Devotional/灵修 – Genesis 创世纪书


Genesis 创世纪 34 — Consequence of Loving the World 爱世界的后果

Defilement 玷辱

Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom and lost his daughters (19:30ff.), and Jacob moved too close to Shechem and lost Dinah. She was the daughter of Leah (30:21), which explains why Simeon and Levi became so angry (35:23). Had nobody warned her? Was she out looking for opportunities to sin? Or was she completely overpowered by the prince? It may have been love at first sight, but that didn’t lessen the guilt or tragedy of the sin.



Deception 诡诈

Note the twofold attempt at deception: Simeon and Levi deceived Hamor, and Hamor thought he deceived them. Jacob’s sons had learned much from watching their father. Dinah’s two brothers were preparing for war while the men of Shechem were preparing for wealth. When the men of the city were unable to fight, Simeon and Levi killed all the men and took the spoils. It was another case of promoting a holy cause in an unholy way and being motivated by hatred of the enemy instead of love for the truth.



Disgrace 蒙羞

Jacob was more concerned about his safety and his reputation than he was the character and conduct of his ruthless sons. Although Jacob was not to blame for their deed, had he not settled near Shechem, this tragedy would not have occurred. On his deathbed, Jacob brought the matter up again (49:5-7). How gracious of God to make the tribe of Levi the priestly tribe! (See Romans 5:20.)



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Was Dinah naive, rebellious, or just plain ignorant of the ways of the world? Why was it so important that she gets to know the women of the land? For that matter, why was Jacob tarrying in this pagan neighborhood and deliberately endangering his family? He should have been at Bethel leading them closer to the Lord. When we disobey the Lord, we put ourselves and our loved ones in danger. Consider what happened to Abraham in Egypt (12:10–20) and Gerar (20:1ff), Lot in Sodom (19:1ff), Isaac in Gerar (26:6–16). Let’s pray that we do not love the world, the things of the world and be wise testimonies of the Lord in the world.



  1. The young prince claimed that he did it because he loved her and wanted her for his wife, but committing rape and keeping the girl confined in a house (v. 26) was a strange way to declare his love. But his actions and words bore witness only to the fact that God’s people and the people of world had different standards of conduct. Pre-marital sex is defilement in the eyes of the Lord. Note that three times in the narrative, the word “defiled” is used to describe Shechem’s wicked deed (vv. 5, 13, 27). Let’s pray that we do not follow the standard of the world but the Lord’s.



  1. When Jacob’s sons were told what had happened, they were grieved that their sister had been violated and angry with the man who did it. Both responses were normal and right. However, by their deception and ruthless destruction, they ruined their testimony before the people of the land. Let’s pray that we remember Ephesians 4:26, “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger. (Eph 4:26)



Genesis 创世纪 33 — The Return of Jacob 雅各的回归

Jacob had seen God and been given a new name, but the benefits of his experience didn’t appear immediately. Sometimes he acted like Jacob (“the heel-catcher”) and sometimes like Israel (“the prince with God”). Many of God’s people fail to live up to their new life in Christ because they don’t claim what they have by faith. God had to give Jacob a limp to encourage him to walk by faith.



In his attempt to appease Esau, the old schemer used several devices: bowing (vv. 1–7), bribery (vv. 8–11), outright lying (vv. 12–16), and then moving off in another direction (vv. 17–20). Esau went south and Jacob went east! Princes are not supposed to bow, and what about God’s promise in Genesis 25:23 and 27:29?



One mistake often leads to another. Jacob ceased to be a pilgrim, purchased the land already given by God, built a house, and settled down. He built an altar and called on “God, the God of Israel” (note the new name); but that didn’t prevent him from getting into trouble with the neighbors. Far better had he pressed on to Bethel.



Praying the Scripture用经文祷告


  1. Jacob had seen the angels (32:1–2), and he had even seen God face-to-face (v. 30), but when he saw Esau and his four hundred men, he seemed to lose all the spiritual progress he had made and returned to his old self. It’s one thing to be blessed on the mountaintop with God and quite something else to carry that blessing down into the valley. Let’s pray that we are not mountaintop Christians but able to face day-to-day challenges with the strength God gives us.



