Devotional/灵修 – Genesis 创世纪书

21 Feb 2018, Gen 21 创21章, Family Joy and Sorrow 家庭的欢乐与悲伤
Scripture Reading : Gen 21
Theme : Family Joy and Sorrow
Family joys (1–7).
Family sorrows (8–21).
Abraham reaped the sad consequences of forgiven sin. He had lived with Ishmael for perhaps seventeen years, and he loved the lad, so the parting was painful. There comes a time when we must “cut off” the past and make a new beginning. The apostle Paul saw this as a picture of law and grace (Gal. 4:21–31). For Abraham’s sake, God blessed the lad and made him a great nation.
Family testimony (22–34).
Praying the Scripture
- Relationships can be messy. The same people who bring us joy can also bring us sorrow. Relationships can also change overnight. The arrival of Isaac brought both sorrow and joy to the family. Joy because the burden of childlessness was a really heavy burden in that culture and finally it came to an end. It is ironic that the name Abraham means “father of a multitude” yet he had no child of his own. This made him a laughing stock for many years. Yet Abraham believed in God and waited on him. So the arrival of Isaac was a promise fulfilled and a reward to Abraham who waited on God. Let’s pray that we will learn from Abraham in trusting God no matter what others say about us or our God.
- It was also a time of sorrow because Abraham had to accept the consequences of his sin. It was time to say goodbye to Hagar and Ishmael. Sin is messy especially it has to do with family. Let’s pray that we love our family and pray for them that whatever we do will bless them rather than pain them. We might be a victim of someone’s sin but let’s pray that the vicious cycle stops with us. Let’s pray that we bring God’s grace, salvation and blessing to our family rather than curse and pain to them.
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 21:1.
家庭的欢乐 (1–7)
家庭的悲伤 (8–21)
- 人际关系是可以很复杂的。带来给我们欢乐的人,同样的也能带给我们悲伤。关系也可以在一夜之间有所改变。以撒的出生带给这家庭欢乐,也带来了悲伤。欢乐,因为他们的社会文化里,无子女是一个非常沉重的担子,这烦愁终于结束了。最讽刺的是,亚伯拉罕这名的意思是“多国之父”,但他自己却没有孩子。这使他这几十年成为一个笑柄。然而,亚伯拉罕坚信神,并等候祂。因此,以撒的到来是这应许的实现,也是亚伯拉罕等候神的奖赏。让我们祷告,我们学习亚伯拉罕一样,不管别人如何说我们或我们的神,我们依然信靠神。
- 这也是一个悲伤的时刻,因为亚伯拉罕不得不接受自己罪的后果。这时候是与夏甲和以实玛利说再见的时候了。罪可以很复杂,尤其是牵涉到家人。让我们祷告神使我们爱我们的家人并为他们祷告,无论我们做什么都能成为他们的祝福,而不使他们痛苦。我们可能成为别人罪的牺牲品,但让我们祈祷这恶性循环将在我们这里停止。请祷告我们能把神的恩典、救恩和祝福带到我们的家庭里,而不是带给他们诅咒和痛苦。
20 Feb 2018, Gen 20 创20章, The Way of Sanctification 成圣的道路
Scripture Reading : Gen 20
Theme : The Way of Sanctification
God spoke to the heathen king but not to His own friend, Abraham! Although God kept the king from sinning, He allowed Abraham to lie! God called Abraham to be a blessing, but now he had become a curse in the land. God was protecting Sarah, Isaac, and His great plan of salvation.
What a humiliating thing to be openly rebuked by a pagan king. God sometimes uses the unsaved to chasten the saved. The fact that Abraham was a believer did not give him license to sin. Unfortunately, years later, Abraham’s son Isaac would imitate his father’s sin (Gen. 26).
Praying the Scripture
- Yes, Abraham fell again. Temptations come in many different sizes and shades. Just when we think everything is safe and sound, we fall into it. Let’s pray that we keep watching and praying that we may not enter into temptation. (Mat 26:41)
- If we walk uprightly, God will protect us from sinning. This is what we learn from Genesis 20:6, “Then God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know that you have done this in the integrity of your heart, and it was I who kept you from sinning against me. Therefore I did not let you touch her. (Gen 20:6) Let us pray that we’ll walk in righteousness and obey God from our hearts. The Lord will be faithful and protect us from sinning.
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 20:1.
