Devotional/灵修 – Genesis 创世纪书


9 Feb 2018, Gen 10-11 创10-11章, The City of Babel 巴别城

Scripture Reading        : Gen 10-11

Theme                            : The City of Babel


From Noah’s three sons, God made a new beginning in human history. He set apart Shem to be His special channel of blessing, and it was through Shem that Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation, was born (11:10ff.).

Sin always separates: man from God (chap. 3); brother from brother (chap. 4); family from family (chap. 9); and now nation from nation.

Note the name of Nimrod (10:8–10). The phrase “mighty hunter” implies that he was a rebel against God and a tyrant against his fellowman. He founded two cities important in Bible history: Babylon and Nineveh.

Man seeks unity and notoriety, and he tries to accomplish these things by his own wisdom and strength. Lucifer wanted to be like God (Isa. 14:14), and man wanted to make a name for himself. But only God can make a person’s name truly great (Gen. 12:2; Josh. 3:7).

Babel  means “confusion,” and “God is not the author of confusion” (1 Cor. 14:33; see also James 3:16). Babylon will appear often in the biblical record as the enemy of God’s people. Wherever there is confusion, the spirit of Babylon—the world and the flesh—is at work. Ultimately, the whole “Babylonian system” will be destroyed (Rev. 17–18).

The confusion of tongues that began at Babel was reversed at Pentecost (Acts 2:7–8). A descendant of Ham, an Ethiopian, was saved in Acts 8; a descendant of Shem, Paul, was saved in Acts 9; and the gentile descendants of Japheth were saved in Acts 10. Unity is not worked up by man; it is sent down by God (Ps. 133; Eph. 4:1–6).

As we share the gospel with others, we are helping to unite what sin has torn apart (Eph. 1:10–11). Christians are indeed the peacemakers of the world. [1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. It is amazing how quickly men deteriorated into a situation that deserved God’s intervention and punishment. It only took a few generations for them to fall into the same sin of Satan, Adam and Eve. They wanted to make a name for themselves rather than God (Gen 11:4). Are we not trying to prove we are better than others? Are we not trying to prove that we are clever and talented? Let’s pray that we humble ourselves and obey Him who created us and saved from our sins.
  1. Biblical unity is not that we agree with one another. The incident of Babel proved that there was total unity. Yes, they unified to glorify themselves rather than God. Biblical unity is not that we agree with one another but we all agree with God and His word. God and his Word is our means of unity. If we all agreed with God and his Word, we are unified. That is biblical unity. Let’s pray that we study His Word and achieve unity through His Word.


[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary  (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 10:1.







注意宁录(10:8-10)这名字。 “猎户”在原文这意味着他是一个抵挡神、对待同胞极为残暴的人。在圣经历史里,他创立了两个重要的城市:巴比伦和尼尼微。

人寻求团结和和出名誉,他们试图通过自己的智慧和力量来完成这些事情。路西法想成为神那样(赛14:14),而人想要成名。但只有神能使一个人的名真正的伟大。(创12:2;书 3:7)

巴别是“混乱” 的意思,但“神不是叫人混 乱”的。(林前14:33;也见 各3:16)在圣经的记载里巴比伦经常以与神子民为敌。哪里有混乱,那里就有巴比伦属世和肉体的活动。最终,整个“巴比伦系统”将被毁灭。(启17-18)





  1. 人类是以惊人的速度迅速的恶化到一个神必须干涉和处罚的地步。只经过几个世代的时间,人就落入撒旦、亚当夏娃同样的罪。他们想要荣耀自己的名,而不是神的名(创11:4)。我们不是也想证明我们比别人更强呢?我们不是也不断尝试证明自己比神更聪明吗?让我们向神认罪,并求神使我们谦卑自己,并且顺服那创造我们、并且在罪中拯救我们的神。
  1. 符合圣经的合一不是要我们彼此达成一致的意见。巴别塔事件证明他们有一致的行动。是的,他们同心协力来荣耀自己,而不是神。圣经的合一不是我们意见的一致,而是我们都接受神和祂的话。神和祂的话语是我们统一的途径。如我们都接受神和祂的话语,我们就有合一了。这就是圣经的团结。让我们祈求神使我们研读祂的话语,通过祂的话语实现合一。


8 Feb 2018, Gen 9 创9章, The New World 新世界

Scripture Reading        : Gen 9

Theme                            : The New World


Government (1–7).

God gave some new rules for life on the cleansed earth. He always guides His redeemed and shows them His will. Noah and his family could now eat animal flesh (Gen. 1:29), but they were forbidden to eat the blood (Lev. 17:11–14). The sanctity of human life was affirmed in the ordaining of human government (Rom. 13). God established government because man is basically a sinner and must be kept under control. Murder is a terrible crime because man is made in the image of God, and to kill a human being is to attack God’s image. All people are not children of God, but all belong to one human family because God made us of one blood (Acts 17:26).

Grace (8–17).