  1. The fact that Esau ran to his brother, embraced him, kissed him, Jacob was given an opportunity to talk with Esau about the past and get family matters straightened out. But instead of confessing his sins and giving witness to God’s grace in his life, Jacob spent the time begging Esau to accept his gifts. Jacob had seen God face-to-face, but he said nothing to Esau nor did he give God the glory. Let’s pray that we are brave enough to share our spiritual awakening to our family rather than insincere and cheap talk.



  1. God’s command was that Jacob return to Bethel (31:13) and then to his home where Isaac still lived, which was Hebron (35:27). Instead, he tarried first at Succoth and then settled near Shechem. (33:18) At Succoth, the pilgrim who was supposed to live in a tent (Heb. 11:9–16) but he built a house for himself. When he moved near Shechem, Jacob purchased a piece of property and became a “resident alien” in the land. He was settling down in the land. It’s obvious that Jacob wasn’t in a hurry to obey God and return the Bethel. We commend him for erecting an altar and giving public witness of his faith in the Lord, but sacrifice is no substitute for obedience (1 Sam. 15:22).



Genesis 创世纪 32 — The Struggle 较力

Jacob expected a battle and his concern was escape, not reconciliation (v.8). He saw the army of angels protecting him, but even that didn’t encourage his faith. Mahanaim means “double camp”—his camp and the camp of God’s angels. Had Jacob recalled his experience with God at Bethel, he would not have been afraid of Esau (28:13–15).



One minute Jacob prayed for God’s help, and the next minute he devised some new way to appease his angry brother. He reminded God of His great promises and then acted as though God had never spoken. This is the conduct of a believer who needed to be broken before God. He prayed to be delivered from Esau (v. 11), but his greatest need was to be delivered from himself.



Jacob was broken to be healed and weakened to be strengthened. When he surrendered, he won and became a “prince with God.” His limp would be a constant reminder that God would be in control of his life. “God fights against us with His left hand and for us with His right hand,” wrote John Calvin. When we let God have His way, it is the dawning of a new day (v. 31).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jacob’s greatest problem is fear. Fear is debilitating. Even Jacob saw the angels and named the place Mahanaim meaning aside from them, God’s army was with them. Yet he still lived in such terrifying fear. Let’s pray that we remember what Jesus said, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Mat 10:28)



  1. We are so much like Jacob. One minute, he prayed for God’s help, and the next, he devised his own way. He was reminded of God’s promises and then he acted as though God had never spoken. Our greatest need is to be delivered from ourselves. We are our own greatest enemy. We need to rest in God and not fear the possible consequences. Let’s pray that we learn this very important lesson.



  1. W. Tozer said, “The Lord cannot fully bless a man until He has first conquered him.” Jacob wanted the blessing of God but he didn’t want to be God’s man. The question is whether he wants to continue to deceive himself and others; or will he admit who he is and let God change him? In the Bible, receiving a new name signifies making a new beginning. The new name God gave him was “Israel,” from a Hebrew word that means “to struggle.” Some translate it “one who wrestles with God” or “God strives” or “let God rule.” The explanation in Genesis 32:28 is that Jacob had gained power because he prevailed. He lost the battle but won the victory! By seeking God’s blessing and finally being weakened and forced to yield, he had become a “God-empowered prince.” Pray that we are willing to accept our own weakness and strive for God’s blessing.



Genesis 创世纪 31 — Fear Man or God 畏惧人或敬畏神

Escape 逃跑

The family situation was not at all comfortable for Jacob or his wives, but he patiently waited for God’s instructions before making a move. The seeking heart will always get a word from God when decisions have to be made. Read Psalm 25 in the light of Jacob’s situation. Like his mother before him, Jacob did the right thing in a wrong way, and God had to intervene to protect him (v. 24).



Encounter 遭遇

Jacob had a three-day lead on Laban, but his father-in-law finally caught up with him. No one can successfully run away from problems. Laban accused Jacob of a breach of social custom, while Jacob accused Laban of breaking his promises for twenty years. There was also the matter of the household goods, for whoever had them could claim possession of Laban’s property.



Expedience 权宜

The two men never did agree, and their problems were not solved. Instead, they declared a truce and made a pile of stones the boundary beyond which neither would pass. It was called “the heap of witness” to remind Jacob and Laban that God was watching both of them. (The word Mizpah means “watchtower.”) The so-called Mizpah benediction is not a correct interpretation or application of this passage.