在当时支付大笔钱是“赎罪”的方法;然而,犯罪从来就不会得到好处。神没有离弃祂的朋友(诗105:15;2摩2:12 – 13),反而尊重他并回应他的祷告。在金钱上,亚伯拉罕更富裕了;但在属灵上,他更贫穷了。他失去见证和荣耀神的机会。
- 是的,亚伯拉罕再次跌倒了。诱惑以许多不同的方式和表现呈现在我们的面前。当我们正觉得一切都安然无恙时,我们就跌倒了。让我们祈祷神使我们能随时保持警惕,并祷告我们不会掉入诱惑的陷阱。 (太26:41)
- 如果我们行为正直,神就会保守我们不犯罪。这就是我们从创世记20:6知道的:“神在梦中对他说:我知道你作这事是心中正直;我也拦阻了你,免得你得罪我,所以我不容你沾着他。”(创20:6)让我们一起祷告,使我们行在公义的道路上并从心里顺服神。信实的主将保守我们不犯罪。
19 Feb 2018, Gen 19 创19章, The homosexual sin 同性恋的罪
Scripture Reading : Gen 19
Theme : The homosexual sin
Abraham was visited when it was light, but Lot received the angels at evening (1 John 1:5–10). Abraham’s household obeyed his word as he served the Lord, but Lot’s family only laughed at Lot’s words. Abraham hastened, but Lot lingered and had to be dragged out of the city. Abraham, who lived outside Sodom, had more influence than Lot, who lived in the city. Lot tried first to plead with the men at the door, and then to bargain with them. God’s approach was to judge them. They loved darkness rather than light (John 3:19).
God did not find ten righteous people, but He spared Lot and his wife and daughters for the sake of Abraham. While we may hate the sins of Sodom, keep in mind that all those people went to eternal judgment. (See Jude 23.)
Praying the Scripture
- What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah? What did Lot mean when he said, “Do not act so wickedly. (Gen 19:7)? It was the sin of homosexuality. According to Jude 7 it was sexual immorality and unnatural desire. The men in the city want the two men who just arrived despite the two daughters of Lot. This is perversion to the extreme. Look at verse 4, “But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, ALL the people to the last man, surrounded the house. (Gen 19:4) Their sin has reached the maximum. Their sin was worse than the generation of Noah, “the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Gen 6:5; see also 6:11-12) Let’s pray for ourselves and our nation that we will not end up in this predicament.
- Lot’s family was attracted to the lifestyle of Sodom and Gomorrah. When the family was told about God’s punishment, they laughed. The angels had to take them by force to save them. As they were fleeing, Lot’s wife was still not ready to sever her desires for the fleshly lifestyle. When she turned back to have her last look, she became a pillar of salt. (Gen 19:26) Let’s pray that we take sin seriously. Jesus said, “If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. (Mat 5:29)
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 19:1.
天使是在早晨拜访亚伯拉罕时,但罗得迎接天使时已是傍晚的时候了。(约翰一书1:5-10)当亚伯拉罕事奉主时,他的家人听从他的话,但罗得的家人却耻笑罗得的话。 亚伯拉罕加快脚步的服侍,但罗得却游离徘徊而被拖出城。居住在所多玛以外的亚伯拉罕,比住在市内的罗得更有影响力。罗得首先尝试在门口恳求的他们,然后再与他们交涉。但神的方法是审判。他们不爱光 ,倒爱黑暗。(约翰福音3:19)
神没能找出十个义人,但因亚伯拉罕的缘故,赦免了罗得和他的妻子、女儿。虽然我们可能会憎恨所多玛的罪,但请记住这些人已在永恒的审判里。 (见犹23)。
- 所多玛和蛾摩拉的罪恶是什么呢?当罗得说:“请你们不要作这恶事”是什么意思呢?(创19:7)罗得指的是同性恋的罪。据犹大书7,这是淫乱和不自然的欲望。这城市的男人想要得到刚到的两名拜访者,也不要罗得的两个女儿。这真是极致堕落的表现。看看第4节:“他们还没有躺下,所多玛城里各处的人,连老带少,都来围住那房子。” (创19:4)他们的罪已经达到了无可忍受的地步。他们的罪比挪亚时代还严重,“人在地上罪恶很大,终日所思想的尽都是恶。”(创6:5;6:11-12)让我们为自己和国家祈祷,使我们不会陷入这样的困境。
- 罗得的一家被所多玛和蛾摩拉的生活方式所吸引。当家人知道神将要施审判时,他们竟然笑了。天使们只好强硬把他们带走以拯救他们。当大家纷纷在逃离时,罗得的妻子仍然还没有做好了断绝她肉体欲望生活的准备。当她转身回头看最后一眼时,她变成了一根盐柱。(创19:26)让我们祷告神让我们认真的对待罪。耶稣说:“若是你的右眼叫你跌倒,就剜出来丢掉,宁可失去百体中的一体,不叫全身丢在地狱里。”(太5:29)
17 Feb 2018, Gen 18 创18章, The Friend of God 神的朋友
Scripture Reading : Gen 18
Theme : The Friend of God
Resting (1).
