Leviticus 利未记 22 — Fear of the Lord 敬畏耶和华

The chapter begins and ends with the solemn admonition, “You shall not profane My holy name” (vv. 1, 32). In chapter 21, God warned the priests not to be defiled by the unclean things; now He warns them not to defile the clean things.



Defective Serving 有缺陷的侍奉 (1–9).

It was dangerous for the priests to serve God if they knew they were unclean. They were insulting God, who knows all things, and deceiving the people who depended on them to present their offerings. The prophet Isaiah advised, “Be clean, you who bear the vessels of the Lord” (Isa. 52:11).



Defective Sharing 有缺陷的分享 (10–16).

The priests fed their families from the sacrifices the people brought, and that holy food could not be given to outsiders, not even a house guest. It is good to be generous, but not if our generosity dishonors God’s gifts (Matt. 7:6).



Defective Sacrificing 有缺陷的祭牲 (17–33).

We must give God the best, for that is what He deserves. Since they pictured the coming Savior, the sacrifices had to be perfect. How easy it is to give to the Lord something we don’t want anymore! Ponder Malachi 1:6–8.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Bible tells us to sanctify the Lord in our hearts (1Pe 3:15). How can we sanctify the Lord in our hearts by offering defective sacrifices to Him? How many times we give the Lord or the church what we do not want. We give the church things we do not want and have no use of them. There is nothing wrong about the idea of not wasting anything including food, clothing and materials things etc. But the Lord should deserve our best not what we do not want. The problem is heart issue. Let’s pray that we give our very best not the very least or the bare minimum to the Lord. In order to safeguard ourselves from this sin, we make sure we give over and above what is required in the Bible. Let’s sanctify the Lord in our hearts.



  1. Do we remember Nadab and Abihu who offered strange fire before the Lord? What about Ananias and Sapphira who lied to the Holy Spirit in the church? Let’s not take our service to the Lord lightly. As Ecclesiastes warns us, “Guard your steps when you go to the house of God (Ecc 5:1). Let’s pray that we have the right fear of the Lord to worship Him.