It is better to declare a truce than to wage a war, but the best decision of all is for brethren to “dwell together in unity” (Ps. 133:1). See Ephesians 4:25–32 for directions.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The Lord told Jacob to return to his homeland so he took time to share this information with his family especially his wives Rachel and Leah. After all, he was asking them to leave their people and home and go with him to another land and people. Even though the Word of God is our primary source of wisdom in making decisions (119:105), it’s good for us to share with our family members and convince them to follow the Lord together. Let’s pray that we’ll lead others, especially our family members, by sharing with them what the Lord has laid in our hearts.



  1. Although Jacob has the instruction of the Lord yet he fled with his family like a criminal escaping justice. This was an act of fear and unbelief, not an act of faith. In fact, Jacob later admitted to Laban that he had departed secretly and quickly because he was afraid (Gen. 31:31). It isn’t enough to know and do the will of God; we must also do His will in the way He wants it done, the way that will glorify Him most. Let’s pray that we are brave enough to face our situations with God’s promises fearlessly.


Genesis 创世纪 30 — The Lord Blessed Jacob 主祝福雅各

There are two major themes in this chapter: the building of Jacob’s family (vv. 1–24), and the building of Jacob’s fortune (vv. 25–43). Various people (including Jacob) thought they were in control of the situation, but all of it was in the hands of God.



Having grown up his mother’s favored son (25:28), Jacob was accustomed to a woman telling him what to do. But now he had four different women involved in his life! When he came home from the fields, he never knew which one he would be living with! The schemer discovered the pain that people felt when others selfishly manipulate his life.



Laban tried to trick Jacob and make him poor but God overruled and made Jacob a very wealthy man. In fact, God even blessed Laban because of Jacob, and the old trickster admitted it (v. 27)! It was God’s blessing and not Jacob’s schemes that increased the flocks. God was keeping the promises He had made at Bethel (28:13–15). When we are in difficult situations, we can trust God to care for us.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. We see in this episode Jacob’s patience in the hands of his four wives. Not only did Laban tell him what to do, but the wives were also fighting, scheming and making agreements that he knew nothing of until he came home weary from caring for the flocks. Rachel and Leah treated Jacob like a servant and used him as a pawn in their family bargaining and he patiently bore it all. God’s plan for marriage is one man and one woman. It is difficult to imagine what headaches and heartaches 4 wives brought to Jacob. It is better to make a right decision rather than the wrong one that leads to chaos in the family. Let’s pray that we will follow God’s plan for marriage and patiently wait for God instead of getting into a situation we’ll regret for life.



  1. The time had come for Jacob to move his large family and start his own business. All Jacob wanted for his wages from working for Laban this whole time were speckled and spotted sheep – animals considered inferior at that time. However, God blessed Jacob and he became very wealthy. It was not the peeled sticks. It was God’s promise at Bethel to bless Jacob, and He kept His promise. (28:13–15) Again we see that God did not forget his promise but he was faithful to the end. Let’s pray that we do not let our humble circumstances, be it family or business, distract us from God’s promise and that we’ll rely on Him completely.

雅各要搬迁并开始自己的事业的时候到了。雅各只要求有斑点的羊作为这段期间为拉班打工的工资(有斑点的羊当时被认为是劣质的动物)。然而,神却赐福雅各,使他变得非常富有。这不是剥了皮的枝子的功劳,而是神成就祂在伯特利对雅各立下的诺言 (28:13-15)。我们再一次看到神并没有忘记自己的应许,信实到底。让我们祈祷我们不要因自己卑微的情况(无论是家庭或事业),忘记我们神的应许,让我们可以完全依靠祂。

Genesis 创世纪 29 — The Deceiver being Deceived 骗子被骗

Abraham’s faithful servant had found a wife for Isaac, but Jacob had to find his own wife. God’s plans are different for each of us, and we must accept His will (Phil. 2:12–13).



The Guest 客人 (1–14).

God’s providence brought Jacob to the well just as Rachel was arriving. (See Gen. 24:27.) True to his scheming nature, Jacob tried to get rid of the shepherds so he could have her all to himself! It was love at first sight. That first month in Uncle Laban’s home must have been heaven on earth to Jacob, but it didn’t take long for things to change.



The Worker 工人 (15–30).

Jacob was not wealthy as Isaac was when he got his wife (Gen. 24:36, 53), so he had to work for his uncle to have the woman he loved. But love takes the burden out of work and makes time pass quickly. Jacob the schemer met his match in Laban and soon began to reap what he had sown. Jacob had deceived his father, and his father-in-law deceived him.



