If God calls you to do His work, He will tell you how to do it. His plans may seem foolish to you, but they always work if you obey by faith (Isa. 55:8–11).
As we today seek to conquer territory for the Lord, we do not follow the same procedure Joshua used, but we must obey the same principles of faith and obedience. We use spiritual weapons to break down the barriers in men’s minds and to claim them for Christ (2 Cor. 10:1–6).
How could a holy, loving God command the killing of the entire population of a city? The people were wicked sinners with whom God had been patient for 400 years (Gen. 15:16–21). They knew that judgment was coming (Josh. 2:9–11) and could have followed the example of Rahab and been delivered if they had exercised faith.
God was wiping the land clean so that His people would not be defiled and His great plan of salvation frustrated (Deut. 7:1–11). The Canaanites sinned against a flood of light, just as people are doing today! Christ died for the sins of the world. Individuals who do not trust Him will die in their own sins. Are you sharing the good news of the gospel?
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- It’s unfortunate that many of the “militant songs” of the church have been removed from some hymnals because the idea of warfare disturbs people and seems to contradict the love of Jesus Christ. However, the Christian’s warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against enemies in the spiritual realm (Eph. 6:10–18); and the weapons we use are spiritual (2 Cor. 10:3–6). Satan and his demonic armies use people to oppose and attack the church of God; and if we don’t take our stand with Christ, we’ve already lost the battle. In the army of Jesus Christ there can be no neutrality. “He that is not with Me is against Me.” said Jesus.
- No situation is too great for the Lord to handle, and no problem is too much for Him to solve. God’s instructions were that the armed men march around Jericho once a day for six days. On the seventh day the procession would march around the city seven times, the priests would give a long blast on the trumpets, and then the marchers would all shout. God would then cause the walls to fall down flat so that the soldiers could easily enter the city. God’s plan for the conquest of Jericho was seemingly foolish, but it worked. God’s wisdom is far above ours (Isa. 55:8–9) and He delights in using people and plans that seem foolish to the world (1 Cor. 1:26–29). Let’s pray that we trust and obey Him rather than our own understanding.