God gave assurance that He would never send another flood to destroy life on the earth. The covenant included not only man but also birds, cattle, and the beasts of the field (Ezek. 1:10; Rev. 4:7). The sign of the covenant was the rainbow, a bridge of beauty that joins heaven and earth. Whether we look at the rainbow or not, God looks upon it and remembers His promises. Noah saw the rainbow after the storm; Ezekiel saw it in the midst of the storm (Ezek. 1:4ff.); and John saw it before
the storm of judgment (Rev. 4:1–3).


Imagine, a “preacher of righteousness” (2 Pet. 2:5), who was over six hundred years old, getting drunk!(See Gen. 6:5; 8:21; 1 Cor. 10:12.) Ham should have grieved over his father’s sins, not gloated over them (Prov. 14:9). His brothers did what love always does: “covers all sins” (Prov. 10:12; 12:16; 17:9; 1 Pet. 4:8). 
Noah’s words must not be interpreted to mean that certain races are inferior and destined to be enslaved. In fact, history shows that some of Canaan’s descendants were mighty nations with great empires. For that matter, even the Jews, the descendants of Shem, have had their share of captivity. His words were a prophecy: the sin of Ham would be visited on his son Canaan, who must have been involved in some way; Shem would have God’s blessing (Rom. 9:1–5); Japheth (the Gentiles) would multiply and would worship the God of Shem. John wrote, “Salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22). People who trust Christ for salvation are all one in Him (Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11). [1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. Good news! We can eat meat, it is biblical! However, animal lovers might think that we are amoral people. Let’s pray that we don’t define our moral standards by their standards and that our love for upholding these standards is not greater than the Word of God. That is pride in itself. That shows that we are arrogant, thinking we know better and that we can set the limit as to what to do and what to eat.
  1. Although men sinned yet they still have God’s image. So when we look at another human being, we must see the God who created him. Let’s pray that we value every human life.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 9:1.










试想想,一个“传义道”(彼得后书2:5)、600多岁的人竟然喝醉了! (见创6:5;8:21;林前10:12)迦南应该为父亲的罪感到悲伤,而不是在那儿幸灾乐祸。(箴14:9)他的兄弟却做了爱应该有的表现: “遮盖”- 因为“爱能遮掩许多的罪” 。(箴10:12 12:16;17:9;彼前4:8)



  1. 好消息!我们可以吃肉了,这是符合圣经的!然而,动物爱好者可能会认为我们不道德。让我们祷告,我们不以世人的标准来决定我们的生活、我们的爱也能不大于神的话语。这样的想法本身就是骄傲。这表明我们是傲慢的,我们认为自己更加了解并可以决定做什么和吃什么的限制。
  1. 人虽然犯了罪,但他们仍然有神的形象。所以,当我们在看到另一个人时,我们必须看到创造他的神。让我们祷告让我们珍视每个生命。

7 Feb 2018, Genesis 6-8 创6-8章, The Flood 洪水

Scripture Reading        : Genesis 6-8

Theme                            : The Flood


The account of a flood is written into the history of many ancient peoples, and the results of a flood are seen in many places on the earth. Jesus believed in the Flood (Matt. 24:37–39), and so did Peter (1 Pet. 3:20) and the author of Hebrews (11:7).

The holiness of God(6:1–7).

God saw a world of people who were inwardly corrupt, outwardly violent, and upwardly rebellious. Noah was the tenth generation from Adam. It didn’t take long for sin to spread in the human race. When the world is again as it was in Noah’s day, watch for the return of the Lord (Matt. 24:37–39).

The grace of God (6:8–7:10).

Noah was saved just as any sinner is saved, by grace (Gen. 6:8), through faith (Heb. 11:7). See Eph. 2:8–9. He heard God’s Word, believed God’s promise of protection, and proved his faith by his works. There was only one way to be saved from destruction, and that was by entering the ark; and the ark had only one door. It is a picture of the salvation we have in Christ.

The wrath of God (7:11–24).

God was very patient and gave the world at least 120 years to be saved (Gen. 6:3; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 2:5). The world refused Noah’s witness and rejected God’s grace up to the very day Noah and his family went into the ark. God waited another week (how the neighbors must have laughed at Noah!), but then the judgment came. As David proclaimed, “The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood” (Ps. 29:10). He is sovereign in all things! The next worldwide judgment will be with fire, not water (2 Pet. 3:1–12).

The faithfulness of God (8:1–22).
Noah had faith in God’s promises, and God did not disappoint him. (See 1 Kings 8:56.) True faith does not get in a hurry (Isa. 28:16); Noah waited until the word of God told him what to do. The first thing Noah and his family did on the cleansed earth was to worship the God who had faithfully cared for them (Ps. 116:12–19; Rom. 12:1–2). God gave them a covenant that assured them of the continuity of creation despite man’s evil heart. This covenant makes possible the sustaining of life on earth. God has been faithful to His covenant, but man has not been faithful in his stewardship of the earth. (See Rev. 11:18).[1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Gen 6:5) It is a shocking statement. The Lord is not only angry at the outward actions but every thought of the heart. The LORD sees not as man sees: “man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” (1Sa 16:7) How is your health of the inner thoughts? No one can see but the Lord can. Pray that we keep ourselves pure as the Lord is constantly looking at our hearts.
  1. Noah had never seen a flood before yet he believed God’s word and was saved. In the same way, God warned us about the coming judgment. Let’s pray that we believe His word also.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 6:1.






