Abram’s reward was not the applause of the people he rescued but the approval of the God he served. This is the first of many “fear nots” in the Bible. Fear after a battle is not unusual, but fear and faith cannot live very long in the same heart (Matt. 8:26). Abram’s fears were quieted by three revelations from God.
- Who God Is 神是什么 (1).
God is our protection and provision, so we need not to fear the enemy without or our feelings within. God is the great I AM, and He can meet every need. With Him, we have everything; without Him, nothing we have is sufficient.
- What God Says 神说什么 (2–7).
Abram looked at himself and realized how old he was getting. Then he looked at his steward, Eliezer, and thought perhaps God could use him. But God told him to stop looking at himself and at others and to start looking up to God. This is the second time he lifted up his eyes to see what God had for him (Gen. 13:14; see also 13:10). Verse 6 makes it clear that Abram was saved by faith in God’s word (Rom. 4:3; Gal. 3:6; James 2:23), and that is the only way to be saved.
- What God Does 神做什么 (8–21).
God sealed His promise with a covenant. In those days, to walk between the divided parts of an animal was one way to seal an agreement. But God was the only One who passed between the pieces! Abram was asleep! God’s covenants are all of grace (Eph. 2:8–9), and our works are but evidence of our faith.
When you find yourself afraid or impatient with God’s will, look toward heaven and remember His covenant and His promises. When you bring your offering to God, be sure the enemy doesn’t steal it. When you can do nothing, rest assured God is at work.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Abraham believed the LORD, and God counted it to him as righteousness (Gen 15:6). Yes, to Abraham and his wife it is impossible but nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37) If we keep looking at our own situation, we will have hard time believing in God. But if we look to the God of Almighty, we CAN believe because He is the one who calls into existence the things that do not exist. (Rom 4:17). Let’s pray that we fix our eyes on God, not our circumstances.
亚伯拉罕信耶和华,神就以此为他的义(创15:6)。是的,对亚伯拉罕和他的妻子来说,这是不可能的事,但在神没有难成的事 (路1:37)。如果我们持续注视自己的处境,我们将很难相信神。但是,如果我们定睛于全能的神,我们便可以相信,因为祂是使无变为有的神(罗4:17)。让我们祷告叫我们定睛于神,不是自己的处境。
- Besides the promise that Abraham’s offspring will be numerous, second promise God made with Abraham was the promise of the land (Gen 15:7). Abraham asked God how could he know that he shall possess it?” (Gen 15:8) The Lord basically said to Abraham, “You just have to trust My Word for it.” So God made a covenant with Abraham by passing between the animals that cut into half (Gen 15:17). So this covenant is a unilateral covenant made by God alone and there is nothing Abraham can do to nullify it. Today we still have not seen this covenant being fulfilled. But from the data of NT, this covenant will be fulfilled during the millennium. That’s why we take the stand of pre-millenniumism. Let’s pray that we take every word of God seriously and believe that it will come to pass.