Resting in the afternoon is a normal practice in the East, and don’t forget that Abraham was nearly a hundred years old. Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do is take a nap! The believer’s body is God’s temple and must be cared for (1 Cor. 6:19–20). (See Mark 6:31.)
Serving (2–8).
Abraham had no trouble noticing the pilgrims because it was unusual for people to travel in the heat of the day. The visitors were two angels and the Lord Jesus Christ, in one of His preincarnation appearances. Even though he had 318 servants, Abraham served Him personally, and fourteen times he called Him “Lord.” Abraham ran from place to place to make certain the meal they were preparing was the very best.
Listening (9–15).
Abraham stood nearby as the visitors ate, ready to serve them whatever they wanted. But the Lord gave Abraham something better than food: He announced that the promised son would be born within the year. “Where is Sarah your wife?” is the last of three key questions in Genesis (3:9; 4:9; 18:9). The question “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” has been answered by Job (Job 42:2), Jeremiah (Jer. 32:17), and Gabriel (Luke 1:37).
Interceding (16–33).
Praying the Scripture
- When Abraham and Sarah were “as good as dead,” God gave them a child. At that time, it was crystal clear that there is nothing they could do but to trust God. How many times does the Lord have to bring us to such a situation in order for us to learn the lesson of trusting God? The Bible asks, “Is anything too hard for the LORD? (Gen 18:14) Obviously not. Let’s pray that we don’t have to be in this dire situation to learn this lesson.
- Sometime we wonder why God chose Abraham to be the father of faith? Gen18:19 gives us the reason: “For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring to Abraham what he has promised him.” (Gen 18:19) The Lord chose Abraham and wanted him to COMMAND his children and household to keep God’s command. Abraham is willing. How about us? Let’s pray that we are willing.
- How did Abraham pray for the city God was going to punish? He knew God and relied on God’s nature, character (righteousness) and promise to pray for them. (Gen 18:25) Do you know God enough to pray for the people around you?
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 18:1.
事奉 (2–8)
聆听 (9–15)
亚伯拉罕站在旅客的身边随时侍候他们。但主赐给亚伯拉罕比食物更好的东西:祂宣告,神所承诺的儿子将在一年内诞生。 “你妻子撒拉在那里?”是创世记三个关键问题的最后一个。(3:9,4:9,18:9) “耶和华岂有难成的事?”这个问题已通过约伯(伯42:2)、耶利米(耶32:17)、加百列(路加福音1:37)解答了。
祈求 (16–33)
因为亚伯拉罕是神的朋友和仆人,所以神与他分享心事。 (见诗25:14;约15:15;雅2:23)罗得曾经因亚伯拉罕而获救(14章);现在他将因亚伯拉罕的祷告而再次获救。亚伯拉罕按神的公义为全城祷告,但神却因着祂自己的怜悯和恩典拯救了罗得。(19:16)为迷失和有需要的圣徒祈祷,是我们不能忽视的一个崇高和神圣的特权。
- 当亚伯拉罕和撒拉的身子“如同死了”时,神赐给他们一个孩子。他们很清楚,除了相信神,什么也做不了。神到底需要把我们带到这种地步多少次,我们才会学习信靠神呢?圣经问:“耶和华岂有难成的事?”(创18:14)显然没有的。让我们祈祷神不要让我们临到这样悲惨的局面才学会信靠神。
- 有时候我们或许会想为什么神拣选亚伯拉罕成为信心之父呢?创18:19告诉了我们原因:“我眷顾他,为要叫他吩咐他的众子和他的眷属遵守我的道,秉公行义,使我所应许亚伯拉罕的话都成就了。”(创18:19)主拣选了亚伯拉罕,并要他吩咐他的孩子和家庭遵守神的命令。亚伯拉罕愿意这么做。那我们呢?让我们祷告,我们也愿意这么做。
- 亚伯拉罕是如何为这些神将要惩罚的城市祷告呢?他真正的认识神,并依照神的本性、属性(公义)和应许为他们祷告。 (创18:25)你是否足真正的认识神,使你可以为身边的人祷告呢?