神的圣洁 (6:1-7)


神的恩典 (6:8–7:10).


神的忿怒 (7:11–24).


神的信实 (8:1–22).

挪亚相信神的应许,而神并没有让他失望。 (参见列上8:56)真正的信心并不着急(赛28:16);挪亚等待神的话来告诉他该怎么做。当挪亚踏上大地的时候,挪亚和他一家家人首先做的事就是敬拜那位眷顾他们信实的神(诗篇116:12-19,罗12:1-2)。神与他们立约,应许他们尽管人类的心邪恶败坏,但万物仍会继续繁荣下去。这约使世界上的生物可以持续不息。神一直忠于他所立的约,但人却没有尽他们应当管理世界的责任。(启11:18)。



  1. “耶和华见人在地上罪恶很大,终日所思想的尽都是恶。” (创6:5)这是一句令人震惊的话。耶和华不只因人外在的行为,更因人们心里的每一给思想而感到愤怒。“耶和华不像人看人:人是看外貌;耶和华是看内心。”(撒上16:7)你的内心世界是否健康呢?除了主无人能知道。请祷告神使我们能保持自己的纯洁,因为主时刻知道我们心中的思绪。
  1. 挪亚从来没有见过洪水但他仍然相信神的话,他因此得救了。同样的,神告诫我们将来必有审判的到来。让我们祷告神使我们也相信他的话并且得救。

6 Feb 2018, Genesis 5 创5章, The Genealogy 家谱

Scripture Reading        : Genesis 5

Theme                            : The Genealogy


The Old Testament is “the book of the genealogy of Adam” (v. 1). It tells us about Adam’s descendants, and the story is not a happy one. In fact, the Old Testament closes with “lest I come and strike the earth with a curse” (Mal. 4:6).

The New Testament is “the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ” (Matt. 1:1); before it ends, it declares “And there shall be no more curse” (Rev. 22:3). The first Adam brought the curse; the Last Adam bore the curse (Gal. 3:13). Adam’s sin caused thorns to grow (Gen. 3:18), but Jesus wore those thorns as a crown (Matt. 27:29).

God made man in His likeness, but sinful man now begets children in his likeness (v. 3). We are all born sinners (Ps. 51:5). But when a sinner is born again through faith in Christ, he or she begins to grow into the likeness of the Last Adam (Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18).

Eight times in chapter 5 you find the sobering phrase “and he died.” Death is an appointment, not an accident. Because sin was reigning, death was also reigning (Rom. 5:14, 17), but in the life of Enoch,  God’s grace was reigning (Rom. 5:20–21). He believed God (Heb. 11:5–6), walked with God in the midst of a godless society, and witnessed for God (Jude 14–15). Enoch did not die; God raptured him away to heaven. This is the “blessed hope” of all Christians (Titus 2:11–14; see also 1 Thess. 4:13–18).Noah means “rest.” Mankind was in misery and longed for the promised Redeemer to come. He has come, and we can come to Him and find true rest (Matt. 11:28–30).[1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. Death is an appointment, not an accident. It is not a question of if but when. Death can occur anytime and anywhere. Are you ready to face death? Let’s pray that we live every day as if it is our last. So we are always ready and always prepared. It is also a productive way to live our lives.
  1. Everyone faces death one way or another. Yet we see from Genesis that Enoch walked with God and he was taken away without seeing death (Heb. 11:5). There are people who laugh at the teaching of “Rapture” yet this is our glorious hope. This verse is a clear example and proof of the possibility of the rapture of the believers. In the end of the world, those who persevere and continue to walk with God will be raptured out of this world to meet his savior face to face. What a glorious moment. What a glorious hope. Let’s pray that we are one of them.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary(Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 5:1.







这句令人严肃思考的话“他就死了”在第5章一共出现了八次。死亡是一个约定,不是一件偶然的事。因为罪恶辖制我们,所以死亡也辖制我们(罗5:14,17),但在以诺的生命中,我们却受到神恩典的管理(罗5:20-21)。以诺相信神(希11:5-6),在一个无神论的社会之中仍与神同行,并为神作见证。(犹14-15)所以以诺没有死,神把他提到天堂去。这就是所有基督徒“有福的盼望”(提2:11-14; 见帖前4:13-18)。


  1. 死亡是一个约定,不是一件偶然的事。所以,问题不是“如果”,而是“几时” 。死亡随时随地都可能发生。你做好面对死亡的准备了吗?让我们祷告神使我们把每一天当作是生命的最后一天。这样,我们时刻都已预备好了。这样也是满有效率的生活方式。
  1. 我们每个人都将面临死亡。然而,从创世记里我们看见与神同行的以诺,在经过死亡的情况下就被神提走了(希11:5)。有些人耻笑“教会被提”的教导,然而,这却是我们荣耀的盼望。这节经文清楚证明信徒被提的可能性。在末世的时候,那些持之以恒,继续与神同行的信徒将从这个世界被提,并与他的救主面对面。那是多么光荣的一刻呀!多么荣耀的盼望呀!让我们祷告神使我们成为他们中间的一份子。

