Faith cannot grow apart from trials, and this chapter records several trials that Isaac endured and shows how he responded to them.
Escape 逃跑 (1–6).
Like Abraham, Isaac started for Egypt (12:10ff.); but God stopped him at the border (10:19) and reassured him. Isaac was blessed because of Abraham (vv. 5, 24). We must never forget our debt to spiritual leaders (and relatives) who have gone before us.
Deception 欺骗 (7–14).
While in enemy territory, Isaac resorted to the “family lie” that twice got Abraham into trouble (12:10ff.; 20:1ff.). It is sad when the new generation imitates the sins of the old generation. God blessed Isaac in a material way, but we wonder what his spiritual life was like. Did his neighbors trust him after hearing about his lie?
Surrender 投降 (15–25).
Water is a very precious commodity in desert country, and possessing a well is almost the same as having a deed to the land. Instead of defending what his men had done, Isaac moved to new locations. He may have been practicing Romans 12:18.
Confrontation 对峙 (26–35).
In contrast to his father Abraham, who dared to declare war, Isaac was a quiet, meditative man who tried to avoid trouble. He boldly faced his neighbors with their bad conduct—and he won! Note that he went the extra mile and entertained the men at a feast. (See Rom. 12:18–21)
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Isaac could flee from famine but when he was forced to a dead end, he turned to deception to protect himself. Isaac was asked about his wife and he lied just like his father Abraham. Abraham committed this same sin twice, once in Egypt (Gen. 12:14–20) and once in Philistia (chap. 20). Remember, faith is living without scheming; and lying seems to be humanity’s favorite way to escape responsibility. We can never successfully run away from trials, because God sees to it that His children learn the lessons of faith regardless of where they go. Let’s pray that we trust God rather than our own understanding and scheming.
- The Philistines tried to get Isaac to leave their land and they stopped up Abraham’s wells. The crisis came when the king himself commanded Isaac to move away, so Isaac obeyed. Whenever Abraham had a problem with the people, he boldly confronted them and got the matter settled (13:5–18; 14:1; 21:9ff and 22ff). But Isaac was a retiring man who wanted to avoid confrontation. But the Philistines did not let him go. Finally Isaac became bolder in his approach, and he confronted the Philistines with their misdeeds. It’s worth noting that Isaac’s conduct during this conflict had made a great impression on them and they could tell that the Lord was richly blessing him. More important than possessing his wells was the privilege Isaac had of sharing his witness with his pagan neighbors. Let’s pray that we are brave enough to face confrontation when the time comes. Even so, we do it to honor God.