The Father 父亲 (31–35).

The building of Jacob’s family was vitally important to God’s plan of salvation, for God would use the nation of Israel to give the world the Bible and the Redeemer. Although Rachel had great beauty, she was unable to conceive, while Leah gave birth to four sons: Reuben (“see, a son!”), Simeon (“hearing”), Levi (“joined”), and Judah (“praise”). The Lord was in control and had a special purpose for each son (Ps. 139:14–16; Eccles. 3:2).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jacob didn’t have an easy life after he left his father’s house. Though God forgave his sins, he still suffered the consequences of his sins. We reap what we sow. Jacob had deceived Isaac, but he was deceived by his father-in-law Laban also. During the years he worked for Laban, Jacob endured many trials. The thing that kept him going when the going gets tough was his faith in the promises of God. Let’s pray that we cleave to God’s promises when life is tough.



  1. It must have been painful for Leah to give herself to a husband who was only doing his duty and not sharing his affection. However her spiritual growth was clearly seen from how she named her sons. Leah named her firstborn Reuben, which means “see—a son!” she was certain that this baby would cause her husband to love her. However, she was wrong. Her second son was named Simeon which means “one who hears” and suggests that Leah had been praying to God about her misery. Levi was the name she gave her third son, and it means “attached”; for Leah was still hoping that Jacob would love her for the sons she had borne him. But the birth of her fourth son seemed to bring a new joy to her life, for she called him Judah, which comes from the Hebrew word meaning “praise.” Instead of complaining to the Lord about her unresponsive husband, she was now praising the Lord for His blessings (29:35).

嫁给一个只履行职责而不爱她的丈夫定是痛苦的。然而,从利亚如何为她的儿子起名,我们可以清楚看到她属灵上的成长。长子的名字“流便”,意思是“看,是一个儿子”;她以为丈夫会因为这孩子疼爱自己。但是,她错了。第二个儿子西缅,意思是 “听见”,表示利亚不断地向神祷告,诉说自己的痛苦。第三个儿子利未,意思是“联合”;利亚仍然希望因她为丈夫所生的儿子,雅各会爱她。但第四个儿子的出生似乎带给利亚新的喜悦,因为“犹大”的希伯来文意思是“赞美”。她不再向神抱怨对自己毫无爱意的丈夫,反赞美主对自己的祝福(29:35)。

Genesis 创世纪 28 — The Presence of the Lord 主的同在

A Day of Disappointment 失望的一天 (1–9). 

Jacob was a lonely fugitive, forced to flee from home. Even though he left with his father’s blessing (and Isaac knew what he was doing), Jacob faced an unknown future, and his brother still wanted to kill him. Not an encouraging beginning for a new chapter in his life! But God was still in control (Rom. 8:28).



A Night of Discovery 觉醒的一夜 (10–15). 

Jacob was literally between a rock and a hard place. But that night, Jacob made several discoveries that helped to change his life. He discovered that God was with him and working for him and had a perfect plan for his life. Jacob may have been separated from home, but he was not separated from heaven. (See John 1:51.) The very angels of God were caring for him (Heb. 1:13–14). “When the night is the darkest, you see the stars the brightest.”



A Morning of Dedication 委身的一早 (16–22). 

Jacob began his day worshiping God and turning his hard pillow into a holy altar. He gave the place a new name: “house of God.” Wherever God meets us, that place becomes a holy sanctuary. Jacob’s faith as yet was weak, but he did lay hold of God’s promises, even if there is a bit of “the bargainer” in his vow to give God the tithe. Jacob was making a new beginning, and twenty years later he would return to Bethel a more mature believer.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jacob the “home boy” is now without a home and is starting on a five hundred mile trek to Haran. He was fleeing from an angry brother and facing an unknown future, and all he had to depend on was his father’s blessing. From now on, the home boy would have to become a pilgrim and walk by faith. Jacob put his head on stone and slept (vv. 11, 18), a common practice in the Near East. As he slept, he had a dream in which he saw a ladder or stairway with angels going up and down between heaven and earth. Jacob discovered that he wasn’t alone but that God was with him! The God of Abraham and Isaac was watching over him and His angels were there to guard him and serve him. Yes we are also pilgrims on earth and we are also not alone. The Lord is with us. Let’s pray that we are constantly aware of the omnipresent Lord who is with us always.



