Joshua 约书亚记 11-12 — Victory Through Obedience 借着顺服的胜利

The enemy in the north of Canaan united to resist Israel’s advance, and their forces were formidable. But God assured Joshua that he would win the battle, and he did. God assures us before the battle (11:6), fights for us during the battle (11:8), and commands us after the battle (11:9, 15). How we follow orders after the victory is as important as what we do before the battle begins.



Joshua conquered the whole land and did it to provide each Israelite with his inheritance from the Lord (11:23). God helped him defeat thirty-one kings and claim their land and their wealth for the Lord and His people. Our Joshua, the Son of God, has defeated every spiritual enemy and now reigns in heaven (Eph. 1:15–23; Col. 2:9–15). Through Him, we can “reign in life” (Rom. 5:17) and claim the victory.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告

  1. This section of the Book of Joshua summarizes Israel’s conquest of the southern (10:29–43) and northern cities (11:1–15) in Palestine, and closes with a list of the names of some of the kings whom Israel defeated (11:16–12:24). Two things stand out in this record: It was the Lord who gave the victory (10:30, 32, 42; 11:6, 8); and Joshua obeyed the Lord by utterly destroying the enemy, just as Moses had commanded (11:9, 12, 15, 20). Are you afraid when the enemy’s number is like the sand on the seashore, with very many horses and chariots (Jos 11:4). Let’s pray that we keep our eyes on the Lord rather on the circumstances.

《约书亚记》的这段经文总结了以色列在巴勒斯坦南部(10:29-43)和北部城市(11:1-15)的征服,并最后把以色列所击败的一些国王之名列出(11:16-12:24)。这段记载突出了两件事:胜利是主所赐的(10:30,32,42; 11:6,8);以及约书亚遵从神的话,将敌人彻底毁灭,如摩西所吩咐的(11:9,12,15,20)。当敌人多如海沙,并有许多马匹车辆时(书11:4),你是否感到害怕?让我们祈祷能定睛在主而不是所在的处境。


  1. The apparent contradiction between verses 11:23 and 13:1 can easily be explained. Joshua and his army did take control of the whole land by destroying the key cities with their kings and people. Israel didn’t take every little city or slay every citizen or ruler, but they did enough to break the power of the enemy and establish control over the land. Once this was accomplished and there was rest in the land, Joshua was able to assign each tribe its inheritance; and within each inheritance, the tribes had to gain mastery over the remaining inhabitants who were still there. Even after the death of Joshua and his officers, there was additional land to be taken (Jud. 1–3). Jesus Christ already broke the power of Satan and it is now for us to claim victory in every area of our lives. Let’s pray that we would overcome any unclaimed territory in our lives for His glory.
