Genesis 创世纪 14 — Abraham’s Three Victories 亚伯拉罕的三场胜利

When you enroll in the “school of faith,” you never know what may happen next. Visit Abraham one day and you find him settling a boundary dispute. Visit him another day and you see him gearing up for a battle. Why is this so? For one thing, God wants us to mature in every area of life, but maturity doesn’t come easily. There can be no growth without challenge, and there can be no challenge without change. If circumstances never changed, everything would be predictable; and the more predictable life becomes, the less challenge it presents. Let’s see what awaits Abraham.



  1. A Victory Over Lot 战胜罗得

It would have been easy for Abram to let Lot suffer the sad consequences of his own foolish decision. But a man of faith is called “to be a blessing,” so Abram went to the rescue. Lot was not a very dedicated believer, but he was still a brother and needed help. When a brother or a sister creates problems for you, remember Abram and the words of Romans 12:21. Lot went right back into Sodom, but Abram did what he did for the Lord; and that’s what really counts.



  1. A Victory Over The Kings 战胜国王

Abram the pilgrim would never have gotten involved in the war except to rescue Lot. Abram did not have a large army, but he battled by faith; that is what gave him the victory (1 Sam. 14:6; 1 John 5:4–5).



  1. A Victory Over Himself 战胜自己

“Let us be as watchful after the victory as before the battle,” said Andrew Bonar. Abram was tempted to use God’s victory for personal gain, but he refused the offer. The king of Sodom came with a bargain, but the king of Salem (a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ [Heb. 7:1–3]) came with a blessing. Even a shoelace from Sodom would have defiled Abram’s godly walk! After every battle, give God the glory; and beware the devil’s bargains. If you aren’t careful, you may win the war and lose the victory.

安德鲁·博纳说:“战斗胜利后,让我们如战前一样保持警惕。”亚伯兰受到诱惑,即使用神的胜利来满足个人的利益,但他成功抵挡了。所多玛王前来交易,但撒冷王却带着祝福前来(即象征主耶稣基督【来7:1-3】)。就算是所多玛的一条鞋带也会玷污亚伯兰虔诚的脚步! 当每一场战斗结束后,请把荣耀归于神,也要提防魔鬼的交易。一旦不小心,你有可能赢得斗争却输掉大战。


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The Bible says, “Bad company ruins good morals.”(1 Cor 15:33) Lot lived near Sodom and Gomorrah and when they got into troubles, Lot was not spared (Gen 14:12). If we keep bad company, we will be affected by their sinful outlook and desires as well. Let’s pray that we choose our friends and companies wisely. This is also the reason the Lord wants us to join a local church and surround ourselves with God’s people.



  1. The Lord chose Abraham and blessed him (12:1). God’s intention wasn’t to bless only Abraham but to bless others through him as well (Gen 12:3). Although Lot is not a very spiritual or committed believer yet Abraham went to rescue him and became his blessing. Let’s pray that we will be a blessing to the people around us especially Christian brothers and sisters.


  1. Abraham was an upright man with a pure motive. His motive was not material gain but to rescue Lot. When the Lord granted him victory he did not take credit nor take advantage of the situation. Let’s pray that we serve God with one single motive: to glorify Him and Him alone.