5 Feb 2018, Genesis 4 创4章, The Consequences of Sin 罪的后果

Scripture Reading        : Genesis 4

Theme                            : The Consequences of Sin


Satan is a serpent that deceives and a lion that devours (1 Pet. 5:8–9). He used Eve to tempt Adam and Cain to destroy Abel. The two “seeds” of Genesis 3:15 came into conflict, for Cain was a child of the devil (1 John 3:10–12), while Abel was a child of God (Matt. 23:35). Like his father, the devil, Cain was a liar and a murderer (John 8:44).

The marks of God’s children are faith, hope, and love (1 Cor. 13:13; 1 Thess. 1:3–4). The marks of the devil’s seed are unbelief, despair, and hatred. These are evident in Cain.


When God killed animals and clothed Adam and Eve (3:21), He taught the significance of blood sacrifice (Heb. 9:22). Cain brought the wrong sacrifice in his hands and had the wrong attitude in his heart. His was not a sacrifice of faith, and God rejected it. God also warned Cain that sin was lying at his door, waiting to pounce on him.


Cain’s anger became envy and hatred and it then led to murder (Matt. 5:21–26). When you start to play with temptation, you will soon be caught (James 1:13–16). Cain was guilty of every sin that God hates (Prov. 6:16–19).


God’s question to Adam and Eve was, “Where are you?” His question to Cain was, “Where is Abel your brother?” Do we know where our brothers and sisters are? Do we care? Or are we making excuses, as Cain did?

Now God curses a man! But Cain was not convicted about his sin; he was concerned only about his punishment. Cain’s unbelief, hatred, and deceit destroyed every relationship in his life – his relationship with his brother, God himself, and the world around him. All of us are pilgrims on this earth, but Cain became a fugitive, a wanderer. “Thou hast made us for Thyself,” said St. Augustine, “and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.”


Cain tried to compensate for his despair by building a “civilization” in the land of Nod (“wandering”). Since Adam and Eve had many children, Cain must have married a relative. He had many fine things in his city, but God rejected him and gave Adam another son, Seth (“appointed”), to carry on the godly line.[1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. There are always two ways to approach God. One is by faith and the other is by our own merit. How often do we approach God to show Him how good and clever we are and how we deserve His praises. In fact, we are telling Him we do not need him. However, we are created to depend on God and to believe Him and trust His word. Let’s pray that we trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. (Pro 3:5).
  1. Besides loving God, we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. We should then love our own brothers all the more. Where are your brothers and sisters? Let’s start by praying for them.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 4:1.










绝望 (9–24).


现在我们看到神竟诅咒人!但该隐并不肯承认自己的罪,他只关心他所遭到的惩罚。该隐的不信、仇恨和欺骗摧毁了他的生命中的每一个关系 – 他与兄弟、他与神、他与周围的世界。我们所有的人都是这世界的旅客,但该隐却成为一个逃犯、一个流浪者。圣奥古斯丁说:“你为自己创造了我们”,“我们的心无法安宁,直到它们能安息与袮”

盼望 (25–26).




  1. 我们总是能有两种方法来到神面前。一个是依靠信心,另一种是依赖自己的功德。有多少时候我们来到神前是为要向他展示我们是如何的好和聪明,以及我们是如何值得他的称赞。事实上,我们是在告诉神,我们并不需要祂。然而,我们被创造的本质是要依靠神、相信他、信赖他的话。让我们祷告祈求神使我们能专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明。(箴3:5)
  1. 除了爱神,我们也要爱人如己。那我们不是应该更加爱自己的弟兄姊妹吗?你的弟兄姊妹在哪里?让我们开始为他们祷告。

3 Feb 2018, Genesis 3 创3章, The Temptation 诱惑

Scripture Reading        : Genesis 3

Theme                            : The Temptation


The voice of deception (1–6).

Up to this point, God’s word is the only word that has been at work, creating and commanding. Now another “word” enters the scene, the word of Satan, the deceiver. He is a serpent that deceives (2 Cor. 11:1–3), a liar, and a murderer (John 8:44). He questioned God’s word and God’s goodness (v. 1), denied God’s warning (v. 4), and then substituted a lie for God’s truth (v. 5). “You will be like God” is his master lie (Isa. 14:12–14; Rom. 1:21–25), and people still believe it. Eve was deceived when she ate, but Adam was not; he sinned with his eyes wide open (1 Tim. 2:14). He would rather forfeit his dominion than be separated from his wife.

The voice of love(7–13).

