Leviticus 利未记 1 — The Burnt Offering 燔祭

The name of this book means “pertaining to the Levites.” Exodus and Leviticus were guidebooks for the priests in their ministry. Israel today has neither priesthood nor temple, so the nation cannot obey these laws (Hos. 3:4), but Leviticus has great value to the Christian. It illustrates the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ and stresses the importance of a life of separation and obedience.



The book emphasizes sacrifice (chaps. 1-10), for man must deal with his sins if he expects to have fellowship with a holy God. These five sacrifices are fulfilled in Jesus Christ and portray His perfect life and atoning work on the cross (Heb. 10:1–14).



Leviticus also emphasizes separation (chaps. 11–24), for a redeemed people should walk in God’s holy will. These various laws touch on many aspects of everyday life and illustrate the principles of holy living that God’s children should follow today.



Finally, since God anticipated the nation’s entrance into the Promised Land, He gave them some rules for success (chaps. 25–27). The land was theirs because of God’s covenant, but they could enjoy it only if they obeyed God’s will. Obedience by faith always brings blessing.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The Burnt Offering is so called because it required that the animal be completely consumed by the fire. (1:9). The laying of hands, a symbolic gesture, pictures the transfer of sin to the sacrificial animal and was likely done with a prayer of repentance and request for forgiveness (cf. Ps 51:18, 19). And the purpose is to make atonement on his behalf. (Lev 1:4). This was a substitutionary sacrifice that prefigured the ultimate substitute – Jesus Christ (cf. Is 53; see note on 2Co 5:21). Let’s thank God for the solution to our sins.



  1. The killing and butchering of the sacrificial animals after laying of hands gives a vivid and dramatic visual of the consequences of sin (cf. v. 6). Do you see the horrific nature of sins? Therefore, Paul teaches us to put to death the deeds of the body. (Rom 8:13) Let’s pray that the Lord shows us how horrific our sins are and that we will butcher the sins in our lives.



  1. The priest had to collect the blood in a basin and then offer it to God as a sacrifice to indicate that a life had been taken. And the priest shall sprinkle the blood around on the altar that is at the doorway of the tent of meeting. (Lev 1:5) Let’s thank God for we were once far off but have been brought near by the blood of Christ. (Eph 2:13)
