Genesis 创世纪 20 — The Way of Sanctification 成圣的道路

  1. Relapse 复发.

The man of faith started walking by sight (v. 11), became frightened (Prov. 29:25), and began scheming (Gen. 12:10ff.). This time, even Sarah lied (v. 5)! Whatever we carry with us from the old life (v. 13) will create problems in the new life. It is one thing to confess our sins but another thing to judge them before God and forsake them (Prov. 28:13). When a marriage must be protected by a lie, the home is in danger.



  1. Revelation 启示.

God spoke to the heathen king but not to His own friend, Abraham! Although God kept the king from sinning, He allowed Abraham to lie! God called Abraham to be a blessing, but now he had become a curse in the land. God was protecting Sarah, Isaac, and His great plan of salvation.



  1. Rebuke 训斥.

What a humiliating thing to be openly rebuked by a pagan king. God sometimes uses the unsaved to chasten the saved. The fact that Abraham was a believer did not give him license to sin. Unfortunately, years later, Abraham’s son Isaac would imitate his father’s sin (Gen. 26).



  1. Restoration 复原.

In those days, the paying of a large sum of money was public “atonement” for guilt; however, sin is never profitable. God did not forsake His friend (Ps. 105:15; 2 Tim. 2:12–13) but honored him in the end and answered his prayer. Financially, Abraham was richer; spiritually, he was poorer. He lost character as well as opportunity to witness and glorify God.

那时,支付大笔现金是“赎罪”的方式;然而,犯罪从来就不会带给人好处。神没有离弃祂的朋友(诗105:15;提后2:12 – 13),还回应他的祷告。在金钱上,亚伯拉罕更富裕了;但在属灵上,他更贫穷了。他失去了见证和荣耀神的机会。


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Yes, Abraham fell again. Temptations come in many different sizes and shades. Just when we think everything is safe and sound, we fall into it. Let’s pray that we keep watching and praying that we may not enter into temptation. (Mat 26:41)

是的,亚伯拉罕再次跌倒了。诱惑会以许多不同的方式呈现在我们眼前。当我们正觉得一切安然无恙时,我们就跌倒了。让我们祈祷神使我们能随时保持警惕,叫我们不会掉入诱惑的陷阱d (太26:41)。

  1. If we walk uprightly, God will protect us from sinning. This is what we learn from Genesis 20:6, “Then God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know that you have done this in the integrity of your heart, and it was I who kept you from sinning against me. Therefore I did not let you touch her. (Gen 20:6) Let us pray that we’ll walk in righteousness and obey God from our hearts. The Lord will be faithful and protect us from sinning.