Guilt produces fear, and fear makes us want to run and hide. Ordinarily, Adam and Eve would run to meet God, but they had become sinners (Rom. 3:10–12). Sinners cannot cover their sins by their own works, nor can they hide from God. The Father sought the lost sinners as Jesus did when He was on earth (Luke 19:10) and as the Holy Spirit does today through His people (Acts 8:29ff.). God wants to use us to call men and women to salvation (Acts 1:8).

The voice of judgment (14, 16–19).

God cursed the serpent and the ground but He did not curse Adam and Eve. The consequences of man’s fall are all around us and we suffer because of them. The ultimate judgment is death. Man can overcome a difficult environment to some extent, but he can do nothing about “the last enemy,” death (1 Cor. 15:26). His only victory over death is through faith in Jesus Christ (John 11:25–26; 1 Cor. 15:57–58).

The voice of grace (15, 20–24).

In verse 15, God declared war on Satan and gave the first promise of the Redeemer. Satan would bruise Christ’s heel, but Christ would bruise Satan’s head and defeat him (John 12:31; Col. 2:15). Adam believed the promise that his wife would bear children, and his faith saved him. He called her Eve, which means “life-giver.” In response to their faith, God shed innocent blood and clothed them. The only way sinners can be saved is by faith in the shedding of Christ’s blood (Heb. 9:22; see also Isa. 61:10; Eph. 2:8–9).
Jesus Christ is “the last Adam” (1 Cor. 15:45–49). The first Adam’s disobedience plunged us into sin, but the Last Adam’s obedience brought salvation (Rom. 5:12–21). The first Adam was a thief who was cast out of Paradise. The Last Adam told a thief he would enter paradise (Luke 23:43). In Adam we die; in Christ we have eternal life. [1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. There are always two voices in the world – the voice of God and voice of Satan. Let’s pray that we will be discerning. The voice of God is already recorded in the Bible, let’s pray that we read God’s word daily so that we will not be deceived.
  1. Let’s thank God because God is not only holy and righteous, he is also gracious and merciful. Although we sinned and deserved His punishment, yet He provided a solution for us to repent and be saved. This is the father’s love.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary 

(Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 3:1.





到目前为止神的话是世界上唯一的话语,那就是创造和命令的话语。可是现在另一把“声音”出现了,这就是撒旦,那迷惑人的话语。他是欺哄人的蛇(林前11:1-3)、是骗子、是个杀人犯(约8:44)。他质疑神的话和神的美善(第1节),否定神的警告(第4节),并以谎言取代神的真理(第5节 )。 “你便如神”是撒旦主要的谎言(赛14:12-14;罗1:21-25),而现今人们仍然相信这个谎言。夏娃受到欺骗而吃下果子,但亚当却不是的;他眼睁睁看着自己在犯罪(提前2:14)。他宁愿放弃他的统治,也不愿与妻子分离。


罪恶产生恐惧,恐惧使我们躲避。按道理,亚当和夏娃应该逃向神哪里,但他们自己却成为了罪人(罗3:10-12)。罪人无法掩盖自己的罪恶,也躲避不了神。天父寻找迷失的罪人,主耶稣也一样寻找迷失的罪人(路19:10),今圣灵通过他的子民也一样寻找迷失的罪人(徒8:29 ff)。神要我们使人人都得祂的救恩。(徒1:8)

审判的声音 (14, 16–19).

神诅咒蛇和地面,但他没有诅咒亚当和夏娃。人类堕落的后果都出现在我们的周围,我们因它们而受苦。最终的审判就是死亡。人在某程度上可以克服艰难的环境,但他却对 “最后的敌人”死亡无能为力(林前15:26)。战胜死亡的唯一途径是通过相信耶稣基督(约11:25-26,林前15:57-58)。
恩典的声音 (15, 20–24).

在第15节,神向撒旦宣战并第一次给予人类救世主的应许。撒旦会伤基督的脚跟,基督会伤撒旦的头,并击败他(约12:31;西2:15)。亚当相信夏娃将会多生育的应许,他的信心因此救了他。他为妻子改名为夏娃就是“众生之母”的意思。因他的信心,神流了无辜羔羊的血,给他们穿上皮衣。罪人唯一能得救的途径是通过相信基督的流血而得救。(希9:22; 赛61:10; 弗2:8-9)。




  1. 这世界总是有两把声音- 神的声音和撒旦的声音。让我们祷告神使我们能辨认这两把声音。神的话语已被记录在“圣经”中,让我们祈求神给我们每天读神的话语,使我们不受欺骗。
  1. 让我们感谢神,因神不仅是圣洁和公义,他也是满有恩典和怜悯。虽然我们犯罪并且应得到神的惩罚,但他却给予我们一个解决方案,就是悔改而得救。这就是天父的爱。


2 Feb 2018, Genesis 2 创2章, God’s Instructions 神的指示

Scripture Reading        : Genesis 2

Theme                            : God’s Instructions


Now we are given the details concerning the creation of man and woman and their place in God’s plan. This account does not contradict chapter 1; it complements it. We see the man involved in several activities.

Resting (1–3).

