must have been involved in some way; Shem would have God’s blessing (Rom. 9:1–5); Japheth (the Gentiles) would multiply and would worship the God of Shem. John wrote, “Salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22). People who trust Christ for salvation are all one in Him (Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Good news! We can eat meat, it is biblical! However, animal lovers might think that we are amoral people. Let’s pray that we don’t define our moral standards by their standards and that our love for upholding these standards is not greater than the Word of God. That is pride in itself. That shows that we are arrogant, thinking we know better and that we can set the limit as to what to do and what to eat.



  1. Although men sinned yet they still have God’s image. So when we look at another human being, we must see the God who created him. Let’s pray that we value every human life.



Genesis 创世纪 6-8 — The Flood 洪水

The account of a flood is written into the history of many ancient peoples, and the results of a flood are seen in many places on the earth. Jesus believed in the Flood (Matt. 24:37–39), and so did Peter (1 Pet. 3:20) and the author of Hebrews (11:7).



  1. The Holiness of God 神的圣洁  (6:1–7)

God saw a world of people who were inwardly corrupt, outwardly violent, and upwardly rebellious. Noah was the tenth generation from Adam. It didn’t take long for sin to spread in the human race. When the world is again as it was in Noah’s day, watch for the return of the Lord (Matt. 24:37–39).



  1. The Grace of God 神的恩典  (6:8–7:10)

Noah was saved just as any sinner is saved, by grace (Gen. 6:8), through faith (Heb. 11:7). See Eph. 2:8–9. He heard God’s Word, believed God’s promise of protection, and proved his faith by his works. There was only one way to be saved from destruction, and that was by entering the ark; and the ark had only one door. It is a picture of the salvation we have in Christ.



  1. The Wrath of God 神的忿怒  (7:11–24)

God was very patient and gave the world at least 120 years to be saved (Gen. 6:3; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 2:5). The world refused Noah’s witness and rejected God’s grace up to the very day Noah and his family went into the ark. God waited another week (how the neighbors must have laughed at Noah!), but then the judgment came. As David proclaimed, “The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood” (Ps. 29:10). He is sovereign in all things! The next worldwide judgment will be with fire, not water (2 Pet. 3:1–12).



  1. The Faithfulness of God 神的信实  (8:1–22)

Noah had faith in God’s promises, and God did not disappoint him. (See 1 Kings 8:56.) True faith does not get in a hurry (Isa. 28:16); Noah waited until the word of God told him what to do. The first thing Noah and his family did on the cleansed earth was to worship the God who had faithfully cared for them (Ps. 116:12–19; Rom. 12:1–2). God gave them a covenant that assured them of the continuity of creation despite man’s evil heart. This covenant makes possible the sustaining of life on earth. God has been faithful to His covenant, but man has not been faithful in his stewardship of the earth. (See Rev. 11:18).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Gen 6:5) It is a shocking statement. The Lord is not only angry at the outward actions but every thought of the heart. The LORD sees not as man sees: “man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” (1Sa 16:7) How is your health of the inner thoughts? No one can see but the Lord can. Pray that we keep ourselves pure as the Lord is constantly looking at our hearts.



  1. Noah had never seen a flood before yet he believed God’s word and was saved. In the same way, God warned us about the coming judgment. Let’s pray that we believe His word also.



Genesis 创世纪 5:1-32 — The Genealogy 家谱

The Old Testament is “the book of the genealogy of Adam” (v. 1). It tells us about Adam’s descendants, and the story is not a happy one. In fact, the Old Testament closes with “lest I come and strike the earth with a curse” (Mal. 4:6).



The New Testament is “the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ” (Matt. 1:1); before it ends, it declares “And there shall be no more curse” (Rev. 22:3). The first Adam brought the curse; the Last Adam bore the curse (Gal. 3:13). Adam’s sin caused thorns to grow (Gen. 3:18), but Jesus wore those thorns as a crown (Matt. 27:29).



God made man in His likeness, but sinful man now begets children in his likeness (v. 3). We are all born sinners (Ps. 51:5). But when a sinner is born again through faith in Christ, he or she begins to grow into the likeness of the Last Adam (Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18).



Eight times in chapter 5 you find the sobering phrase “and he died.” Death is an appointment, not an accident. Because sin was reigning, death was also reigning (Rom. 5:14, 17), but in the life of Enoch, God’s grace was reigning (Rom. 5:20–21). He believed God (Heb. 11:5–6), walked with God in the midst of a godless society, and witnessed for God (Jude 14–15). Enoch did not die; God raptured him away to heaven. This is the “blessed hope” of all Christians (Titus 2:11–14; see also 1 Thess. 4:13–18).