16 Feb 2018, Gen 17 创17章, New Life 新生
Scripture Reading : Gen 17
Theme : New Life
New revelations.
As far as the record is concerned, God waited thirteen years before He revealed Himself again to Abram. During those quiet intervening years, Abram continued to walk with God and serve Him. He did not need constant special revelations to do God’s will, nor do we. God reaffirmed His covenant and then gave Abram the sign of circumcision as the mark of that covenant. How unfortunate that many of the Jews trusted in the sign rather than in the Lord (Acts 15:5; Rom. 4:10; Gal. 5:6)! God wanted an inward change of the heart, not just surgery on the body (Deut. 10:16; Jer. 4:4).
New names.
New joy.
Praying the Scripture
- It is very difficult for us to wait on the Lord. Yet God’s way is not our way (Isa 55:9). Why would God want Abraham to wait for thirteen years? Because the Lord wanted Abraham to know that God is all-sufficient and all-powerful, and that nothing is impossible for Him. After Abraham’s battle with the four kings, God came to him as a warrior and told him He was Abraham’s “shield.” When Abraham wondered about Sodom’s wealth, God told him He was his “exceedingly great reward” (Gen. 15:1). Now when Abraham and Sarah were “as good as dead,” God assured them that He was more than sufficient to bring about the miracle birth. Yes, God is going to bless us but the obstacle is that we still rely on our own way and not his way. A father will not give his son his fortune unless the son knows how to handle it. Let’s pray that we grow in Christ to know Him and His way quickly.
- New name means new character. After 13 years Abram finally learned the lesson and now his name is changed to Abraham. Sarai’s name also changed to Sarah. If we claim to know God and yet there is no change in our lives, we don’t really know Him at all. If theology cannot change you, you have no theology at all. Pray that our theology is not head knowledge but coming face to face with the living God.
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 17:1.
- 等候主是一件非常困难的事。然而,我们要明白神的道路并不是我们的道路。(赛55:9)为什么神要亚伯拉罕等待十三年呢?因为神要亚伯拉罕知道祂是全备和全能的神,在神没有难成的事。亚伯拉罕与四个国王争战后,神以一个战士的身份来到他的面前告诉亚伯拉罕,祂就是他的“盾牌”。当亚伯拉罕在考虑所多玛的财富时,神告诉他,神才是他“大大的赏赐”。(创15:1)现在,当亚伯拉罕和撒拉“如同死了”,神向他们保证,祂必使孩子奇迹的诞生。是的,神要祝福我们,但神的祝福因着我们依靠自己的方法而不是祂的全能而受到限制。除非孩子知道如何处理财富,不然父亲是不会把财产交给儿子的。让我们祈祷,我们快快的在基督里成长并认识主的祝福。
- 新的名字意味着新的生命。经过13年,亚伯兰终于吸取了教训,而现在他的名字已改为亚伯拉罕。撒莱的名字也改为撒拉。如果我们声称认识神,但生命却丝毫没有任何改变,那就证明我们完全不认识神。如果神学没能改变你,那你根本就不知道什么是神学。让我们祈祷,使我们的神学,并不只头脑里的知识,而是活生生的来与神面对面。
15 Feb 2018, Gen 16 创16章, Waiting upon the Lord 等候主
Scripture Reading : Gen 16
Theme : Waiting upon the Lord
Faith and patience always go together (Heb. 6:12; James 1:1–5). Isaiah declared, “Whoever believes will not act hastily” (Isa. 28:16). We must trust God not only for His plan but also for His timing. Before He could send the promised son, God had to wait until Abram and Sarai were as good as dead (Rom. 4:19–21; Heb. 11:11–12). Sarai leaned on human understanding instead of God’s promises (Prov. 3:5–6). She trusted a woman from Egypt instead of the God of heaven.
When we walk by sight and not by faith, we get impatient; we scheme and blame others. Then when things go wrong, we try to get rid of our mistakes. God sent Hagar and Ishmael back to Abram and Sarai, and they had to live with their mistake for at least another seventeen years.
Praying the Scripture
- One of the hardest things in spiritual pursuit is waiting upon the Lord. The Lord is never late and he knows when the best time is. Our problem is we can’t wait. We want it and we want it NOW. Let’s pray that we’ll not only trust God but also His timing.