God’s rest was the rest of completion, not the rest of exhaustion, for God never gets weary (Ps. 121:4). Adam must have rested also, fellowshiped with the Lord and worshiped Him. The seventh day, the Sabbath, became a sign to Israel that they were God’s special people (Exod. 31:13–17). It is also a symbol of the eternal rest God’s people will have with Him (Heb. 4:9–11).

Working (4–15).

Rest and work must be in balance. Human history involves three gardens: the Garden of Eden, where man took of the tree and sinned; the Garden of Gethsemane, where the Savior took the cup and went to the tree to die for our sins; and the “garden city” of glory where God will take all His children to live forever (Rev. 21–22).

Work is not a curse. God gave Adam the task of guarding the Garden and tilling it. It was a fulfilling ministry for him. Man and God must work together to produce the harvest. St. Augustine said, “Pray as though everything depended on God, and work as though everything depended on you.”


The Creator has the right to govern His creatures. Love sets limits for the good of man. God calls us to obey Him because we want to, not because we have to. He wants children, not machines. Note especially the word freely  in verse 16.

Naming (18–25).

Man’s naming the animals was a part of his “dominion” as the head of creation (1:26–28). He lost this dominion because of sin (Ps. 8), but we have regained it through Christ (Heb. 2:5ff.).

Adam also named his mate; he called her “Woman.” Later, he would call her “Eve.” God established marriage to meet man’s need for companionship (2:18) and to provide for the rearing of children (1:28). In addition it served as a picture of Christ and His church (Eph. 5:25–32). Adam gave of himself for his bride, and Jesus gave of Himself for His bride (John 19:31–37).


Praying the Scripture

  1. Work and rest are both good and both are ordained by God. Let us pray that we glorify God not only through our rest but also through our work.
  1. Since the Lord created his creatures, He has the right to set the limit of their lives and instruct them on what is good and what is evil. Let’s pray that we humble ourselves and follow His instructions.
  1. Let us thank God for giving us a companion and marriage, so that we can have a family and enjoy the love of father, mother, brothers and sisters.








人类的历史上涉及三个花园:伊甸园 – 亚当与夏娃曾经吃神所吩咐不可吃的果子而犯罪堕落的花园;客西马尼园 – 救主拿起杯来为我们的罪钉死十架上的花园和充满神荣耀的“城市花园” – 神的儿女永远居住的花园(启21-22)。


顺服 (16–17)







  1. 工作和休息都是好的,都神所立定的。让我们祷告,不但是我们的工作,同时也过安息来荣耀神。
  1. 既然神创造万物,那他就有权力为万物设限并给予指导什么是好,什么是恶的。让我们祷告使我们能谦卑并顺从他的指示。
  1. 我们感谢神赐给我们伴侣和婚姻,以让我们可以有一个家庭和享受父亲、母亲、兄弟姐妹的爱。

1 Feb 2018, Genesis 1 创1章, God’s Creation 神的创造

Scripture Reading        : Genesis 1

Theme                            : God’s Creation


We are conscious every day of the visible world around us. We need to remember that this world speaks to us of God, His existence, His wisdom, and His power (Rom. 1:20; Ps. 19:1–3).

God creates.

Everything begins with God and fulfills His purposes for His glory (Col. 1:16–17; Rev. 4:11). He works by the power of His Word (Ps. 33:6–9), the same Word that can work in our lives (1 Thess. 2:13). He works according to a plan: first He forms, then He fills. He formed the earth and filled it with plants and animals. He formed the firmament and filled it with stars and planets. He formed the seas and filled them with living creatures. He can form and fill our lives today if we will yield to Him. Persons who have trusted Jesus Christ are a part of the new creation (2 Cor. 4:6; 5:17; Eph. 2:8–10).

God names

He named what He made, and we have no right to make changes: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness” (Isa. 5:20). God calls things by their right names; if we use His vocabulary, we must also use His dictionary. (See Prov. 17:15.)

God divides

He separated the light from the darkness, the dry land from the waters, and the waters above from the waters beneath. This principle of separation is basic in the whole Bible: He separated Abraham from Ur, the nation of Israel from the Gentiles, His church from the world (John 17:14–16). He wants His people today to be separated from all that defiles (2 Cor. 6:14–7:1).

God blesses.

The first man and woman were the only part of creation especially blessed by God. Because we are created in the image of God, we are different from the other creatures God made, and we must be careful how we treat one another (Gen. 9:6; James 3:9). Sin has marred that divine image, but one day all true believers will bear the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29). The more we are like Christ, the more we will enjoy His blessing (2 Cor. 3:18).[1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. We are God’s creatures created by Him. So let’s pray that we humbled before Him and worship Him. How often do we behave as if we come into existence by our own will and we are our own masters? Let’s confess our sins and once again acknowledge Him as our Creator, Lord and Master of our lives.
  1. God naming Adam signified his authority over man. No one has authority to name your children unless you give them permission. Let us acknowledge his authority in our lives.
  1. 1 Pet 1:16 says, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” The word “holy” means separate. We need to separate ourselves from the world system and value. We need to separate ourselves from the animals. We need to be separated because we are made of God’s image. Let’s pray that we keep ourselves separate to reflect God’s glory.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 1:1.