“他就死了”这句沉重的话在第5章共出现八次。死亡是必然的,而非偶然之事。因为罪恶的辖制,死亡也因此围绕着(罗5:14,17),但在以诺的生命中,他却受到了神恩典的管理(罗5:20-21)。以诺信神(来11:5-6),在一个无神论的社会之中仍与神同行,并为神作见证(犹14-15)。所以,以诺没有死,而是被神提到天堂去。这就是所有基督徒“有福的盼望”(提2:11-14; 见帖前4:13-18)。


Noah means “rest.” Mankind was in misery and longed for the promised Redeemer to come. He has come, and we can come to Him and find true rest (Matt. 11:28–30).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Death is an appointment, not an accident. It is not a question of if but when. Death can occur anytime and anywhere. Are you ready to face death? Let’s pray that we live every day as if it is our last. So we are always ready and always prepared. It is also a productive way to live our lives.



  1. Everyone faces death one way or another. Yet we see from Genesis that Enoch walked with God and he was taken away without seeing death (Heb. 11:5). There are people who laugh at the teaching of “Rapture” yet this is our glorious hope. This verse is a clear example and proof of the possibility of the rapture of the believers. In the end of the world, those who persevere and continue to walk with God will be raptured out of this world to meet his savior face to face. What a glorious moment. What a glorious hope. Let’s pray that we are one of them.



Genesis 创世纪 4:1-26 — The Consequences of Sin 罪的后果

Satan is a serpent that deceives and a lion that devours (1 Pet. 5:8–9). He used Eve to tempt Adam and Cain to destroy Abel. The two “seeds” of Genesis 3:15 came into conflict, for Cain was a child of the devil (1 John 3:10–12), while Abel was a child of God (Matt. 23:35). Like his father, the devil, Cain was a liar and a murderer (John 8:44). The marks of God’s children are faith, hope, and love (1 Cor. 13:13; 1 Thess. 1:3–4). The marks of the devil’s seed are unbelief, despair, and hatred. These are evident in Cain.



  1. Unbelief 不信  (1–7)

When God killed animals and clothed Adam and Eve (3:21), He taught the significance of blood sacrifice (Heb. 9:22). Cain brought the wrong sacrifice in his hands and had the wrong attitude in his heart. His was not a sacrifice of faith, and God rejected it. God also warned Cain that sin was lying at his door, waiting to pounce on him.



  1. Hatred 仇恨  (8)

Cain’s anger became envy and hatred and it then led to murder (Matt. 5:21–26). When you start to play with temptation, you will soon be caught (James 1:13–16). Cain was guilty of every sin that God hates (Prov. 6:16–19).



  1. Despair 绝望  (9–24)

God’s question to Adam and Eve was, “Where are you?” His question to Cain was, “Where is Abel your brother?” Do we know where our brothers and sisters are? Do we care? Or are we making excuses, as Cain did? Now God curses a man! But Cain was not convicted about his sin; he was concerned only about his punishment. Cain’s unbelief, hatred, and deceit destroyed every relationship in his life – his relationship with his brother, God himself, and the world around him. All of us are pilgrims on this earth, but Cain became a fugitive, a wanderer. “Thou hast made us for Thyself,” said St. Augustine, “and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.”



  1. Hope 盼望  (25–26)

Cain tried to compensate for his despair by building a “civilization” in the land of Nod (“wandering”). Since Adam and Eve had many children, Cain must have married a relative. He had many fine things in his city, but God rejected him and gave Adam another son, Seth (“appointed”), to carry on the godly line.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. There are always two ways to approach God. One is by faith and the other is by our own merit. How often do we approach God to show Him how good and clever we are and how we deserve His praises. In fact, we are telling Him we do not need him. However, we are created to depend on God and to believe Him and trust His word. Let’s pray that we trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. (Pro 3:5).



  1. Besides loving God, we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. We should then love our own brothers all the more. Where are your brothers and sisters? Let’s start by praying for them.



Genesis 创世纪 3:1-24 — The Temptation 诱惑

  1. The Voice of Deception 欺哄的声音  (1–6)

Up to this point, God’s word is the only word that has been at work, creating and commanding. Now another “word” enters the scene, the word of Satan, the deceiver. He is a serpent that deceives (2 Cor. 11:1–3), a liar, and a murderer (John 8:44). He questioned God’s word and God’s goodness (v. 1), denied God’s warning (v. 4), and then substituted a lie for God’s truth (v. 5). “You will be like God” is his master lie (Isa. 14:12–14; Rom. 1:21–25), and people still believe it. Eve was deceived when she ate, but Adam was not; he sinned with his eyes wide open (1 Tim. 2:14). He would rather forfeit his dominion than be separated from his wife.



