The Gibeonites knew that their neighbors were fighting a losing battle, for God was fighting for Israel, and no army could resist Him. So, they decided to use guile instead of muscle. If Satan does not defeat you by coming as the devouring lion (1 Pet. 5:8–9), he will try again as the deceiving serpent (2 Cor. 11:3). He never gives up.
The humiliating defeat at Ai should have taught Joshua and the leaders to take time to pray and seek the mind of the Lord. After all, the Lord was the Commander of the army (Josh. 5:13–15). But they walked by sight and not by faith, and unbelief has a hard time waiting (Isa. 28:16; 30:1–2).
Another defeat! The Lord lost glory, the leaders lost stature, and the nation lost a potential victory: “What agreement has the temple of God with idols?” (2 Cor. 6:16). But Joshua did not give up; rather, he made his mistakes work for him (vv. 21–27). That is the mark of a great leader.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- The novelist Joseph Conrad wrote, “It’s only those who do nothing that make no mistakes.” However, in Joshua’s case, doing nothing was precisely his mistake. He should have consulted God before entering into an agreement with the Gibeonites. Let’s always pray before making any decision.
- After victory, Israel felt they were prepared to confront the enemy. They became confident. Joshua and the princes of Israel were impetuous and didn’t take time to consult the Lord. They walked by sight and not by faith. After listening to the strangers’ words and examining the evidence, Joshua and his leaders concluded that the men were telling the truth. The leaders of Israel took the ‘scientific approach’ instead of the ‘spiritual approach.’ They depended on their own senses, examined the ‘facts,’ discussed the matter, and agreed in their conclusion. It was all very logical and convincing, but it was all wrong. They hadn’t yet learned to wait on the Lord and seek His direction. The will of God comes from the heart of God (Ps. 33:11), and He delights to make it known to His children when He knows they are humble and willing to obey. “If any of you really determines to do God’s will, then you will certainly know” (John 7:17) is a basic principle for victorious Christian living. God sees our hearts and knows whether we are really serious about obeying Him. We ought to use the mind God has given us, but we must also heed the warning of Proverbs 3:5–6 and not lean on our own understanding.