Genesis 创世纪 25 — The Long and Good Life 健康长寿

The center of attention now shifts from Abraham to Isaac.



Isaac The Heir 继承人以撒 

God’s resurrection power continued to work in Abraham; he married again and begat six more sons. God is not likely to do this for people today, but the spiritual lesson is clear: we should be fruitful even in old age (Ps. 92:14). Abraham distinguished Isaac from his other sons: he gave them generous gifts, but he made Isaac his heir (v. 5; 24:35). God gives good things to unsaved people (Matt. 5:45; Acts 14:17; 17:25), but only those who are His children, through faith in Christ, can claim their inheritance. (See Rom. 8:17; Eph. 3:6; Heb. 1:2.)



Isaac The Orphan 孤儿以撒

Abraham lived by faith and died by faith (Heb. 11:13), and God kept His word (Gen. 15:15). Isaac and Ishmael together mourned their father’s death, for death is a human experience that binds all men together. Unsaved relatives share in times of sorrow, but their grief is hopeless without Jesus Christ. Compare Ishmael’s death (v. 17) with that of Abraham.



Isaac The Intercessor 代祷者以撒

Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah. For twenty years, they waited for a family that did not come. God blessed Isaac in everything but the thing he wanted most. He and Rebekah knew that God had promised descendants (Gen. 15:5), so Isaac laid hold of the promise and prayed. True prayer lays hold of God’s Word (John 15:7) and seeks to accomplish God’s purposes.



Isaac The Father 父亲以撒

God gave them twin boys who were opposite each other in every way. He also gave them a revelation that the younger one, Jacob, would carry on the messianic line. For that reason, you would think that Isaac would have favored Jacob but the physical won over the spiritual. Esau pictures the man of the world who despises the eternal and lives for the temporal.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Abraham died “in a good old age” as the Lord had promised him (15:15). He had walked with the Lord and had been “the friend of God” (James 2:23). Old age is “good” if you have the blessing of the Lord on your life (Prov. 16:31). Abraham also died “full of years” (Gen. 25:8). This suggests more than a quantity of time; it suggests a quality of life. Abraham, who flourished and was fruitful to the very end, fulfilled the picture of old age given in Psalm 92:12–15. How few people really experience joy and satisfaction when they reach old age! This is a testimony of God’s faithfulness and graciousness. Let’s pray that we will also end well with “full of years” and “in good old age.”



  1. It is a clear case that favoritism always divides homes (Gen 25:28 ) Let’s pray that we will protect our family from favoritism.



  1. Esau despised his birthright over a cup of lentil stew. (Gen 25:34) What about us? Do we despise our birthright as a Christian because of temporal and earthly pleasure? Let’s pray that we value our salvation and identify because Christ paid a heavy price for us! 
