The Father Abraham 父亲 (1–9)
It seems strange that the longest chapter in Genesis tells the story of how a man got his wife. But the chapter goes beyond history into theology. It gives us a picture of the Heavenly Father getting a bride for His Son (Matt. 22:1–14). The church is compared to a bride (2 Cor. 11:2–3; Eph. 5:22–33); and during this present age, the Holy Spirit is calling people to trust Christ and be “married to … Him” (Rom. 7:4). For one thing, the chapter emphasizes separation. Abraham made it clear that his son was not to marry a Canaanite woman (24:3). The Law of Moses did not permit the Jewish men to marry heathen women (Deut. 7:1–11). Nor are believers today to marry unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:14–18; 1 Cor. 7:39–40). Genesis 24 is a great encouragement for those who want God’s will in the selection of a mate.
The Servant 仆人 (10–60)
The servant loved his master’s son and asked for God’s guidance. He knew how to “watch and pray” and discern God’s leading. He was not disappointed, for God rewarded his faith. Little did Rebekah realize that a small act of kindness would open up an exciting new life for her. “Make every occasion a great occasion, for you can never tell when someone may be taking your measure for a larger place,” advised Marsden. The servant talked about his master and not about himself, and he would not eat until he had given his message (John 4:31–32).
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Just as Abraham wanted a bride for his son, God the Father elected to provide a bride for His beloved Son. Yes, The bride is the Father’s love gift to His Son (John 17:2, 6, 9, 11–12, 24). Let’s pray that we bring joy and glory to the Son Jesus Christ.
- The servant acted by faith in God’s promise and providence. (24:27) He took time to pray and he kept his eyes open to see what God might do. In His providence, God brought Rebekah to the well just as the servant was praying. The servant did what Gideon would do years later, “put out a fleece” (Jud. 6:36–40). This is not the best way for God’s people to determine the will of God, because the conditions we lay down for God might not be in His will. We are to walk by faith and trust God to providentially guide us to the place we need to be. God is sovereign and he will accomplish His plan without fail. In any case, God accommodated Himself to servant’s needs (and Gideon) and guided him as requested. Furthermore, the servant was not led by feelings or impulsive acts but careful observations. In fact when he saw Rebekah, he was evaluating Rebekah to see if she would make a good wife for Isaac and he found her to be kind, pleasant, humble, healthy, and a hard worker. Watering ten camels is no easy job! Let’s pray that we are discerning and patient for God’s will.
- Before coming to conclusion, he asked one of the most important question: “Whose daughter are you?” (Gen. 24:23). The wider implication for Christian believers today before you settle down is “Is he/she a child of God? Let’s pray that we are always discerning.