Genesis 创世纪 16 — Waiting upon the Lord 等候主

Faith and patience always go together (Heb. 6:12; James 1:1–5). Isaiah declared, “Whoever believes will not act hastily” (Isa. 28:16). We must trust God not only for His plan but also for His timing. Before He could send the promised son, God had to wait until Abram and Sarai were as good as dead (Rom. 4:19–21; Heb. 11:11–12). Sarai leaned on human understanding instead of God’s promises (Prov. 3:5–6). She trusted a woman from Egypt instead of the God of heaven.



Sarai was not a strong believer, but she was a capable blamer. She blamed God for her barrenness, then blamed Abram when Hagar created problems in the home. The wisdom from God is pure and peaceable, but the wisdom of the flesh is always divisive (James 3:13–18). Abram abdicated his spiritual leadership in the home, and the result was confusion.



When we walk by sight and not by faith, we get impatient; we scheme and blame others. Then when things go wrong, we try to get rid of our mistakes. God sent Hagar and Ishmael back to Abram and Sarai, and they had to live with their mistake for at least another seventeen years.



Abram and Sarai greatly wronged Hagar, and they suffered for it; but God stepped in and cared for her and her son. Abram obeyed God and gave the appointed name to his son: “Ishmael—God shall hear.” Had Abram and Sarai waited on God instead of running ahead of God, they would have avoided all that pain.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. One of the hardest things in spiritual pursuit is waiting upon the Lord. The Lord is never late and he knows when the best time is. Our problem is we can’t wait. We want it and we want it NOW. Let’s pray that we’ll not only trust God but also His timing.



  1. Proverb says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. (3:5) How did Sarai lean on her own understanding instead of trusting God? After she waited for a long time, she ran out of patience. Instead she “helped” God by her own scheming. She gave her servant Hagar to Abraham and let her bear him a child. Her action not only brought problems to her family but contributed to the mess we face today in the world. How great a mess can be created by a person’s impatience! Let’s pray that we submit to God and wait upon Him.



  1. Although Hagar was ill-treated yet the Lord wanted her to return to Sarai and submit to her. Interestingly, although Hagar has no clue why must it be so, she obeyed. There are times we have no clue why things happen the way they do, pray that we’ll just trust God’s goodness and obey His Word (Bible).