一切的创造由神开始,为神的荣耀,并且完成神的旨意(西1:16-17;启4:11)。万物皆由他口中的话而成(诗33:6-9),同样的话也在我们的生命里动工。(帖前2:13)。神按着计划实行:先有形,后填满。他先形成地球,后以植物和动物填满。他先形成苍穹,后以恒星和行星遍及宇宙。他先形成海洋,后以生物充满。如果我们愿顺服他,他也可以形成并充充我们今日的生命。信靠耶稣基督的人就是新造的人。(2歌4:6; 5:17; 弗2:8-10)。


神为他的所造之物命名,我们是没有权力更改的。先知以赛亚说:“祸哉,那些称恶为善,称善为恶。以暗为光,以光为暗。(赛5:20)。神给一切创造物正确名称;如果我们使用神的词汇,我们也必能在神的词汇中理解神的意思。(见箴 17:15)







  1. 我们是神所造的。因此祈求神让我们能到祂面前谦卑自己并敬拜祂。多少时候我们活到好像我们是自己生命的主人、是按自己的意思来到这世界。愿我们承认自己的罪,并再次承认祂是我们的造物主、救主和生命的主人。
  1. 神为亚当命名,表明了他对人类有辖管的权柄。就如没有人有权力为你的孩子命名,除非得到你允许。愿我们承认神在我们生命的主权。
  1. 彼前1:16说,“你们要圣洁,因为我是圣洁的。”“圣洁”一词是指分隔。我们需要将自己从这世界的制度和价值观念分开来。我们也需要将自己与动物分隔开来。我们需要分开是因为我们有神的形象。让我们祷告主使让我们将自己分别出来以反映神的荣耀。

22 Feb 2018, Gen 22 创22章, The Greatest Test 最大的考验

Scripture Reading        : Gen 22

Theme                             : The Greatest Test


At the age of 75, Abraham enrolled in the “School of Faith.” Now he was over 100, and he was still having soul-stretching experiences. We are never too old to face new challenges, fight new battles, and learn new truths. When we stop learning, we stop growing; and when we stop growing, we stop living. [1]

Genesis 22 records the greatest test that Abraham ever faced. Offering Isaac on the altar was the hardest test Abraham ever faced, but he came through victoriously because he trusted God (Heb. 11:17–19). He had experienced resurrection power in his own body (Rom. 4:19–21), so he knew what God could do. It was a test of faith, whether he will trust God. This is far more difficult than the previous tests involving Lot and Ishmael.

It was also a test of hopefor God’s plan of salvation for the world was wrapped up in Isaac. If Isaac died, how could the Jewish nation be built and the Savior be born? But Abraham had a living hope because he trusted in the living God (1 Pet. 1:3).

Certainly it was a test of love. In verse 2, you find the first use of the word love in the Bible. Abraham loved his son, but he loved God more. Isaac was God’s gift to Abraham, but the gift had to become a sacrifice to God. If the gift becomes more important than the Giver, it becomes an idol.

After He tests us, God reveals Himself to us in a new way (John 14:21–23). The name Jehovah-Yireh means “the Lord will see to it” or “the Lord will provide.” The ram was God’s provision for Isaac, and Jesus Christ is God’s provision for the whole world. In this experience, Abraham saw Christ by faith and rejoiced (John 8:56).


Praying the Scripture

  1. The command to Abraham to sacrifice his son was repeated thrice by God in verses 2, 12 and 16. This would mean killing the son and ending the promise of the Abrahamic Covenant. Such action would seem illogical, irrational and incomprehensible, yet Abraham obeyed (v. 3). This was a test of faith and test of hope – whether you can trust God even if you do not understand. Pray that you will remember that God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts. (Isa 55:9)
  1. The Lord knew Abraham loved his son dearly: “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love. (Gen 22:2) This is his only son he got after waiting for 100 years. The test is whether Abraham love his son more than God. If our hearts desire anything more than God, that desire, regardless good or bad, becomes our idol. What is the ultimate desire of your heart? In a sense, we are also being tested like Abraham every day. Do we love God more than anything in the world? Let’s pray that we love God more anything in the world.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 22:1.






