Leviticus 利未记 12 — Child Birth 生子

Chapter 12 deals with the ritual defilement that follows childbirth, Chapter 13 and 14 with the uncleanness caused by skin diseases, and Chapter 15 with the uncleanness associated with reproduction, including the woman’s monthly cycle.



Birth 生产.

First of all, we must be clear that the uncleanness mentioned in these chapters is not directly to do with sin and moral uncleanness but ceremonially unclean. There is no suggestion here that either conception or birth is an act of sin. After all, God created sex and told us to be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28). God reminds us that we are conceived sinners (Ps. 51:5; 58:3) and therefore need His grace.



Compassion 慈悲.

Is a female child twice as unclean as a male child? Of course not, for there were no degrees of uncleanness. God was giving the mother extra time to care for a daughter in a masculine society that preferred sons. He was also giving her time to recuperate before the next pregnancy. A husband to whom she bore a daughter might be anxious to try again for son.



Grace 恩典.

Even the poorest could bring an acceptable sacrifice, and God would receive it (v. 8). This is the sacrifice that Joseph and Mary brought when they dedicated Jesus (Luke 2:22–24). Truly, He became poor that we might be rich (2 Cor. 8:9).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. This law is short and simple. When a baby is born, the mother is contagiously unclean for one or two weeks, as unclean as she is during her menstrual period (v. 2, cf. 5). Why should a woman become unclean by bearing children? This is what the Creator had told her to do (Gen. 1:28). The same question arises with the other bodily sources of defilement mentioned in Lev. 15. Reproduction is essential to the survival of the human race, yet intercourse makes both man and wife unclean (15:18). The law itself does provide a clear answer to the first question. It is not the birth itself that makes the woman unclean. There is no mention of the baby being unclean, but it is the discharge (lochia) that follows childbirth that makes the woman unclean. Just as one’s bodily discharge can be unhygienic or unclean. Let’s thank God for He not only cares about our spiritual health but physically health and cleanliness.



  1. No convincing explanation has been offered why the birth of a girl makes the mother unclean for twice as long as the birth of a boy. However, MacArthur Study Bible did provide us with a view: Apparently mothers were unclean twice as long (80 days) after the birth of a daughter as compared to a son (40 days), which reflected the stigma on women for Eve’s part in the Fall. This stigma is removed in Christ (see notes on 1Ti 2:13–15).
