Joshua 约书亚记 8 — Victory by Obeying God’s Word 顺服神的话而得胜

Never permit one failure to rob you of future victory. When God sees that we have obeyed His Word and sincerely dealt with sin, He comes with encouragement and guidance for the next step. It has well been said that the victorious Christian life is a series of new beginnings. (See Ps. 37:23–24.)



Had Achan only waited, he could have taken all the spoils he desired, but he ran ahead of God and lost everything. (See Matt. 6:33.)



Joshua knew how to bring victory from defeat, for he used the original battle plan to deceive the inhabitants of Ai. Now they were the ones who were presumptuous, and it cost them their lives. The strategy in verse 26 was learned from Moses (Exod. 17:8–13).



New victories ought to result in new steps of dedication (vv. 30–35). Joshua obeyed what Moses had commanded (Deut. 27), for obedience to the Word is the secret of success (Josh. 1:8).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. No matter what mistakes we may make, the worst of all is to not try again. Alexander Whyte once said, “The victorious Christian life is a series of new beginnings.” Once the nation of Israel had been judged for the sin that had defiled their camp, God was free to speak to them in mercy and direct them in their conquest of the land. Sometimes we hear people say “the Lord can forgive me, but I cannot forgive myself.” If this is the case, this man is too proud because he thinks he is bigger than God. Let’s pray that we humble ourselves and follow God’s standard rather than our own.



  1. After the victory at Ai, Joshua led the people 30 miles north to Shechem. It was here Joshua built an altar for the Lord. In the Near East of that day it was customary for kings to celebrate their greatness by writing records of their military exploits on huge stones covered with plaster. But what Joshua wrote on the stone was the Word of God (Jos 8:32). The secret of Israel’s victory was not due to their leaders; it was their obedience to God’s Law (Josh. 1:7–8). Notice Joshua 8:35, “There was not a word of all that Moses commanded that Joshua did not read before all the assembly of Israel, and the women, and the little ones, and the sojourners who lived among them (Jos 8:35).