- Proverb says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. (3:5) How did Sarai lean on her own understanding instead of trusting God? After she waited for a long time, she ran out of patience. Instead she “helped” God by her own scheming. She gave her servant Hagar to Abraham and let her bear him a child. Her action not only brought problems to her family but contributed to the mess we face today in the world. How great a mess can be created by a person’s impatience! Let’s pray that we submit to God and wait upon Him.
- Although Hagar was ill-treated yet the Lord wanted her to return to Sarai and submit to her. Interestingly, although Hagar has no clue why must it be so, she obeyed. There are times we have no clue why things happen the way they do, pray that we’ll just trust God’s goodness and obey His Word (Bible).
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 16:1.
信心和忍耐总是要并肩而行。(希6:12;雅1:1-5)以赛亚宣告说:“信靠的人必不着急” 。(赛28:16)我们不仅必须相信神的计划,也必须相信祂的时机。神在实现祂给亚伯兰的应许之前,神不得不等到亚伯兰和撒莱如同死了一样。(罗4:19-21,希11:11-12)撒莱靠自己的智慧,而不是依靠神的应许。(箴3:5-6)她愿意相信一位来自埃及的女人,也不相信天上的神。
亚伯兰和撒莱令夏甲受到极大的委屈,而他们自己也因此受苦;但神却介入并照顾夏甲和她的儿子。亚伯兰听从神的话,为自己的儿子取名为:“以实玛利神 – 神必听见”。如果亚伯兰和撒莱愿意等候神,而不跑在神前头,他们也就无需承受这些痛苦了。
- 在属灵追求上,其中一件最难的事就是等候主。主从来不迟到,祂知道几时是最佳的时机。我们的问题是,我们等不及。我们要,而且现在就要。让我们祈祷,我们不仅相信神,也相信祂的时间。
- 箴言说:“你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明。”(箴3:5)撒莱如何倚靠自己的聪明,而不仰赖神的呢?她已等了一段很长时间,所以失去了耐心。她靠自己的计划来“帮助”神。她把仆人夏甲给亚伯拉罕为妾,让她为亚伯拉罕生个孩子。她的行为不仅带給自己的家庭问题,也导致了现今世上许多的问题。一个人的急躁竟然可以造成这么大的一个问题啊!让我们祷告,我们能顺服神并等待祂。
- 虽然夏甲遭到撒莱的虐待,但主要她回到撒莱身边并顺服她。重要的是夏甲并不知道神为什么要她这么做,但她还是听从神的话。很多时候,我们并不了解为什么事情必须这样发生,但让我们祷告,我们单单相信神的美善和顺服祂的话语(圣经)。
14 Feb 2018, Gen 15 创15章, God’s Covenant with Abraham 神与亚伯拉罕立约
Scripture Reading : Gen 15
Theme : God’s Covenant with Abraham
Abram’s reward was not the applause of the people he rescued but the approval of the God he served. This is the first of many “fear nots” in the Bible. Fear after a battle is not unusual, but fear and faith cannot live very long in the same heart (Matt. 8:26). Abram’s fears were quieted by three revelations from God.
What God is (1).
God is our protection and provision, so we need not fear the enemy without or our feelings within. God is the great I AM, and He can meet every need. With Him, we have everything; without Him, nothing we have is sufficient.
What God says (2–7).
What God does (8–21).
Praying the Scripture
- Abraham believed the LORD, and God counted it to him as righteousness (Gen 15:6). Yes, to Abraham and his wife it is impossible but nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37) If we keep looking at our own situation, we will have hard time believing in God. But if we look to the God of Almighty, we CAN believe because He is the one who calls into existence the things that do not exist. (Rom 4:17). Let’s pray that we fix our eyes on God, not our circumstances.
- Besides the promise that Abraham’s offspring will be numerous, second promise God made with Abraham was the promise of the land (Gen 15:7). Abraham asked God how could he know that he shall possess it?” (Gen 15:8) The Lord basically said to Abraham, “You just have to trust My Word for it.” So God made a covenant with Abraham by passing between the animals that cut into half (Gen 15:17). So this covenant is a unilateral covenant made by God alone and there is nothing Abraham can do to nullify it. Today we still have not seen this covenant being fulfilled. But from the data of NT, this covenant will be fulfilled during the millennium. That’s why we take the stand of pre-millenniumism. Let’s pray that we take every word of God seriously and believe that it will come to pass.
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 15:1.
