Matthew 马太福音 26:57-68 — Trial of the King 君王的审讯

After Jesus’ arrest He was put on trial and eventually executed. But these were carried out on unjust and illegal grounds.



  1. Illegal Convening of the council 公会的非法聚会 (26:57-58)

The essence of the OT legal system is found in Dt 16:18-20; courts were to rule with fairness and impartiality. Where capital cases were concerned, the governing principle was: “The Sanhedrin is to save, not destroy life.” No criminal trial could be begun during or continued into the night for fear of misjudgments. In their eagerness to convict Jesus, the council proceeded to convict Jesus without regard for the law.



  1. Illicit Conspiracy to convict 违法合谋的定罪 (26:59-66)

To guard against false witnessing, the Mosaic law prescribed that a person who knowingly gave false testimony would suffer the punishment the accused would if found guilty (Dt 19:16-19). However, the only possible way to convict the sinless was on false testimony, and when there were no legitimate charges, they resorted to steer Jesus into self-incrimination. They took Jesus’ acknowledgment of messiahship and deity as blasphemy, calling for an immediate verdict without deliberation.



  1. Immoral Conduct of the court 法庭不公的行为 (26:67-68)

With total lack of inhibition, the religious aristocracy of Judaism revealed their true decadence, spitting on Jesus and throwing verbal abuse in His face. These are the true blasphemers of God.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. After Jesus was arrested all the disciples fled but Peter was following him at a distance (Mt. 26:58). Although Peter was proud and arrogant but his love for Jesus is still clear. Let’s pray that although our love is not perfect but we still love Jesus.



  1. The chief priests wanted to achieve their mission so badly that they will achieve their goal at any cost. Some term this commitment others think that they are blinded by their ambition. We call this the idol of the heart. They will do whatever it takes to achieve their mission, even breaking the law. Are you so committed that you disregard God’s law?



  1. Although Jesus died of the miscarriage of the justice in the human court, He did not die in vain because He died on our behalf us sinners in the heavenly court. Jesus died with a purpose that is to save us from our sin. Let’s thank Him and praise Him for His love for us.
