Defilement 玷辱
Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom and lost his daughters (19:30ff.), and Jacob moved too close to Shechem and lost Dinah. She was the daughter of Leah (30:21), which explains why Simeon and Levi became so angry (35:23). Had nobody warned her? Was she out looking for opportunities to sin? Or was she completely overpowered by the prince? It may have been love at first sight, but that didn’t lessen the guilt or tragedy of the sin.
Deception 诡诈
Note the twofold attempt at deception: Simeon and Levi deceived Hamor, and Hamor thought he deceived them. Jacob’s sons had learned much from watching their father. Dinah’s two brothers were preparing for war while the men of Shechem were preparing for wealth. When the men of the city were unable to fight, Simeon and Levi killed all the men and took the spoils. It was another case of promoting a holy cause in an unholy way and being motivated by hatred of the enemy instead of love for the truth.
Disgrace 蒙羞
Jacob was more concerned about his safety and his reputation than he was the character and conduct of his ruthless sons. Although Jacob was not to blame for their deed, had he not settled near Shechem, this tragedy would not have occurred. On his deathbed, Jacob brought the matter up again (49:5-7). How gracious of God to make the tribe of Levi the priestly tribe! (See Romans 5:20.)
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Was Dinah naive, rebellious, or just plain ignorant of the ways of the world? Why was it so important that she gets to know the women of the land? For that matter, why was Jacob tarrying in this pagan neighborhood and deliberately endangering his family? He should have been at Bethel leading them closer to the Lord. When we disobey the Lord, we put ourselves and our loved ones in danger. Consider what happened to Abraham in Egypt (12:10–20) and Gerar (20:1ff), Lot in Sodom (19:1ff), Isaac in Gerar (26:6–16). Let’s pray that we do not love the world, the things of the world and be wise testimonies of the Lord in the world.
- The young prince claimed that he did it because he loved her and wanted her for his wife, but committing rape and keeping the girl confined in a house (v. 26) was a strange way to declare his love. But his actions and words bore witness only to the fact that God’s people and the people of world had different standards of conduct. Pre-marital sex is defilement in the eyes of the Lord. Note that three times in the narrative, the word “defiled” is used to describe Shechem’s wicked deed (vv. 5, 13, 27). Let’s pray that we do not follow the standard of the world but the Lord’s.
- When Jacob’s sons were told what had happened, they were grieved that their sister had been violated and angry with the man who did it. Both responses were normal and right. However, by their deception and ruthless destruction, they ruined their testimony before the people of the land. Let’s pray that we remember Ephesians 4:26, “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger. (Eph 4:26)