亚伯兰的奖励不是从他所救出的人中得到的掌声,而是从他所事奉的神得到认可。圣经中许多 “不要惧怕”的句子中,这里的出现是第一个。战争后而感到惧怕并不稀奇,但恐惧和信心不能共存在一个颗心里太长的时间。(太8:26)亚伯兰的恐惧由神三个启示而平息下来。
神是什么 (1)
神说什么 (2–7)
神做什么 (8–21).
- 亚伯拉罕信耶和华,神就以此为他的义。(创15:6)是的,对亚伯拉罕和他的妻子来说,这是不可能的事;但在神没有难成的事。 (路1:37)如果我们继续专注于自己的处境,我们将很难相信神。但是,如果我们定睛于全能的神,我们便可以相信,因为凡被造的,没有一样不是藉着祂造的。 (罗4:17)让我们祷告,我们定睛于神而不是我们的处境。
- 除了应许亚伯拉罕的后裔众多之外,神也承诺亚伯拉罕将继承地土。(创15:7)亚伯拉罕问上帝,他怎么会知道他必得这地为业呢。(创15:8)主基本上对亚伯拉罕说:“你必须相信我的话。”所以神与亚伯拉罕立约,从那些动物中经过。(创15:17)这是神单方面与亚伯拉罕立的约,无论亚伯拉罕做什么都不能使得契约无效。今天,我们仍然未见到这约的实现。但根据新约的资料,这约将在千年时被履行。这就是为什么我们采取前千禧年的立场。让我们祈求神帮助我们认真对待神的每一句话,并相信它将应验。
13 Feb 2018, Gen 14 创14章, Abraham’s Three Victories 亚伯拉罕的三场胜利
Scripture Reading : Gen 14
Theme : Abraham’s Three Victories
When you enroll in the “school of faith,” you never know what may happen next. Visit Abraham one day and you find him settling a boundary dispute. Visit him another day and you see him gearing up for a battle. Why is this so? For one thing, God wants us to mature in every area of life, but maturity doesn’t come easily. There can be no growth without challenge, and there can be no challenge without change. If circumstances never changed, everything would be predictable; and the more predictable life becomes, the less challenge it presents. Let’s see what awaits Abraham.
A victory over Lot.
It would have been easy for Abram to let Lot suffer the sad consequences of his own foolish decision. But a man of faith is called “to be a blessing,” so Abram went to the rescue. Lot was not a very dedicated believer, but he was still a brother and needed help. When a brother or a sister creates problems for you, remember Abram and the words of Romans 12:21. Lot went right back into Sodom, but Abram did what he did for the Lord; and that’s what really counts.
A victory over the kings.
Abram the pilgrim would never have gotten involved in the war except to rescue Lot. Abram did not have a large army, but he battled by faith; that is what gave him the victory (1 Sam. 14:6; 1 John 5:4–5).
A victory over himself.
“Let us be as watchful after the victory as before the battle,” said Andrew Bonar. Abram was tempted to use God’s victory for personal gain, but he refused the offer. The king of Sodom came with a bargain, but the king of Salem (a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ [Heb. 7:1–3]) came with a blessing. Even a shoelace from Sodom would have defiled Abram’s godly walk!
Praying the Scripture
- The Bible says, “Bad company ruins good morals.”(1 Cor 15:33) Lot lived near Sodom and Gomorrah and when they got into troubles, Lot was not spared (Gen 14:12). If we are keep bad company, we will be affected by their sinful outlook and desires as well. Let’s pray that we choose our friends and companies wisely. This is also the reason the Lord wants us to join a local church and surround ourselves with God’s people.
- The Lord chosen Abraham and blessed him (12:1). God’s intention wasn’t to bless only Abraham but to bless others through him as well (Gen 12:3). Although Lot is not a very spiritual or committed believer yet Abraham went to rescue him and became his blessing. Let’s pray that we will be a blessing to the people around us especially Christian brothers and sisters.
- Abraham was an upright man with a pure motive. His motive was not material gain but to rescue Lot. When the Lord granted him victory he did not take credit nor take advantage of the situation. Let’s pray that we serve God with one single motive: to glorify Him and Him alone.
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 14:1.
