After the land was apportioned, the writer looked back and made one summary statement: God keeps His promises (v. 45).
God kept His promise and gave the land to Israel (v. 43). He had promised it first to Abraham (Gen. 13:14–17), and then to his descendants (Gen. 17:8). On the basis of that promise, Joshua entered Canaan, defeated the enemy, and claimed the land for Israel.
God kept His promise and gave them rest from war, enabling them to conquer all their enemies and enjoy their inheritance (v. 44). (See Deut. 12:10; 25:19; Josh. 1:13.) We have spiritual rest today through Christ (Heb. 3–4) and will one day enter into eternal rest.
God kept His promise and scattered the Levites throughout Israel (Gen. 49:7). He gave them forty-eight towns, including the cities of refuge. It should have been a blessing to Israel to have these servants of God living in many different places and sharing the truth of the Word with the people (Deut. 33:10).
Not one word of His promises has failed (v. 45; Josh. 23:14; 1 Kings 8:56). You can trust the Word of God.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Yahweh had instructed Moses that Israel was to give the Levites cities where they could live and pasturage around those cities for their livestock (Num. 35:1–8). The Levites had not forgotten it. They approached Eleazar, Joshua, and the Israelite leadership to ask that they now be given what Yahweh had authorised for them. Already Caleb (14:6ff.) and the daughters of Zelophedad (17:3–6) had followed this pattern. Both near the beginning and at the close of this third major section of Joshua (chs. 13–21) we have people (Caleb and the Levites, respectively) coming to claim what Yahweh had promised them. It is not too extreme to say that this should be the normal pattern for all believing prayer, namely, that we seek what ‘Yahweh commanded … to give us’ (v. 2). What God has promised us, what God has authorised us to have, we should seek in prayer. We usually give too little thought to what God actually has promised us. Let’s pray that we take the Word of God seriously and fix our hope in them.
耶和华曾吩咐摩西,以色列当给予利未人居住的城邑,城邑的郊野也要给他们牧养牲畜(民35:1-8)。利未人并没有忘记这一切。他们来到以利亚撒、约书亚和以色列各支派的族长面前祈求领受耶和华所给他们应许的。迦勒(14:6)和西罗非哈的女儿(17:3-6)也都如此行,得到了他们的产业。我们在《约书亚记》第三部(书 13-21)的开头和结尾都看到有人(分别为迦勒和利未人)前来领受耶和华所应许的东西。我们也可以说这当是凭信心祷告的模式,即寻求“耶和华……吩咐给我们”的(2节)。我们应该在祷告里寻求神已应许我们的和神已吩咐我们的事。我们通常不多加思想神所给予我们的应许。让我们祈祷,叫我们认真对待神的话,并把我们的盼望锁定在那里。
- When the Levites request their cities they are asking only for the provision they need. Certainly the priests and Levites were set apart for a special ministry but they had very earthly needs as well. Sometimes, however, it is God’s people who are strangely (or conveniently) oblivious to the physical needs of those who serve them. A church may pay its pastor a scraping wage and forget that he, too, is a human who needs medical attention, insurance, education for their children etc. Let’s pray that we obey God by providing for them as God has provided for us.