创世记22章记载着亚伯拉罕所面临的最大考验。这是亚伯拉罕一生面临的最大考验,将以撒献在祭坛上。但他因为依靠神而得胜了。(希 11:17-19)他曾经亲身的经历了复活的大能(罗4:19-21),所以他知道神必定也能使以撒复活。这是一个信心的考验,来审查他是否会相信神。这远远比罗得和以实玛利的考验来的更加的大。



在祂考验了我们之后,神会向我们显示了自己新的一面(约 14:21-23)。耶和华以勒指“耶和华有清楚地看见”或“主耶和华必预备” 。公羊是神为以撒预备的,耶稣基督是神为整个世界所预备的。通过这次的考验,亚伯拉罕因着信心看到基督并欣喜。(约8:56)



  1. 神命令亚伯拉罕把自己的儿子献上,这命令祂重复了三次,在第2、12和16节。这命令也就是说要杀死儿子并结束与亚伯拉罕的约。这样的命令似乎不合逻辑、不合理、更无法理解,但亚伯拉罕却顺服了(3节)。这是一个信心和盼望的考验 – 即使当我们无法明白,我们是否愿意信靠神?请祷告你会记得:神的道路高过我们的道路,祂的意念高过我们的意念。 (赛55:9)
  1. 主虽然知道亚伯拉罕深深地爱着自己的儿子但祂却说:“你带着你的儿子,就是你独生的儿子,你所爱的以撒”(创22:2)这也是他等待了100年后的唯一儿子。这次的考验是要测试亚伯拉罕是否爱自己儿子多过神。如果我们的心渴望任何东西远超过神,那个渴望,无论好坏,就成为我们的偶像。你心里的最高的渴望是什么呢?在某种意义上,每一天我们也在经历像亚伯拉罕一样的考验。我们爱神超过世界上任何的东西吗?请祷告我们确实爱神超过世界上任何的东西。

23 Feb 2018, Gen 23 创23章, The Death of Sarah 撒拉的死亡

Scripture Reading        : Gen 23

Theme                            : The Death of Sarah


Abraham the mourner.

Sarah is the only woman named in the Bible whose age is given and burial described. It was the death of a princess, a woman of faith (Heb. 11:11–13; 1 Pet. 3:6). Abraham felt the pain of his loss and openly expressed his grief. Faith is not the enemy of tears, for we sorrow as those who have hope (1 Thess. 4:13–18). Jesus wept (John 11:35) even though He knew He would raise His friend from the dead.

Abraham the sojourner.

Ephron did not plan to give Abraham a valuable piece of land, but that is how typical Eastern bargaining always begins. Although the land already belonged to Abraham (15:7), but he did not want to take advantage of it and he could never explain that to his unbelieving neighbors. He was a pilgrim and did not claim any of it for himself. This is Abraham’s philosophy and principle of life as a pilgrim on earth.

Abraham the owner.

He paid a high price for what became one of the most famous tombs in Bible history, and eventually six people were buried there (49:31–32).  Abraham owned only one thing on earth: a grave. Genesis ends with a full tomb, but the gospel story ends with an empty tomb! And because Jesus Christ lives, we who trust in Him never need fear death.[1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. It is alright to weep. Abraham wept, David wept, and Jesus wept. God created us with feelings and emotions and it is natural to express it. Ecclesiastes states that there will be a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance (Ecc 3:4). However, we may not grieve as others do who have no hope (1Th 4:13). So there is a God-glorifying grieving. We need to discipline ourselves and keep grieving under control. (1Co 9:27) Let’s pray that we know how to handle our emotions for the glory of God.
  1. Abraham is a gracious man and he did not want to take advantage of the people of the land. Even though he knew God has given him the land, he knew the people might not understand so he gave them enough money in order not to stumble them. He is truly a pilgrim on earth. Let’s pray that we do not fight with others over the temporary things of this world but be a true pilgrim like Abraham.
  1. Genesis ends with a full tomb, but the gospel story ends with an empty tomb. There is a saying that a man only needs a 6 by 3 piece of land for us to rest (grave). But Jesus didn’t even need that. Let’s pray that our hope is in heaven rather on earth. We bring nothing here and we take nothing out of this world. Let’s pray that our hope is fixed on Jesus who gives us everything in heaven and on earth.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 23:1.











  1. 我们是可以哭泣的。亚伯拉罕哭了、大卫哭了、连耶稣也哭了。神创造我们是富有感受和情绪的,将这些情感表达出来是件最自然不过的事。传道书说:哭 有 时 , 笑 有 时 ; 哀 恸 有 时 ,跳舞有时(传3:4)。然而,我们不可以像那些没有盼望的人一样悲伤(帖前4:13)。因此,有一种悲哀是可以荣耀神的。我们需要操练自己,学会控制自己的情绪。 (林前9:27)让我们祈祷,我们知道如何处理我们的情绪以荣耀神。
  1. 亚伯拉罕是一个宽厚的人,他并不想白占地土。虽然,他知道神已将这地赐给了他,但他知道这些不信的人可能不会明白,所以他付给他们足够的钱,不绊倒他们。他真是这世上的旅居者。让我们祈祷,我们不因这个世上短暂的事情与别人争吵,但学会像亚伯拉罕一样成为一个真正的旅居者。
  1. 创世记以一个完整的墓结束,但福音书却以一个空墓结束!曾经有人说:一个人只需要一个6乘3大的土地就能让自己安息(坟墓)。但耶稣连这个也不需要。让我们祷告,我们的盼望在天上而不是世上。我们在这世上没有带任何东西来,也不带如何东西走。让我们祈祷,我们的盼望定在那赐给我们在天上和地上所有一切的耶稣。