亚伯兰本来可以轻易的让罗得因自己愚蠢的决定而遭受悲惨的后果。但是,一个有信心的人应该是别人的 “祝福”,因此亚伯兰就前往救援。罗得不是一个虔诚的信徒,但他仍然是一位需要帮助的弟兄。当一个弟兄或姊妹给你添麻烦时,请记得亚伯兰和罗马书12:21的话。虽然罗得随后马上回去所多玛,但亚伯兰已做他该做的了,这才是真正重要的。
安德鲁·博纳说:“战斗胜利后让我们如战前一样保持警惕”。亚伯兰受到诱惑,就是使用神的胜利来满足个人的利益,但他拒绝了这诱惑。所多玛王前来交易,但撒冷王却带着祝福前来(代表我们主耶稣基督 [希7:1-3])。就算是所多玛的一条鞋带也会玷污亚伯兰虔诚的脚步!在每场战斗结束后,请把荣耀归于神;并且提防魔鬼的交易。如果你不小心,你有可能赢得战争却输掉胜利。
- 圣经说,“滥交是败坏善行的” 。(林前15:33)罗得居住在所多玛和蛾摩拉的附近,当他们陷入重重困境时,罗得也不被幸免。(创14:12)如果我们与滥交的为伍,我们将受到他们罪恶和欲望的影响。让我们祈求神让我们能明智地选择身边的朋友。这也是为什么主希望我们加入一个教会,常常以神的子民为伍。
- 耶和华拣选亚伯拉罕并赐福他。(12:1)神的心意不单只要祝福亚伯拉罕,祂也要亚伯拉罕成为别人的祝福。(创12:3)虽然罗得不是非常属灵或虔诚,但亚伯拉罕仍前去营救他,并成为罗得的祝福。让我们祷告,我们能成为周围人的祝福,尤其是基督里的弟兄姊妹。
- 亚伯拉罕是一个纯洁正直的人。他的动机并不是物质利益,而是为要拯救罗得。当神赋予亚伯拉罕胜利时,他没有将功劳归于自己或利用当下的情况来利己。让我们祷告神使我们有单一的动机来事奉神:单一心志的来荣耀祂。
12 Feb 2018, Gen 13 创13章, A New Beginning 全新的开始
Scripture Reading : Gen 13
Theme : A New Beginning
A new beginning (1–4).
God chastened Abram in Egypt, and Abram returned to the land he never should have left. He was a very wealthy man, but his tent and altar were the most valuable things he possessed. When we fail, the Lord is ready to forgive and restore (1 John 1:5–2:2). “The victorious Christian life is a series of new beginnings,” said Alexander Whyte.
A new burden (5–13).
A new blessing (14–18).
Praying the Scripture
- Yes, faithful men sometimes failed and fell. But the Lord is gracious to bring them out of their difficult situations. Abraham learned his lesson, repented, and “went up” out of Egypt (13:1). Let’s pray that we quickly repent and return to God when we realized we have failed and fell.
- Because of Abraham’s sin, Lot developed a taste for the world. He liked Jordan Valley because it was “like the land of Egypt” (Gen 13:10) and later Lot moved his tent closer and closer to Sodom. (Gen 13:12). Yes, the Lord does forgive us and save us from His future judicious punishment but we still have to bear the consequences sin brings. An AIDS patient can be forgiven of his sin yet he’ll still died of AIDS. A gambler can be forgiven yet he cannot get back the fortune he gambled away. Let’s pray that we do not treat sin lightly but see the truth and consequences that sin brings.
- Abraham is truly a man walked by faith not by sight. Of course Abraham, like Lot, saw that Jordan Valley was well watered, like the garden of the LORD (Gen 13:10). Yet he gave up the material gain. Can you give up material gains for the sake of holiness? Let’s pray that our eyes are not attracted to the world but by the Lord who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. (1Ti 6:17)
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 13:1.
一个全新的开始 (1–4)
一个全新的负担 (5–13)
一个全新的祝福 (14–18).
- 是的,信主的人有时也会失败跌倒。但主是满有恩典的,祂将他们从困境中带出来。亚伯拉罕吸取了教训,就悔改,从埃及回转(13:1)。让我们祈求神,当我们意识到自己失败、跌倒时,让我们能迅速悔改并归回神,
- 由于亚伯拉罕的罪,罗得对世俗产生了兴趣。他喜欢约旦河的平原因为它像“埃及的土地”那样(创13:10),后来罗得开始将自己的帐篷搬至越来越靠近所多玛 (创13:12)。是的,主赦免我们,救我们脱离他未来的审判,但我们仍然要承担罪所带来的后果。一个艾滋病患者的罪是可以被赦免的,但他仍然还是会死于艾滋病。一个赌徒是可以被赦免,但他再也讨不回之前所输光的财富。让我们祷告神使我们不轻看罪恶,同时认出罪所带来的后果。
- 亚伯拉罕是一个真正凭着信心不是凭眼见的人。当然亚伯拉罕就如罗得一样,也看到了约旦河的平原,犹如耶和华的花园。(创13:10)然而,他放弃物质利益。你能为了圣洁的缘故放弃物质的利益吗?让我们祷告,使我们的眼睛不被世俗吸引过去,而是定睛于那提供一切丰富让我们享受的主。 (提前6:17)
10 Feb 2018, Gen 12 创12章, Walk by Faith not by Sight 凭信心不是凭眼见
Scripture Reading : Gen 12
Theme : Walk by Faith not by Sight
God’s Word leads to faith (1–3).
