Joshua 约书亚记 3 — Crossing The (Jordan) River 过(约旦)河

Joshua was an early riser (v. 1; 6:12; 7:16; 8:10). He probably devoted that quiet time to praying and meditating on God’s Word (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 63:1). This is a good example for us to follow today. (See Mark 1:35.)



We face an unknown future (v. 4) and need the Lord’s presence as we step out each day. God goes before us and we must follow as He directs. God knows the way, leads the way and opens the way. He is “Lord of all the earth” (v. 11), and there is nothing for us to fear.



The priests had to get their feet wet before the nation could cross over, and that took faith. Your faith can encourage others in their walk with God. It takes great faith to walk through the water, but it takes even greater faith to walk on the water (Matt. 14:23–33). Are you still lingering on the banks or in the boat? The future is your friend when you follow the Lord and trust His promises.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. In the Christian life you’re either an overcomer or you’ve been overcome, a victor or a victim. After all, God didn’t save us to make a statue out of us, but He saved us to make us soldiers that go forth by faith to claim our rich inheritance in Jesus Christ. Moses said it perfectly: “He brought us out … that He might bring us in” (Deut. 6:23). Too many of God’s people have the mistaken idea that salvation—being delivered from the bondage of Egypt—is all that’s involved in the Christian life; but salvation is only the beginning. Both in our personal spiritual growth and in our service for the Lord, “there remains very much land yet to be possessed” (Josh. 13:1). Are you an overcomer or have you been overcome? Let’s pray that we learn from Joshua to be overcomers.



  1. The Lord did not leave the Israelites without a leader after Moses. Since Moses led the people across the Red sea, the Lord also wants Joshua to lead the people to cross the flooded Jordan River. The LORD said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. (Jos 3:7) After they crossed the river, the Bible says, “The LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel, and they stood in awe of him just as they had stood in awe of Moses, all the days of his life (Jos 4:14). Even today, the Lord has His chosen servants to lead us. Let’s pray that we have the right godly attitudes toward them.