  1. On awakening, Jacob’s first response was one of fear and surprise. God was in there and he didn’t know it! But “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7) His next act was to worship God who had appeared to him. He turned the headpiece into a pillar to memorialize the great experience. By pouring oil on the stone, he consecrated it to the Lord. In later Hebrew liturgy, the pouring out of liquid was symbolic of pouring one’s life out in devotion to the Lord (Ex. 29:38–41; see also Phil. 2:17; 2 Cor. 12:15). Pray that we will also devote our entire lives to the Lord who is always with us as Jacob did.



Genesis 创世纪 27 — The Blessing of God 神的祝福

A Wrong Decision 错误的决定

It was only a matter of time before the divided home would start to self-destruct, and it all began with Isaac. He knew that God had chosen Jacob, the younger son, to receive the blessing (Gen. 25:23–26); but he announced that he would give it to Esau. It seems that Isaac was more interested in his physical appetite than in spiritual things. He was not the spiritual person he once had been.



A Wrong Solution 错误的解决方式

Rebekah knew what God’s promise was to Jacob, and she should have let God work it out in His own way. “Faith is living without scheming,” and who can hinder the Lord from accomplishing His purposes (Dan. 4:35)? Instead, she made her son a liar and deceived her husband. If Isaac had trusted the Lord instead of his physical senses (vv. 21, 22, 25, 27), he would not have been fooled.



A Wrong Attitude 错误的态度

Esau had made it clear years before that he was not interested in spiritual things (Gen. 25:29–34), and certainly he knew God’s word about the blessing. He wept (Heb. 12:17) and begged for a blessing, and then he plotted to kill his brother! His heart was not right with God or man. We are reminded of Cain (Gen. 4). Rebekah’s “a few days” (v. 44) became over twenty years! Despite all her scheming, she never saw her son on earth again.


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Before the twins were born, God had told Isaac and Rebekah that the younger son, Jacob, was to receive the covenant blessing (vv. 19–23); yet Isaac planned to give the blessing to the eldest son, Esau. Isaac rejected the way of faith and depended on his feelings and senses: taste (vv. 4, 9, 25), touch (v. 21), hearing (v. 22), and smell (v. 27). Are you living by your feelings or God’s Word? Yes, the temptation is always strong because if the feeling is not strong, there will be no temptation.  Let’s pray that you will not put feelings before God’s word. 



  1. Isaac was depending on his own physical senses, but Rebekah was depending on her own wisdom. However, human wisdom always leads to trouble. Knowing that Jacob was chosen to receive the covenant blessing, Rebekah immediately took matters into her own hands to make sure her favorite son got what the Lord had promised him. She wanted to help God accomplish His will. Let’s pray that we trust God to fulfill his promise in His own way and timing instead of at our wisdom and scheming. 



  1. The man who despised his birthright and married two pagan women now wept and cried out for his father to bless him. Hebrews 12:16–17 commented on this event: Esau tried to repent, but his own heart was too hard; and he couldn’t change his father’s mind. Esau’s tears were not tears of repentance for being an ungodly man; they were tears of regret because he had lost the covenant blessing. Esau wanted the blessing but he didn’t want to be the kind of man whom God could bless! We may forget our decisions, but our decisions don’t forget us. Let’s pray that we walk in God’s way in order to receive God’s blessing. 


Genesis 创世纪 26 — Confrontation 对峙

Faith cannot grow apart from trials, and this chapter records several trials that Isaac endured and shows how he responded to them.



Escape 逃跑 (1–6). 

Like Abraham, Isaac started for Egypt (12:10ff.); but God stopped him at the border (10:19) and reassured him. Isaac was blessed because of Abraham (vv. 5, 24). We must never forget our debt to spiritual leaders (and relatives) who have gone before us.



Deception 欺骗 (7–14). 

While in enemy territory, Isaac resorted to the “family lie” that twice got Abraham into trouble (12:10ff.; 20:1ff.). It is sad when the new generation imitates the sins of the old generation. God blessed Isaac in a material way, but we wonder what his spiritual life was like. Did his neighbors trust him after hearing about his lie?



Surrender 投降 (15–25). 

Water is a very precious commodity in desert country, and possessing a well is almost the same as having a deed to the land. Instead of defending what his men had done, Isaac moved to new locations. He may have been practicing Romans 12:18.



