Joshua 约书亚记 20 — Sanctity of Human Life 生命的尊贵

The cities of refuge are mentioned in Exodus 21:12-13, Numbers 35, and Deuteronomy 19, so you may want to review those passages.



Jesus Christ is our “city of refuge” (Heb. 6:18–20), but the salvation He gives is in contrast to the refuge given to the manslayer. It is true that the sinner must come to Christ (Matt. 11:28–30), but it is also true that Christ first comes to us (Luke 19:10). The elders of the six cities did not help.



When we come to Christ, there is no trial to determine our guilt. We know we are guilty! That is why we fled to Him! We did not stand at the door and wait; we entered the open door (John 10:9) and were welcomed by the Savior, knowing that we would never face condemnation (John 5:24; Rom. 8:1). The manslayer had to remain in the city, but we “go in and out and find pasture” (John 10:9).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


The provision of the cities of refuge reflects the values of Yahweh’s justice. The chapter breathes the sanctity of human life: both the manslayer’s and the dead man’s. We can clearly see that the concern with these cities assumes the preciousness of the unintentional manslayer’s life. But we may not so clearly see that the slain man’s life is presumed sacred as well. For the city of refuge is not only a place of safety for the manslayer but also of exile. He enjoys protection but also suffers penalty. He cannot return to his home town and resume normal life; he must stay in the city of refuge until the death of the current high priest (v. 6b). Nor can he leave the bounds of that city, for, if he does, he is fair game for the slain man’s relative (Num. 35:26–28). As Trent C. Butler says, the city is ‘at the same time refuge and prison’. Such is the cost of destroying human life; even when that life is taken unintentionally the consequences of that wrong must be carried. Life made in God’s image always remains exceedingly sacred (Gen. 9:6). Let’s pray that we treasure every life that the Lord has made.
