A Day of Disappointment 失望的一天 (1–9).
Jacob was a lonely fugitive, forced to flee from home. Even though he left with his father’s blessing (and Isaac knew what he was doing), Jacob faced an unknown future, and his brother still wanted to kill him. Not an encouraging beginning for a new chapter in his life! But God was still in control (Rom. 8:28).
A Night of Discovery 觉醒的一夜 (10–15).
Jacob was literally between a rock and a hard place. But that night, Jacob made several discoveries that helped to change his life. He discovered that God was with him and working for him and had a perfect plan for his life. Jacob may have been separated from home, but he was not separated from heaven. (See John 1:51.) The very angels of God were caring for him (Heb. 1:13–14). “When the night is the darkest, you see the stars the brightest.”
A Morning of Dedication 委身的一早 (16–22).
Jacob began his day worshiping God and turning his hard pillow into a holy altar. He gave the place a new name: “house of God.” Wherever God meets us, that place becomes a holy sanctuary. Jacob’s faith as yet was weak, but he did lay hold of God’s promises, even if there is a bit of “the bargainer” in his vow to give God the tithe. Jacob was making a new beginning, and twenty years later he would return to Bethel a more mature believer.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Jacob the “home boy” is now without a home and is starting on a five hundred mile trek to Haran. He was fleeing from an angry brother and facing an unknown future, and all he had to depend on was his father’s blessing. From now on, the home boy would have to become a pilgrim and walk by faith. Jacob put his head on stone and slept (vv. 11, 18), a common practice in the Near East. As he slept, he had a dream in which he saw a ladder or stairway with angels going up and down between heaven and earth. Jacob discovered that he wasn’t alone but that God was with him! The God of Abraham and Isaac was watching over him and His angels were there to guard him and serve him. Yes we are also pilgrims on earth and we are also not alone. The Lord is with us. Let’s pray that we are constantly aware of the omnipresent Lord who is with us always.
- On awakening, Jacob’s first response was one of fear and surprise. God was in there and he didn’t know it! But “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7) His next act was to worship God who had appeared to him. He turned the headpiece into a pillar to memorialize the great experience. By pouring oil on the stone, he consecrated it to the Lord. In later Hebrew liturgy, the pouring out of liquid was symbolic of pouring one’s life out in devotion to the Lord (Ex. 29:38–41; see also Phil. 2:17; 2 Cor. 12:15). Pray that we will also devote our entire lives to the Lord who is always with us as Jacob did.