We Can Be Tempted In The Midst Of Victory 胜利之际的诱惑
The spies were tempted to be presumptuous and Achan to be covetous. Achan should have been attending to his military duties, but his eyes wandered and he walked into sin (v. 21; see also Gen. 3:6). He valued the spoils more than he valued obedience to God (Ps. 119:162). King Saul made the same mistake (1 Sam. 15).
We Never Sin Alone 犯罪不是个人的事
God sees His people as one, so the sin of Achan was the sin of the whole nation (See 1 Cor. 12:12–27). One man’s sin caused the death of thirty-six soldiers.
Sin Ultimately Brings Defeat 罪最终必带来失败
The secret of success is knowing and obeying God’s Word (Josh. 1:8), and Achan knew that. But he deliberately disobeyed God and brought defeat to the army, disgrace to the Lord, and dismay to his commander. Joshua started looking back instead of looking ahead (v. 7)!
Sin Cannot Be Hidden Forever 罪不得永远被隐藏
There is a time to pray about a problem and a time to get up and deal with it. The punishment may seem severe to us, but Achan knew the rules. The main thing is the glory of God (v. 9). The Jews raised another heap of stones, this time a witness to the trouble (“Achor”) sin causes, but read Hosea 2:15 and rejoice.
祷告交托问题有时,起来面对问题也有时。这里的惩罚看似严酷,但亚干是深知后果的。神的荣耀才是最重要的(9节)。 犹太人再次堆起石头,但这次是为见证罪所带来的患难;然,请阅读何西阿书2:15而欢欣吧!
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Many Christians think that if one person sins it is personal matter and others should not intervene. But the Bible says, “Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? (1Co 5:6) Never underestimate the damage one person’s sin can inflict. Abraham’s disobedience in Egypt almost cost him his wife (Gen. 12:10–20); David’s disobedience in taking an unauthorized census led to the death of 70,000 people (2 Sam. 24); and Jonah’s refusal to obey God almost sank a ship (Jonah 1). In our text today, because of Achan’s disobedience, Israel was defeated. God made it clear that it was Israel that had sinned and not just Achan alone (Josh. 7:1, 11). Why would God blame the whole nation for the disobedience of only one soldier? Because Israel was one people in the Lord and not just an assorted collection of tribes, clans, families or individuals. God’s people today are one body in Christ. Consequently, we belong to each other, we need each other, and we affect each other (1 Cor. 12:12ff). Any weakness or infection in one part of the human body contributes to weakness and infection in the other parts. Do you realize the seriousness of the sin of one individual? Let’s pray that we do not become the channel of destruction to the whole church or family.
许多基督徒认为一人犯罪是他个人的事,别人不应该干涉。但圣经说:“岂不知一点面酵能使全团发起来么?”(林前5:6 )我们万不得低估个人之罪所能造成的伤害。亚伯拉罕在埃及的悖逆差点导致他失去妻子(创12:10-20 );大卫未受吩咐而数点以色列人,造成了七万人的死(撒下24 );约拿拒绝服从神更是几乎使船沉没(拿1 )。在今日的经文里,因着亚干的悖逆,以色列人被击败了。神清楚说明犯罪的是全以色列,不单是亚干(书7:1,11 ) 。神为何要因一名士兵违命而惩罚全国呢?因为以色列在主面前是一体的,不分支派、氏族、家庭或个人。神今日的子民在基督里也是一体的。因此,我们属于彼此、需要彼此,也影响彼此(林前12:12)。身体任何部位的软弱或感染都会导致其他部位的软弱和感染。你是否了然一个人犯罪的严重性吗?让我们祈祷自己不会成为破坏全教会或家庭的罪魁。
- What was Achan’s sin? Achan said, “When I saw among the spoil a beautiful cloak from Shinar, and 200 shekels of silver, and a bar of gold weighing 50 shekels, then I coveted them and took them. (Jos 7:21) The sin of Achan was that he coveted or loved these earthy things so much that he knowingly disobeyed God. In another words, he loved the world more than God. Do you love anything more than God? Let’s pray that we love God with all our heart, soul and might (Deu 6:5).