Abram was an idolater when God called him (Josh. 24:2), revealed His glory to him (Acts 7:2), and spoke to him. Abram turned from vain idols to walk with the Lord, and all of this was by God’s grace. The hearing of the Word creates faith (John 5:24; Rom. 10:17). Again God’s creative Word is at work.
Faith leads to obedience (4–6).
The New Testament states, “By faith Abraham obeyed” (Heb. 11:8). “I will show you, I will make you, I will bless you!” were God’s promises, and Abram believed. It has well been said that faith is not believing in spite of evidence; it is obeying in spite of consequences. The proof of faith is obedience, for true faith always leads to works (James 2:14ff.). Hearing leads to heeding.
Obedience leads to blessing (7–9).
Blessing leads to testing (10–20).
Faith is always tested for at least three reasons: to prove whether our faith is real; to help our faith grow; and to bring glory to the Lord (1 Pet. 1:6–9; James 1:1–8). Imagine a famine in the very land where God led him! We can be in the will of God and still suffer trials. It has been said that “faith is living without scheming,” but Abram began to scheme. He was walking by sight and not by faith, and it cost him his testimony—and almost his wife! Note that Abram had neither a tent nor an altar in Egypt. “Going down to Egypt” is OT language for getting out of the will of God.
God blessed Abram that he might be a blessing. Through Abram and his descendants, the whole world has been blessed. Whenever God gives you a blessing, it’s so that you might be a blessing to others. God’s blessings are not luxuries; they are opportunities.[1]
Praying the Scripture
- The Word of the Lord came to Abram and asked him to leave whatever he is doing, his home and his comfort zone because the Lord wants to bless him. If you were Abram, would you believe God and leave your comfort zone? Let’s pray that we will believe and trust God’s word and leave.
- Abram lived in the same rebellious and disobedient lifestyle as the world. However, the Lord called Abram to come out from his lifestyle of idol worship (Josh 24:2) and separate himself from the world. This is what holiness means. Let’s pray that you be willing to be separated from the world, it’s the culture and value as Abraham.
- When Abraham believed God he stepped out in faith. He walked by faith, not by sight. However, when he was tested, he returned to walk by sight. So he lied and sinned. We need to focus on the Lord rather than our situations and problems. Pray that we fix our eyes on him and trust him always.
[1] Edited from the work of Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 12:1.
从神的话语到信心 (1–3).
从信心到顺服 (4–6).
新约圣经指出,“亚伯拉罕因着信”就顺服了(希11:8)。 “我会让你看见,我会就成你,我必赐福你!”是神的应许,亚伯兰因此就相信了。信心不是因证据而相信,它是不顾后果的顺服。顺服是信心的明证,真正的信心必须有行为(各2:14 FF)。听从使我们有行动。
从顺服到祝福 (7–9)
从祝福到试炼 (10–20).
- 主的话临到亚伯兰要他不顾一切的放下和离开他舒适的家和环境,因为主的目的是要祝福他。如果你是亚伯兰,你会相信神并离开自己舒适的环境吗?让我们祈求神让我们能够相信神的话语并且顺服的离开。
- 亚伯兰当时如同他所居住的世界一样叛逆和过着不守规则的生活。然而,主呼召了亚伯兰,要他离开崇拜偶像的生活(书24:2)并和世界分离出来。这就是圣洁的意思。让我们祈求神让我们相信亚伯拉罕愿意从世界的文化与价值观中分开来。
- 当亚伯拉罕相信神的时候,他就凭着信心的走出来。他凭着信心而不是凭着眼所见。然而,当他被试探时,他却又回去凭着眼见行事。于是他撒谎、犯罪。我们需要专注于主,而不是我们的情生活况和周围的问题。愿我们能一直定睛在主耶稣身上。