  1. The Voice of Love 慈爱的声音  (7–13)

Guilt produces fear, and fear makes us want to run and hide. Ordinarily, Adam and Eve would run to meet God, but they had become sinners (Rom. 3:10–12). Sinners cannot cover their sins by their own works, nor can they hide from God. The Father sought the lost sinners as Jesus did when He was on earth (Luke 19:10) and as the Holy Spirit does today through His people (Acts 8:29ff.). God wants to use us to call men and women to salvation (Acts 1:8).



  1. The Voice of Judgment 审判的声音  (14, 16–19)

God cursed the serpent and the ground but He did not curse Adam and Eve. The consequences of man’s fall are all around us and we suffer because of them. The ultimate judgment is death. Man can overcome a difficult environment to some extent, but he can do nothing about “the last enemy,” death (1 Cor. 15:26). His only victory over death is through faith in Jesus Christ (John 11:25–26; 1 Cor. 15:57–58).



  1. The Voice of Grace 恩典的声音  (15, 20–24)

In verse 15, God declared war on Satan and gave the first promise of the Redeemer. Satan would bruise Christ’s heel, but Christ would bruise Satan’s head and defeat him (John 12:31; Col. 2:15). Adam believed the promise that his wife would bear children, and his faith saved him. He called her Eve, which means “life-giver.” In response to their faith, God shed innocent blood and clothed them. The only way sinners can be saved is by faith in the shedding of Christ’s blood (Heb. 9:22; see also Isa. 61:10; Eph. 2:8–9). Jesus Christ is “the last Adam” (1 Cor. 15:45–49). The first Adam’s disobedience plunged us into sin, but the Last Adam’s obedience brought salvation (Rom. 5:12–21). The first Adam was a thief who was cast out of Paradise. The Last Adam told a thief he would enter paradise (Luke 23:43). In Adam we die; in Christ we have eternal life.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. There are always two voices in the world – the voice of God and voice of Satan. Let’s pray that we will be discerning. The voice of God is already recorded in the Bible, let’s pray that we read God’s word daily so that we will not be deceived.



  1. Let’s thank God because God is not only holy and righteous, he is also gracious and merciful. Although we sinned and deserved His punishment, yet He provided a solution for us to repent and be saved. This is the father’s love.



Genesis 创世纪 2:1-25 — God’s Instructions 神的指示

Now we are given the details concerning the creation of man and woman and their place in God’s plan. This account does not contradict chapter 1; it complements it. We see the man involved in several activities.



  1. Resting 休息  (1–3)

God’s rest was the rest of completion, not the rest of exhaustion, for God never gets weary (Ps. 121:4). Adam must have rested also, fellowshipped with the Lord and worshiped Him. The seventh day, the Sabbath, became a sign to Israel that they were God’s special people (Exod. 31:13–17). It is also a symbol of the eternal rest God’s people will have with Him (Heb. 4:9–11).



  1. Working 工作  (4–15)

Rest and work must be in balance. Human history involves three gardens: the Garden of Eden, where man took of the tree and sinned; the Garden of Gethsemane, where the Savior took the cup and went to the tree to die for our sins; and the “garden city” of glory where God will take all His children to live forever (Rev. 21–22). Work is not a curse. God gave Adam the task of guarding the Garden and tilling it. It was a fulfilling ministry for him. Man and God must work together to produce the harvest. St. Augustine said, “Pray as though everything depended on God, and work as though everything depended on you.”



  1. Submitting 顺服  (16–17)

The Creator has the right to govern His creatures. Love sets limits for the good of man. God calls us to obey Him because we want to, not because we have to. He wants children, not machines. Note especially the word freely in verse 16.



  1. Naming 起名  (18–25)

Man’s naming the animals was a part of his “dominion” as the head of creation (1:26–28). He lost this dominion because of sin (Ps. 8), but we have regained it through Christ (Heb. 2:5ff.). Adam also named his mate; he called her “Woman.” Later, he would call her “Eve.” God established marriage to meet man’s need for companionship (2:18) and to provide for the rearing of children (1:28). In addition it served as a picture of Christ and His church (Eph. 5:25–32). Adam gave of himself for his bride, and Jesus gave of Himself for His bride (John 19:31–37).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Work and rest are both good and both are ordained by God. Let us pray that we glorify God not only through our rest but also through our work.



  1. Since the Lord created his creatures, He has the right to set the limit of their lives and instruct them on what is good and what is evil. Let’s pray that we humble ourselves and follow His instructions.



  1. Let us thank God for giving us a companion and marriage, so that we can have a family and enjoy the love of father, mother, brothers and sisters.