Confrontation 对峙 (26–35). 

In contrast to his father Abraham, who dared to declare war, Isaac was a quiet, meditative man who tried to avoid trouble. He boldly faced his neighbors with their bad conduct—and he won! Note that he went the extra mile and entertained the men at a feast. (See Rom. 12:18–21)



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Isaac could flee from famine but when he was forced to a dead end, he turned to deception to protect himself. Isaac was asked about his wife and he lied just like his father Abraham. Abraham committed this same sin twice, once in Egypt (Gen. 12:14–20) and once in Philistia (chap. 20). Remember, faith is living without scheming; and lying seems to be humanity’s favorite way to escape responsibility. We can never successfully run away from trials, because God sees to it that His children learn the lessons of faith regardless of where they go. Let’s pray that we trust God rather than our own understanding and scheming.



  1. The Philistines tried to get Isaac to leave their land and they stopped up Abraham’s wells. The crisis came when the king himself commanded Isaac to move away, so Isaac obeyed. Whenever Abraham had a problem with the people, he boldly confronted them and got the matter settled (13:5–18; 14:1; 21:9ff and 22ff). But Isaac was a retiring man who wanted to avoid confrontation. But the Philistines did not let him go. Finally Isaac became bolder in his approach, and he confronted the Philistines with their misdeeds. It’s worth noting that Isaac’s conduct during this conflict had made a great impression on them and they could tell that the Lord was richly blessing him. More important than possessing his wells was the privilege Isaac had of sharing his witness with his pagan neighbors. Let’s pray that we are brave enough to face confrontation when the time comes. Even so, we do it to honor God. 



Genesis 创世纪 25 — The Long and Good Life 健康长寿

The center of attention now shifts from Abraham to Isaac.



Isaac The Heir 继承人以撒 

God’s resurrection power continued to work in Abraham; he married again and begat six more sons. God is not likely to do this for people today, but the spiritual lesson is clear: we should be fruitful even in old age (Ps. 92:14). Abraham distinguished Isaac from his other sons: he gave them generous gifts, but he made Isaac his heir (v. 5; 24:35). God gives good things to unsaved people (Matt. 5:45; Acts 14:17; 17:25), but only those who are His children, through faith in Christ, can claim their inheritance. (See Rom. 8:17; Eph. 3:6; Heb. 1:2.)



Isaac The Orphan 孤儿以撒

Abraham lived by faith and died by faith (Heb. 11:13), and God kept His word (Gen. 15:15). Isaac and Ishmael together mourned their father’s death, for death is a human experience that binds all men together. Unsaved relatives share in times of sorrow, but their grief is hopeless without Jesus Christ. Compare Ishmael’s death (v. 17) with that of Abraham.



Isaac The Intercessor 代祷者以撒

Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah. For twenty years, they waited for a family that did not come. God blessed Isaac in everything but the thing he wanted most. He and Rebekah knew that God had promised descendants (Gen. 15:5), so Isaac laid hold of the promise and prayed. True prayer lays hold of God’s Word (John 15:7) and seeks to accomplish God’s purposes.



Isaac The Father 父亲以撒

God gave them twin boys who were opposite each other in every way. He also gave them a revelation that the younger one, Jacob, would carry on the messianic line. For that reason, you would think that Isaac would have favored Jacob but the physical won over the spiritual. Esau pictures the man of the world who despises the eternal and lives for the temporal.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Abraham died “in a good old age” as the Lord had promised him (15:15). He had walked with the Lord and had been “the friend of God” (James 2:23). Old age is “good” if you have the blessing of the Lord on your life (Prov. 16:31). Abraham also died “full of years” (Gen. 25:8). This suggests more than a quantity of time; it suggests a quality of life. Abraham, who flourished and was fruitful to the very end, fulfilled the picture of old age given in Psalm 92:12–15. How few people really experience joy and satisfaction when they reach old age! This is a testimony of God’s faithfulness and graciousness. Let’s pray that we will also end well with “full of years” and “in good old age.”



  1. It is a clear case that favoritism always divides homes (Gen 25:28 ) Let’s pray that we will protect our family from favoritism.



  1. Esau despised his birthright over a cup of lentil stew. (Gen 25:34) What about us? Do we despise our birthright as a Christian because of temporal and earthly pleasure? Let’s pray that we value our salvation and identify because Christ paid a heavy price for us! 
