Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2015

The GBF International Spy Academy (ISA) welcomed over 30 participants aged 3 to 9 years old. The 3 to 5 year olds “Minions” were trained at The Minion HQ while the 6 to 9 year olds “Agents” practiced in The Outfield. These trainees learned the art of Uncovering Counterfeits, Finding Fingerprints, Cracking Codes, Collecting Clues and being Hot on the Trail. Biblical lessons, memory verses, songs, crafts and games supported the abovementioned themes.

For the beginning of each session and summary of the lessons, we had the joy of serving with our puppet friends, Officer Dave and Bobby the Builder (who were really our Grace Community Church friends, David Chow and Channing Lou). “Dave and Bobby” was an instant hit with the trainees. Some parents mentioned that it looked and sounded just like American show “Sesame Street”.
Clockwise from upper left: Gathering for songs; working on a paper lantern; The Dave and Bobby puppet show; 3 legged raced game.
In Session 1, the trainees learned about Elijah and the False Prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:20-39, Isa 46:9b). The trainees learned that an agent for the One True God must discern and judge if something is a counterfeit. They have to be a master of the original instead of being overwhelmed with studying about the myriad of counterfeits. They learned that the One True God was Omnipotent, Omniscience and Omnipresent, not limited like the false idol, Baal.

In Session 2, the trainees learned that Jesus is God through His ministry, which began in the Baptism of Jesus (John 1:29-34). Through this episode enhanced by some live acting, the trainees learned that Jesus is perfect, never grumbled and totally obedient to the Father’s will. They also learned that Jesus is 100% God and 100% Man.  Their memory verse was John 14:6 which quotes Jesus saying, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” Just like fingerprints were unique, Jesus is a one-of-a-kind. The day ended with a session of extracting DNA from strawberries.

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From top clockwise: Strawberry DNA extraction class; Trainer Pei Hua supervising two teams on the right mixture of liquids; a team of 2 working together to squish the strawberries.


In Session 3, the trainees learned through the Exodus 3 account of the burning bush that this “code” points to the all-sufficient, supernatural God. They learned that the miracle of something burning and not turning into ashes is beyond typical nature. The trainees employed their powers of observation as they watched an animation clip of the Exodus 3 story. They learned that God told Moses “I AM WHO I AM”, not a future “I will” or a past “I was” but the consistent, current, self-existent God. This God is holy and will not tolerate sin. The trainees learned that sin is doing or thinking anything that is not pleasing to God and has, in an archery metaphor, “missed the mark”.
In Session 4, the trainees learned how to collect clues that lead to the Gospel (Genesis 1-3, John 19-20). They learned about the scene of the crime (Garden of Eden), the suspects (Adam & Eve), the crime (sin), how the case was solved (Jesus’ crucifixion) and the best evidence (Jesus’ resurrection). Their memory verse was the well-known John 3:16.
In Session 5, the trainees learned about true repentance that comes from a genuine love for God. They learned that repentance means a change of mind and heart and to turn away from, and not just to feel guilty about, sin. They saw a mini-drama led by our “Golden-Horse Award” winner who played Zacchaeus. The trainees hissed and booed at how Zacchaeus took more money than the actual Roman tax. One of the Jews in the crowd (i.e. an extra-actress), complained about how Zacchaeus took so much money that to pay him, she had to sell her children! (Which we do not have any Biblical evidence of.)

Zacchaeus personified repentance that leads to action. His pursuit of Jesus showed how he was “hot on the trail.” The pathway may not be straight and smooth but the directed affections for Christ will overcome all obstacles. That truth was further emphasized by a “Laser” maze obstacle game…

VBS8       VBS9Left to Right: The setup for the laser maze game with Trainers J and Joey checking if they touched the “lasers”; Christy happily getting through to the end of the maze.


On the last day, during the Christmas Concert, friends and parents joined us. We saw heartfelt singing from both the Minions and the Agents. The performances augmented by actions. There was even a special that included metal triangles! Pastor Roger closed the service with the Gospel presentation that highlighted where true peace came from in the face of the world getting worse. During the Christmas Dinner that followed, a video montage of the trainees was flashed as a recap of the VBS activities.

From upper left clockwise: Briefing before game; Christmas Concert Dinner being served; Minions performing Christmas specials.
Our team of volunteers worked tirelessly despite the sporadic challenges along the way. Who would forget the 3 printers failing simultaneously just when we needed them the most? Or when preparations left many with 3 hours of sleep a night? Nevertheless, the joy of seeing the Gospel preached to the VBS participants was worth all the troubles. GBF emerged from the fatigue and busyness knowing that we work extremely well as a team that had complimentary gifts and the commitment to cover for any weaknesses as a group. Yes, it was draining. Yet, it was worth it.
From Left to Right: Agents pointing out Trainer Joey; Minions jumping on Trainer J.