Joshua 约书亚记 23 — Passing the Baton 传承接代

No matter how great leaders may be, they cannot last forever, although their work is never lost (1 John 2:17). Like his predecessor Moses, Joshua gave a farewell address, first to his leaders (chap. 23) and then to the people as a whole (chap. 24).



He magnified the Lord and not himself. No one would question that Joshua was a gifted leader and a great general, but he gave the glory to God.



He challenged the people to keep trusting God and claiming their inheritance. In the book of Judges, you will discover how their incomplete obedience led to compromise and severe discipline from the Lord. Joshua had warned them (v. 16), but they forgot his words. Triumph was turned into tragedy.



He reminded them that God’s Word never fails (v. 14) and must be obeyed completely if God is to continue His blessing on the land. Verse 7 explains how to wander from the Lord, and the nation did exactly that!



You are writing your own “farewell speech” right now. What will it sound like?



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Here is the second of the three assemblies with which the Book of Joshua closes. The emphasis remains on the necessity for fidelity to Yahweh (vv. 6, 8, 11) in order to retain the land (vv. 13, 15, 16). Here an aged Joshua addresses Israel through her leaders in his last will and testimony. Observe how Joshua stresses the peculiar responsibility of Yahweh’s witnesses. Joshua sets himself in sharp contrast to Israel’s leaders who remain: ‘I have become old, I have come into days, but you have seen all that Yahweh your God has done …’ (vv. 2–3). The burden of Joshua’s exhortation to the leaders comes in verses 6–8: since they have actually seen Yahweh’s work on behalf of Israel, they must be the spearheads of fidelity to him. Death is about to beckon Joshua; but he uses a last opportunity ‘that he might leave the pure worship of God surviving him.’ Let’s pray that we are eager for the next generation to love God as much as we do.

这是总结约书亚记所见的三个集会中的其中第二组。这里强调的仍是百姓要对耶和华专一(6, 8, 11节),才能持守地业(13, 15, 16节)。年迈的约书亚通过众长老向以色列做出他最后的遗愿和见证。请注意约书亚是如何强调作耶和华见证人所持的特殊责任。约书亚特意与这些仍然存活的长老作鲜明的对比:“已老迈,时间到了,但你们亲眼看见了耶和华你们神所做过的……”(2-3节)在6-8节中,约书亚对领导人迫切地劝勉:他们既然已见证了耶和华为以色列所做的一切,就必须带头对耶和华忠贞。死亡即将临到约书亚,但他使用最后的机会为下一代留下纯正的敬拜。让我们祈祷,渴望下一代能像我们一样热爱神。


  1. These leaders had seen all that Yahweh had done to ‘all these nations’ (v. 3) and ‘had seen all Yahweh’s great work which he had done for Israel’ (Judg. 2:7); but the time will come when these witnesses will, like Joshua, leave the earthly struggle behind (Judg. 2:10a). It is at that point that we will hear of another generation ‘who did not know Yahweh nor the work that he had done for Israel’ (Judg. 2:10). Does that mean Joshua’s men had failed? The fact that a faithless generation can arise out of the tracks of a faithful generation should impress us with how vital it is for one generation to, at least, pass on the amazing story of God’s saving power and fearful judgment to the next. Let’s pray that we do their parenting seriously.
